My best hypnogogic hallucination ever!

Crunchy, I've had this imagery for over 2 decades. The sudafed made it much worse. I can handle once a week, but not once every couple of hours.

I don't think there's any irrefutable evidence to support your assertion that mind is encased in the brain, subject only to chemical and bio-electrical reactions. This is remarkably outdated. It harkens back to the thermo dynamic, mechanistic model of the universe, reinforced by the industrial revolution.

The mechanistic model is outdated, I'm surprised it's proponents don't drive around in model T's, sporting fob watches and spats.

Please don't frame your responses to my posts about my personal experiences and sense of what they are, with a "hard fact" response. It's tiresome, and I'm way beyond it.
Agitprop said:
Crunchy, I've had this imagery for over 2 decades. The sudafed made it much worse. I can handle once a week, but not once every couple of hours.

I don't think there's any irrefutable evidence to support your assertion that mind is encased in the brain, subject only to chemical and bio-electrical reactions. This is remarkably outdated. It harkens back to the thermo dynamic, mechanistic model of the universe, reinforced by the industrial revolution.

The mechanistic model is outdated, I'm surprised it's proponents don't drive around in model T's, sporting fob watches and spats.

Please don't frame your responses to my posts about my personal experiences and sense of what they are, with a "hard fact" response. It's tiresome, and I'm way beyond it.

I can certainly empathize with the heavy burden of 2 decades of constant
HH's. It does put you in a unique position to make more frequent
observations and improve overall understanding of the phenomenoa from a
first person perspective.

I would assert that if various parts of the brain are damaged / destroyed
then memory, emotion, decision making, perception, comprehension, etc.
will be affected. If this were not the case then I suspect helmets would
become passe'. I don't think there is anything outdated about it. The
way reality works is the way it works.

The only 'hard-fact' response I have given is that there is no evidence
for psychic abilities. If you have tangible evidence that contradicts this then please let me know.
Okay - more experienced with the net now. Thie following is just a copy of a post i sent some guy in a different chat room.

It's so bizzar isn't it - but i'm glad you and many other people get it too, cause i thought i was going mad. I'm 36 and teach yoga and have had to deal with this all my life, since about twelve. It was only the other day that i dared to look on the net about it. I've always thought i was on the brink of scitszophrenia or somthing equally as disturbing.

Yeah i get the weird presences, like sometimes my boyfriend turns really savage on me and tries to kill me or even just frighten me and I'm so scared I scream but when i scream it's all over - i can move and he's fast asleep . . . weird isn't the word!!!
but it's the voices in my head thing that trips me out most - sometimes these random voices say lines of dialogue that are seriously whako - and sometimes a voice suddenly shouts my name - pure hell, i hate it!!!

The music isn't so scarey but i know i'm actually awake so whose the dude with the acoustic guitar sitting on the bed next to me ??? and I know he's on the bed because i can feel the indent he's made on the mattress.
People walk around my room - very menacing. I'm not religious but sometimes I call "GOD" and this always helps but that's only if i can remember to call God. The BUZZ / FORCE noise, well I get that everytime the paralysis is about to start and i think "Oh no, not this again!!!"

Apparently it's stress related, which is weird seeing as I teach yoga. All I can say is I'd love to learn more about this experience and most especially find out why so many people hear music? Ooh, lastly - the buzz / force experience scares me 'cause I feel if i let go to it, it will drag me down to some deep, dark and demonic place from which I will never return.

Sleep well - ha ha !
sorry guys, i'm just experimenting - never really used net before but want to saty with you in this chat room, first i've just got to try certain things and see what they do and if they work. :confused: i just chose a weird face :eek: What!
[COLOR=[I]Magenta]this is bizzare - :D MMMMmmmmm don't be annoyed with me for doing this test thingy, i only want to understand it. :mad: [/COLOR] [/I] Hi Crunchy Cat, thanks for getting back to me by the way.
i'ts actually very lonely in this chat room - is this a chat room? my sister says she talks about camping on this web site every night and the people talk to her straight away. she said they even have parties - can we all have one? We could stay up all night - at least we wouldn't have to worry about sleep paralysis. Sorry my spelling sucks. I've just remembered something. My Mum, who is totally sane and never taken drugs told me the other day that she was lying in bed when an opaque, white, pale, shimmering perfect globe of light slowly appeared and bobbed gently at her eye level for about three minutes. Three moths later my best frien, who isn't sane and whose taken loads of drus reports EXACTLY the same thing to me, only his shimmering globe was bobbing around somewhere up in the corner of the room. WEIRD !!!
silver cloud said:
Okay - more experienced with the net now. Thie following is just a copy of a post i sent some guy in a different chat room.

It's so bizzar isn't it - but i'm glad you and many other people get it too, cause i thought i was going mad. I'm 36 and teach yoga and have had to deal with this all my life, since about twelve. It was only the other day that i dared to look on the net about it. I've always thought i was on the brink of scitszophrenia or somthing equally as disturbing.

