More Commandments Please

That church didn't even exist and there is every reason to believe that JC would have hated it even more than those of his day. It was founded by a persecutor of his followers. It was owned by the government and went on to persecute his people horribly.

It claims to be the "bride" of christ but that is just another of its lies.

i'm not talking about the roman catholic church. i'm not talking about organized religion or religion itself at all! this group of people are not indicative of any religion.

Look the word up.

pharisee - (1) member of ancient jewish religious group. (2) self-righteous or hypocritical person.

and add those two definitions together and it equals why jesus wasn't so thrilled with them.
Been tried...that's why other bibles keep popping up.

thank you for proving my point that there is something wrong with us. something wrong that religion and politics and intellect and philosophy and even good intentions or strong will WILL NOT AND HAS NOT EVER FIXED.

what i am saying IS validated by the entire record of human history to this very day!
gifts for swarm and bishadi...

*hands them both a pair of dark glasses and a walking stick with a white tip*
and bishadi,

as is proven, the more knowledge men receive, they either (1) use it for good (2) use it for evil (3) ignore it completely. you think that knowledge will change the hearts of men and their intentions? when in god's name has this ever happened? can you reference a time in history when everyone on earth converged in intent and in knowledge and all for the greater good? what on earth makes you think this will ever happen?
honey, that's a pipe dream if i ever heard one.
The notion of perfect is part of your sickness.

imperfection IS sickness. and you are just fine with the sickness? here you say no...

There is no eternal life, but if there was a hell, eternal life would be it.

here, you say yes...

Our bodies are just fine thank you. There is no inescapable hell.

why don't you make up your mind?

you are all over the place. One minute you telling us you know what is up and even put up this item about being blind

are you suggesting you have the knowledge and we must all follow what you have to say?

then below

and bishadi,

as is proven, the more knowledge men receive, they either (1) use it for good (2) use it for evil (3) ignore it completely.

then you show us 3 choices of observing knowledge

you think that knowledge will change the hearts of men and their intentions?
what did you in?

let me guess; the knowledge was revealed to you pesonally, right? and we all 'less than' because we will not listen to you?

then when people do ask the questions, and ask how and what is up (what's the truth of life) you cannot answer or address a damn thing; but you still believe you got it!

lady, you ae funny and spinning around in circles

i see thru you because i see you have no intent of good (giving for others to understand)

all you want is people to believe you are so compassionate and aware of Love, but share that you care nothing of US (we the people) but of your own vindications

when in god's name has this ever happened?
Never has and why YOU DO NOT HAVE THE LAST WORD (the truth)

why do you think knowledge has evolved so dramatically over the last 100 years; because the unvieling is in progress.

can you reference a time in history when everyone on earth converged in intent and in knowledge and all for the greater good?

can't ........... on a global scale as that bridging of nations/people has never been available on such a scale as today (internet/cell phones/communication capabilities)

never in all of existing time has so much knowledge been available to mankind

what on earth makes you think this will ever happen?

because i trust the pattern of evolution (just as words have evolved, comprehension is evolving; i trust the progression as natural)

most every religion on earth; says to trust 'existence' that the truth will come

seems best to maintain that 'faith' religiously! (in the sense, that the religion to maintain faithfully is that ONE DAY mankind will UNDERSTAND; just as all them religions told us to)

honey, that's a pipe dream if i ever heard one.
allbecause it don't fit your plan as you sell your magical mystical god talking to ya kind of stuff

you like to continue your fibs and i like to open the eyes of 'all mankind' to see for themselves; IN EQUALITY!

meaning; your god talks to you only (because he sure aint talking to most all of us) while i suggest to know God in all that is.

You put god as some dude thinking about it, separate and isolated from mankind, i post that all of existence itself is GOD and we all learning from him/her.

i honor existence/GOD, you lie about, to and within his existence!

people WANT to lie. they WANT to hate. they PURPOSELY ignore the truth so they can continue to do the wrong thing (which is the very definition of evil). people WANT to steal. people WANT to be lazy. people WANT to be gluttonous. people WANT to be full of pride and hold themselves in a higher regard than others. people WANT to use and abuse each other. and you know what? even if they don't want to do these things, it seems to me they do them anyway! and if you think that some bit of knowledge is going to change that, you're out of your mind. there is nothing...NOTHING in the history of the human race that you can point to that indicates that will ever happen. NOTHING.

people WANT to lie. they WANT to hate. they PURPOSELY ignore the truth so they can continue to do the wrong thing (which is the very definition of evil). people WANT to steal. people WANT to be lazy. people WANT to be gluttonous. people WANT to be full of pride and hold themselves in a higher regard than others. people WANT to use and abuse each other.

now you see why each person being responsible to 'their' choices and what each impose to existence is 'their' responsobility

nothing magical about it as well the ONLY WAY to bring the masses to know equality, truth and the absolute, is with knowledge (nothing magical about it, as the reason the old frame is held is because folks never knew how it is possible for each person to know GOD personally.)

and you know what? even if they don't want to do these things, it seems to me they do them anyway!
because 'they' (we the people) do not follow or have the same rules is because of the renditions are off.

meaning; you and i both know the compassion behind them rules but our difference is, you follow them by theology, and i follow them by understanding nature (god/existence: reality)

in 'beliefs' many question god's authority but of 'reality' none can maintain any doubt. Such that to know the rules of what makes something go up and down, then i know when to climb and when to slide. Almost like knowing what red, yellow and green is for; so i know how to choose and why.

and if you think that some bit of knowledge is going to change that, you're out of your mind. there is nothing...NOTHING in the history of the human race that you can point to that indicates that will ever happen. NOTHING.

see that is an ignorance, self decieving comment;

half of your posts are telling us how to think based on what God 'told you'

such the same, that most every religion on the earth still existing, all share that 'the truth will set you free'............ (they talk about the 'revealing')

the unveiling

the apocalypse

the bringer of good news

the messiah

the kalki

the pahanna

every continent and in most every tongue

My point is, you are not reading the messages within the religious doctrine

THEY ALL SUGGEST: one day the absolute in truth (what enables judgment) will come!

our (you and I) differences are based on the concepts of GOD

i see God as all mass, energy and time (the ONE, the TOTAL) in which we are all HIS/HER creations, evolved from HIS/HER light (life of mass)

to me, the garden is GOD and we learn from Him/Her

in contrast, your god is some dude who comes over to tell you just how ignorant we (mankind) are to ever believe "truth" will rule, forever!

i trust god

you like the words of ........cold jinn (time again)

basically, my god made man, who then created your god!
bishadi, i'm not telling people how to think, you are. i'm telling people how i think. and i don't think that we're that far off. i don't think god is some isolated dude and i've never suggested such a thing. my intentions are to give my testimony. my testimony is that i am not special, and everyone can be at one with god, whatever god is. and the theory that you have about god is pretty cool. but i'm not the one out here saying, "gee guys, if everyone just followed my rules in light of knowledge the world would be perfect." i'm saying that every one of us needs communion, and i don't care what kind of information you give people, some just won't want that. you think that the evil of this world will be eliminated if you get the knowledge out. i think the evil in this world is the turning away from knowledge. what good is your knowledge if people don't want it? i mean, how's it going for you so far disseminating this knowledge huh? i see how receptive they all are.
"Thou shalt not bogart the joint"

One hit is cool...two is pushing it..and three is a serious bogart. :)
imperfection IS sickness. and you are just fine with the sickness?

Sickness is not imperfection. Its a part of life like any other. It is enough that it is unpleasant. There is no need to pretend its "imperfection" or "sin."

There is no eternal life and I seriously doubt if there was you could with stand the horror of it. You can't even face a mortal life.

You seem to be living a lie.
people WANT to lie. they WANT to hate. they PURPOSELY ignore the truth so they can continue to do the wrong thing (which is the very definition of evil). people WANT to steal. people WANT to be lazy. people WANT to be gluttonous. people WANT to be full of pride and hold themselves in a higher regard than others. people WANT to use and abuse each other. and you know what? even if they don't want to do these things, it seems to me they do them anyway! and if you think that some bit of knowledge is going to change that, you're out of your mind. there is nothing...NOTHING in the history of the human race that you can point to that indicates that will ever happen. NOTHING.

So why are you doing this? You cherish your lie og "god" in spite of the truth. Why are you so evil?
10 is not enough. A few thousand years ago 10 were ok but times have changed. Although I'm not a religious man, a few more may be required. If you can think of some then please post them here.

One I think should be included is : Thou shalt accept all monotheistic religions as the truth.

Since there seems to be an overriding consensus amongst theistic religions everywhere that the one god they worship is the same deity for all, then it should be blasphemous for one theist to criticize another's religious inclination. It has been my experience that nothing good ever came from one theist libeling or slandering another's belief.

Never heard of a guy called Aquinas?

Never heard of his take on plato?

Never heard of a scriptural commentary?