My best hypnogogic hallucination ever!

I have quite a few lucid dreams most of them pleasant but one I had that really frightened me largely because I couldn't move either (sleep paralysis?). It was late in the night as opposed to early morning because I checked the clock when i finally woke up.

I was lying in my bed next to the bedroom door which opens inwards. I don't like having the door open too wide but don't like having it closed either. Anyway I remember looking at the space in front of the door where anyone entering would appear. I 'saw' a figure standing there looking at me. I couldn't make out the face I 'knew' it wasn't a familiar one and i felt it was a 'menacing' presence. Here's where I realised I was sleeping (or was I just hoping I was alseep?). I could feel my heart starting to beat really loudly and there was a horrible buzzing in my head (this is a common factor when these dreams are bad). I remember thinking 'wake up this is only a dream' literally "wake, up. wake up, wake up". When Eventually I did my heart was pounding and I was drenched in sweat. I was left with a feeling of impending doom for some time after. eeeewwwhh!:( It gives me the hebe geebees just thinking about it.
Hi Crunchy Cat:
I think what you might be trying to say is that the period where you are in a hypnogogic hallucination is a great time to slip right back into REM sleep without a discontinuation in consciousness

This quote is true, hypnagonic images and sound are great for me to cross to lucid dreams, it´s crazy but i can stay nearly all time of my last dream cycle in a lucid dream without discontinuation in consciousness. Not always. It would be GREAT every nigth!!!.

meaning that you can realize you were originally in a hypnogogic hallucination and by default automatically know you are dreaming (i.e. become lucid) once you transition back to REM sleep.

Here i dont agree, I feel in my head, flesh and bones that hypnagonic is very diferent of lucid dreams, there´s a veil, a wall, between states, i dont know how can i explain it, it´s not something default, you need also some of trainning. It´s like if when i´m in hypnagonic my mind is slowing but moving, and nearly lucid my mind begin to be stable in a 'state' and 'totally quiet', no 'movement' in my mind, in that point i touch a wall a soft veil to cross. Hypnagonic it´s not the same that dreamming, i tell this from my own experience, it´s hard to tell you with words ´cause is just a subjective experience. It´s weird, but amazing, we have a great machine in our heads, but we dont know their secrets.

What dou you think?

See ya

Here i dont agree, I feel in my head, flesh and bones that hypnagonic is very diferent of lucid dreams, there´s a veil, a wall, between states, i dont know how can i explain it, it´s not something default, you need also some of trainning. It´s like if when i´m in hypnagonic my mind is slowing but moving, and nearly lucid my mind begin to be stable in a 'state' and 'totally quiet', no 'movement' in my mind, in that point i touch a wall a soft veil to cross. Hypnagonic it´s not the same that dreamming, i tell this from my own experience, it´s hard to tell you with words ´cause is just a subjective experience. It´s weird, but amazing, we have a great machine in our heads, but we dont know their secrets.

What dou you think?

It sounds like the transition from hypnogogic hallucination to REM sleep has some interesting experiential aspects for you. It's not uncommon that I'll wake up (with or without hallucination) and intentionally relax and fall into REM sleep without a discontinuation in consciousness. I can generally tell when I've 'crossed over' because my sensory perception doesn't function the same in REM sleep as it does while awake. I don't experience any special sensation during the process of 'crossing over' though... (like that soft veil that you experience).
Had been smoking some African weed and sat with some guys watching tv, the guy in front of me got up and left but when I looked back at his chair he was still sat there.

Later the same evening, I got up on stage with the rest of the band for a quick sound check before the gig, in front of the stage there was a dance floor and I saw an old friend of mine just standing there staring at me and smirking like he always did years before when I'd last seen him... but he wasn't there at all.