More Commandments Please

*sigh/blink combo*

In regards to bishadi's last post. I swoon.
not on your life

no christ ever liked church!

the church of mankind is 'life' itself

as you will either do 'good' or not

Ok I take my swoon back. The church is the group of people that will be born unto his kingdom and through his blood and he indeed loves them or he wouldn't have done what he did. You think he did it all for himself so he can spend an eternity by himself? He loves us enough to go through what he did to redeem us. He will allow us to get rid of our sin. I am part of his church and the grace that he has bestowed upon me is immeasurable. I have felt that love. I am living it.
Ok I take my swoon back.

perhaps look at the good versus just the face of adversity

The church is the group of people that will be born unto his kingdom and through his blood and he indeed loves them or he wouldn't have done what he did.

the children!

the future.

the one HE was when HE was in that battle; are the eyes that are truly seeking without the guise of accepted beliefs, paradigm or loss of hope.

such as, even if the immediate family, closest friends, peers and associates, may turn away from being absolutely positive the truth is held but not the body of mankind who is still seeking.

You think he did it all for himself so he can spend an eternity by himself?
i know better as never is there an isolation from existence, God, mankind, life; it is them isolated opinions that are 'trying to jump out of the pond' that are losing themselves.

He loves us enough to go through what he did to redeem us.
what redemtion? are you suggesting 'vindication'?

or perhaps you hold some magical ideology that twinkling the nose will just magically make everyone aware?

No! And i don't care how much compassion, care and Love a person can have; no one walking on water (unless ice) and no magic is coming to save the day; the magic is the choice a man makes to give of self for tomorrow................. and that's about all the magic you can even expect; the magic of choice! (rocks that can roll and know it is doing it)

He will allow us to get rid of our sin.
no such thing; impossible

eg... is sharon tate coming back?

did you still feel the pain of the last atrocity?

did wwIII still happen?

I am part of his church and the grace that he has bestowed upon me is immeasurable. I have felt that love. I am living it.

so did/does/do Nitanyahu, Bush, Haggart and Osama Bin Laden

today is sunday; imagine how many will say the exact same thing you just did; TODAY!
perhaps look at the good versus just the face of adversity

the children!

the future.

the one HE was when HE was in that battle; are the eyes that are truly seeking without the guise of accepted beliefs, paradigm or loss of hope.

such as, even if the immediate family, closest friends, peers and associates, may turn away from being absolutely positive the truth is held but not the body of mankind who is still seeking.

i know better as never is there an isolation from existence, God, mankind, life; it is them isolated opinions that are 'trying to jump out of the pond' that are losing themselves.

what redemtion? are you suggesting 'vindication'?

or perhaps you hold some magical ideology that twinkling the nose will just magically make everyone aware?

No! And i don't care how much compassion, care and Love a person can have; no one walking on water (unless ice) and no magic is coming to save the day; the magic is the choice a man makes to give of self for tomorrow................. and that's about all the magic you can even expect; the magic of choice! (rocks that can roll and know it is doing it)

no such thing; impossible

eg... is sharon tate coming back?

did you still feel the pain of the last atrocity?

did wwIII still happen?

so did/does/do Nitanyahu, Bush, Haggart and Osama Bin Laden

today is sunday; imagine how many will say the exact same thing you just did; TODAY!

It will happen and its not magic. We suffer from an inherent ie genetic defect that will be removed when we are born again into his kingdom through his immaculate blood. This aint no fairy tale or metaphor or wishful thinking. This will happen. Its the secret of the holy grail.
It will happen and its not magic. We suffer from an inherent ie genetic defect that will be removed

that defect is ignorance!

knowledge is what allows 'mind' to perform true

when we are born again into his kingdom through his immaculate blood.
a person made a commitment

the 'immaculate' was a mind making a 'choice'

same ability you have

This aint no fairy tale or metaphor or wishful thinking. This will happen. Its the secret of the holy grail.

the secret is knowledge (always has been)

'the word' is the last ..................... the name of the boss is the math to describe the process which is equally true to nature, mankind and existence offering the capability of mind to combine with experience and know it!

that is why the 'name' is the last word

knowledge has evolved and we are all living within existence thinking about it, awaiting, seeking, surviving; about to be 'free'

all by choice
that defect is ignorance!

knowledge is what allows 'mind' to perform true

a person made a commitment

the 'immaculate' was a mind making a 'choice'

same ability you have

the secret is knowledge (always has been)

'the word' is the last ..................... the name of the boss is the math to describe the process which is equally true to nature, mankind and existence offering the capability of mind to combine with experience and know it!

