Mind is the "fifth" dimension


Nerd Overlord - we(s):1 of N
Valued Senior Member
Spacetime is generally discussed as four dimensional. I realize that string theory, etc, propose more dimensionality. I would say that there is at least one more obvious dimension: the mind.

I'll use mathematical constructs to aid with my point: I think that thought is the integration of time (see below), and consciousness is the integration of thought. The backwards relationship of the derivative holding true as well, thought is the derivative of consciousness.


I think that the mind is a context provider. Context comes about through language and experiences combining into concepts. Regardless these concepts can be thought of as "chunks of time" subjectively, since time and consciousness bind the senses. By that reasoning, thought is the dynamic solution set to the "matrix" of concepts in your head when t=p... or it is right now. Consciousness is thereby the fact that you are "aware" of said solution set, or the ability that solution relect upon itself.

Sound crazy?
I think people are too loose with the term "dimension".
you're right, and I'm using it somewhat loosely. I'm just trying to present a relationship that occurs to me to have some validity, though I'm not sure I have the language with which to accurately do so. I AM quite familiar with the concept of a "dimension" though.. it's a degree of freedom.

one of the more interesting aspects of basic physics to me however, is the relationship between position and velocity, velocity and acceleration. I sort of think of acceleration as the next higher dimension of velocity. It's actually an integration I realize.. but when you start comparing the relationship to dimensionality, there is validity. for instance, to the eigth dimension the seventh dimension appears flat... just as from the graph of acceleration, velocity seems flat (being a tangent line and all). is there no value to that comparison?
I do agree though. I suspect consciousness, thought, is not purely physical. I suspect that if you continue considering this long enough, you may end up agnostically thinking "Perhaps there is more to it all than meat and atoms and processes, but I have no friggin idea how to determine the truth of it".
How about the 5th dimension being "Harmonic of sounds",then only people in that dimension of harmonics , will actually see/hear that reality...Time does not exist in reality, time was created on the Earth through death..finality..therefore higher intelligence is linked to by harmonics...dimensions..this is 7th dimensional thought..light and sound at the atomic level are the same thing..
Originally posted by IXL777
How about the 5th dimension being "Harmonic of sounds",then only people in that dimension of harmonics , will actually see/hear that reality...
I don't buy it. It's an interesting idea to an extent, but it doesn't take into accout the fact that the brain is what connects us to reality. That much is obvious. In that case too, what places someone in a harmonic? Why sound? Why not light? Why not "thought"? It seems random to me sort of. Maybe I just don't understand what you're getting at.
Originally posted by IXL777

Time does not exist in reality, time was created on the Earth through death..finality..
then why can I build an atomic clock? I think it's obvious via physics that time exists. I would content though, that it's nature is likely not what we think... and that yes, subjectivity has some effect (and through physics, time does alter subjectively). I guess I'm saying that consciousnes effects time and time effects consciousness, time having a more brute force effect, consciousness... well, I don't know what it does to time besides encode it into the brain, but I suspect there is something more to that.
Originally posted by IXL777

therefore higher intelligence is linked to by harmonics...dimensions..
I think it's linked by the brain...
Originally posted by IXL777

this is 7th dimensional thought..light and sound at the atomic level are the same thing..
hrmph. I think I see what you mean, but I don't think it makes sense. I think you're trying toi equate them because of how you experience them subjectively.. that they are combined in consciousness or mind, so they are the same thing. I suppose it's a way of thinking about it... they are both input and brought in via sensory organs.. but eh. I think that sound and light are sound and light and you shouldn't try to just say "they're the same thing" cuz they aren't. Experiencing them may make you think something like that, but then you have to say "sound and light become equivalent when experienced". that might make a little more sense but well, then I think you're talking about input and there are sevaral other factors that become equivalent by your line of thinking.
Wes , thought is sound, but not discernable to the human ear, it is in the realms of intuition..positive sound ..archetypal big bang were the harmonics originate from...you only understand someone who speaks from a higher harmonic if you are on the same level of sound..therefore new dimensions exist inhigher levels of sound which cannot be heard ..or the reality seen
best dominic
Originally posted by IXL777
Wes , thought is sound, but not discernable to the human ear, it is in the realms of intuition..positive sound ..archetypal big bang were the harmonics originate from...you only understand someone who speaks from a higher harmonic if you are on the same level of sound..therefore new dimensions exist inhigher levels of sound which cannot be heard ..or the reality seen
best dominic

hrmph.. you're confusing me. thought doesn't entirely consist of internal dialog.. I kind of like the idea of harmonics from the big bang but well, sound is a bad word for it. You might do better to stick with the word "thought" since you're equating the two anyway. sound is an encoded pressure waveform travelling through a medium, usually air or water.

