Muslim magazine journalists pretended to be Roman Catholics :D

I addressed your strawman, and I am going to stop here. Continue discussing whatever it is you think you're discussing.

Ah, the troll's admission of defeat: a tangle of fallacy and aspersion, glued together with petty condescension.

Anyway, you're welcome.

What hate? Malaysians have a peaceful non-militaristic state. They have to get excited over a couple of guys spitting wafers in church.

And the firebombings of several churches. Among other things.
Doesn't change the fact that its still a legitimate newspaper and represents legitimate points of view, which are clearly acceptable to a wide variety of people.

Is it legitimate to make up and spread rumours under the guise of 'legitimate press'?
Is it legitimate to make up and spread rumours under the guise of 'legitimate press'?

No but generally, thats unavoidable.

I'm still waiting to hear what the consequences are to the converts

Also note that:

. They were allegedly investigating reports that Muslims were illegally converting to Christianity.

Why allegedly?


The monthly Malay-language al-Islam magazine indicated the men spat out the communion wafers because it took a photograph of them partially bitten.

Which church gives communion like that?

All these are insinuations which are being debated as facts

What exactly did they lie about?
I'm still waiting to hear what the consequences are to the converts

There were no converts in this instance. Although we can assume that the anti-apostasy laws on the books, as they apply to such converts and those affiliated with them, would form the least of the consequences.

The fact remains that the demonstrated consequences for any church rumored to have converted a Malay Muslim is to be infiltrated by agents of a Malay Muslim political party and otherwise subjected to public scrutiny and implied threats. In a country where churches are being firebombed for using the word "Allah," the threat of such public targetting is serious and so effectively represses all religious minorities in the country.
No but generally, thats unavoidable.
So we can brush it under the carpet and forget about it? Interesting. A point to keep in mind in future debates.:)

I'm still waiting to hear what the consequences are to the converts
Has been linked several times in this thread. I would suggest you scroll up and click on the links.:)
Why allegedly?
Because they had no proof that it was occuring. They were accused of having made it up. In short, they were caught out in their own lies. Hence the apology.

Which church gives communion like that?
What? Gives communion like what? Some place it on the other's tongue and others in their cupped hands.

All these are insinuations which are being debated as facts
Ah here we go. The denial..

Next we'll see comparisons to Western press and inevitably, mentions of the plight of Palestinians at the hands of Jews is sure to follow..:rolleyes: So predictable.

What exactly did they lie about?
The alleged conversions themselves. They apparently made it up and to boost their story, photographed and published images of their having spat out the communion wafer. Anything to sell I guess and anything to support the Government line.
I read the links. Lots of insinuation and no evidence of anything. Note that the newspaper apologised for hurting the sentiments, but the court dropped the charges as baseless

I'm not even certain what the hoo haa is in this thread here. What exactly happened that everyone is so excited about?
I read the links.
I do not believe you did.

Lots of insinuation and no evidence of anything.
If you say so. I know that we have to bow to you as the rising authority on what constitutes the truth.

Note that the newspaper apologised for hurting the sentiments, but the court dropped the charges as baseless
Note that the paper is owned by the Government and it was the Government who decided to not press charges.

I'm not even certain what the hoo haa is in this thread here. What exactly happened that everyone is so excited about?
And now we move on to pretending to be ignorant and dumb. Same pattern as usual.
Note that the paper is owned by the Government and it was the Government who decided to not press charges.

You realise the executive and judiciary are two independent bodies, right? That the church sued the newspaper?

That it was a really stupid case?

Are you serious? Now I can understand why you are so often accused of trolling.

Lets see the facts here:

Two journalists take pictures of half bitten communion wafers. Not possible since priests put it on your tongue and it usually dissolves at once. So the newspaper embelished the story, but the basic premise itself is ludicrous.

Church sues for hurt sentiments, Attorney general says he is satisfied the journalists did not intend to offend.

Paper apologises anyway

Now out of these fragments we have insinuations of bigotry, firebombing, murder and what not.

You guys are doing a much better job of embellishing the story than the newspaper/
Lets see the facts here:

Two journalists take pictures of half bitten communion wafers. Not possible since priests put it on your tongue and it usually dissolves at once. So the newspaper embelished the story, but the basic premise itself is ludicrous.

