Moses the Jewish leader

The fact that there are Jews in our time . they are maintaining the ancient tradition which are believed initiated by Moses
Note the word "believed" in there?
I.e. not evidence.
@arauca --

It wasn't my lack of knowledge that led to your blunder, it was your own. An argument from popularity is always flawed.
Contemporaneous records and artifacts directly associatable with Moses would provide strong evidence of his existence.

Of course, there aren't any.

OTOH, I HAVE seen the movie, and I don't believe Charlton Heston and Cecil B. DeMille would lie to us.
How do you prove your, great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather -whatever-his-name-was- existed (not you, but actual historical evidence of his person )

Conradus De Magna Domo . We know From our Family Crest . It is a bridge . The Family Crest is a Bridge . Harry Grothausen is the one that connected it to our family . Funny he has the same name as my Brother . I guess it is not all that funny or strange . There is lots of Harry's . Now Me Google says I am one out of 52,000,000 . Dats pretty good don't you think . A rare commodity. So He is recorded in a few books from 1262 Me thinks . There is also a , I don't know what you call em in Germany . A farm House . A big Farm house at the end of a wegg in Germany with the same name from when the family lived there . Oh I get it Jesus was in a book too, but is there a house and road named after his family ? Like a Road Named Jesus Christ , or "Mary road Mother of Jesus "
Contemporaneous records and artifacts directly associatable with Moses would provide strong evidence of his existence.

Of course, there aren't any.

OTOH, I HAVE seen the movie, and I don't believe Charlton Heston and Cecil B. DeMille would lie to us.

There is some recordings in Hieroglyphics in Egypt of a Pharaoh that bares a similar name , or said to mean the same thing with very close spelling to Moses . It is suspect that the legends of Moses grow out of this one King of Egypt . It sounded believable to Me as I am sure embellishment happened big time. I think it was this king and he might of treated the slaves a little better . Let them come and go or something so the slave made him there hero figure .

All speculation of course.
Note the word "believed" in there?
I.e. not evidence.

Who knows what evidence has come and gone, but people throughout the world, and throughout history have always had faith in a creator for no other reason than that it felt right, and it still does.
Note the word "believed" in there?
I.e. not evidence.

Israel is a nation sense 1948
Israel existed 2000 years ago
Israel was a nation 3000 years ago
Israel was a collection of 12 tribes
Israeli displaced Cananites from the land were Israel is located now about 3300 years ago
Israeli left Egypt about 3500 years ago under a leadership of MMMM
Israeli worshiped a calf as they left Egypt , Egyptian also worship a calf.
Iseaeli called their leader MMMM = Moses
Israeli honor their leader Moses for leading them out Egypt
@arauca --

1. We already know that the whole "Hebrew slaves in Egypt" thing is a myth. There were Hebrews in Egypt yes, but they weren't slaves, many of them were slave owners.

2. There was definitely no mass exodus of Hebrews from Egypt, all of the archaeological evidence we've ever collected supports this.

3. Since there was no mass exodus, it couldn't have been led by anyone, whether they were named Moses or not.

4. The Red Sea crossing is definitely a myth.

5. There was no massive crossing of the desert, again we know from archaeological records that no mass of people spent even close to forty years in that desert, there just aren't enough artifacts in the desert for that many people to have ever been there.

Basically, going on the evidence leads me(and many others) to conclude that the book of Exodus is nothing more than an epic myth. It certainly has all the tell-tail marks of one(an oppressed people seeking freedom, a hero who was wronged by the villains, a promise of paradise, a great struggle to reach paradise, etc.).
@arauca --

1. We already know that the whole "Hebrew slaves in Egypt" thing is a myth. There were Hebrews in Egypt yes, but they weren't slaves, many of them were slave owners.

How do you know ?

2. There was definitely no mass exodus of Hebrews from Egypt, all of the archaeological evidence we've ever collected supports this.

How do you define mass how many have to be ?

3. Since there was no mass exodus, it couldn't have been led by anyone, whether they were named Moses or not.

If a man leads 10 peoples . is he a leader ?

4. The Red Sea crossing is definitely a myth.

5. There was no massive crossing of the desert, again we know from archaeological records that no mass of people spent even close to forty years in that desert, there just aren't enough artifacts in the desert for that many people to have ever been there.

Basically, going on the evidence leads me(and many others) to conclude that the book of Exodus is nothing more than an epic myth. It certainly has all the tell-tail marks of one(an oppressed people seeking freedom, a hero who was wronged by the villains, a promise of paradise, a great struggle to reach paradise, etc.).

The struggle was not for a paradise . It was for a land were Abraham that bought from some Hittite and were he resided

What ever you call it a myth they were a nation 3000 years ago, It would be interesting to hear from you how they become a nation 3000 years ago
@arauca --

The struggle was not for a paradise . It was for a land were Abraham that bought from some Hittite and were he resided

That might have been what it really was but look at what they were promised. It was a land of milk and honey, a land with fruits as large as your head, a land where they would rule without being oppressed. What else would a bunch of nomads describe paradise as other than an end to being nomads? In an epic the rewards are never as good as what is promised, for one reason or another.

What ever you call it a myth they were a nation 3000 years ago,

If you can call a small, even by the standards of the time, kingdom a nation then sure, they were a nation.

It would be interesting to hear from you how they become a nation 3000 years ago

The same way that any nomadic culture eventually settles down in an inhabited area, through conquest. They raped and pillaged their way to the top, just like virtually every single other civilization in history. In fact, your bible even supports this.
all important religious figures are made up. if they weren't made up they wouldn't be interesting enough to get anyone to sign up. if mean if Jesus was just a regular guy who couldn't see the future, heal the sick, walk on water, get resurrected then who cares? am i right?
@arauca --

1. We already know that the whole "Hebrew slaves in Egypt" thing is a myth. There were Hebrews in Egypt yes, but they weren't slaves, many of them were slave owners.


2. There was definitely no mass exodus of Hebrews from Egypt, all of the archaeological evidence we've ever collected supports this.

Sorry, no. I already posted evidence against this.

3. Since there was no mass exodus, it couldn't have been led by anyone, whether they were named Moses or not.

How can you possibly prove something like this DIDN'T happen?

4. The Red Sea crossing is definitely a myth.

Says you

5. There was no massive crossing of the desert, again we know from archaeological records that no mass of people spent even close to forty years in that desert, there just aren't enough artifacts in the desert for that many people to have ever been there.

Maybe because they didn't have anything to leave behind

Basically, going on the evidence leads me(and many others) to conclude that the book of Exodus is nothing more than an epic myth. It certainly has all the tell-tail marks of one(an oppressed people seeking freedom, a hero who was wronged by the villains, a promise of paradise, a great struggle to reach paradise, etc.).

Yea except its missing the Disney ending, they never reached paradise.
all important religious figures are made up. if they weren't made up they wouldn't be interesting enough to get anyone to sign up. if mean if Jesus was just a regular guy who couldn't see the future, heal the sick, walk on water, get resurrected then who cares? am i right?

I guarantee Jesus saw the future, he tells me about the future all the time. Jesus was just a man, thats all I have to say.
really! care to share some lottery numbers?:D

Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. I asked, he says sorry I cant do that. I asked then do you know the winning lottery numbers and he said I do. The first numbers I came up with were 14 11 12 10 and 9.