Moon Landing, A Hoax?

Hey, idiots! Yes, it is true, there was no Moon landing!]
It's safe now, the world is not too complicated for your little, moron brains. Sing a song...
Have you heard of strength of materials? You don't think the attractive forces within the jacket might tend to resist movement? No, obviously you don't think so. As a consequence I am forced to ask are you stupid, or just poorly educated? Take your time to answer.
The material isn't stiff enough to force the corner back down.

Also, here's something I've posted several times.

Look on pages three and four of the comment section of this video.

Three different pro-Apollo people have given three different explanations for the swinging jacket corner.

"Wrong! The jacket is tied at the back. When his body goes down, so does the back of the jacket. Which is attached to the front corner of the jacket. Simple."
"Its obviously a result of destructive interference in the oscillating longitudinal waves created by Collins zero-g movement."
In zero-g, the corner will return to rest in the same position as related to its position in the rest of the jacket, regardless of orientation. This is not a diffucult concept. Ciao !

The first two are very well-known pro-Apollo people.

This is who HeadLikeARock is.

This is who SpreadingtheMuse is.

The third is an unknown.

If you read pages 3 and 4 of the comment section, you'll see that SpreadingtheMuse has said that all three are correct. You'll also see that the person who made the video (svector) has been ignoring requests that he comment on this for three months now.
What do you think of those other three explanations? HeadLikeARock is a regular poster at the Clavius forum.

SpreadingtheMuse made this video.
He's a pretty well known pro-Apollo poster.

Both of those people have said that all three of the explanations are different ways of looking at the same phenomenon. Now you have put forth a fourth explanation.

If you think the explanations given by SpreadingtheMuse and HeadLikeARock are wrong, please say so.


Watch Collins' dogtags that are around his neck. They bounce up and down the way they would in gravity. They go up, stop, and come back down in rythm with his jogging.

Watch the dogtags the woman in this clip is wearing.
(1 minute 49 second mark)

When they are sent up, they don't stop until they hit her chin.

You don't have any knowledge of how the media work whatsoever, do you? You are woefully ignorant of the incessant pressure to come up with stories that sell copy. If an independent astronomer came up with such evidence then the media would be falling over themselves in a bidding war.
Here's some stuff about the American press.

It would be downright dangerous to openly say Apollo was a hoax. Look at the case of Thomas Baron.

Lots of people who are a thorn in the govenment's side have "Accidents".

Look at the info in these two links.

This reflects the truth about American foreign policy. Anyone who lives abroad for a few years finds this out without having to read anything. If any reporter wanted to print an article similar to the ones in those sites, the editor would never approve it and he would probably be delegated to a lower post or worse. Reporters can't just print whatever they want whether it's about Apollo, or anything else.
Of course Freddy. You are quite right. The X-Files wasn't a drama it was a documentary. Aagh! We are at risk even writing here on this forum. Only the fact that I am an agent provocateur can save me. You, however, are doubtless doomed.
I find the "Moon Golf" to be an interesting show of physics.

At 00:55 seconds in Alan Shepard hits a golf ball with a one armed stroke which is only about a quarter swing, the ball shoots off in a flurry of dust. The dust comes up similar to how Ashes would, as the golf balls has relatively low resistance and speeds along undeterred by the dust/debris.

To me, that would prove Men were on the moon and anyone that says otherwise is a complete loon.
I find the "Moon Golf" to be an interesting show of physics.

At 00:55 seconds in Alan Shepard hits a golf ball with a one armed stroke which is only about a quarter swing, the ball shoots off in a flurry of dust. The dust comes up similar to how Ashes would, as the golf balls has relatively low resistance and speeds along undeterred by the dust/debris.

To me, that would prove Men were on the moon and anyone that says otherwise is a complete loon.

Why are you holding two caulk applicators Xd on your chest? Not that there is anything wrong with that. Just be careful to avoid shooting yourself in the mouth. I know you would not want to waste caulk. And do not injure yourself! Please do not shoot your mouth off!

