Moon Landing, A Hoax?

Unless you are claiming dishonesty and self-delusion are identical I can see no grounds for calling scott dishonest. Perhaps you can point me in the necessary direction.
Unless you are claiming dishonesty and self-delusion are identical I can see no grounds for calling scott dishonest. Perhaps you can point me in the necessary direction.

No, he's pretty much just dishonest. He obviously enjoys having an X-Files outlook on life, and he will lie as much as it takes to continue the fantasy.
So you can't cite an example of where he is lying. Very scientific of you. You just ;know it'. What you are describing is self-delusion and not lying. He believes what he writes. It is therefore irrelevant whether what he believes is true or false, in terms of his honesty.

Indeed, if you continue to accuse him of dishonesty I would be inclinded to say that you were now the dishonest one and your accusation is as well grounded as his claims about UFOs.
So you can't cite an example of where he is lying. Very scientific of you. You just ;know it'. What you are describing is self-delusion and not lying. He believes what he writes. It is therefore irrelevant whether what he believes is true or false, in terms of his honesty.

Indeed, if you continue to accuse him of dishonesty I would be inclinded to say that you were now the dishonest one and your accusation is as well grounded as his claims about UFOs.

I've been debating him for pages upon pages, and have called him out on his dishonesty point for point. A typical example of such dishonesty would be when he said he heard bombs in 2 YouTube videos I gave him of the collapse. As there were none, he can only be lying, or have a hearing problem. End of story. Or when he said dust clouds were proof of explosives, and so I gave him a video of a building collapsing due to fire (not 9/11 related) and the dust clouds that followed, and he continued some posts later to repeat the same lie even after he had seen the video.

We are not dealing with mystical discussions here were, these things can be seen and heard. Or not, as the case may be.
The Mythbusters had an episode a few days ago where they tested several myths about this. They concluded that all the supposed evidence was false. They proved the shadow thing wrong by building a scale set based off one of the photos, then positioning a camara at the same angle the photo was taken. They found that the shadows that led in opposite directions, supposedly, were actually caused by the terrain of the moon.

In other words though the shadows looked like they were going in diffrent directions, in actuality, they were going in the same direction, but a decently sized mound caused one to be wider, which, from the angle the camara was at, made it look like a straight line.
The hoax-belivers have made a ffew mistakes. That may or may not be one of them. There is some irrefutible evidence of a hoax that they did not address.

Watch how the corner of Collins' jacket moves in this clip.
youtube (dot) com/watch?v=I_CMgqitv98
(50 second mark)

It swings back and forth the way it would in gravity.

Look at the corners of the jacket the woman astronaut is wearing in this clip.
uk (dot) youtube (dot) com/watch?v=TejsnPThmd4

This is real zero-gravity and they behave quite differently.

One possible explanation is that they were trying to fake zero-gravity in a diving plane and the plane wasn't diving fast enough at that point.

Look at pages three and four of the comment section of the first YouTuve video. Three different pro-Apollo people have given three different explanations for the swinging jacket corner. The person who made the video (svector) won't answer requests that he comment on it.

They tried to speed up the footage of the buggy to try and make it look like it was driving at Earth gravity, but what about the dust being kicked up? In accordance to a vacuum, it does not float around as it would do on Earth. It would look odd to say the least if you were driving on a dirt road without hanging dust trailing your car.
It's possible to treat sand to make it dust-free.

Jay Windley (the webmaster at Clavius) 3W's (dot) clavius (dot) org/about (dot) html got caught lying about that issue.

apollohoax (dot) proboards21 (dot) com/index (dot) cgi?board=theories&action=display&thread=1094

3W's (dot) geologyrocks (dot) co (dot) uk/forum/q_and_a/a_strange_scenario_re_sifted_sand

There's more on that issue here.
3W's (dot) youtube (dot) com/watch?v=9S30XLds5gc

As to the Moon landings, none were faked and the people who claim that they were are conveniently avoiding the best evidence of all:

Each and every Moon shot was tracked by stations around the world which were operated by every modern country on the globe. In addition to that, the US was in a race with the USSR to get there - and Russia never ONCE made any claims of "hoax." You can be SURE they would have SCREAMED if there had been even the slightest bit of evidence to support it. But, unlike all the conspiracy nuts, their scientists were smart enough to understand that the photos, films, etc. were genuine. So they said nothing.
We are told the missions were tracked but there are several plausible scenarios.