Yeah i get the weird presences, like sometimes my boyfriend turns really savage on me and tries to kill me or even just frighten me and I'm so scared I scream but when i scream it's all over - i can move and he's fast asleep . . . weird isn't the word!!!
but it's the voices in my head thing that trips me out most - sometimes these random voices say lines of dialogue that are seriously whako - and sometimes a voice suddenly shouts my name - pure hell, i hate it!!!

The music isn't so scarey but i know i'm actually awake so whose the dude with the acoustic guitar sitting on the bed next to me ??? and I know he's on the bed because i can feel the indent he's made on the mattress.
People walk around my room - very menacing. I'm not religious but sometimes I call "GOD" and this always helps but that's only if i can remember to call God. The BUZZ / FORCE noise, well I get that everytime the paralysis is about to start and i think "Oh no, not this again!!!"

Apparently it's stress related, which is weird seeing as I teach yoga. All I can say is I'd love to learn more about this experience and most especially find out why so many people hear music? Ooh, lastly - the buzz / force experience scares me 'cause I feel if i let go to it, it will drag me down to some deep, dark and demonic place from which I will never return.

Sleep well - ha ha !

The good news is that all these experiences surrounding HH and sleep paralysis are completely normal. It's what the human brain does and in
most people tends to happen when they first wake up. I used to get that
buzz / pulsing / force noise alot (it would even get involved in my dreams
sometimes) and I discovered that in my case it's a weird brain-translation
of air flow sound and blood flow sound (of the ears).
silver cloud said:
i'ts actually very lonely in this chat room - is this a chat room? my sister says she talks about camping on this web site every night and the people talk to her straight away. she said they even have parties - can we all have one? We could stay up all night - at least we wouldn't have to worry about sleep paralysis. Sorry my spelling sucks. I've just remembered something. My Mum, who is totally sane and never taken drugs told me the other day that she was lying in bed when an opaque, white, pale, shimmering perfect globe of light slowly appeared and bobbed gently at her eye level for about three minutes. Three moths later my best frien, who isn't sane and whose taken loads of drus reports EXACTLY the same thing to me, only his shimmering globe was bobbing around somewhere up in the corner of the room. WEIRD !!!

It's not a chat room :). It's a public forum. People post content
asynchronously (i.e. there is no real-time communication). I know that
spiders for some reason are very common HHs and it's not surprising that
spheres and other items are common as well. Cool mom-experience though.
silver cloud said:
Okay - more experienced with the net now. Thie following is just a copy of a post i sent some guy in a different chat room.

It's so bizzar isn't it - but i'm glad you and many other people get it too, cause i thought i was going mad. I'm 36 and teach yoga and have had to deal with this all my life, since about twelve. It was only the other day that i dared to look on the net about it. I've always thought i was on the brink of scitszophrenia or somthing equally as disturbing.

Yeah i get the weird presences, like sometimes my boyfriend turns really savage on me and tries to kill me or even just frighten me and I'm so scared I scream but when i scream it's all over - i can move and he's fast asleep . . . weird isn't the word!!!
but it's the voices in my head thing that trips me out most - sometimes these random voices say lines of dialogue that are seriously whako - and sometimes a voice suddenly shouts my name - pure hell, i hate it!!!

The music isn't so scarey but i know i'm actually awake so whose the dude with the acoustic guitar sitting on the bed next to me ??? and I know he's on the bed because i can feel the indent he's made on the mattress.
People walk around my room - very menacing. I'm not religious but sometimes I call "GOD" and this always helps but that's only if i can remember to call God. The BUZZ / FORCE noise, well I get that everytime the paralysis is about to start and i think "Oh no, not this again!!!"

Apparently it's stress related, which is weird seeing as I teach yoga. All I can say is I'd love to learn more about this experience and most especially find out why so many people hear music? Ooh, lastly - the buzz / force experience scares me 'cause I feel if i let go to it, it will drag me down to some deep, dark and demonic place from which I will never return.

Sleep well - ha ha !

Researchers into DMT (a very powerful hallucinogen) are starting to believe that middle of the night sleep paralysis is actually caused by a natural increase in dmt in the brain to abnormal levels. The 'as real as day' visions, and the buzz sensation (wether felt or heard) fits in exactly with the effects of smoking DMT. Wether these visions have an external reality of their own i dont know, although with all hallucinogens and visions such as these i dont think its simply as case of seeing something that 'isnt there'. I think you may be directly manifesting/changing reality.
All imho of course .... :p

btw did you get these visions before you started studying yoga or after?
heliocentric said:
Wether these visions have an external reality of their own i dont know, although with all hallucinogens and visions such as these i dont think its simply as case of seeing something that 'isnt there'. I think you may be directly manifesting/changing reality.

Is this opinion a result of the idea simply being attractive or is it the
result of evidence?
Crunchy Cat said:
Is this opinion a result of the idea simply being attractive or is it the
result of evidence?