you seem to use the word "harmonic" in a way that I can kind of follow, but do you know what it really means? maybe it's that you're a musician or something so it's easier for you to use this type of terminology to explain yourself. I'm trying to follow you, but you're not really giving me a lot to work with. what does harmonics have to do with understanding? You're saying that I can only understand someone on the same level of sound. what level? you mean the same harmonic? if so, how is it that I understand them? they still have to vocalize or write to me to communicate with me... something. I like that you're wildly theorizing, it just doesn't seem consistent or accurate to me. maybe you can elaborate? if you don't mind though... reconsider your terminology and the relationships you're establishing.... do they really make sense given the known aspects of the universe?
you seem to use the word "harmonic" in a way that I can kind of follow, but do you know what it really means? maybe it's that you're a musician.

Iam indeed a musician Wes,so I will use a musical analogy linked to the truth.
The big bang produced infinite sound , infinite harmonics. Thought is the synthesis of light (reason) and sound (intuition)..therfore intuition ,feminine thought patterns are greater because it was the archetypal energy.
Harmonics are produced on the octaves and fifths of sound.some of which are not audible to the human ear..thought then is both sound and light..particles and waves.Therefore the higher the harmonics, the higher level of consciousness.
If you look up my thread which I have just started linked to Immortality, I have just started to discuss the above truths.The fith dimension of thought is infinite due to the harmonics, therfore dimensions of reality are infinite, we are in a 3rd. dimensional state going on to the 4 th..some may even have reached the 5th..I doubt it though!
If "mind" is a different dimension, by what mechanism can it affect the other dimensions?
If "mind" is a different dimension, by what mechanism can it affect the other dimensions?
James,its not the mind itself , its the level of consciousnesss one has,the levels of harmonics..the more harmonics octaves 5ths the higher the consciousness, the higher the intelligence.
Originally posted by James R
If "mind" is a different dimension, by what mechanism can it affect the other dimensions?

well, what I'm trying to get at along those lines is that "mind" is a combination of thought and consciousness... that conciousness is "being aware" and thought is "thinking" or "processing" so mind is "being aware of processing". additionally, consciousness binds thought and thought controls (along with instinct and automated brain processes) the body. thereby the mind effects other dimension through the body.. in kind of the same sort of stacking relationship. the body is the the link to the physical world. I'm not saying the mind exists independant of the body, but that the mind taps into degress of freedom that are almost impossible to ponder because they are that which gives rise to ponderance. like trying to see air... it can be done , but you have to look at it just right ("heat waves" or change it's color or create an experiment whereby it can be inferred, etc). *shrug* something like that.
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Maybe what I'm inferring is that conciousness is effectively perpedicular to the timeline. It rides it and only exists in the present, but there is more to it than just a point, it's a plane. (in terms of cartesian coordinate). Even if it's just a trick it's still likely indicative of conditions in physics that don't make sense.

For instance, if you think about concepts as "chunks of time" per my original post, then there is more than one time at a time. In that sense I mean that at any time t=p, well, think about it... you can feel your whole getup... your whole life.. IN the present.. but in a sense, the present doesn't exist. it's infinitesimally small, yet conscoiusness fits onto it. I believe since consciousness IS, that implies that there is more to the present than just the instant it represents in time. Am I just talking stupid shit?

it's like an integral or differential or something in terms of it's relationship (I mean consciousness's (or mind's I haven't determined the accurate nomenclature) relationship to time)
Maybe what I'm inferring is that conciousness is effectively perpedicular to the timeline. It rides it and only exists in the present, but there is more to it than just a point, it's a plane. (in terms of cartesian coordinate). Even if it's just a trick it's still likely indicative of conditions in physics that don't make sense.

