My religious experiences-share yours too!

Mr. Hamtastic

Registered Senior Member
I'm familiar with Christianity, Wicca, and Atheism. In Wicca-it's all about the ritual. It's very tedious to try to keep track of every minor deity and seek to appease them or invoke them in the correct situation. You have no "relationship" with any deity, they are all just tools. That's where my belief broke down.

Atheism-You gather together with other Atheists and stroke your ego about how great it is to be"free" from religion. Self-worship is what it boils down to, the most commonly held theme being,"I don't need God" which in turn goes to "If you need God you are weak, weak people are evil people, God is evil." Then you take a step back and all you need is a group consciousness and you have a religion. Woohoo!

Organized Christianity-I like to think of this as the Baskin-Robbins of Christ. Tons of flavors, each slightly different, but they are all christian. It's like they close their eyes to the fact that 1.Jesus(head dude of Christianity) flipped out on the Jewish religious leaders because of all the foolishness they had added to Judaism 2. Jesus and the Apostles worked free of charge. Check out the income of some larger churches' pastors. 3. Early "churches" were all about a couple of things-supporting other christians in need and sharing the food and wealth out amongst everybody. No rituals. Maybe singing, but no "order of worship". No death to unbelievers(crusades). Take your lumps and be happy was just about the motto. I see current organized religion and christianity as toxic to one's personal belief in God.

But that's just me.:rolleyes:
Atheism-You gather together with other Atheists and stroke your ego about how great it is to be"free" from religion. Self-worship is what it boils down to, the most commonly held theme being,"I don't need God" which in turn goes to "If you need God you are weak, weak people are evil people, God is evil." Then you take a step back and all you need is a group consciousness and you have a religion. Woohoo!

Wow, such extraordinary naivety. Oh well.
Atheism is not about disliking God being evil. It is about a disbelief of God.
By definition of the word atheist, anyone who thinks God is evil is not an atheist.
OK. Atheism is whateva you want it to be Steve. If you would like to discuss Atheism and what it is or is not I invite you to seek the "what is atheism?" thread which, I believe, was in free thoughts. I sincerely apologize if I have maligned your beliefs. If you would like to post a lengthy explanation of your experience as an Atheist and what you have uncovered about what you do or do not believe, please do. Otherwise, I again refer you to the aforementioned thread.
A Professor in Religious Studies, who had specialized in the Eastern Religions, once told me that the truest barometer of Spirituality in any religious assertion is the span of its internal paradoxes, and that a Perfectly Spiritual Statement must therefore entirely contradict itself. "One achieves the greatest Strength through Submission". "To be your own Master you must first become your own Slave". Etc.

Well, in this same trend I had once noticed that the best support I have ever seen for Religious Experience had come from Science.

I read a paper which stated that where ordinary Psychotic Episodes spiral the patient into deeper and more profound levels of dysfunction and incapacity, that Psychotic Episodes with Religious Themes appear often at the onset of a healing crisis and the re-integration of a functional mentality and personality.

Atheists complain that God does not exist. But to the Psychotic, God appears and subsequently delivers Healing.

Well, isn't that what God is supposed to do?

yes, it is possible that all of the World's Religions originated out of Psychotic Delusion... but out of the Healing FROM delusion and personality disintegration.

In the sense that the Healings are obviously valid... documented even... so does this not make the Moral Insights of the Religious Delusions also valid?
Atheism-You gather together with other Atheists and stroke your ego about how great it is to be"free" from religion. Self-worship is what it boils down to, the most commonly held theme being,"I don't need God" which in turn goes to "If you need God you are weak, weak people are evil people, God is evil." Then you take a step back and all you need is a group consciousness and you have a religion. Woohoo!

lol :rolleyes:

I think you're lying.
lol :rolleyes:

I think you're lying.

Attend any one of Dawkins atheist gatherings? He is on the dot there.