Probably a bit of both to be honest, ive read from several sources (one was Dr. Rick Stassman i believe) that dmt is at its highest levels in the brain during the early hours of the morning about 2.00 - 4.00 am. Never really had the inclination to find out how they went about finding this out though.
heliocentric said:
Probably a bit of both to be honest, ive read from several sources (one was Dr. Rick Stassman i believe) that dmt is at its highest levels in the brain during the early hours of the morning about 2.00 - 4.00 am. Never really had the inclination to find out how they went about finding this out though.

Honesty is good thing! It's not the DMT levels that I was referring to as
I am sure they have been measured, observed, etc. It was the
manifestation / changing of reality assertion I was referring to; however,
it sounds like that's the part that falls into 'attractiveness'.
Crunchy Cat said:
Honesty is good thing! It's not the DMT levels that I was referring to as
I am sure they have been measured, observed, etc. It was the
manifestation / changing of reality assertion I was referring to; however,
it sounds like that's the part that falls into 'attractiveness'.

Well it just seems to me that there's a catagory of experiences out there that dont seem to fall into 'objective' reality, and dont really seem to conform to subjective 'hallucinations' either. There seem to be experiences that lie somewhere inbetween, and to my mind why should there only be an objective external reality and a subjective internal one; the more i think about that the more absurd it seems. Surely there must be shades of grey inbetween or somekind of bleed-over effect.
Its just something that makes perfect sense to me, but id be quite happy to accept it if someone though it was pure nonsense. Never the less i think its something worth considering in these instances..
heliocentric said:
Well it just seems to me that there's a catagory of experiences out there that dont seem to fall into 'objective' reality, and dont really seem to conform to subjective 'hallucinations' either. There seem to be experiences that lie somewhere inbetween, and to my mind why should there only be an objective external reality and a subjective internal one; the more i think about that the more absurd it seems. Surely there must be shades of grey inbetween or somekind of bleed-over effect.
Its just something that makes perfect sense to me, but id be quite happy to accept it if someone though it was pure nonsense. Never the less i think its something worth considering in these instances..

Perception is a really cool thing. We can perceive fantastic landscapes,
heightened emotion, AND basically a ton of stuff that we've never
experienced before. Is it true that we experience these things? YES. Are
these experiences generated by our own brains? YES.

Something to remember is that our brain is one big interpretation machine.
It can interpret stimulus resulting from an external source AND stimulus generated from an internal source. A piece of ice on your forearm will send a
signal to your brain and you will feel 'cold'. The brain can create the same
type of signical on its own. A person can experience 'cold' from both sources.
The feeling is real (cold). The source is real (an ice cube or brain). Only
one of these sources is external (the ice cube).

The external is where we find food to eat, weapons to defend ourselves, our
friends, our jobs, our transportation, our survival. This is reality. Our brains
can generate wild and wacky things for us to perceive or they can accurately interpret reality. Our brains can actually do both at the same time;
however, what's generated by the brain does not affect the external at all.
Eat 3 meals a day interally and starve yourself externally. If you loose weight
then it means the internal is not real. Smoke some DMT, wear a video
camera on your head, and describe what your seeing when things get wild
and wacky. Review the tape and see if the external was in any way
influenced by the internal.
I had some crazy hallucinations (hypnagogic) too:
1- sometimes i see with my eyes closed! if i open it what i saw will macth perfetcly with normal vision. Crazy!

2- Normal halucinaitons (about objects, etc)

3- Flying out from my body. Only a few times and when i started the flight, i just went on body again. I got fear.
Hmm i was kind of trying to tempt you to think outside the box with that last post i have to admit, but you came back with the classic brain/machine analogy and the idea that reality and consciousness are two utterly seperate things. Which is fine dont get me wrong, i just wondered if we couldnt discuss the possibility of other more original options in this thread.
Personally i think most people who spend enough time looking within themselves come to the realisation that percepetion and reality constantly influence each other back and forth sometimes to the point of being inseperable.

I dont feel like im going to get any interesting new ideas from this thread though so i probably wont post again.. :)
heliocentric said:
Hmm i was kind of trying to tempt you to think outside the box with that last post i have to admit, but you came back with the classic brain/machine analogy and the idea that reality and consciousness are two utterly seperate things. Which is fine dont get me wrong, i just wondered if we couldnt discuss the possibility of other more original options in this thread.
Personally i think most people who spend enough time looking within themselves come to the realisation that percepetion and reality constantly influence each other back and forth sometimes to the point of being inseperable.

I dont feel like im going to get any interesting new ideas from this thread though so i probably wont post again.. :)

I would be far more tempted by evidence to support an idea than having
original creative writing dialog...
heliocentric, what original ideas do you want? do you wanna speak about astral projection?

thats ok to me.

why dont you give ideas? really? an then we could discuss it.

i am open to new ideas