Miracle is possible

multiverse is just a bold assumtion, no evidence at all,
this is a religious belief of some scientists.

Now that was brilliant Me friend . Yeah . people are so stupid when it comes down to belief . I think I can tie my shoe . I don't know ? We better measure the length of your arms and see if they are long enough to tie your shoes . Well we better compensate for the gyrations of your hip . But mine are not as flexible as the average hip . We might have to get more hip. Should of just got one of the kids to do and be done with it .
Shouldn't you go back to the drawing board with this thread?
Stephen Hawking said there is a probability that 10^500 types of universes could exist out of big bang.
All with different set of laws of physics.
If this is true, Miracle is possible, miracle is relative to our laws of physics in this universe, different laws of physics which appear strange to us mean miracles.

therefore, the miracles in bible is possible,
God which comes from another realm of Existence could perform miracles in this world.
Miracles are possible because of the multiverse.
there is no evidence to support multiverse,
no observational evidence at all,
it is purely a hypothesis, very weak reasonable ground.
There is no multiverse.

Slightly confused, Saint?
@graviton --

It would be much more accurate if you just cut out the first half of that quote.
Stephen Hawking said there is a probability that 10^500 types of universes could exist out of big bang.
All with different set of laws of physics.
If this is true, Miracle is possible, miracle is relative to our laws of physics in this universe, different laws of physics which appear strange to us mean miracles.

therefore, the miracles in bible is possible,
God which comes from another realm of Existence could perform miracles in this world.
The Big Bang seems to be the best idea at the moment; but......
In any case, an omnipotent God can violate the laws of nature: after all, He`s their Creator. Plus, all of Creation is a miracle because He wills it out of nothing.
There are heaps of miracles recorded in the Bible; and, as other said, they still happen.

There has to be a First Cause
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Omnipotence is an impossible trait. No being can be omnipotent as they would have to be able to do things that are definitionally impossible. For example, an omnipotent being would have to be able to throw a ball further than they could catch it, which is impossible. Then there's that whole "rock bigger than they can lift" one too. Both of these examples highlight the logical impossibility of omnipotence, it simply can't exist.

And there need be no first cause. Positing a "first cause" merely forces you into an infinite regress, you need to keep positing more causes by the very logic you use to posit a need for a first cause. Positing anything which is exempt from that is a logical fallacy known as special pleading and is very bad form.

Besides, science has already shown that something can, and indeed does(all the time), come from nothing. The phenomenon is known as vacuum fluctuations and is very well established as it's responsible for the most accurate predictions in all of science. Given that we live in a flat universe which means that it has a total energy of zero, vacuum fluctuations alone are enough to explain why there's something rather than nothing.