My best hypnogogic hallucination ever!

Crunchy Cat

F-in' *meow* baby!!!
Valued Senior Member
This happened at the beginning of the year (2004). The hallucination was
not so impressive in it's content as compared to when it happened. This
type of event normally occurs when first waking up (it's very common that
sleep paralysis will accompany it). This scares alot of people... waking
up to a big spider on your pillow and not being able to move can be unsettling
for some folks :).

Anyhow, this hypnogogic hallcucination occured when I was coming
home from work! I was very tired that day (not enough sleep the previous
night and a very intensive day). I was walking to my car when I heard
a small bark. I looked in the appropriate direction and there was a little
grey yorkie-like dog nearby. About 1.5 seconds later it simply disappeard.
Not even a smooth transition. Just *poof*... what once was clearly visible
no longer existed. This was the first time I ever noticed this type of event
and I suspect my being tired and mentally drained really helped it manifest

It make me wonder how many times I may have experienced it in the past
in this context and not really noticed...
I had a hallucination too and my friend told me it was an acid flashback. I don't know if that's true or not but I'll tell you what happened. I was driving down I-75 through Detroit a few years ago in the middle of the summer. It was 75 degrees (F) and sunny, not a cloud in the sky. And all of a sudden it started snowing. Little white frozen snokeflakes falling and melting on my windshield for about 2 or 3 minutes and then it stopped. It freaked me out! :eek:
analbeads said:
I had a hallucination too and my friend told me it was an acid flashback. I don't know if that's true or not but I'll tell you what happened. I was driving down I-75 through Detroit a few years ago in the middle of the summer. It was 75 degrees (F) and sunny, not a cloud in the sky. And all of a sudden it started snowing. Little white frozen snokeflakes falling and melting on my windshield for about 2 or 3 minutes and then it stopped. It freaked me out! :eek:

cool shit.
I've had similar experiences with things like this. Once, i was laying on my bed, on the phone with someone close to me. I casually stopped talking for a few seconds, only to be scared out of my mind when i looked up and saw a man standing over me, no taller than 5' 6", holding a knife, and wearing a bloodied shirt. I swore quite loudly and ran into the family room to see if anyone had come in. Everyone thought i was crazy. :eek: .
This one time i dropped a wrench and it dissapeared. i then began to wonder if i actually had the wrench in the first place.
Wow, cool. That happens in my school. Like the SysAdmin is walking along, then wham, and you don't see him again for a couple of years. Oh, wait...
I wonder if there's simply grey patches in your memory. Or your sense just give
up for a second. I like the wrench idea - was it there in the first place?
i have the wrench thing also...but its when i wake up. i am holding something in my hand, usually a screwdriver or a pencil and it falls on my bed and i try to pick it up again and it other hypnogogic hallucination is that there is a person sitting on the chair that i have next to my bed. he doesnt talk to me, but just stares and after a while, hes gone.
I've been having some very vivid experiences whilst using a new meditation / brain wave stimulating CD (not one of those dolphin sound ones i might add!). Apparently the speed of our brain waves, which can be measured using an EEG or PET scan, correspond to our level of conciousness. They slow down the more relaxed we are and have certain frequencies associated with dreaming etc. When certain brain waves are induced, either by tiredness, ritual or sound etc, we are able to hallucinate or concentrate, learn etc.
It can be a bit disconserting to begin with but it gets very useful (and fun) the more you get used to it.

Ive also had similar effects on waking and i'm sure if this was studied more we could learn a lot about consciousness and altered states, maybe learn to control our experiences totally..hmmmm....
I had a cool HH this morning. I woke up (it was really dark outside) and
jutting out from the ceiling was a giant rose that was glowing! It's stem
was about 8-10 feet long and was curved in a way allowing the flower
of the rose to be facing me.

I stared at it intently trying to make observations. Although the glow was
quite bright, nothing in the environment reflected the light. The rose begain
fading about 8 seconds from when I saw it. The fade was extremely smooth
and took about 4 seconds. It was like a linear decrement from 100% opacity
to 0%. The rose itself was beautifully and accurate detailed (I have roses
in my front and back yards for comparison).

Every HH I have had (when waking up) has had little or no relation to the
dream I woke up from (assuming I was dreaming of course). In this latest
example, I woke up out of a dream where I was an interrogator (the torturous
kind) and I was finding ways to let people escape. This suggests that the
processes responsible for dreams, HH, and perception of reality are distinct
(even though they may sometimes overlap).
Hi, I'm silver cloud - I'm dyslexic (not so bad in writing) but terrible at taking in information - and i'm desperatelty trying to work out how i chat to guys about HH paralysis etc. but i'm getting so lost - i've never used the net for anything other than sending emails. will anybody get this meassage. can anybody help? x x x
silver cloud said:
Hi, I'm silver cloud - I'm dyslexic (not so bad in writing) but terrible at taking in information - and i'm desperatelty trying to work out how i chat to guys about HH paralysis etc. but i'm getting so lost - i've never used the net for anything other than sending emails. will anybody get this meassage. can anybody help? x x x

Hello silver cloud,

The easiest way to talk about Hypnogigic Hallucinations, Sleep Paralysis,
etc. is simply to do it. If there is something specific on your mind then
ask away.

matt, Does anyone here look like they need to take mushrooms? :D

I get hpnopompic and hypnagogic imagery. It was so excessive, about 10 years ago, I ended up going to a neurologist who was no help at all. She kept telling me how normal it was. RIGHT. Being jarred out of your mind by undulating black balls of thread, or small spheroids zooming around, or 6 foot lobsters clinging to your cieling, or a midget hungarian tumbling team on your area rug-- several times in one evening, may not be psychotic, but it isn't what I'd call normal.

