Mothman pics (Indras Cold)

Fallacy of argument from personal incredulity: "I can't believe something is true. Therefore: it isn't true."

If that's directed at me, then that's not at all what I have said. I simply need more evidence than you do. If asking for more factual data makes you so defensive, maybe you should examine why what's out there is good enough for you.
If that's directed at me, then that's not at all what I have said. I simply need more evidence than you do. If asking for more factual data makes you so defensive, maybe you should examine why what's out there is good enough for you.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me what evidence would satisfy you. Can you do that or not?
I'm still waiting for you to tell me what evidence would satisfy you. Can you do that or not?

Posted twice already. But I'm making an assumption we're looking for an actual creature, and not some super natural manifestation, which by definition isn't going to leave any evidence that is testable. An animal would leave traces of feeding, of travel, of rest or living areas, of young, of death. If we're discussing a species, then there has to be a minimum number to have retained a population. Nothing so far is in those categories of evidence.

Can I tell you what would completely convince me? That's not really up to me, as it's not my claim to defend. You've given some stuff and it's not good enough yet.
Posted twice already. But I'm making an assumption we're looking for an actual creature, and not some super natural manifestation, which by definition isn't going to leave any evidence that is testable. An animal would leave traces of feeding, of travel, of rest or living areas, of young, of death. If we're discussing a species, then there has to be a minimum number to have retained a population. Nothing so far is in those categories of evidence.

Can I tell you what would completely convince me? That's not really up to me, as it's not my claim to defend. You've given some stuff and it's not good enough yet.

Don't flatter yourself dearie. I couldn't care less if it convinces you or not. You've clearly already made up your mind like every other ideological skeptic out there. I'm simply providing information for people looking into this phenomenon. I take over 100 eyewitnesses as pretty good evidence. Apparently you don't. End of story.
Don't flatter yourself dearie. I couldn't care less if it convinces you or not. You've clearly already made up your mind like every other ideological skeptic out there. I'm simply providing information for people looking into this phenomenon. I take over 100 eyewitnesses as pretty good evidence. Apparently you don't. End of story.

I don't have enough information to make my mind up on what people might have seen. That's the point. What does all the eyewitness accounts serve as evidence for? That a lot of people saw something, and their descriptions may or may not have been close enough to tie them together. How many of them saw something, and after hearing what others saw, decided that they probably saw the same thing? That often happens in a mass sighting, and taints the sample.

I mean I don't care either way. I just find it interesting that I can't find more information than what's been given, and when I ask for more, suddenly I'm close minded. While just eyewitnesses are enough for you, case closed.
Fallacy of argument from personal incredulity: "I can't believe something is true. Therefore: it isn't true."

Nope that is not it.

This is the point: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

You apparently confused that statement with this statement: Extraordinarily stupid claims require extraordiarily stupid evidence.

Those 2 statements are not the same.;)
Nope that is not it.

This is the point: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

You apparently confused that statement with this statement: Extraordinarily stupid claims require extraordiarily stupid evidence.

Those 2 statements are not the same.;)

One or two eyewitnesses are usually sufficient to convict a suspect of a crime. But now suddenly over 100 eyewitnesses, extraordinary evidence by any other definition, don't mean anything? Perhaps it is more truthfully said: "Extraordinary skepticism requires extraordinary evidence."
One or two eyewitnesses are usually sufficient to convict a suspect of a crime. But now suddenly over 100 eyewitnesses, extraordinary evidence by any other definition, don't mean anything? Perhaps it is more truthfully said: "Extraordinary skepticism requires extraordinary evidence."

You just don't have a concept of what evidence is. Eyewitnesses suck. Everytime that there is a particularly warm and clear night there calls to the police to report UFOs that turn out to be Venus or Sirius.

This is really a pitifully retarded thread....
One or two eyewitnesses are usually sufficient to convict a suspect of a crime.

Eyewitness identification

But now suddenly over 100 eyewitnesses, extraordinary evidence by any other definition, don't mean anything? Perhaps it is more truthfully said: "Extraordinary skepticism requires extraordinary evidence."

That's just a rewording of having to proof a negative, something I'm sure you realize can't be done, nor should the burden be placed upon.
Imagine a police line-up of the following suspects: a large owl, a crane, a deer, and the Mothman. Now say we have over 100 eyewitnesses come thru looking over the suspects and they ALL, every single one of them, fingers the Mothman. Now short of presenting Mothman feces or eggs or dna for lab analysis, I'd say that's pretty extraordinary evidence, wouldn't you? Remember, these were all people who LIVED in that area. They have all seen owls before, and cranes, and deer. But that's not what they said they saw. ALL of their accounts fit the description of one creature and one creature only--the Mothman.
ALL of their accounts fit the description of one creature and one creature only--the Mothman.

Wrong again! From the Committee of Skeptical Inquiry:

. . . .there were Mothman hoaxes. Rush Finley told me how some construction workers had used helium from welding tanks to make balloons from sheet plastic and tied red flashlights to them one night. Thus weighted, these Mothmen did not soar high but only drifted over the treetops.
Wrong again! From the Committee of Skeptical Inquiry:

. . . .there were Mothman hoaxes. Rush Finley told me how some construction workers had used helium from welding tanks to make balloons from sheet plastic and tied red flashlights to them one night. Thus weighted, these Mothmen did not soar high but only drifted over the treetops.

Hoaxes are easily dismissed, particularly those involving giant helium!