Mothman pics (Indras Cold)

We think we know all there is to know about the universe. Yet we have probably only scratched the surface on maybe .01% of it. So much out there we haven't a clue about . . ..

Exactly! For example, you had no idea that wingsuits were around in the 1960's. You learned something!
You must be referring to the movie called "The Mothman Prophecies" that came out a few years ago.

Nope, referring to Mothman himself.

You can go to a rigger and look at a 1960's circa wingsuit yourself. Touch it, try it on. Mothman, on the other hand, is make believe, like so many others that people have created over the years - the Loch Ness monster, Sasquatch, the Jolly Green Giant, Santa Claus, Batboy etc. Fun to tell stories about; that's about it.
And you learned something too. Movies are only make-believe...

It was a movie, but he actors were real and the wing suit was real and it was really used in the stunts.

Don't be such a baby and admit when you are wrong. Pretending you were not wrong makes you look petty.

Thinking that some sort of moth man has any basis in reality (except for maybe a goofball in a Halloween costume) makes you look loony
It was a movie, but he actors were real and the wing suit was real and it was really used in the stunts.

Don't be such a baby and admit when you are wrong. Pretending you were not wrong makes you look petty.

Thinking that some sort of moth man has any basis in reality (except for maybe a goofball in a Halloween costume) makes you look loony

The movie was entirely fictional. There was NO wingsuit flying going on in the 60's and certainly none over Point Pleasant VA from 1967-1968.
Nope, referring to Mothman himself.

You can go to a rigger and look at a 1960's circa wingsuit yourself. Touch it, try it on. Mothman, on the other hand, is make believe, like so many others that people have created over the years - the Loch Ness monster, Sasquatch, the Jolly Green Giant, Santa Claus, Batboy etc. Fun to tell stories about; that's about it.

Nope..all based on eyewitness police reports. People just don't tend to come up with tales about seeing unusual beings unless they have a really good reason for doing so. And when hundreds of reports describe the same exact same thing, well then you have a real phenomenon. Not exactly "fun" to think there is a scary monster flying around your county at night.
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The movie was entirely fictional. There was NO wingsuit flying going on in the 60's and certainly none over Point Pleasant VA from 1967-1968.
Idiot or troll? You decide!

Wings were first used by 19 year old Rex G. Finney of Los Angeles, CA in 1930 as an attempt to increase horizontal movement and maneuverability. These early wingsuits were made of materials such as canvas, wood, silk, steel, and even whale bone. They were not very reliable. Some "birdmen", notably Clem Sohn and Leo Valentin, claimed to have glided for miles. The wingsuit was showcased in the 1969 movie The Gypsy Moths starring Burt Lancaster and Gene Hackman.
Mothman captured!

It's shaped like a giant black moth. It has red glowing eyes. And it likes to hang out around bridges. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid!

Concerning just the eyewitness reports from the '60s, etc... Or the "misfortune" of the "mothman" legend not being connected instead to the South Island of New Zealand... With the latter circumstance one might at least remedy the sightings with rumors of Haast's Eagle not really being extinct (a la great shades of Ivory-billed woodpecker!). But despite the raptor's weight, it didn't have that impressive a wing span (3 meters) in comparison to its body size size (females could be 1.4 meters long; 4 ft plus). Surely, the bird still wasn't big enough to carry-off a grown moa, but without any competition, it didn't have to. Just kill the moa and leave the carcass there to feed upon gradually over several days.

Speaking of that area, circa the same time that Haast's Eagle disappeared (1400s), I find it a touch remarkable that a meteor which was from 500 meters to one kilometer in diameter, whose underwater impact left a crater 20 kilometers across, seems to have gone unnoticed as far as having even the least effects with the rest of the world.
A couple of guys tried in the 30's. Stunt flyers in airshows. They all died. Nobody was doing it in the 60's. The next guy to try it was in the 90's. You can look that up on the same website. I rest my case..

I'm a wingsuit instructor. I could introduce you to the people using wingsuits in the 1960's and 1970's; you've seen their stunt work in movies. You might want to wait to rest your case after you've learned a little more.
Nope..all based on eyewitness police reports. People just don't tend to come up with tales about seeing unusual beings unless they have a really good reason for doing so.

Agreed! Being in the papers and gaining notoriety is a good reason.

And when hundreds of reports describe the same exact same thing, well then you have a real phenomenon.

Yep. Again, sounds like the Loch Ness monster, Sasquatch, UFO's, the Salem witches etc.

Not exactly "fun" to think there is a scary monster flying around your county at night.

On the contrary; gossip has been with us for centuries, and the worse it is, the faster it spreads. People certainly seem to enjoy gossiping.
We think we know all there is to know about the universe. Yet we have probably only scratched the surface on maybe .01% of it. So much out there we haven't a clue about--things that can happen that no human science can even admit much less study. Do we REALLY know what is and isn't possible in this crazy quasidimensional multiverse of ours? I suspect not..I suspect there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in ALL our own philosophies.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Bad pictures and video plus a statue due to an urban legend don't come close to being enough.
I'm a wingsuit instructor. I could introduce you to the people using wingsuits in the 1960's and 1970's; you've seen their stunt work in movies. You might want to wait to rest your case after you've learned a little more.

Ofcourse you are. lol! Did you take your meds yet?
So far your most used evidence is that because you don't think wingsuits were widely available in the 60s, ergo, Mothman must exist. That's very weak evidence. How about some biological evidence, the same that a biologist would surmise the existence of any other species they suspect in an area. Got anything?
So far your most used evidence is that because you don't think wingsuits were widely available in the 60s, ergo, Mothman must exist. That's very weak evidence. How about some biological evidence, the same that a biologist would surmise the existence of any other species they suspect in an area. Got anything?

No..the evidence is based on all the eyewitness reports of the same creature. And since we are likely dealing with something on the level of the paranormal, you're probably not gonna get any biological evidence. This is where the eternal skeptic always screws up--that because there is no explanation for a phenomena, then there is no phenomena. If science had operated that way we never would've discovered anything.
I never said there wasn't an explanation, just that I don't think it is what you want it to be.

Paranormal and supernatural events are by definition unexplainable by scientific means. Much like the unidentified in UFO, the only thing that gives it substance is the desire of the believer to want it to be real. The minute an actual reason for the phenomenon is uncovered, the paranormal collapses into normal reality.