My most memorable religious experience was my first trip to Mecca. At first, I was disappointed because it seemed like a series of malls. Then I entered the Haram for the first time and felt a real sense of timelessness. There were people from all around the world, sitting down in the marble foyers and open air balustrades. Children were running around laughing, black white yellow purple people were all there, everyone was rubbing shoulders with a sense of oneness and camraderie. Perfect strangers greeted each other as though they were neighbors. There was no sense of color or class or ethnicity, we were all Muslims. It was a great feeling.:m:
I want atheism to be a big pork pie.
Attend any one of Dawkins atheist gatherings? He is on the dot there.

Perhaps some atheists gather together but I doubt it's primarily because they are atheists.

The overwhelming majority of atheists are just regular people who do not gather as atheists for the same reason they don't gather for not believing in the tooth fairy.

And I think you're missing something here. He claims it is his personal experience..
Perhaps some atheists gather together but I doubt it's primarily because they are atheists.

The overwhelming majority of atheists are just regular people who do not gather as atheists for the same reason they don't gather for not believing in the tooth fairy.

Have you seen this?

Atheists arise: Dawkins spreads the A-word among America's unbelievers
· Author outlines campaign to give godless a voice
· New organisation appeals to 'downtrodden' millions

These events are generally "sold out"

And I think you're missing something here. He claims it is his personal experience..

Perhaps he used to be an atheist.
I'm familiar with Christianity, Wicca, and Atheism. In Wicca-it's all about the ritual. It's very tedious to try to keep track of every minor deity and seek to appease them or invoke them in the correct situation. You have no "relationship" with any deity, they are all just tools. That's where my belief broke down.

Atheism-You gather together with other Atheists and stroke your ego about how great it is to be"free" from religion. Self-worship is what it boils down to, the most commonly held theme being,"I don't need God" which in turn goes to "If you need God you are weak, weak people are evil people, God is evil." Then you take a step back and all you need is a group consciousness and you have a religion. Woohoo!

Organized Christianity-I like to think of this as the Baskin-Robbins of Christ. Tons of flavors, each slightly different, but they are all christian. It's like they close their eyes to the fact that 1.Jesus(head dude of Christianity) flipped out on the Jewish religious leaders because of all the foolishness they had added to Judaism 2. Jesus and the Apostles worked free of charge. Check out the income of some larger churches' pastors. 3. Early "churches" were all about a couple of things-supporting other christians in need and sharing the food and wealth out amongst everybody. No rituals. Maybe singing, but no "order of worship". No death to unbelievers(crusades). Take your lumps and be happy was just about the motto. I see current organized religion and christianity as toxic to one's personal belief in God.

But that's just me.:rolleyes:

I swear that's almost a parody of Michael Douglas speech in the American President. Lol Emnos, I pissed myself and I reckon he knows he's lying!
Have you seen this?

These events are generally "sold out"

Perhaps he used to be an atheist.

I AM an atheist and I know a hell of a lot of atheists too.
Not one of them cares about gathering together in some sort of atheist group.
The only thing that "unites" atheist is their lack of belief in a god.. there's nothing more to it.
The only thing that sets atheist apart from theists is that they don't believe in a god. So they don't go to church to profess their faith, they don't pray etc.
No particular atheist activities exist, in contrast to most theists who have loads of particular activities connected with their faith.
I AM an atheist and I know a hell of a lot of atheists too.
Not one of them cares about gathering together in some sort of atheist group.
The only thing that "unites" atheist is their lack of belief in a god.. there's nothing more to it.
The only thing that sets atheist apart from theists is that they don't believe in a god. So they don't go to church to profess their faith, they don't pray etc.
No particular atheist activities exist, in contrast to most theists who have loads of particular activities connected with their faith.

I just showed you where they did.
Whoowee. I stand by my stated experiences. Stick your tongue out and say they didn't happen all you want. I used to gather with some friends at a local cafe. We'd all sit around and smoke various fancy herbal cigarettes and drink exotic coffee and discuss the current state of affairs and how the evil christians were holding us down...

but enough about me. let's talk about you. Enmos-how did you come to be an Atheist? Is that how you were raised? At some point did some theist come up toyou and kick you in the shin?