that is why the 'name' is the last word

knowledge has evolved and we are all living within existence thinking about it, awaiting, seeking, surviving; about to be 'free'

all by choice

I do not doubt that there is a real method. All of the things you've said here are true. There is science. There is math in regards to it. But what you're overlooking is critical and dangerous and that is, that there is something inherently wrong with us that is keeping us from realization of these things. There is a veil over our eyes. Is that not apparent to you? There is a gap in our communion with god and each other that needs to be bridged before perfection is realized. That gap is sin and you cannot overcome it on your own with your intellect and your will and your intentions. If so we would have by now. We will need an intervention. The gap must be filled. The connection restored. This is communion.
I do not doubt that there is a real method. All of the things you've said here are true. There is science. There is math in regards to it. But what you're overlooking is critical and dangerous and that is, that there is something inherently wrong with us that is keeping us from realization of these things.

exactly! the inherent issue is within the 'existing' knowledge.

one frame suggesting omnipotence and has oppressed mankind for almost ever

then the other is based on the 2nd Law coupled with the business of "church" (educational pursuits for knowledge).

eg..... the truth does exist and yet the 'community' wants the business of it verifiable or no playing ball. (ie... even as you are reading reality in most every discipline of knowledge; the community is unhappy because there is no 'collective' acceptance; even as each here, do feel what is real all by yourselves)

YOU (we the people) are who make a difference. All a single idiot can do is do the work and basically nothing else but to finish the 'unveiling'
There is a veil over our eyes. Is that not apparent to you?

a dah!!!!!!!!!!

There is a gap in our communion with god and each other that needs to be bridged before perfection is realized. That gap is sin and you cannot overcome it on your own with your intellect and your will and your intentions.
tha gap is knowledge (the facts in truth)

and without awareness of your actions, very few can live without sin (because of the ignorance within the existing frames of cultures/knowledge/ the existing paradigm)

If so we would have by now. We will need an intervention. The gap must be filled. The connection restored. This is communion.

what do you think grounding knowledge to the last word is so important

as then it is 'fact'

and not a person ever to exist ever again will be able to take it away from the people (mankind)

what i think you fail to observe is that 'equality' between mankind

ALL MUST APPLY or "THAT" truth is incorrect!

and the very first commitment each must make before waking up (born again) is to be absolutely honest with yourself. (eg... if you had the truth, i would be able to ask you what 'life' is and you be able to define it; otherwise you like the majority; living within your ideas of truth rather than 'the truth')

for example; you are not on this planet to just state; "this is what i felt, saw, believe"......... you can share within objectivity but the best rendition you can ever impose as to your opinion and be credible to 'existence' is when you reflect 'absolute truth' (no false witnessing) as then you remain a 'good' addition to existence versus causing a tangent based on your personal belief.

think of us (we the people;mankind) and existence over yourself

and to me, if i was to EXPECT a rapture, miracle, magical mystical revealing, it best include every man/women/child to the truth or i question that belief as being biased against the over all good of mankind.

we are ONE, not them against us (unless they choose to be separate (away from the garden))

the good of people, will do by choice within the responsibility to their actions and by the truth of nature, will combine for the good of life (others) over themselves

the rest can go lay by their dish!

Most every religion would be 'good' if the people there of just followed the main rule; no false witness!

Then imagine if all people would do that by choice, knowing their life depended on it.

(good; supports life to continue

bad: loss to the common.......... the good lives longer, the bad fades; its the truth)
You think our intellect and our will and intentions alone will perfect this world? That is proposterous and evident. Eternal life is contingent upon perfection which is not inherent and not taught as a product of conformity. What you are describing is the aspect of communion in a theoretical sense, but if its not obvious to you that there is something inherent in all of us that repels communion you're missing something very important and rather obvious. What you're actually suggesting is the end times deception of the antichrist. That we can fix ourselves. That there is no need for christ. That there is nothing inherently wrong with this flesh we currently reside in, and that lie will trap you in an unescapable hell. You should be careful what you teach your children.
What a thread start..... "not enough' commands and 'nothing good ever came from............. slandering anothers beliefs"

SO which is it?

It was a typo. I meant theist and have corrected OP. I knew eventually that I would make a mistake like that. I was trying to suggest that if one god believer finds fault with another god believer then fireworks are sure to happen.

The need for more commandments is a facetious statement. I really don't care how many commandments there are. I just find it silly for the three Abrahamic religions to agree to share one god but not one bible.

The only new commandments I think that are necessary should come from god in an attempt to harmonize all monotheistic religions. There is no reason for one god to have so many different bibles. Just that fact alone suggests that all bibles are suspect for authenticity. I think it is up to theists to try an get God to bring them together in one book. You would think that if they agree they worship the same god then they would have the same bible.
The church is the bride of christ.

That church didn't even exist and there is every reason to believe that JC would have hated it even more than those of his day. It was founded by a persecutor of his followers. It was owned by the government and went on to persecute his people horribly.

It claims to be the "bride" of christ but that is just another of its lies.

You're thinking of the pharisees (religious people).

Look the word up.
The church is the bride of christ.

That church didn't even exist and there is every reason to believe that JC would have hated it even more than those of his day. It was founded by a persecutor of his followers. It was owned by the government and went on to persecute his people horribly.

