Moses the Jewish leader

Israel is a nation sense 1948
Israel existed 2000 years ago
Israel was a nation 3000 years ago
Israel was a collection of 12 tribes
Israeli displaced Cananites from the land were Israel is located now about 3300 years ago
Israeli left Egypt about 3500 years ago under a leadership of MMMM
Israeli worshiped a calf as they left Egypt , Egyptian also worship a calf.
Iseaeli called their leader MMMM = Moses
Israeli honor their leader Moses for leading them out Egypt

true but based on a falsehood
@Knowledge --

Well the 600,000 Jews (were do you get this number?) didn't drown.

I got the number from the bible. You know, the only "record" of this supposed event we have? Yeah, from that thing.

And even if they didn't drown there would be some evidence of their passage, that many people don't walk through an area and leave no trace. Besides, what of the army that did drown? I suppose all of their corpses, weapons, armor, chariots, and other provisions just up an vanished(disintegrated by aliens perhaps) except for that one wheel? Pardon me if I laugh my ass off here, but this is far from credible, especially considering that there are innumerable other explanations which fit the evidence better.

The "chosen" people. They chose God over the Egyptian deities, thats why they are chosen. Few, 70 in fact were actually of Israeli bloodline, through Jacob. The rest were followers of Joseph. I'd say the Exodus was of no more than 300 people.

Really? So not only are you directly contradicting what the bible says(based on what?) but you're now arguing that the Pharaoh sent an entire army after a mere three hundred people? And just why would he do that? There's absolutely no cause for it.

The Pharaoh couldn't have possibly cared about the beliefs of three hundred or so people, he had a vast empire to run, so the motivation couldn't have been their belief in just one god(an aberration at the time). It couldn't have been because he needed, or even wanted, them as slaves because he had thousands of those anyways(and much better treated than the Hebrews latter treated their slaves). So just what was the cause?

Or evidence that someone doesn't want people to see the long known evidence of this, speculative of course, but so are you.

No Knowledge, this is a perfect example of when an absence of evidence is indeed evidence of absence. But regardless of that, how the hell would someone hide that much evidence? We're not talking about a pot left here or a bone buried there. We're talking about over half a million people supposedly spending forty years out in the desert camped in one place. Do you understand just how long that was back then? That was a lifetime. There would have undoubtedly been people who were born in that desert and died in that desert. This is just too much for anyone, regardless of their secular power, to cover up.

So unless you have some cold, hard evidence to support your claim I'm going to have no choice but to call shenanigans.
@Knowledge --

I got the number from the bible. You know, the only "record" of this supposed event we have? Yeah, from that thing.

And even if they didn't drown there would be some evidence of their passage, that many people don't walk through an area and leave no trace. Besides, what of the army that did drown? I suppose all of their corpses, weapons, armor, chariots, and other provisions just up an vanished(disintegrated by aliens perhaps) except for that one wheel? Pardon me if I laugh my ass off here, but this is far from credible, especially considering that there are innumerable other explanations which fit the evidence better.

Really? So not only are you directly contradicting what the bible says(based on what?) but you're now arguing that the Pharaoh sent an entire army after a mere three hundred people? And just why would he do that? There's absolutely no cause for it.

The Pharaoh couldn't have possibly cared about the beliefs of three hundred or so people, he had a vast empire to run, so the motivation couldn't have been their belief in just one god(an aberration at the time). It couldn't have been because he needed, or even wanted, them as slaves because he had thousands of those anyways(and much better treated than the Hebrews latter treated their slaves). So just what was the cause?

No Knowledge, this is a perfect example of when an absence of evidence is indeed evidence of absence. But regardless of that, how the hell would someone hide that much evidence? We're not talking about a pot left here or a bone buried there. We're talking about over half a million people supposedly spending forty years out in the desert camped in one place. Do you understand just how long that was back then? That was a lifetime. There would have undoubtedly been people who were born in that desert and died in that desert. This is just too much for anyone, regardless of their secular power, to cover up.

So unless you have some cold, hard evidence to support your claim I'm going to have no choice but to call shenanigans.

Do you want evidence , like human and animal flesh floating in water ?