Muslim Cleric Calls For Beheading of Dutch Politician


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
"A well-known Australian Muslim cleric has called for the beheading of Dutch anti-Islamic politician Geert Wilders, a newspaper said on Friday.

The paper posted an English-language audio clip in which he refers to Wilders as "this Satan, this devil, this politician in Holland" and explains that anyone who talks about Islam like Wilders does should be executed by beheading."

You can hear the insanity from the horses mouth:\

Religion of peace? It looks like Wilders is quite right about Islam. And, what are all the Muslims of the world saying about this? Nothing. But, their silence is most deafening.
hahahahaha... I remember when this little twat was on the Morning Show (back in his early 20s) crapping on about Islam and the mocking of "the" prophet blah blah blah.

"You's Guys Butter LQQK out for us Muslims...."
The mentally challenged boy grew into a retard of a man. Big shock there. He's just another Redneck Religious Supremest yabo. In a few years he'll probably be someone's jail yard bitch.
The problem with Islam is it teaches Religious Racism AND many Muslims buy into it and become Religious Bigots. But, to be fair, so does Christianity and Judaism.

I think things could go either way. Either Christians and Jews become more fundamental and they lay a real hard bitch slap on Islam (again) OR, and I hope, society tries to address the problem of Religious Supremacy right now in our K-12 educational system.

As it stands we're going backwards on the K-12 front but forwards on the social front.

i say: GO FOR IT:yay:
don't just issue fatwas..carry them out

with freedom of speech there should be freedom of stabbing..i mean honestly, why isn't stabbing on the list of freedoms?...ohhh because you just know we'll best you at it huh?:D

or is it because you only care about your bodies and food and cars and material posessions and don't give a rat's ass about honor and reputation, things you never heard of?

stop thinking we'll respect your rights, when you don't know any others exist.
I always find rants on internet connected PCs about "material possessions" rather amusing.
Has Wilders been beheaded yet? How imminent is his demise by decapitation?
I wonder why Islam, a religion so close to Xianity in theological doctrine (One God), is reviled whereas Buddhist (no Gods to many Gods) and Hinduism (One God to Many Gods) are not?

Then again, I never see psychopathic Buddhist calling for the beheading of the ... err well, anyone actually.
I wonder why ...

Then again, I never see ...

No kidding. Here's a thought, learn a few languages outside your own monolinguistic world. It will open up a whole new world to you. You may even "see" the ethnic cleansing going on in Sri Lanka instigated by Buddhist priests, learn about Buddhist violence in Burma and China and find out how provincial your own thinking is. You may even discover the "military monk" that armed creature resident in Thai monasteries. Maybe you may even figure out why speeches by individual Muslims are WORLD events when massacres of/by entire countries don't even make the back pages. Who knows maybe all it will take will be a Chinese attack on the US to make Mark Juergensmeyer the resident Buddhist icon?
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I wonder why Islam, a religion so close to Xianity in theological doctrine (One God), is reviled whereas Buddhist (no Gods to many Gods) and Hinduism (One God to Many Gods) are not?

Then again, I never see psychopathic Buddhist calling for the beheading of the ... err well, anyone actually.


Those who hate God's laws are said to be haters of God. Belief does not impact here. There was no commandment to believe or pray when the greatest revelation in the universe occured at Sinai. Belief has nothing to do with any religion - it is a generic trait embedded in all life forms. Kneeling and prostrating is a self feel good replacement for those who have flaunted the laws.
IamJoseph, what has reading the Torah taught you personally? By taught, I'm thinking in terms of insight into humanity and the human condition. Anything interesting?

Because the way I see it, your God is a prissy drama queen and more of a hack than anything. Stealing the myths of the greater Gods and pawning them off as "His" own. Not only that, but dissing his wife Asherah and pretending to be Gilgamesh. I mean, I've never seen or heard of Athena acting like that, or Amaterasu. It's like your God has a serious case of penis envy, something those two Goddesses obviously needn't have worried about ;) and is a little inept to boot.
Oh and did the cleric call for his decapitation as well or was that a preemptive strike?
How about a Law that states: Anyone with a position of authority calls for beheadings should be beheaded immediately.

