More Commandments Please

bishadi, i'm not telling people how to think, you are. i'm telling people how i think. and i don't think that we're that far off. i don't think god is some isolated dude and i've never suggested such a thing. my intentions are to give my testimony. my testimony is that i am not special, and everyone can be at one with god, whatever god is. and the theory that you have about god is pretty cool. but i'm not the one out here saying, "gee guys, if everyone just followed my rules in light of knowledge the world would be perfect."

but the understanding of the 'rules' of light (life) allows each to comprehend the foundation of good (to support life to continue) over bad (loss to the common).....that is equal to existence (mother nature).

to me the comprehension of the rules is the single greatest gift God (existence) could reveal to mankind

it is what allows us to think before each action and it be honesty true!

i'm saying that every one of us needs communion, and i don't care what kind of information you give people, some just won't want that.

that is like saying the child does not want to speak.

eg.... but to define the words they use, then the words can be used and be equally applicable.

suggesting some 'don't wanna know' is correct. Notice the majority on the board are all divided by what they have learned over time.

words can be used but few have the foundation of what them words evolved from.....

what was called "life" 2000 years ago is much different than today.

same with color TV's........

gravity is a word many use and 99.9999999999999999999999% have no idea what it is.

you think that the evil of this world will be eliminated if you get the knowledge out.
teach the children what life is, that is bound to mother nature and in time all corruption will cease and if not, every person around will be able to judge, personally! (the ultimate equality)

i think the evil in this world is the turning away from knowledge.

now you singing a pure song! As them are who are the TRUE anti (christ). (the deceivers, the corrupt, the oppressors, the evil to mankind)

what good is your knowledge if people don't want it?

kind of like denying your child chemo because of religious beliefs; many are too stupid to care about learning what is good and bad, as long as they have a lie to lean on.

The knowledge will evolve with or without the community and the acceptance of people; see galileo, darwin, confucius, jesus, mohammed, bose.. the list is hugenormous!

Most all the greats were far gone and separated from their gift; hence much of what they learned is gone forever; because the people of the time were too stubborn, stupid, ignorant and self-oriented at the time the knowledge was conveyed.

i mean, how's it going for you so far disseminating this knowledge huh? i see how receptive they all are.

all over the world the change is occuring.

Google the terms; entanglement, casimir, vander waals or just bishadi

all over the world the changes are occuring!

I have been doing this a long time and like when i travel all over the country and hand out written material to the elementary, middle, high and university level schools; i sign nothing and care nothing for the namesake.

i have touched every contiguous state and have been on more campuses then perhaps any man alive in this country.

darlin, this is that time and you speaking to that idiot!

some give because they can, some for the namesake, some for a job; i do it because i care to give the next generations the chance you and i did not have;

the truth on the first pass!

i see the change occurring, and i like it when you call me darlin'. ;)

i see the change occurring, and i like it when you call me darlin'. ;)

then whether it is me, you or God (existence itself) doing the deeds; it is by choice that we each give of self for others to evolve.

over time; the truth wil be perfected and each child dropped on their head will one day be given an 'owners manual'

so we can live!

(that is my church; the quest towards the truth)