That might not be true at all. The press may be lying to us.

Those countries may have been bribed or blackmailed to announce they were tracking the missnions.

Unmanned craft might have actually gone to the moon and orbited for the length of the alleged missions and returned.

3W's (dot) nardwuar (dot) com/vs/bill_kaysing/index (dot) html
Well, how did the media fall for this?
Well, the media doesn't fall for anything. The media is controlled by the government. The Dutch papers on July 21 [1969] said that the moon landing was a hoax, was a fake, and I have been unable to find any of those Dutch papers, although it's well documented that they did publish information, with proof, that the U.S. was spoofing everybody.

I wish Chomsky's analysis of the cold war were still on line but it isn't. This video series explains a lot of what Chomsky explains.
3W's (dot) youtube (dot) com/results?search_query=moonfaker+cold+war&search_type=&aq=f

As a geologist the best evidence of all is the geochemistry of the moonrocks. It is wholly different from anything that was imagined and has led to intrepretations and understandings that were unimagineable.
I make that last statement with care and deliberation. I was an undergraduate at the time of the first landing. Trust me, half the geologists on the planet were coming up with bizarre predictions of what would be found. Not one predicted what we actually found.
For me, that is the clincher.
There are alternative scenarios for the rocks.

Scientists can be bought so some of them might have lied. Some of them might have been fooled by bogus rocks and NASA might have collected some real rocks with robot craft to fool the ones who couldn't be bribed or bought.

Read the comment section of this video.
3W's (dot) youtube (dot) com/watch?v=VCN7qWrLHVw

Here's more about the rock "Proof".
3W's (dot) youtube (dot) com/watch?v=4AQQHTjeMkA

The rock "Proof" is pretty much debunked.

Sorry but I wasn't able to post hot-links. This site seems to be having technical problems. I've made more than twenty posts but I got a notice saying I'd only made nineteen posts. I trust the moderators will correct the problem.
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The hoax-belivers have made a ffew mistakes. That may or may not be one of them. there is some irrefutible evidence of a hoax that they did not address.

Wow - according to you, about 20% of the modern world at the time MUST have been in on making the "hoax" work!!! Including ALL of the Russian scientific and military organizations who were VERY dismayed at having lost the race!!

That's a TREMENDOUS leap of either faith or stupidity on your part - which one is it?

Edit: And you can't even count very well, can you!?! That was exactly your 20th post so there's nothing that needs correcting. If you try now, you'll find that you can insert links with no problem. Sheesh!!!
Wow - according to you, about 20% of the modern world at the time MUST have been in on making the "hoax" work!!! Including ALL of the Russian scientific and military organizations who were VERY dismayed at having lost the race!!
You're just assuming everything we read in the US reflects reality.

In the US we learn false history in school. We are taught that we are and have been defending democracy and freedom in the world. Look at the truth.

There is some good evidence that scientists lie.

This is the official government version of the effects of depleted uranium.

That version seems pretty doubtful after watching some of these videos.

Here's the official government version of the dangers of GM foods.
The US, the world's leading producer of GM crops, points out that 81 EU-funded research studies on GM foods in the past 15 years have found that crops with gene modifications posed no dangers to human health.

That looks suspicious after reading stuff from the alternative press about the same subject.

This woman talks about how a lot of the science community has sold out at around the thirty minute mark of part one.


The US press give us an upside down version of what's happening in the world.

It seems quite plausible that what we read about what other countries say about Apollo is quite different from what they are really saying considering all the other lies we read.

Edit: And you can't even count very well, can you!?! That was exactly your 20th post so there's nothing that needs correcting. If you try now, you'll find that you can insert links with no problem. Sheesh!!!
When I tried to do post #26 in this thread, I got a note saying that I'd only made 19 posts so I couldn't post a hot-link.

When I did post #4 of this thread, I was able to post my first hot link.

When I tried to do post #7 in the same thread, I got a note saying I'd only made 19 posts so I couldn't post any hot-links. Then, I tried to do post #65 in this thread and the same thing happened. There was some kind of "Technical problem".

Anyway, the video evidence proves the hoax.

Look on pages three and four of the comment section of this video.