The doofus doctor never asked me if I was on any drugs, which I was. I was taking sudafed in the normally prescribed amounts, and this seemed to make it much worse. Quit that and now I only get them ocassionally. But man, they're doozies. Woke up about a year ago and sitting at the foot of my bed was a fully opaque, charming elderly man from the Edwardian age, looking at me in an amused but detached way. The detail was amazing. Then he kind of went poof, as they say.

Do you notice how this imagery is completely empty of any meaning? Mine seems to be. It also has nothing to do with what I've just been dreaming.
Whenever I go into deep meditation I can visualize things that aren't there and manipulate them with ease. I like lightning and twist, turn, lengthen, shorten , make stronger or weaker bolts and arrange them in many patterns that make pleasing and sometimes frightening designs all inside my mind. I know that they aren't there PHYSICALLY but know that the imagination will be there to tap into to feed the need of my subconcious mind to power through into the realms of the unknown.
Agitprop said:
matt, Does anyone here look like they need to take mushrooms? :D

I get hpnopompic and hypnagogic imagery. It was so excessive, about 10 years ago, I ended up going to a neurologist who was no help at all. She kept telling me how normal it was. RIGHT. Being jarred out of your mind by undulating black balls of thread, or small spheroids zooming around, or 6 foot lobsters clinging to your cieling, or a midget hungarian tumbling team on your area rug-- several times in one evening, may not be psychotic, but it isn't what I'd call normal.

The doofus doctor never asked me if I was on any drugs, which I was. I was taking sudafed in the normally prescribed amounts, and this seemed to make it much worse. Quit that and now I only get them ocassionally. But man, they're doozies. Woke up about a year ago and sitting at the foot of my bed was a fully opaque, charming elderly man from the Edwardian age, looking at me in an amused but detached way. The detail was amazing. Then he kind of went poof, as they say.

Do you notice how this imagery is completely empty of any meaning? Mine seems to be. It also has nothing to do with what I've just been dreaming.

Wow, that's some extreme HH there. My personal observations are in line
wirh yours. HH's are completely asent of any meaning (relative or otherwise)
and they are completely irrelevant of dream content that may have
existed before the HH.

Based on some claims I have heard about hypnosis and deep meditation,
I think that a more ellaborate (and controlled) HH state may be artificially
induced. I am going to experiment with this next month.
One of the best non drug induced hallucinations ive ever had was one night I woke up and saw a little person, maybe 4 and half feet tall climb out of a poster on my wall, jump onto the floor and walk into my closet. I didnt want to move in case he saw me. After a few minutes i ran out of my room to the kitchen and drank some orange juice.
0scar said:
One of the best non drug induced hallucinations ive ever had was one night I woke up and saw a little person, maybe 4 and half feet tall climb out of a poster on my wall, jump onto the floor and walk into my closet. I didnt want to move in case he saw me. After a few minutes i ran out of my room to the kitchen and drank some orange juice.

That's just too damn cool. Little people in the walls.
Anyone here suffering from any kind of chronic illness? I started getting H. imagery in my early twenties coincident with an illness that I've been unable to shake. As well, developed really ripping learning disabilities that I hadn't had before.

Psychic ability is linked to illness, according to some researchers. I think that some illnesses tinker with the reducing valve function of the brain and expose the brain to more information.

I wonder if images like these are like algorhythms, the life of the mind and the greater mind set up (very roughly speaking) in some kind of image sharing network. This imagery isn't called forth, but seems to be downloaded into the mind. This is the sense I get. That image I had of the elderly gent seemed like it was supposed to have meaning and context for someone else, but was accidentally downloaded into my brain instead of their's.
Agitprop said:
Anyone here suffering from any kind of chronic illness? I started getting H. imagery in my early twenties coincident with an illness that I've been unable to shake. As well, developed really ripping learning disabilities that I hadn't had before.

Psychic ability is linked to illness, according to some researchers. I think that some illnesses tinker with the reducing valve function of the brain and expose the brain to more information.

I wonder if images like these are like algorhythms, the life of the mind and the greater mind set up (very roughly speaking) in some kind of image sharing network. This imagery isn't called forth, but seems to be downloaded into the mind. This is the sense I get. That image I had of the elderly gent seemed like it was supposed to have meaning and context for someone else, but was accidentally downloaded into my brain instead of their's.

I thought it was antihistomines that were resulting in excessive HH? What
kind of chronic illness are we talking about?

There is no evidence supporting the existence of psychic abilities; hence, illness cannot cause them.

I am fairly certain that HHs are not 'downloads' from a source not of your
own body. Again, there is no evidence of psychic ability (telepathy included).
I will assert that they are linked to human creative processes, memory, and
the part of the brain responsible for perception of external stimulus.