Church sues for hurt sentiments, Attorney general says he is satisfied the journalists did not intend to offend.

Paper apologises anyway

Now out of these fragments we have insinuations of bigotry, firebombing, murder and what not.

You guys are doing a much better job of embellishing the story than the newspaper/
Ah yes, the facts according to Sam.

Firstly, it is possible to spit out the wafer. Very possible. It does not dissolve that quickly.

Secondly, you have to so called "journalists" who work for a Government sanctioned paper who not only embellished the story, but made up parts of it to get the desired reaction in a country that is already rife with religious intolerance and violence.

Thirdly, the Church awaits the Government's reaction and threatens to sue when the Government, through the Attorney General, dismisses the charges and treats it like a stupid prank, threatens to sue said newspaper, who then apologise for the offence they caused.

Fourthly, the firebombings and violence is real and continues to occur in Malaysia. I know it's hard for you to swallow, but not all Muslims are as tolerant as you portray yourself as apparently being.:rolleyes:

And finally, you have done nothing but troll this thread.
Tell you what

Get a communion wafer, use it as the priest does then spit it out and show me how it looks half bitten

Its just a picture of a half bitten wafer. I think its more bigoted that priests will only give it to Christians and will have their sentiments "hurt" if a non-Christian takes it.

The fact that they would sue a newspaper over it is so completely moronic. Its a waste of taxpayer money and they should be fined for wasting everyones time.

People need to get perspective on this stupid shit.
Tell you what

Get a communion wafer, use it as the priest does then spit it out and show me how it looks half bitten
You have never had the wafer. I have. Priests will sometimes put it directly in your mouth or put in in your cupped hands for you to put in your own mouth. I would suggest that before you start mouthing off about something you have no understanding of, you actually educate yourself.
Its just a picture of a half bitten wafer.
And to Catholics, it is the embodiment of Christ, something sacred that someone deliberately spat out and photographed to cause offence.

I think its more bigoted that priests will only give it to Christians
And I think it is even more bigoted that Muslims do not allow people to convert to other religions of their choice.

and will have their sentiments "hurt" if a non-Christian takes it.
No. They were hurt and insulted that a non-Christian took it and then spat it out, photographed it and published it in the paper with descriptions of what they had done.

People need to get perspective on this stupid shit.
Indeed they do. And it is something that I will be very keen to remind you of next time you start ranting about the feelings of Muslims being "hurt" by the actions of non-Muslims. Well done Sam. You have lowered your own standards to such a level that it will inevitably come back and bite you on your backside.
You have never had the wafer. I have. Priests will sometimes put it directly in your mouth or put in in your cupped hands for you to put in your own mouth. I would suggest that before you start mouthing off about something you have no understanding of, you actually educate yourself.

Okay so tell me why these Muslim journalists bit into it. And how they photographed the part which had bitten off after spitting it

d to Catholics, it is the embodiment of Christ, something sacred that someone deliberately spat out and photographed to cause offence.

Its a fricking wafer. :rolleyes:
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Okay so tell me why these Muslim journalists bit into it. And how they photographed the part which had bitten off after spitting it

You will have to ask them.

They claimed to have spat it out and then photographed it.

Its a fricking wafer.
Just like the Qu'ran is just a "fricking" book and you should have no reason or cause for complaint when someone spits, defacates on it or sets on fire, right?:rolleyes:
You will have to ask them.

They claimed to have spat it out and then photographed it.

Well that is sufficient reason to accuse Malaysians of hatred and bigotry. And go to court over a half eaten wafer

Just like the Qu'ran is just a fricking book and you should have no reason or cause for complaint when someone spits, defacates on it or sets on fire, right?:rolleyes:

Personally I think anyone who treats a book like that is a philistine. But yeah, I won't go to court over it.
Well that is sufficient reason to accuse Malaysians of hatred and bigotry. And go to court over a half eaten wafer
That half eaten wafer, and spitting it out and taking photos of it, when in an environment of rising religious violence and intolerance.. what do you think their intent and purpose was Sam?

Personally I think anyone who treats a book like that is a philistine.
Agreed. However..
But yeah, I won't go to court over it.
But you would be angry enough about it and would appreciate an apology, right?