My Infalliable Belief system

UNGROUNDED BELIEFS UPHELD A naked belief hangs in the air, because it is but upheld by the owner of the belief. Much better to have a belief based on fact. A pyramid of fact stands on the ground and shows that a single top can be held in the air through support, but the single top can itself not stand on the ground without support—a lost cause.

THE ‘HOLD UP’ A belief is that construct that states we consider something as true; but considering and knowing are two different words. One implies holding something up as true, while the other stands on the ground as being true.
UNGROUNDED BELIEFS UPHELD A naked belief hangs in the air, because it is but upheld by the owner of the belief. Much better to have a belief based on fact. A pyramid of fact stands on the ground and shows that a single top can be held in the air through support, but the single top can itself not stand on the ground without support—a lost cause.

THE ‘HOLD UP’ A belief is that construct that states we consider something as true; but considering and knowing are two different words. One implies holding something up as true, while the other stands on the ground as being true.
will the irony never end?
God exists= +1
God not existing = -1

No God not existing = (-1) - (-1) = +1

+1 = God existing

The reason I used -1 for God not existing is that pure space is not pure (quantum foam) which has the designation "0", So it seems logical to give something with existence of lower than this the value -1 (assuming God is not a quantum entity) :rolleyes: