More Commandments Please


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
10 is not enough. A few thousand years ago 10 were ok but times have changed. Although I'm not a religious man, a few more may be required. If you can think of some then please post them here.

One I think should be included is : Thou shalt accept all monotheistic religions as the truth.

Since there seems to be an overriding consensus amongst theistic religions everywhere that the one god they worship is the same deity for all, then it should be blasphemous for one theist to criticize another's religious inclination. It has been my experience that nothing good ever came from one theist libeling or slandering another's belief.
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Moses actually got hundreds, but only 10 were ever spoken of.

Look it up.

Yes but I somehow doubted the validity of commandments such as not boiling your kid in his/hers' mother's milk or going whoring after gods. (Exodus) Although I think this is wisdom beyond reproach and in fact probably more sensible than the first 10 I shall correct my OP. The official list is 10 and copying any of the lesser commandments will not qualify as a new one. I hope this clears up any further confusion.
How about a commandment to love each other as christ loves the church.
How about a commandment to love each other as christ loves the church.

I don't think JC worshiped in a Christian church or Muslim mosque, seeing how there wasn't any at the time. So that would mean all Christians and Muslims should head to the nearest synagogue?

nietzschefan....... Thou shalt not shit on a public toilet seat.

This act would probably displease all religions. So in keeping with the theme of a commandment that spans all theistic religions, it works. ;)

Meditate, levitate, defecate...... only few have mastered this discipline:D
Thou shalt not inflict sarcasm on those who can not understand it.
I don't think JC worshiped in a Christian church or Muslim mosque, seeing how there wasn't any at the time. So that would mean all Christians and Muslims should head to the nearest synagogue?

This act would probably displease all religions. So in keeping with the theme of a commandment that spans all theistic religions, it works.

Notice my tag line.
10 is not enough. A few thousand years ago 10 were ok but times have changed. Although I'm not a religious man, a few more may be required. If you can think of some then please post them here. ...

I don't know where you've been looking, but the legal systems of Christian-leaning nations are chocked full of "commandments" the form of laws and rules. In fact, there are so fuckin' many laws and rules that we couldn't even put them on a post here because the size of the document would cause scifuorums to crash ....and maybe even crash the whole fuckin' Internet!

You want commandments? Laws and rules are commmandments.

Baron Max
The knowledge of god through experience breeds understanding that turns commandments into acts of will.
10 is not enough. A few thousand years ago 10 were ok but times have changed. Although I'm not a religious man, a few more may be required. If you can think of some then please post them here.

One I think should be included is : Thou shalt accept all monotheistic religions as the truth.

Since there seems to be an overriding consensus amongst theistic religions everywhere that the one god they worship is the same deity for all, then it should be blasphemous for one theist to criticize another's religious inclination. It has been my experience that nothing good ever came from one atheist libeling or slandering another's belief.
theres no need for 10 commandments,watch this
theres no need for 10 commandments,watch this

I've seen that before...Carlin was great.

Everybody seems to be going off track here. The commandments I'm looking for should be good for all monotheistic religions. I'm reasoning that it is one and the same god, not something denied by many monotheists. If there should be new commandments then they should encompass the entirety of monotheism. Each rule good for all the god religions.

What's good for a Muslim should also apply to a Jew or Christian since they share the same god. If God gave this the 10 to the Jews then they must be for all monotheistic religions or else we would have all kinds of guys named Moses running around everytime a new religion popped up:D
You could just use the general purpose commend: No!

Seems to work on cats, dogs and children.
10 is not enough. A few thousand years ago 10 were ok but times have changed. Although I'm not a religious man, a few more may be required. If you can think of some then please post them here.

One I think should be included is : Thou shalt accept all monotheistic religions as the truth.

Since there seems to be an overriding consensus amongst theistic religions everywhere that the one god they worship is the same deity for all, then it should be blasphemous for one theist to criticize another's religious inclination. It has been my experience that nothing good ever came from one atheist libeling or slandering another's belief.

What a thread start..... "not enough' commands and 'nothing good ever came from............. slandering anothers beliefs"

SO which is it?

DO you want more rules or are you happy with following everyone elses?

Jesus said when he is gone follow Jacob

but he also (hated the church) removed the first four commands to homage.

He painted the picture of each being responsibile.

Mark 10:17 And as he is going forth into the way, one having run and having kneeled to him, was questioning him, `Good teacher, what may I do, that life age-during I may inherit?'

18And Jesus said to him, `Why me dost thou call good? no one [is] good except One -- God;

19the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not defraud, Honour thy father and mother.'

He said, he aint god and follow the rules.

Notice each rule is based in items that require no self over others. The reality is that anything 'wrong' you do will cause a 'LOSS TO THEN COMMON' (dishonor, yourself, your parents and God)

Notice the homage issues are gone (he knew then, the rituals and homage will be over) as to do 'good' is all the honor and appreciation to God any could ever wish for. Meaning; to be responsible to life and truth, then homage is being done by itself.