Mothman pics (Indras Cold)

I never said there wasn't an explanation, just that I don't think it is what you want it to be.

Paranormal and supernatural events are by definition unexplainable by scientific means. Much like the unidentified in UFO, the only thing that gives it substance is the desire of the believer to want it to be real. The minute an actual reason for the phenomenon is uncovered, the paranormal collapses into normal reality.

Only assuming that scientific explanations are the only explanations there are. In the field of parapsychology this isn't always the case. It becomes practical as a matter of continuing research to explain many paranormal phenomena in terms of spirits, telepathy, ghost lights, residual events, or even alien beings from another planet. None of these are scientific and yet they serve to explain the phenomena well without explaining it away.
Concerning just the eyewitness reports from the '60s, etc... Or the "misfortune" of the "mothman" legend not being connected instead to the South Island of New Zealand... With the latter circumstance one might at least remedy the sightings with rumors of Haast's Eagle not really being extinct (a la great shades of Ivory-billed woodpecker!). But despite the raptor's weight, it didn't have that impressive a wing span (3 meters) in comparison to its body size size (females could be 1.4 meters long; 4 ft plus). Surely, the bird still wasn't big enough to carry-off a grown moa, but without any competition, it didn't have to. Just kill the moa and leave the carcass there to feed upon gradually over several days.

Speaking of that area, circa the same time that Haast's Eagle disappeared (1400s), I find it a touch remarkable that a meteor which was from 500 meters to one kilometer in diameter, whose underwater impact left a crater 20 kilometers across, seems to have gone unnoticed as far as having even the least effects with the rest of the world.

Maybe it had something to do with causing the "Little Ice Age" which lasted from about 1500 to 1850.
Magical Realist,
Why are you so, so adamant Mothman is "real"? Have You seen it?
Again I have heard of it. And like I said at night many people do get there sizes "wrong".
There is a show called Monster Quest. And there was a Mothman episode (very interesting)... Did you or anyone else see it?
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Magical Realist,
Why are you so, so adamant Mothman is "real"? Have You seen it?
Again I have heard of it. And like I said at night many people do get there sizes "wrong".
There is a show called Monster Quest. And there was a Mothman episode (very interesting)... Did you or anyone else see it?

I think these people saw something strange--strange enough to scare the crap out of them. Call me naive, but I give people the benefit of the doubt, particularly when enough of them report seeing the same thing in the same area. I never saw the Monsterquest episode on it. I DID see the Mothman Prophecies. Oops..There's goes my credibility..
I think these people saw something strange--strange enough to scare the crap out of them.

Definitely. A lot of people get the crap scared out of them on dark nights. Heck, some people are afraid of the dark.

Call me naive, but I give people the benefit of the doubt

That they saw something that scared them? Definitely. That they saw a flying half-man half-moth with glowing red eyes that ate German shepherds and ruined TV reception? And that was related to the bridge collapse in 1967? That's imagination.
Definitely. A lot of people get the crap scared out of them on dark nights. Heck, some people are afraid of the dark.

That they saw something that scared them? Definitely. That they saw a flying half-man half-moth with glowing red eyes that ate German shepherds and ruined TV reception? And that was related to the bridge collapse in 1967? That's imagination.

That's what they all saw. I take their word for it.
I think these people saw something strange--strange enough to scare the crap out of them. Call me naive, but I give people the benefit of the doubt, particularly when enough of them report seeing the same thing in the same area.

You are naive.

I never saw the Monsterquest episode on it. I DID see the Mothman Prophecies. Oops..There's goes my credibility..

Your credibility was gone long before that comment.:rolleyes:
What? People are claiming to have seen the real Santa Claus? Where did you hear this?

From my eight year old nephew. Who did not claim to see the "real" Santa; he just saw Santa Claus, like millions of children and adults have.

How many people have seen Mothman?
From my eight year old nephew. Who did not claim to see the "real" Santa; he just saw Santa Claus, like millions of children and adults have.

How many people have seen Mothman?

LOL! Oh.. from little kids who saw dept store imposters of Santa. I see..Take your meds yet?
Mothman and his side kick Butterflyboy. They are sure to win out against evil and save mankind; unless someone leaves an outside light on, in which case they will just fly in circles around the light while evil escapes.
Got anything else outside of Youtube documentaries, blurry pictures, and eyewitness accounts of seeing something odd? Oh, wait, it's paranormal, so you wouldn't have anything more than that. I'm open minded to more evidence, but when I get more of the same, I lose interest in the subject.
Got anything else outside of Youtube documentaries, blurry pictures, and eyewitness accounts of seeing something odd? Oh, wait, it's paranormal, so you wouldn't have anything more than that. I'm open minded to more evidence, but when I get more of the same, I lose interest in the subject.

Short of making Mothman appear before you in the flesh, photos and eyewitness accounts are what we are limited to. But even then see you could always dismiss it as a man in a costume like they do with the really good Bigfoot videos. Let's be honest here, there is no evidence that could ever satisfy you because you've already made up your mind on this matter. Such a phenomena is totally impossible in your conceived universe. For you over 100 eyewitnesses of the same creature are either all delusional fools or else all lying con artists just trying to make their economically-struggling small town attractive to tourists. Be honest now. What would it REALLY take to convince you?
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As I said earlier...

So far your most used evidence is that because you don't think wingsuits were widely available in the 60s, ergo, Mothman must exist. That's very weak evidence. How about some biological evidence, the same that a biologist would surmise the existence of any other species they suspect in an area. Got anything?

I've read reviews of the MonsterQuest show on Mothman, from both sides, I wouldn't waste time on it. It's more of the usual and actually doesn't do a great job of covering the history and full speculation that's out there. Basically, a ratings show, nothing more.

Face it, there's not enough to convince skeptics of this thing. I don't doubt people see things. I just don't think it could be what they think it is. The claim is on them and yourself to bring good data to the table, and if that isn't possible, then we're right where we started.
This "Mothman"... Does he answer to the name of Arthur? Is he usually in the company of a rather large dude in a blue suit?
Let's be honest here, there is no evidence that could ever satisfy you

I'm getting a kick out of this.

So Mothman, a dog-eating half moth/half man who knocks down bridges that no one has gotten a good picture of, is real. The only problem is convincing closed-minded people of it.

But wingsuits did not exist in the 1960's. Even though I can show you one, they made a movie about them and I can introduce you to the people who jumped them in the 1960's. There's just no evidence that they existed (in your mind.)