Miracle is possible

..that still does not discount God.

again i argue, why would God create a system that he could not work with?

does God use a hammer to influence things?
i think he tends to be more subtle than that..

no the bible calls it the Hammer of the world . Old Testament
Ya I wonder what makes God want to take some action in our world. What attributes need to be present for God to intervene in saving/helping one person while ignoring thousands of others.Perhaps performing one miracle is too much for the lad. :zzz:

acknowledge Him , then ask and then patiently wait.
and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait... and die.
AlexG, I am officially proud that you have been declared my doppleganger by an un-named believer :3.
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Worth reading this:

Guess what? Sagan was right (although it took a little more than a decade). Sagan's second alternative, the oscillating universe model has been discredited by a lack of sufficient matter to cause a contraction.1 It was further discredited by the discovery of dark energy, which shows that the universe is actually expanding at an ever increasing rate.2 So, Sagan's first alternative is the one that turned out to be true. My guess is that he was betting on the second. Of course, the atheists haven't lined up to become Christians, but instead have invented their own form of metaphysics (i.e., religion). Atheists have invented the multiverse, a kind of super-universe that randomly spews out other universes (with differing physical laws) at will. The multiverse sounds scientific, but it is really philosophical wishful thinking, since there is no evidence supporting the idea. If one really thinks about it, the multiverse is impossible over the entire period of eternity (which is what atheists would propose for the age of the "invisible" part of our universe - if such a thing exists at all). The problem is that our part of the multiverse has managed to make itself completely inaccessible to contraction and future expansion. If it were possible for one part of the multiverse to become thermodynamically dead, it would be expected to be possible for others. Even if entry into such a state is extremely unlikely, eternity is a very, very long time. Certainly by now (over all eternity), the entire multiverse would have entered into one of these thermodynamically dead zones. So, one would expect the entire multiverse to have suffered thermodynamic death by now. Therefore, it makes absolutely no sense that the universe is eternal with the characteristics that we observe. We are left with Sagan's first alternative - God did it. Atheists like to say that there is no evidence for God's existence and pretend such evidence doesn't exist. However, Sagan realized that science could judge between religious claims.
Ya I wonder what makes God want to take some action in our world. What attributes need to be present for God to intervene in saving/helping one person while ignoring thousands of others.Perhaps performing one miracle is too much for the lad. :zzz:

as far as i'm aware, it's driven by our desire. are you sure it's not the other way around, and it's only a handful of humans who reach out to god while the vast majority deny him?
You missed one crucial word in my post -- I said such laws from another universe would appear to be miracles, when compared with the laws of our universe.

I think my response wasn't understood then. Let me re-respond with expanded verbiage... Can you provide an example of a foreign-universe law that would appear to be a miracle when compared with the laws of our universe? I realize that this example can't be based on a real foreign-universe at the moment; however, I am sure you can certainly postualte some laws based on the underlying multi-worlds theory.
multiverse is just a bold assumtion, no evidence at all,
this is a religious belief of some scientists.
multiverse is just a bold assumtion, no evidence at all,
this is a religious belief of some scientists.

It's really rare that every single assertion in a statement is wrong. "Multiverse" is a term that collectively referrs to any number of hypothesis or theories of reality that posit the existence of multiple universes. Different theories have different sets of supportive evidence; however, at present none of them are conclusive by any means. Additionaly, I don't think any scientist claims that some particular multi-verse theory is true... which would disqualify it from being a religious belief.
Religion is not only to be known by brain, but to be felt by heart.
If you never experience the grace of God, you will never know His true existence.
I thought I did once, but it was just heartburn. Pepto cured it.
Who do you think right now is the hammer of the world Lori?
I got a song for you to hear . I know it is not black metal , but I think the lyrics will touch your heart dear


"black metal" heh heh heh.

that was nice. i like that song. i like the banjo. dude has a nice voice.

of course god is the hammer of the world...the creator...the law...

that we break ourselves against...put ourselves back together according to.

in a more personal sense, that's what it's felt like at times...the hammer upside my head...the hammer pounding me into shape.
We understand natural laws very well indeed but are always learning more everyday. Those laws can be proved by the scientific methold.

Wrong, no true scientist has ever said that we understand the laws of the universe.

I can think of two miracles off the top of my head:

1) When my mother-in-law admits she is wrong.

2) When one (just one) politically correct multi-culturalist sees (after a mountain of data has impinged on his Box for years) that Islam is an evil and dangerous geopolitical ideology.


Ya I wonder what makes God want to take some action in our world. What attributes need to be present for God to intervene in saving/helping one person while ignoring thousands of others.Perhaps performing one miracle is too much for the lad. :zzz:

Make a poll that asks how many miracles have happened in 1 day...and you will see the error in that question/statement.

multiverse is just a bold assumption, no evidence at all,
this is a religious belief of some scientists.


Religion is not only to be known by brain, but to be felt by heart.

This I disagree on. Why else would we be given the gift of understanding, if not too understand the bible.

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is stupid."

Albert Einstein