It claims to be the "bride" of christ but that is just another of its lies.

You're thinking of the pharisees (religious people).

Look the word up. Oh, the church was founded by a pharisee.
It will happen and its not magic.

No it won't. IT will never happen and it is not needed.

We suffer from an inherent ie genetic defect that will be removed when we are born again into his kingdom through his immaculate blood.

No we don't and the rest is just a delusional fantasy. Things just don't work that way.

This aint no fairy tale or metaphor or wishful thinking. This will happen. Its the secret of the holy grail.

There is no holy grail, its just a story and not a good one at that.
You think our intellect and our will and intentions alone will perfect this world?

The notion of perfect is part of your sickness.

Eternal life is contingent upon perfection which is not inherent and not taught as a product of conformity.

There is no eternal life, but if there was a hell, eternal life would be it.

What you are describing is the aspect of communion in a theoretical sense, but if its not obvious to you that there is something inherent in all of us that repels communion you're missing something very important and rather obvious.

Your internal fantasy world has to be explained to other people. We have no clue what you are talking about.

What you're actually suggesting is the end times deception of the antichrist.

No it isn't.

That we can fix ourselves.

Just stop breaking yourself.

That there is no need for christ.

There was no christ and there is no christ and the was never a need for any christ. Its the biggest lie ever told.

That there is nothing inherently wrong with this flesh we currently reside in, and that lie will trap you in an unescapable hell. You should be careful what you teach your children.

Godders are always so slimy like this.

Our bodies are just fine thank you. There is no inescapable hell. Even xtianity can be left. I teach my children to think well and cleave to the truth. My son was quick to clue in to the folly of "t" worshiping all on his own.
You think our intellect and our will and intentions alone will perfect this world?

the minds of mankind will be able to comprehend the life 'we live' (primary objective of religious beliefs (like yours)in the first place)

That is proposterous and evident.
perhaps to a soul complacent with not knowing. (but yet you say; 'i am the church' ..... means in one sense, you do not believe mankind will ever know and in you other breath you claim YOU know)

Eternal life is contingent upon perfection which is not inherent and not taught as a product of conformity.

such is what i have been sharing with you. The perfection to comprehending life is contingent on knowledge; not the old stuff (complacent within the confines of beliefs) but of the evolving truth.

What you are describing is the aspect of communion in a theoretical sense,
Again, you are pointing at yourself...... i am not sharing beliefs of theoretical communion; it is your post claiming you are "the church" when in contrast the total of existence/mankind/nature itself, is where we live to learn.

but if its not obvious to you that there is something inherent in all of us that repels communion you're missing something very important and rather obvious.
i am missing the requirement to be accepted.

What you're actually suggesting is the end times deception of the antichrist.
i define 'anti-christ' as any who goes against truth.

if you fib to maintain your belief; then you 'anti'

in theology, the sect to create an anti christ is the same one that lies and suggests Jesus was christ..... (and HE wasn't and knew it)

Matthew 16: 20

Then did he charge his disciples that they may say to no one that he is Jesus the Christ.

john 14

15` If ye love me, my commands keep,

16and I will ask the Father, and another Comforter He will give to you, that he may remain with you -- to the age;

17the Spirit of truth, whom the world is not able to receive, because it doth not behold him, nor know him, and ye know him, because he doth remain with you, and shall be in you.

them theologies have within, well written, that the 'good guy' is literally the same one who unemploys the religins forever.

Ever notice the jewish rabbi's of jesus' time did not like jesus; because the truth removes the powers of church (clergy) (jesus didn't lie; the people after him did; with the material he shared)

Jesus was not the christ (per the bible itself)

That statement is not what makes an anti-christ but being against the truth, against the people-the children and against GOD (existence itself) is what i call an anti.

No one has a right to fib. So to fib, you anti!

Just be not following the rules (mark 10:19) then you a monster of selfishness (a bonafide anti christ).

Most every religion on the earth all share that a man will walk and will open up a can of whoop-azz simply by the 'unveiling' of truth (the revealing) to/for/from mankind.

That we can fix ourselves. That there is no need for christ.

every word you ever read or comprehended came from mankind and if Charman was not created by 'we the people' we would all stay stinky butts

the only thing the per se christ does is make a choice; the rest is from the people (the body of consciousness within existence) (that church you keep talking about is US "we the people")

That there is nothing inherently wrong with this flesh we currently reside in, and that lie will trap you in an unescapable hell. You should be careful what you teach your children.

i have done nothing but share truth while you tell us all 'god talked to you' then bring up christian dogma like a right winged christian evangelical, then cap it off by telling me to be careful what i teach my children.

i care for the kids to be capable of standing up while you lie thru your teeth

sorry Lori............... when you can humble yourself to not knowing without lying then you might be able to comprehend the damage you do to others by your own selfish choices.

"thou shalt not lie' is the rule; follow it