Moses the Jewish leader

Right, one wheel proves an entire army drowned there. And where are all the artifacts in the desert crossing?
. . . ALL I know is that it says in the Bible . . . "Moses tied his ass to a tree and then walked 40 miles into the wilderness" Tee Hee!
@arauca --

Argumentum ad populum. Fallacy. Please try again.

@Knowledge --

You know, I looked into that link you gave. I went looking for their sources, which they oddly haven't cited, and I couldn't find anything even remotely matching their claims in the peer review literature. Basically they just pulled all of that stuff right out of their asses.
@arauca --

Argumentum ad populum. Fallacy. Please try again.

@Knowledge --

You know, I looked into that link you gave. I went looking for their sources, which they oddly haven't cited, and I couldn't find anything even remotely matching their claims in the peer review literature. Basically they just pulled all of that stuff right out of their asses.

Speak clear don't try to impress me with your Latin words,
Crank -An eccentric person, esp. one obsessed by a particular subject or theory.

Ok, and?

A) he doesn't know what he's talking about.
B) his "theories" don't hold up
C) he has no evidence
D) he invents "facts" when he can't find them

In short he's not only wrong he's worse than wrong.
A) he doesn't know what he's talking about.
B) his "theories" don't hold up
C) he has no evidence
D) he invents "facts" when he can't find them

Can you elaborate on the subject , were" he does not know what he is talking about "
So what have that to do ?
The link given was written by Mary Nell Wyatt, based on Ron Wyatt's "work". It's not reliable. It's pseudo-scholarship.

You seams not liking some finding
In English please.
There is no "finding". The guy was a crank and prepared to twist data to suit his preconceptions.

Can you elaborate on the subject , were" he does not know what he is talking about
For a start you could check the Wiki page.
Read the links given.
How do you prove your, great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather -whatever-his-name-was- existed (not you, but actual historical evidence of his person )
@arauca --

It's an argument from popularity. The language it's said in is irrelevant, though I would have thought that someone debating a philosophical concept on a science site would know the basics of logic.
@arauca --

It's an argument from popularity. The language it's said in is irrelevant, though I would have thought that someone debating a philosophical concept on a science site would know the basics of logic.

You are continuing exalting yourself.