Most convincing evidense concerning aliens, ufos, and the government coverup.


Registered Senior Member
Convincing evidence the disclosure project aliens, ufos, and the government coverup.

Hello all, im new to forums but found a website recently that is really great. Theeres a great video on the website nearly 2 hours long but filled with interesting accounts of various ex government employees and such with there experiences with aliens, ufos both alien and ones our government has manufactured. Looking at these people speak i truly believe there stories, and i cant wait till the government lets go of there secrets. And they will sooner or later, cause people will eventually learn the truth and want these technologies. Free energy, interstelar travel andwho knows what all it could lead to! If there was a resistance to join, i would. Death to the Shadow Government!!!!!
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I will watch it when I get a chance. but I am sure it will all be hear say, and mysterious blacked out paper, which is normal for documents of the US government on all kinds of harmless things.
The video is all anecdotes.... no physical evidence.

You know, it occurs to me that Greek society once had many stories and vivid accounts of people who encountered the gods: spoke to Apollo; witnessed Hercules battle barbarians; oracles who received information at Delphi..... etc. All anecdotal.

Greeks no longer believe such silliness. I wonder why?
Theres also some great audio on the site. I know this to be true, my soul tells me so. Get in touch with yourself spiritually and yours will tell you the same, read some Near Death Experiences that date back toeven near early 1900's and some of what they experience and knowledge they gather from the other side goes right along with zero point energy. And if zero point energy exists certainly alien ufo technology does.

I know this to be true, my soul tells me so.

Carl Sagan was once asked what his gut told him about the existence of extraterrestrials. He replied "I try not to think with my gut."

Get in touch with yourself spiritually and yours will tell you the same, read some Near Death Experiences that date back toeven near early 1900's and some of what they experience and knowledge they gather from the other side goes right along with zero point energy.

Near death experiences are quite common, and there are quite plausible non-paranormal explanations for them.

What "experience and knowledge" ever came from "the other side"?

Do you know what zero point energy actually is?

And if zero point energy exists certainly alien ufo technology does.

How do you reach that conclusion? It doesn't follow, logically. Alien technology requires aliens, first and foremost. There's no good evidence that aliens exist - just a bunch of stories and fuzzy photos. And it is quite possible for zero point energy to exist and for there still to be no aliens.
lol, after I watched movie I came back here to say that it was all anecdotal, with no real evidence, which SW covered, and also to say the people should read Carl Saga's book "demon haunted world" which JR has touched on. I guess my work is already done.

p.s. I will give you my copy of Demon Haunted World if you pay the shipping. the only requisite is that your currently buy the UFO mumbo Jumbo.
"Carl Sagan was once asked what his gut told him about the existence of extraterrestrials. He replied "I try not to think with my gut."" quote

Our conscious was once all knowing, when we are born we have to forget everything we know, but without all the junk/experiences this mortal life clouds our judgement with, if you can clear your mind, i think things can "ring true" to us from past eternity.

"Near death experiences are quite common, and there are quite plausible non-paranormal explanations for them. What "experience and knowledge" ever came from "the other side? Do you know what zero point energy actually is?" quote

None of the non-paranormal explanations "ring true" with me. NDE's are to similar to be caused by some upon-death released chemical such as ketamine lsd or whatever. Mellan Thomas Benedict is 1 example of technology brought back after a NDE heres a link, a great NDE read

"How do you reach that conclusion? It doesn't follow, logically. Alien technology requires aliens, first and foremost. There's no good evidence that aliens exist - just a bunch of stories and fuzzy photos. And it is quite possible for zero point energy to exist and for there still to be no aliens." quote

I meant what we consider alien technology(flying saucers etc), odds are with the size of the universe aliens are out there. But we couldve developed the technology. Either way its being kept from us.

Our conscious was once all knowing, when we are born we have to forget everything we know, but without all the junk/experiences this mortal life clouds our judgement with, if you can clear your mind, i think things can "ring true" to us from past eternity.

Is that your own original thought, or did you read it somewhere, or did somebody tell you this?

Can you show me any objective evidence that we have memories from an "eternity" before our births? If not, why believe it?

None of the non-paranormal explanations "ring true" with me.

Then keep an open mind. Try to find some real evidence for what these things are, rather than assuming they mean some kind of contact with the "after life", because the evidence for that is really rather poor.

Mellan Thomas Benedict is 1 example of technology brought back after a NDE heres a link, a great NDE read

Can you give me a quick summary? What technology was "brought back"?

