My first out of body experience

I will write and speculate on any issue related to parapsychology until the cows come home
Or until you get banned.

and all your nasty remarks
It's funny isn't it, how you apply a double standard. You post wild speculation without support (in fact you post things that directly contradict what is known) and when I ask questions you declare I'm making "nasty remarks".

will spur me on to greater heights of intellectual "out of the box thinking".
I'd like to see you reach any "intellectual height" at all.

Cant you see just by having a sub forum for psycho babble you are inviting the type of threads I post?
If you bother reading the forum rules (as referenced) you'd see that the "invitation" is only in your mind. This is, once more time, a discussion forum, not a "post your inane speculation" site.
Or until you get banned.

It's funny isn't it, how you apply a double standard. You post wild speculation without support (in fact you post things that directly contradict what is known) and when I ask questions you declare I'm making "nasty remarks".

I'd like to see you reach any "intellectual height" at all.

If you bother reading the forum rules (as referenced) you'd see that the "invitation" is only in your mind. This is, once more time, a discussion forum, not a "post your inane speculation" site.

I have said it before I will from now on stop my blogging and pose each thread as a question that demands dialog
I will write and speculate on any issue related to parapsychology until the cows come home...
Cant you see just by having a sub forum for psycho babble you are inviting the type of threads I post?

You need an invitation to talk shit, but you don't need a reason.

So, what is the reason why you talk shit?
The mind? Whats that? That stream of consciousness thingy which can only be detected by self reporting and other such methods? That mind? How does physics explain the mind?
That would be the brain, Sam. :rolleyes:

That's what it seems to be apparently scientifically.... It can't really be fully explained just as the existence of all things around oneself can't be fully explained e.g. why do laws of physics exist?
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You need an invitation to talk shit, but you don't need a reason.

So, what is the reason why you talk shit?

Oh!! Now you have really hurt my feelings."Everybody hates me, nobody loves me I am going to eat some worms" :shrug:

Your 17000 some posts have gone to your head and you think only you know what is truth and what is not.

Man!! why do you haunt this sub-forum which you hate so much? Everything about parapsychology does not make good scientific sense

Oh!! By the way have you been given special permission to use expletives here?
That would be the brain, Sam. :rolleyes:

Okay, how does physics explain the brain? Where do thoughts come from? How are they formed? What is the substance of thoughts? How do you distinguish between a thought and a delusion?
Wikipedia Article on Out Of Body Experiences

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An out-of-body experience (OBE or sometimes OOBE), is an experience that typically involves a sensation of floating outside of one's body and, in some cases, perceiving one's physical body from a place outside one's body (autoscopy).

The term out-of-the-body experience was introduced in 1943 by G.N.M Tyrrell in his book Apparitions,[1] and adopted by, for example, Celia Green[2] and Robert Monroe[3] as a bias-free alternative to belief-centric labels such as "astral projection" or "spirit walking". Though the term usefully distances researchers from scientifically problematic concepts such as the soul, scientists still know little about the phenomenon.[4] Some researchers have managed to recreate OBE in a laboratory setup by stimulating a part in the human brain.[5] One in ten people has an out-of-body experience at some time in their lives.[6] OBEs are often part of the near-death experience. Those who have experienced OBEs sometimes claim to have observed details which were unknown to them beforehand.[7]

In some cases the phenomenon appears to occur spontaneously; in others it is associated with a physical or mental trauma, use of psychedelic drugs, dissociative drugs, or a dream-like state. Many techniques aiming to induce the experience deliberately have been developed,[8] for example visualization while in a relaxed, meditative state. Recent (2007) studies have shown that experiences somewhat similar to OBEs can be induced by direct brain stimulation.

Some of those who experience OBEs claimed to have willed themselves out of their bodies, while others report having found themselves being pulled from their bodies (usually preceded by a feeling of paralysis). In other accounts, the feeling of being outside the body was suddenly realized after the fact, and the experiencers saw their own bodies almost by accident.[9] OBEs often occur during the borderline stage between REM sleep and arousal when sleep paralysis may persist and dream imagery may mingle with sensory input.[10]

Some neurologists have suspected that the event is triggered by a mismatch between visual and tactile signals. They used a virtual reality setup to recreate an OBE. The subject looked through goggles and saw his own body as it would appear to an outside observer standing behind him. The experimenter then touched the subject at the same time as a rod appeared to touch the virtual image. The experiment created an illusion of being behind and outside one's body.[11] However, both critics and the experimenter
alan.. you may find this person interesting

I know about Edgar Cayce, he predicted the stock market collapse among the many other things he seemed able to do.

