Miracle is possible


Valued Senior Member
Stephen Hawking said there is a probability that 10^500 types of universes could exist out of big bang.
All with different set of laws of physics.
If this is true, Miracle is possible, miracle is relative to our laws of physics in this universe, different laws of physics which appear strange to us mean miracles.

therefore, the miracles in bible is possible,
God which comes from another realm of Existence could perform miracles in this world.
How does a seperate universe with a seperate set of physical laws equate to a miracle in our universe or the existence of a 'God'? Your conclusion makes absolutely no sense.

This thread also belongs in the religion sub-forum... not physics.
Stephen Hawking said there is a probability that 10^500 types of universes could exist out of big bang.
All with different set of laws of physics.
If this is true, Miracle is possible, miracle is relative to our laws of physics in this universe, different laws of physics which appear strange to us mean miracles.

therefore, the miracles in bible is possible,
God which comes from another realm of Existence could perform miracles in this world.

since our physics are bound to Big Bang and we are not certain, or we cannot talk before Big Ban , therefore our knowledge is bound our present modeled frame , so outside of our frame many things are possible., and are miracles to us.
A miracle is a violation of natural laws, so Hawking is not implying that miracles are possible.
Stephen Hawking said there is a probability that 10^500 types of universes could exist out of big bang. All with different set of laws of physics. If this is true, Miracle is possible, miracle is relative to our laws of physics in this universe, different laws of physics which appear strange to us mean miracles. therefore, the miracles in bible is possible, God which comes from another realm of Existence could perform miracles in this world.
If this is such a straightforward deduction from his premise, aren't we all just a little bit surprised that he didn't say it himself? ;)
Do we really understand every thing about natural law ?

A miracle is something that at the present we don't have an explanation

We understand natural laws very well indeed but are always learning more everyday. Those laws can be proved by the scientific methold.

Something that happens that we don't understand are called amazing occurrences or mystifying which should be learned about as to how it happened and why. Just because we don't understand the unusual doesn't mean we can't find out about it and bring understanding to it. If someone wakes up, for an example, from a 5 year coma that is very mystifying but not something that couldn't happen because everyone was wanting the person to wake up and then they did. Amazing things happen that we just do not know why and that's another reason we call them amazing but search for their reasons.
If this is such a straightforward deduction from his premise, aren't we all just a little bit surprised that he didn't say it himself? ;)

because he has hit the wall he could not supercede,
he can't answer why actually miracles exist????:shrug:
God can transcend over laws of physics, He can do any laws he wants,
he commands the nature,
We know this well from His revelation.
Therefore, the miracles of Jesus Christ are possible, being witnessed by thousands of people, and until today, the church can do divine healing etc., with the grace of God.
what if?
A skeptic will not find the truth.
God proves with facts of his existence,
in the nature, in people's heart.
When a sick person takes certain medicine and be cured, you will say that this is a proof that the medicine is true and effective.

So, when a sorrow person, at the edge of committing suicide, if he accepts Jesus, and be cured of his broken heart, won't u say that God is true as well?
No, I wouldn't say that. A disease has a specific cure, but a depressed person can be influenced by anything or anyone.

What about those religious people that commit suicide? Did god want them to die? Only a skeptic can think clearly about these things, someone with faith allows their desires to cloud their judgment.
Five hundred years ago, if someone used CPR to revive a drowning victim, this would appear to be a miracle to some people. To others, it would be the evil work of a witch or Devil. While to others, this would be a type of magic trick. The CPR would not depart from natural laws, but would make use of applications of natural laws that were not yet understand. But in all cases, it would make everyone irrational; pro, con, and suspiscious. People get spooked when they have to leave the box.

Say we return to the CPR miracle above. It is something that will be known in the future. But 500 years ago, it will have an impact on the experts of the day if they can not explain it in a logical way. All the doctors and biologists would be stumped based on their state of the art.

It can become a question of saving face and prestige. Sometime it would be easier to say it was from God, and for others to deny the truth that it ever happened, so you don't look stupid unable to offer a logical explanation. But ut never has anything to do with the B-rated state of the art calling itself A+, so prestige is higher, so face needs to be saved.
what if?
A skeptic will not find the truth.
God proves with facts of his existence,
in the nature, in people's heart.
When a sick person takes certain medicine and be cured, you will say that this is a proof that the medicine is true and effective.

So, when a sorrow person, at the edge of committing suicide, if he accepts Jesus, and be cured of his broken heart, won't u say that God is true as well?

Since the same could be said for the muslim religion or any other religion, does that prove that they are all true? Is heaven crowded with all of the different true Gods?

edited to add: If you believe in god and it gives you peace, more power to you, but the only way to believe in god is with FAITH; logic or science will fail to prove the existence of god every single time.
The important point to take out of this silly discussion is the following:

Theoretical physics does not say anything whatsoever is possible, otherwise there would be no point to postulating physical laws and mathematical restrictions on how things in the real world behave. Things we haven't yet observed might be possible (i.e. Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck "could" exist in real life), and nothing can be ruled out with 100% certainty, but any physical theory still places limitations on what's possible, even one with $$10^{500}$$ different possible vacuum configurations.

If God could be proven using a theory, that would mean God is constrained by the rules of that theory, in which case God wouldn't be an omnipotent warlord, which defeats the whole purpose of postulating God's existence in the first place.
Five hundred years ago, if someone used CPR to revive a drowning victim, this would appear to be a miracle to some people. To others, it would be the evil work of a witch or Devil. While to others, this would be a type of magic trick. The CPR would not depart from natural laws, but would make use of applications of natural laws that were not yet understand. But in all cases, it would make everyone irrational; pro, con, and suspiscious. People get spooked when they have to leave the box.

Say we return to the CPR miracle above. It is something that will be known in the future. But 500 years ago, it will have an impact on the experts of the day if they can not explain it in a logical way. All the doctors and biologists would be stumped based on their state of the art.
Jesus does not need CPR, he just touched the sick and they were healed.
Since the same could be said for the muslim religion or any other religion, does that prove that they are all true? Is heaven crowded with all of the different true Gods?

God is a gentleman-type,
He allows people to do good or evil according to their free will,
at the end of the day, you have to be accountable for your acts.

The positive side of all religions is to teach you doing good.
God has no reason to stop that.
If God could be proven using a theory, that would mean God is constrained by the rules of that theory,

God created the Existence of everything,
the laws of nature just points to His real existence, an indicator only.
We can not be sure of God thru natural laws,
it is His Revelation that proves his existence, and Confirm that the laws of nature is under his command when He performs miracles.