Wes, time does not exist in reality,time was created by man due to death, a beginning and end. In the higher levels of consciousness, harmonics,it's still likely indicative of conditions in physics that don't make sense. The reason that it does not make sense is because we are Mortal ...a beginning and end...when we eventually become Immortal by 2012 to the initiated, you will understand the cosciousness I am talking about..its only people in darkness(ignorance) who are being left behind....
Originally posted by IXL777
Wes, time does not exist in reality,time was created by man due to death, a beginning and end.
That is simply not true. I think there is time and there is, it is more than an illusion because I can build a nuclear clock, go away from it, come back, and it's still going, saying it's later than you think. If time does not exist, we can't have this conversation because nothing could change because change takes place over time. Even instantaneous change of true/false still indicates time because at some point it was true, then false or vice versa.
Originally posted by IXL777

In the higher levels of consciousness, harmonics,it's still likely indicative of conditions in physics that don't make sense. The reason that it does not make sense is because we are Mortal ...a beginning and end...when we eventually become Immortal by 2012 to the initiated, you will understand the cosciousness I am talking about..its only people in darkness(ignorance) who are being left behind....


That sounds like gibberish to me. You should realize that you're using terms all out of context and then choosing dates for stuff, talking about immortals and darkness. Sounds to me like you're making up a story. I certainly think it is silly to "tell" me that it's true rather than present it to me to poke holes in.

I at least realize that the stuff I'm saying will likely not be understood for a few reasons.. one is that I'm using terminology very loosely, another is that I'm talking about stuff that is hard enough for me to understand internally, it's doubly hard to attempt to communicate it. Another is that it may sound like gibberish to others and finally, it may just be stupid.

I don't mean to be offensive but I must say, what you've said just sounds stupid to me. Sounds like nonsense. Why harmonics? Why sound?

Okay, you're a musician, does that mean it's okay to describe phsyics all in terms of music? It would take a creative effort to do so, but maybe it could be done. If that is what you're doing however, you need to state it up front. Give everyone the "key" to your claims such that it might be translated. Further though, and this is maybe even more important, if you want people to bother, you must make it worth their while... you have to tease a little. Give people a reason to go through all the effort. I mean, you have to show that there is at least a LITTLE meat to your argument. While maybe I see something a little interesting in there, you blow it with your crazy immortal talk. It's crazy because you haven't made me believe otherwise... ya know? Again, I'm not trying to be offensive, just giving you suggestions. Ignore them if you wish.
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Originally posted by IXL777
time does not exist in reality ... when we eventually become Immortal by 2012
isn't this a direct contradiction?
Originally posted by IXL777

to the initiated
initiated to what?
Originally posted by IXL777

, you will understand the cosciousness I am talking about
it doesn't seem like it at this rate.
Originally posted by IXL777

..its only people in darkness(ignorance) who are being left behind....
that's obvious. but where does that put me? what about you? I avoid ignorance by your theory in what manner? by reading your thread? okay, I'll read it. you promise I won't be ignorant after reading it? what makes you think you aren't ignorant? is ignorant a relative term?

again, I'm not trying to berate you, I just think you're not making a lot of sense. maybe you can, but not by that post (to me anyway, and I'll stretch more than most I think)
There we go, because we do not talk in the same harmonics you do not understand me, so I will have to bring it down to a 3rd dimesional chat.
If you asked someone 500 years ago and a lot less, that mankind will fly to the moon,they would think you were mad through their (darkness) ignorance.
The levels of consciousness, harmonics have risen in Mankind a great deal in 5 hundred years...and intelligence , consciousness is increasing very quickly, until immortality..."what will people be doing in 5 hundred tears from now..immortality will become a reality linked to harmonics.
In the higher levels of consciousness, harmonics,it's still likely indicative of conditions in physics that don't make sense. The reason that it does not make sense is because we are Mortal ...a beginning and end...when we eventually become Immortal by 2012 to the initiated, you will understand the cosciousness I am talking about..its only people in darkness(ignorance) who are being left behind.... to gain immortality you will have to conquer your alter-ego and to raise your levels of consciousness

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Originally posted by IXL777
There we go, because we do not talk in the same harmonics you do not understand me,

well, technically it's because you're taking english and twisting it around your mind... using terms outside their definitions to compensate for your lack of communication skills. I do the same thing, I understand and I do my best to infer what you mean via the context surrounding the words.. but you haven't given me enough to feel that I comprehend at all what you mean.. and again, then you seem to be "informing me" rather than debating me. that's silly in my opinion. how does that gain ground?
humility is the key needed to reach immortality..I happen to have a PhD. in Metaphysics, Ontology linked to Alternative Medicine..
and it was by conquering the alter-ego, and humility, that I am trying to help you to reach the truth.
Dr. Dominic
It is like trying to play chess when you have certain pieces missing..by negating your alter-ego , you will receive those pieces