That will solve these problems...of inciting crazy people...:D
What's really interesting, and is a parody of Sciforums, coincidentally, is that Wilders is on trial for inciting hatred towards Islam, an ideology, while Feiz is free to call for Wilders beheading, a threat towards a person, as it falls under freedom of religion.

Insane? Well, that is the world we live in... :)

i say: GO FOR IT:yay:
don't just issue fatwas..carry them out

with freedom of speech there should be freedom of stabbing..i mean honestly, why isn't stabbing on the list of freedoms?...ohhh because you just know we'll best you at it huh?:D

or is it because you only care about your bodies and food and cars and material posessions and don't give a rat's ass about honor and reputation, things you never heard of?

stop thinking we'll respect your rights, when you don't know any others exist.

Is this post sarcasm?
No kidding. Here's a thought, learn a few languages outside your own monolinguistic world.
Sorry to pop your bubble SAM but Shadow1 made it clear, in English, that there was a delineation between Arabs and Black Africans - Arabs first, Africans second (even though he lives in Africa and is in effect an African). What if Caucasian decedents of European were to pull that sort of racist-like attitude in South Africa? Oh, wait, they did and it wasn't very productive.

Being apologetic suggests that there IS something wrong.

It will open up a whole new world to you. You may even "see" the ethnic cleansing going on in Sri Lanka instigated by Buddhist priests, learn about Buddhist violence in Burma and China and find out how provincial your own thinking is. You may even discover the "military monk" that armed creature resident in Thai monasteries.
Please feel free to enlighten us SAM. What is the underlying issue in Buddhist ideolgoy that is causing this strife, how so and with whom?

How many Thai Buddhist Monks have had their heads chopped off by Thai Muslim fanatics in the name of "Islam"? Do you THINK MAYBE that has something to do with it???
How many Thai Muslims have had their heads chopped off by Thai Buddhist fanatics in the name of "Buddhism"? ANY AT ALL?

Maybe you may even figure out why speeches by individual Muslims are WORLD events when massacres of/by entire countries don't even make the back pages. Who knows maybe all it will take will be a Chinese attack on the US to make Mark Juergensmeyer the resident Buddhist icon?
A Chinese attack on the USA would not be in the name of "Buddha". I've never heard of a Buddhist Monk chopping off a non-Buddhist person's head in the name of "Buddhism" or for insulting Buddha (like destroying the 2500 year old statues). I've never seen a Buddhist run around with a chopped off head in their hands like a wild animal screeching "Buddha is Great" "Buddha is Great" "Buddha is Great" "Buddha is Great"..... The day THAT happens SAM - - we'll need to take a good long look at Buddhism. Do you agree?
Wouldn't that seem sensible?
When Buddhist start acting like Bronze Age douche bags and chopping off people's heads in the name of Islam, then we'll take a long look at Buddhist Ideology and see WTF is going on.

I can see the Chinese attacking the USA "In the name of Chinese Sovereignty". These people may be Buddhist.
See the difference?

The reason WHY this dip-shit Imam made headlines is because there's actually a significant number of Muslim Supremests who have been retarded down to a Bronze Age mentality and actually are chopping off infidel's heads in the name of Islam and in defense of Allah.

I know, f*cking retarded but true nonetheless.

As an Islamic Apologist, one who accepts that Islam need to be reformed and is presently backwards on certain issues, I don't see why you feel YOU are being attacked. You aren't calling for someone's head to be chopped off, this fundamental Islamic dip-shit is. IF some Atheists were chopping off people's head in the name of non-Belief, I'd be the first to call bullshit on them and seek to socially isolate and obliterate their violent ideology.
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