I don't see the Ashes thing. To me it looks like sand hit in a vacuum and in a one gee environment. Golf balls has much higher restitution factor than sands and so golf balls is expected to accelerate off the club head more effectively and spectacularly than sands. If it is all in a vacuum then resistance ( air resistance? ) makes no difference to flight of golf balls or sands.

To me it looks like a slow speed playback of a movie of a golf balls and sands clubbed in vacuum and in one gee.

You seem to be saying that your appreciation of the movie proves that men were on the moon. But you might be seeming to say that a movie that looks like it was made at original normal speed in vacuum and in one gee proves that men were on the moon. Please clarify.

And lastly as well as leastly, you seem to be calling people loons if they don't believe that the movie proves to you that men were on the moon. But what about people who are unconcerned about your threshold of proof but don't believe that the movie proves to themselves that men were on the moon. Are those people left without being called loons? Now, this loon name calling itself: you seem to be calling people the name of a fish eating, diving bird species. But you might be creatively linguistically alluding to those obsessed with lunar subjects; perhaps thereby called lunes as would be derived from the word lunar.

As soon as you clarify these one or two trifles then I can try to schedule sufficient time to study and reflect upon any important points in your post. Providing, of course, that I can make the time. I am terribly busy right now.
I find the "Moon Golf" to be an interesting show of physics.

At 00:55 seconds in Alan Shepard hits a golf ball with a one armed stroke which is only about a quarter swing, the ball shoots off in a flurry of dust. The dust comes up similar to how Ashes would, as the golf balls has relatively low resistance and speeds along undeterred by the dust/debris.

To me, that would prove Men were on the moon and anyone that says otherwise is a complete loon.

He was using special dust. Duhr! What, you think NASA is dumb? They're rocket scientists, man! If they can outsmart gravity they can outsmart smarmy science-and-reason lovers like you.
Well there is proof. The third succesful landing on the moon placed a large mirror on the moon. Using geometry scientists on earth can measure the real distance from the earth to the moon using lasers bouncing off the mirror. If you know where to look on the moon the mirror is still up there.

Also another group of astronauts on the moon dropped a hammer and feather. The old theory that two objects when dropepd will fall at the same speed. It's hard to prove this on earth because of air resistance. So they tested it on the moon and what do you know they fall at the same time. And no there were no vacums of size enough to do that at the time.
Pfft. Don't think we'll fall for the old mirror-on-the-moon trick. That's just a much, much bigger mirror in orbit.
Pfft. Don't think we'll fall for the old mirror-on-the-moon trick. That's just a much, much bigger mirror in orbit.

dude if your serious than you are A TOTAL FREAKING MORON! dude if it was a big mirror the ISS would see it. Two, A lot of astronomors US and international would see it. So you are a total freaking retard. And why would the mirror be bigger, basic geometry dumb butt, it would have to be smaller. I hope youre not serious otherwise you must be like a 4th grade drop out or something.
Dude...Geoff was least I hope he was joking..:)

His sense of humor is sometimes hard to get....I don't get it most of the time. :)
dude if your serious than you are A TOTAL FREAKING MORON! dude if it was a big mirror the ISS would see it. Two, A lot of astronomors US and international would see it. So you are a total freaking retard. And why would the mirror be bigger, basic geometry dumb butt, it would have to be smaller. I hope youre not serious otherwise you must be like a 4th grade drop out or something.

Uhh uhhh they would move it back and forth with rockets! Or it could fold out! The moon is made of styrofoam!

Uhh uhhh they would move it back and forth with rockets! Or it could fold out! The moon is made of styrofoam!


Sorry, it's hard for me to understand sarcasm on the internet.

P.S. its made of cheese, lolz.

Also, Apollo 18 is not a hoax cuz it never took off. It was cancelled.
See! Conspiracy! And who would play golf on the moon, I ask you. Especially as it's made of cheese.