I meant what we consider alien technology(flying saucers etc), odds are with the size of the universe aliens are out there.

That's better thinking. Seems quite reasonable to me. But there's a big step from saying "Aliens are probably out there somewhere" to "Aliens are visiting Earth now." After all, you just said the universe is a big place. They'd have to get here.

But we couldve developed the technology. Either way its being kept from us.

By who?

Please don't tell me you're a government conspiracy theorist as well.

Or is it an alien conspiracy?

Again, you'd be better off not being so credulous of everything you read. Start asking questions about things. Try to find out if there's any reliable proof of these things. And by reliable, I don't mean vague stories which could be simply made up by people out for personal gain or fame.
"with the size of the universe..."

Which is what most ETI-UFO advocates fail to truly consider. The universe is extremely HUGE. Odds are that there are other intelligent civilizations out there, even those that have technologies more advanced than our own. But that doesn't automatically imply that they've figured out how to cross the HUGE distances required to reach our civilization, nor does it imply that they would even want to. Indeed, it fails to consider that such civilizations are probably as completely ignorant of our existances just as we are theirs.

Crossing HUGE distances of space requires both lots of time and even more energy. To achieve such energy, massive refinement of capital resources must be expended.

But with the popular fiction of humanity, we immediately apply anthropomorphic characteristics and attributes to whatever extraterrestrial civilizations exist in the universe, creating assumptions that are baseless and without empirical data.

Scientists researching the effects of G-Forces on test pilots long ago discovered the cause of so-called NDE. Test pilots that blacked out as oxygen-carrying blood was forced from their brains described exactly the effects of NDE.
As far as the NDE "proof", there is none. I have asked around at different forums for medically knowledgeable people to help me test out the NDE theory. Like the movie Flatliners, but no one is willing so far, i would be a test subject, my theory is at or near the point the heart stops my consciousness would slide/pop out of my body. And there are nootropics these days to prevent brain dmg up to like 45 minutes after death...., so assuming you can reliably stop/start heart you are fairly safe.
SkinWalker said:
"with the size of the universe..."

Which is what most ETI-UFO advocates fail to truly consider. The universe is extremely HUGE. Odds are that there are other intelligent civilizations out there, even those that have technologies more advanced than our own. But that doesn't automatically imply that they've figured out how to cross the HUGE distances required to reach our civilization, nor does it imply that they would even want to. Indeed, it fails to consider that such civilizations are probably as completely ignorant of our existances just as we are theirs.

Crossing HUGE distances of space requires both lots of time and even more energy. To achieve such energy, massive refinement of capital resources must be expended.

But with the popular fiction of humanity, we immediately apply anthropomorphic characteristics and attributes to whatever extraterrestrial civilizations exist in the universe, creating assumptions that are baseless and without empirical data.

Scientists researching the effects of G-Forces on test pilots long ago discovered the cause of so-called NDE. Test pilots that blacked out as oxygen-carrying blood was forced from their brains described exactly the effects of NDE.

You arent taking into consideration the technology we are talking about, zero point energy, its everywhere and in vast quantities, and assuming any of these are true super luminal travel(faster than the speed of light). Please no "can you post evidence to prove these technologies or you cant go faster than the speed of light".... im a slow typer, google them please. Its seems no matter what i type nobody even Really looks into the subjects, they just slam it with there prexisting concepts of reality. No offense intended, but please research before you reply

The problem is that there's no reason to suspect that it is possible to harness zero point energy as a useable power source, or that it ever will be.

So assuming that aliens must have worked out how to build a ZPE stardrive for their spaceships is just as much fantasy-thinking as assuming they have a magic jelly bean which allows them to appear on Earth any time they want.
James R said:

The problem is that there's no reason to suspect that it is possible to harness zero point energy as a useable power source, or that it ever will be.

So assuming that aliens must have worked out how to build a ZPE stardrive for their spaceships is just as much fantasy-thinking as assuming they have a magic jelly bean which allows them to appear on Earth any time they want.

