Moses the Jewish leader

God has not been shown to exist.
And, one more time, Jesus apparently NEVER existed.

You can't guarantee anything based on fiction.

God says hes all around you open your eyes, or close them, but you are getting further and further from the point. Jesus says quit displaying ignorance towards him.
Huh? A character not shown to exist "says" something? :eek:

No he doesn't. He just told me.

He says, don't lie in the name of the Lord, fore he promises eternal damnation. He says keep faith in he and the Father and its greatness for you.
@Knowledge --

Here you go. You may not like the site it's on but the sources all check out.

Sorry, no. I already posted evidence against this.

So one wheel is evidence of six hundred thousand plus Hebrews and an entire Egyptian army going into the Red Sea? LOL! You're just too good to be true! You can't honestly think that proves anything. The better explanation for the wheel is that it was being transported by boat and fell overboard during a storm or something. If an entire army had drowned in there then we'd have found more than one measly wheel. Besides, there's no evidence of that many Hebrews every being in Egypt at one time.

In other words, your link proves nothing. The fact that it was addressed earlier in the thread and you just ignored this does not shine a good light on you.

How can you possibly prove something like this DIDN'T happen?

Because six hundred thousand plus(according to the bible) people leave an enduring mark on any place where they spend a significant amount of time, whether that's a city or a desert. We've found no marks so we can be sure that it didn't happen. Absence of evidence is evidence of absence when the evidence should be there.

Says me and all of the evidence thank you very much. No mass exodus means no Red Sea crossing. Besides, even if you accept the existence of such an exodus, all reputable biblical scholars agree that it wasn't the Red Sea but the Reed Sea, which is nothing but a low tide marsh, that they crossed. So they would have crossed a marsh on a windy day, big deal. Hardly a miracle.

Maybe because they didn't have anything to leave behind

Fair enough(completely unrealistic but I'll go with it for now). But that still doesn't explain why we don't find any midden heaps(Hebrew midden heaps are incredibly easy to identify due to the utter lack of pig bones) or previous encampments at all. Again, you're just speculating wildly to support your pet belief in the face of contrary evidence. This isn't exactly a good trait to have when you're after the truth.

Yea except its missing the Disney ending, they never reached paradise.

You obviously haven't read any of the Great Epics. I don't recall Heracles getting what was promised to him either, he got a bad case of dead.

I guarantee Jesus saw the future,

You're in no position to make such a guarantee.
He says, don't lie in the name of the Lord, fore he promises eternal damnation. He says keep faith in he and the Father and its greatness for you.

Still waiting for you to support you claim that you can guarantee it.
What do we get if you're wrong?
The fact that there are Jews and their tradition could that not be acceptable ?
I think that can only show that there is a tradition, a mythology of Moses. Mythologies are often not factual or only contain a grain of truth.

What would you expect to find after thousands of years?
Quite a few things, how about pot shards?

The fact that there are Jews in our time . they are maintaining the ancient tradition which are believed initiated by Moses
They only believe that. Not everything people believe is true.
First, most of the Jews of Egypt were born there from Jacob, then there was Jospeph... I dont have time for all this right now... I''l finish this later
Ok.. do you have faith in the Christ, and his words?
Why should I have "faith" in a fiction?
Why should I have "faith" in the words of a fiction?

Still waiting for you to support your claim that you can guarantee it.
@Knowledge --

Here you go. You may not like the site it's on but the sources all check out.

So one wheel is evidence of six hundred thousand plus Hebrews and an entire Egyptian army going into the Red Sea?

Well the 600,000 Jews (were do you get this number?) didn't drown.

LOL! You're just too good to be true! You can't honestly think that proves anything. The better explanation for the wheel is that it was being transported by boat and fell overboard during a storm or something. If an entire army had drowned in there then we'd have found more than one measly wheel. Besides, there's no evidence of that many Hebrews every being in Egypt at one time.

The "chosen" people. They chose God over the Egyptian deities, thats why they are chosen. Few, 70 in fact were actually of Israeli bloodline, through Jacob. The rest were followers of Joseph. I'd say the Exodus was of no more than 300 people.

Because six hundred thousand plus(according to the bible) people leave an enduring mark on any place where they spend a significant amount of time, whether that's a city or a desert. We've found no marks so we can be sure that it didn't happen. Absence of evidence is evidence of absence when the evidence should be there.

Or evidence that someone doesn't want people to see the long known evidence of this, speculative of course, but so are you.

Says me and all of the evidence thank you very much. No mass exodus means no Red Sea crossing. Besides, even if you accept the existence of such an exodus, all reputable biblical scholars agree that it wasn't the Red Sea but the Reed Sea, which is nothing but a low tide marsh, that they crossed. So they would have crossed a marsh on a windy day, big deal. Hardly a miracle.

Well, I take everything in the bible with a grain of salt, this is possibly true.
Why should I have "faith" in a fiction?
Why should I have "faith" in the words of a fiction?

Still waiting for you to support your claim that you can guarantee it.

You have no faith in my word, I owe you nothing, good day, sir. Yet, a guarantee is what I have given, in the name of the LORD and myself.
You have no faith in my word, I owe you nothing, good day, sir. Yet, a guarantee is what I have given, in the name of the LORD and myself.

I don't think is worth to bother with Dywyddyr he or she she does not help but antagonize what ever a believer say
I don't think is worth to bother with Dywyddyr he or she she does not help but antagonize what ever a believer say

He suffers from a lack of faith it seems, so its understandable he would strike faith from as many as he can as to have company on the other side.
@Knowledge --

Here you go. You may not like the site it's on but the sources all check out.


I heard that before . What they said on thew site ? That Israelites were a band of mercenaries . It makes some sense if you think about all war campaigns in the Bible . Even if they are a collection of identity propaganda there is a pride in the justified mass murders that indicates Mercenary type actions. A sanctioned war machine in the day . They must have been good fighters if Pharaoh gave em employment .

Yeah old news about the work force and the pyramids. That was a pretty good job for the "builders" back in the day . I think people probably lined up to be lucky enough to get a job working on the pyramids. Like government hand outs today , or government contracts . I doubt they had much of an OSHA presence. Waste of tax payer dollars back then would be my guess
I heard that before . What they said on thew site ? That Israelites were a band of mercenaries .

Few "Israelis" of the Exodus had much Israeli blood in them. They were all born of Egypt. They are descendants of Jacob, and followers of Joseph, that is their connection to one another. These mercenaries are surly the "Jews who pretend to be Jewish, but surly worship Satan.

It makes some sense if you think about all war campaigns in the Bible . Even if they are a collection of identity propaganda there is a pride in the justified mass murders that indicates Mercenary type actions. A sanctioned war machine in the day . They must have been good fighters if Pharaoh gave em employment .

Yeah old news about the work force and the pyramids. That was a pretty good job for the "builders" back in the day . I think people probably lined up to be lucky enough to get a job working on the pyramids. Like government hand outs today , or government contracts . I doubt they had much of an OSHA presence. Waste of tax payer dollars back then would be my guess

As the pyramids are homage to the Egyptian gods it is my guess that the Pharaoh disallowed these God-fearing men to help on the project.