Three different pro-Apollo people have given three different explanations for the swinging jacket corner.

"Wrong! The jacket is tied at the back. When his body goes down, so does the back of the jacket. Which is attached to the front corner of the jacket. Simple."
"Its obviously a result of destructive interference in the oscillating longitudinal waves created by Collins zero-g movement."
In zero-g, the corner will return to rest in the same position as related to its position in the rest of the jacket, regardless of orientation. This is not a diffucult concept. Ciao !

The first two are very well-known pro-Apollo people.

This is who HeadLikeARock is.

This is who SpreadingtheMuse is.

The third is an unknown.

If you read pages 3 and 4 of the comment section, you'll see that SpreadingtheMuse has said that all three are correct. You'll also see that the person who made the video (svector) has been ignoring requests that he comment on this for three months now.

Look at the corners of the woman astronaut's jacket in this clip.

This is real zero-gravity.

I'd like to hear what you pro-Apollo people say about this.
You're just assuming everything we read in the US reflects reality.

In the US we learn false history in school. We are taught that we are and have been defending democracy and freedom in the world. Look at the truth.

Yadda, yadda, yadda, FF.

You made no attempt whatsoever to address the very simple things I called your attention to. Instead, you come back with TONS of propaganda totally unrelated to those points.

Bait and switch, eh? That's for lawyers and politicians - I'm not playing your silly game.
There are alternative scenarios for the rocks.

Scientists can be bought so some of them might have lied. Some of them might have been fooled by bogus rocks and NASA might have collected some real rocks with robot craft to fool the ones who couldn't be bribed or bought.
Nonsense. You have completely misunderstood the point here. The composition of the rocks is remarkable, surprising and wholly unpredicted. You can't claim that someone made up the geochemical analysis data because it is, as noted, wholly unpredicted, yet totally consistent with the new paradigm of lunar formation.
The suggestion about robot return is so silly it isn't even wrong.
Yadda, yadda, yadda, FF.

You made no attempt whatsoever to address the very simple things I called your attention to. Instead, you come back with TONS of propaganda totally unrelated to those points.

Bait and switch, eh? That's for lawyers and politicians - I'm not playing your silly game.
In other words you can't refute the claim that the clip we were told was filmed halfway to the moon was faked. If you think that was zero-gravity, explain why the corner of the jacket goes back down instead of continuing upward as it woud according to Newton's first law of motion. The only identifiable force making it go back down is gravity.
In other words you can't refute the claim that the clip we were told was filmed halfway to the moon was faked. If you think that was zero-gravity, explain why the corner of the jacket goes back down instead of continuing upward as it woud according to Newton's first law of motion. The only identifiable force making it go back down is gravity.

In other words YOU cannot dispute the simple, plain facts I pointed out to you. Address them or forget it.

I clearly told you I wasn't going to play your silly games with you.
Ive no doubt we went to the moon. Its what we found there the government is lying about.

The whole "faked moon landing" is just misdirection.

In other words YOU cannot dispute the simple, plain facts I pointed out to you. Address them or forget it.

Says the king of avoiding questions...
I have no idea. Ask Neil Armstrong.

“There are wonders beyond belief on the moon for those who can remove protective layers of truth”
Neil Armstrong

But if our government tells us everything Kenny, what protective layers of truth is he referring too?

Was it as good for you as it was for me?
I have no idea. Ask Neil Armstrong.

“There are wonders beyond belief on the moon for those who can remove protective layers of truth”
Neil Armstrong

But if our government tells us everything Kenny, what protective layers of truth is he referring too?

Was it as good for you as it was for me?

I knew you wouldn't let me down. I had a good laugh.

That quote is false (unless he made it in a different speech), here's what he actually said:

There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can of the truth's protective layers"

It's quite clear given the context of the speech which was directed to the next generation, that there remains great work to be done in making new discoveries and furthering our understanding of the universe. Not a controversial statement given that is what science strives for.
I have no idea. Ask Neil Armstrong.

“There are wonders beyond belief on the moon for those who can remove protective layers of truth”
Neil Armstrong

But if our government tells us everything Kenny, what protective layers of truth is he referring too?

Was it as good for you as it was for me?

Falsely quoted statement. It's been debunked many times. See why I keep saying you are so quick and ready to believe anything you hear or see??