I makes me think about the remarkable Brazilian Arego of the rusty knife

Category: Books
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Author: John G. Fuller.

I gave this a five star rating but then I am biased towards the Spiritual nature of this book and I am very interested in the healing side.
This book is about one Jose Pedro de Freitas, a Brazilian citizen who became one of the greatest healers of our time. he lived a simple life in Congonhas do Campo, not far from Belo Horizante.

Thousands flocked to his small, remote town to be treated for any number of diseases, few were turned away.Arigo's healings were witnessed by doctors, recorded on film and scientifically authenticated. He was basically a uneducated man yet he would speak German and write out complex, unorthodox but effective prescriptions in that language.

His work load was tremendous treating some 1500 patients per week without rest periods. His guiding spirit was Dr. Adolpho Fritz, a deceased german doctor that passed into spirit in 1918.

The authorities at that time (^60's) were pressing a law suit against Arigo not only for illegal practice of medicine but also witchcraft. None of his patients were ever harmed, all were healed and that included the President of brazil at that time, Juscelino Kubitschek.The president was also a surgeon so had a very personal interest in what and how Arigo performed such healings.

I recommend this book to anyone interested in how spirit works through men on earth to achieve wondrous results.
He of course was and is not alone, there are healers in many countries around the world including my country, England. Brazil still has people like this as does the Philippines
I know about Edgar Cayce, he predicted the stock market collapse among the many other things he seemed able to do.
Yeah, including little things like the big Earthquake that destroyed California a few years ago. And the return of Atlantis shortly before that oh-so-noticeable 'quake. And the destruction of New York in a cataclysm. Etc.
He was either deluded or a fraud who deluded others.

I makes me think about the remarkable Brazilian Arego of the rusty knife
One more in the same category. And that would be Arigó... Sheesh, you read a book about the guy and you can't even spell his name correctly. (Mind you, the author of that review is also somewhat lackadaisical when it comes to facts and spelling. For example the previous review is of a book/ film supposedly called The Sum of All Our Fears). :rolleyes:

and scientifically authenticated.

He was basically a uneducated man yet he would speak German and write out complex, unorthodox but effective prescriptions in that language.
Also wrong.

He of course was and is not alone
Correct. There are numerous frauds/ deluded people today, still.

there are healers in many countries around the world including my country, England.
Correct. But they're called doctors and nurses. These frauds don't qualify.
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Okay, how does physics explain the brain? Where do thoughts come from? How are they formed? What is the substance of thoughts? How do you distinguish between a thought and a delusion?

Are you trying to make a point or just want to refresh your high school daze? Am I supposed to be teaching you something that you don't already know?
Are you trying to make a point or just want to refresh your high school daze? Am I supposed to be teaching you something that you don't already know?

I missed the physics class where they explained the mind. Could you give me a short recap of the basics? I'm really interested in the process
I missed the physics class where they explained the mind. Could you give me a short recap of the basics? I'm really interested in the process

68 000 posts god man!! do you ever eat , drink or sleep?

The soul is thought to be the same thing as the mind. The mind or consciousness is said to hover around ones head as a quantum field that constantly downloads and refreshers the physical brain with new information
Thought by whom?
Link please.

Said by whom?
Link please.

The soul, in some religions, spiritual traditions, and philosophies, is the incorporeal or eternal part of a living being, commonly held to be separate from the body. Many philosophical and religious systems teach that humans have souls; some attribute souls to all living things and even inanimate objects (such as rivers); this belief is commonly called animism.[1] The soul is often believed to exit the body and live on after a person’s death, and some religions posit that God creates souls.

The soul has often been deemed integral or essential to consciousness and personality, and may be synonymous with spirit, mind or self.[2] Although the terms soul and spirit are sometimes used interchangeably, soul may denote a more worldly and less transcendent aspect of a person.[3] According to psychologist James Hillman, soul has an affinity for negative thoughts and images, whereas spirit seeks to rise above the entanglements of life and death.[4] The words soul and psyche can also be treated synonymously, although psyche has more physical connotations, whereas soul is connected more closely to spirituality and religion.[5]