Mind is the "fifth" dimension

kmguru said:
To dimension N, dimension N-1 appears flat.

That means, a person from dimension N with their limit of dimension N may not travel to N-1 or N+1 as the case may be. Correct?

If their limit were as such, yes. However, a being of dimension N is basically inconceivable to us, beings of X,Y,Z and T.

Then the question comes, are we the creature of a 3 dimension and limited by such or actually our perception limits us thinking that we are bounded by only 3 dimensions but in fact we could be of N+ dimensions?

Ha! Yes, that's sort of my theme in all my exploration on this topic. My main point is that there is no space in physical space for abstracts. See the other thread for a detailed argument. I am arguing that we are at least ONE more dimension than space-time as we usually think of it.

Why can not information pass through dimensions just as light can still fill a two dimensional world...

Pretty close to my thought, yes. Given that evolution is not limited by our expectation of the function and degrees of freedom in the universe. I hypothesize that there exists an "abstract" degree of freedom that is integral to the existence of mind, and actually... life itself.

Hehe, my idea is crazy sounding:

What I deem "the life force" for lack of a better term, that is... the driving force behind evolution, or that which differentiates that which is alive from that which is dead or inanimate, is a force bleeding through from a higher or lower dimension. This force is propagated via a "hole" or "conduit for organization or information flow". One conduit formed once when the chemical conditions in space-time allowed for it. I would think information transfer or "invasion of an organizational principle" wouldn't require high energy, merely the proper conditions. So through this conduit, "the life force" propogates a localized organizational principle upon the molecules that tend to react to the force. The molecules form cells, split and the conduit splits with it, as the conditions are maintained to perpetuate it. A few billion years later or whatever, there are many, many conduits, all overlapping each other in the space to which they connect, but separate from each other in space-time. Well, I'm not sure that's quite right, but something like that. Anyway, brains develop along the way and the organization principle's effect ends up utilizing the space to which it connects as information storage or something.

Bah, I dunno. Just a crazy sounding idea. I don't think that's exactly right of course, but I do think it's perhaps "along the right lines of thinking".

There has to be a better way to visialize this to built contraptions to overcome the limits of such dimensions ....

Yeah I dunno. More dimensionality than is offered via stimulous seems to be incredibly challenging to fit into mind. If you come up with something, please share.
well I was reading a post from about a month ago when you and another person were discussusing the mind being a fifth dimension, he was trying to persuade you that higher intelligence is linked to harmonics and all that remember?
So it was all pretty interesting little debate, except i found it interesting that you mention that humility is the key to immortality when we already have it in a sense
like when you have a dream about something and it happens a day or a week later, well that to me is proof of immortality since Its as if i have already lived the moment before i experience it in this world, the universe must be repeating itself or im traveling throught morrored replications as it reflects upon itself
our energy never dies, since energy supposedly can't be created or destroyed it just continues to mutate and change or disperse or what ever is necessary according to the capacity of the unit of energy
Hmm... yeah man I'm sorry I just don't remember for sure.

I remember an imortality thread fairly recently in which I mentioned that I doubt immortality is all it's cracked up to be and made a comment about the movie Zardoz making the point fairly well.

I'm not really about immortality at all, maybe you read it wrong, someone else said it or I had a psychotic break. I AM however, about hanging around as long as I'd like. That would be nice, to have death as an OPTION rather than a requirement.

Higher intelligence being linked to harmonics? Hmm.

The only thing that reminds me of is this guy from years ago who had a big theory of harmonics I can't remember. He was a musician who philosophzied all of universal structure that way. It made no sense to me.
James R said:
If "mind" is a different dimension, by what mechanism can it affect the other dimensions?

Forgive me for interupting, but just a thought here. Is mind the 5th dimension or is mind the portal through which other dimensions can be reached?
The only thing that reminds me of is this guy from years ago who had a big theory of harmonics I can't remember. He was a musician who philosophzied all of universal structure that way. It made no sense to me.

That's because he was talking about harmonicas not harmonics (although subtly related).
iirodsm said:
like when you have a dream about something and it happens a day or a week later, well that to me is proof of immortality since Its as if i have already lived the moment before i experience it in this world, the universe must be repeating itself or im traveling throught morrored replications as it reflects upon itself

Ramble bramble gilberwurtz?
superluminal said:
That's because he was talking about harmonicas not harmonics (although subtly related).

lol. maybe that would have made sense, but alas.. it was harmonics.

Maybe he just mispelled it repeatedly. Hmm..
Forgive me for interupting, but just a thought here. Is mind the 5th dimension or is mind the portal through which other dimensions can be reached?

As I see, the 5th dimension is not mind. electromagnetic waves propogate in 5 dimensions...it is electromagnetic. As it curves into itself, color coordinates occur, until it reaches the 6th dimension...position of the wave within itself.

Yes...the Mind is a Portal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you change your thoughts you change your destiny!
Since thoughts are 10th dimensional...the change of thought allows change of all dimensions. Why...because within any dimension all the others occur, one cannot be seperated from another. So if one changes measure slightly, so do the rest.

I named my invention/discovery 'the Mind Portal' for good reasons.
How about the 5th dimension being "Harmonic of sounds",then only people in that dimension of harmonics , will actually see/hear that reality...Time does not exist in reality, time was created on the Earth through death..finality..therefore higher intelligence is linked to by harmonics...dimensions..this is 7th dimensional thought..light and sound at the atomic level are the same thing..

I do agree though. I suspect consciousness, thought, is not purely physical. I suspect that if you continue considering this long enough, you may end up agnostically thinking "Perhaps there is more to it all than meat and atoms and processes, but I have no friggin idea how to determine the truth of it".

I like the idea of harmonics perhaps becasue it exibits a sort of equation like perfection. I normally denotes an organisation of sorts that point to an equilibrian that is pleasing. The idea that we can experience time on just a linear scale fo me is just a constrictive throught pattern.

I work everyday on the 'truth of it' so to speak for me what's works best is taking thought pardigms associated with organisms of throught that 'have structure' and take a leap of faith that when you pile integince on inteligence you get ta da harmonics that transcend time?