Good coverup job by the "shadow" of the government, i'll bet jews or illuminatti are involved.
fun video! lots of laughs, thanks. How ridiculous that he did not want us to weaponize space. He should watch the film Aliens.
Sure, it COULD all be a grand conspiracy, with all the governments of the world cooperating, and the scientific establishment covering up this and that, etc. But what are the chances that, out of all those people who know the "truth", nobody ever spills the beans? What? You say some have? Then why only on nutty conspiracy web sites and so on? Why is there no real, concrete documentary evidence, for example? Are the Men in Black really that efficient?
barehandkiller said:
You arent taking into consideration the technology we are talking about, zero point energy, its everywhere and in vast quantities, and assuming any of these are true super luminal travel(faster than the speed of light). Please no "can you post evidence to prove these technologies or you cant go faster than the speed of light".... im a slow typer, google them please. Its seems no matter what i type nobody even Really looks into the subjects, they just slam it with there prexisting concepts of reality. No offense intended, but please research before you reply

I should think that such evidence would not need "Googling," but would be the front page of most related peer-reviewed journals. I *do* read those. They aren't talking about so-called "zero point energy."

However, I did learn about it from Stargate, one of my favorite science fiction television shows. But I think that this is indicative of what you are afflicted with: an inability to separate science fiction from science reality.

No offense intended, but you should take your own advice and actually research before you jump on a Science Message Board and post such silliness. I recomend journals like Science and Nature as well as the Journal of Applied Physics and perhaps the Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Google will only return the science fiction and pseuodscience of the topics you seek.
or you cant go faster than the speed of light"
the jelly bean idea is more plausible. at least there is no physical theory directly preventing a magic jelly bean. seriously, why don't you believe in the magic jelly bean?

barehandkiller, please, if you pay the shipping I will send you Carl Sagan's book, I think you could really use it.
I read the excerpt from that Carl Sagan book. Not interested, he sounds like a intellectual closeminded fool. Do you guys think our tech. the pinnacle of whats possible? It wasnt long ago we didnt even have electricity. I dont need a Floating Saucer in my back yard to know there out there or that its possible.
According to the disclosure project its not the Government(president, congress, senate) that are part of the conspiracy, its a small group of very powerful people aka jews, illuminati etc, one of them most likely. Anyway weve only just scraped the surface, the tech hiddenfrom us was obtained by fallen(i'll bet shot down alien craft). The reason you dont see this stuff on major tv stations, magazines etc is the same as why the shell of the government cant expose it or get anywhere with an investigation into it, who owns the radio/tv stations around the world mostly?? jews. censorship is there friend and so far has worked well according to your reactions.
baresomethingorother said:
I read the excerpt from that Carl Sagan book. Not interested, he sounds like a intellectual closeminded fool.
Ha! HA! You truly betray your ignorance and lack of education if you don't know who Carl Sagan is; much less accuse him of being a "fool," close-minded or any other kind!

His credentials far exceed Steven Greer's (the idiot behind the Disclosure Project scam)... and he isn't even among the living anymore. It is likely that if Greer were to live to be a hundred, he'd never approach a tenth of Sagan's Curriculum Vitae.

I read the excerpt from that Carl Sagan book. Not interested, he sounds like a intellectual closeminded fool.

You may disagree with him, but if you don't read his book you won't know who your enemy is. It's much better to educate yourself, so you can more easily refute opposing arguments.

I make sure I read some of the UFO literature, Creationist propaganda, "theories of everything" etc. from time to time, just to see what's out there. Why don't you take a look at what the other side has to offer, rather than closing your mind?

Do you guys think our tech. the pinnacle of whats possible? It wasnt long ago we didnt even have electricity. I dont need a Floating Saucer in my back yard to know there out there or that its possible.

Sure, it's possible. But does it exist now? There's no reliable evidence of that.

According to the disclosure project its not the Government(president, congress, senate) that are part of the conspiracy, its a small group of very powerful people aka jews, illuminati etc, one of them most likely.

That's pretty vague, isn't it? Is that the best they can do? Maybe it's the Easter Bunny.

Anyway weve only just scraped the surface, the tech hiddenfrom us was obtained by fallen(i'll bet shot down alien craft).

Who has this advanced tech now, then? Why is it never seen?

The reason you dont see this stuff on major tv stations, magazines etc is the same as why the shell of the government cant expose it or get anywhere with an investigation into it, who owns the radio/tv stations around the world mostly?? jews. censorship is there friend and so far has worked well according to your reaction

Come now. Be serious. There are heaps of TV programmes on UFOs - far more that are credulous, like you, than skeptical. There are also countless books and web sites. Why doesn't the grand conspiracy censor "The Disclosure Project", if they don't want that stuff out there? If they're so powerful, can't they shut down a website?

PS Be careful with those comments about Jews. You could end up looking like a bigotted racist.