Mind Control

With those questions (Q) there are alsorts of possibilities.
For instance the main problem with anyone trying to investigate the people using such equipment is the fact that those people they interact with are potentially "drawn to discussion" because either deep down they want to be apart of a conspiracy (or solution to one) or due to them being apart of the overall framework of people being used by such equipment.

For instance it's guaranteed that trying to explain my point to people in various professions has resulted them in drawing a conclusion based upon a Textbook and "easy" answer, although I explain how a person perception can be shaped through such equipment they tend not to be confused by their judgement even though I know that their judgement is tainted in favour of Espionage.

Now you might think me being paranoid with that point, however I've had family members and friends say things that only I have heard discussed with those using me. It suggests that people I interactive with become momentarily apart of what ever scandalous event is being done, my friends, family members and anyone I might talk to like: Doctor's, Professor's, Lawyer's or Politician's. (I didn't bother mentioning "Policemen" since apparently police statement: "Their hands are tied". Which was a nicer comment than most of the Other types of people a person tries to get aid from.)

You could perhaps wonder to yourself if any perception you have is actually your own. For instance if you buy a product have you fallen to advertising? If you take a strict political opinion, have you fallen to the powers of the "Popular" press? If you take an absolute opposite view to a persons reasoning/understanding, have you done so out of fair consideration or because that you've allowed your personal feelings for that person to dictate your position?

I don't ask those question to insight a quick witted response in you (Q), I mearly ask them so you perhaps view a bigger picture rather than locking horns with someone for a smaller picture. (I apologise if you feel that I've singled you out from the use of your name, since I know there are others that frequent the forum that the same can be said for)
You could perhaps wonder to yourself if any perception you have is actually your own. For instance if you buy a product have you fallen to advertising?

I would agree that advertising is a successful mode of mind control, billions are spent on advertising anually.

If you take a strict political opinion, have you fallen to the powers of the "Popular" press?

I wouldn't follow the popular press on political opinions or anything else, the media are driven by advertising dollars. I have personally witnessed events later written up in newspapers, cleary wrong and in favor of whomever controls the revenues for that press.

If you take an absolute opposite view to a persons reasoning/understanding, have you done so out of fair consideration or because that you've allowed your personal feelings for that person to dictate your position?

Not really, I've acknowledged peoples views on their reasoning and understanding, even if they first appeared completely whacko and suddenly come up with something completely rational and logical.

I mearly ask them so you perhaps view a bigger picture rather than locking horns with someone for a smaller picture.

I do agree that many are victims to your reasonings and examples, and are usually gullible and lazy. But I'm afraid I don't agree with Agitprops nonsense.
(Q) said:
You could perhaps wonder to yourself if any perception you have is actually your own. For instance if you buy a product have you fallen to advertising?

I would agree that advertising is a successful mode of mind control, billions are spent on advertising anually.

If you take a strict political opinion, have you fallen to the powers of the "Popular" press?

I wouldn't follow the popular press on political opinions or anything else, the media are driven by advertising dollars. I have personally witnessed events later written up in newspapers, cleary wrong and in favor of whomever controls the revenues for that press.

If you take an absolute opposite view to a persons reasoning/understanding, have you done so out of fair consideration or because that you've allowed your personal feelings for that person to dictate your position?

Not really, I've acknowledged peoples views on their reasoning and understanding, even if they first appeared completely whacko and suddenly come up with something completely rational and logical.

I mearly ask them so you perhaps view a bigger picture rather than locking horns with someone for a smaller picture.

I do agree that many are victims to your reasonings and examples, and are usually gullible and lazy. But I'm afraid I don't agree with Agitprops nonsense.

Our growing interest in what forms consensus and personal "opinion" will feed an equal interest in what constitutes "mind". Question like, where and if lines can be drawn between our individual minds and collective mind, (though common in covert science for many years) will be picked up by mainstream science.

I will grant Q and other debunkers this point. This area is as much chaos magic as empirical science, certainly at this point, and is therefore, tremendously interesting but remarkably dangerous. It may behoove people who understand this, either from the perspective of a garden variety atheist or from a sage insider's point of view, to fight it with all the resources they can bring to bear, both financially and politically. For shamanism, as the author, Daniel Pinchbeck claims, can easily segue into sorcery.

Stryder, Have you ever had the feeling that there is a recruitment process underway to promote you from victim to sorcerer's apprentice?

I am very concerned that secrecy under the auspices of national security is shielding society from some forms of unpleasantness, while shielding those who would harm others, particularly children.
If you are interested in MKULTRA may I suggest this site...the blogger claims he has pictures of MKULTRA children:

I would point out specifically this link to the site which has pictures of children being held behind bars:

I would also point you out to the library of congress and HR2977. Goto http://thomas.loc.gov/

Goto the column marked Legislation and click on the link for Search Bills and Resolutions. In the Simple Search box, make sure the radio buttons for Full texts of Bills and Resolutions and Bill Number are selected. In the Column marked Select Congress select (107th 2001-2002). In the line under Enter Search enter HR2977 and click search.

What comes up is a bill that was intended to ban certain weapons in space. Read the listing of the weapons meant to be banned…especially this portion here:

II) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations; or (III) by expelling chemical or biological agents in the vicinity of a person.


B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as--
(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;
(ii) chemtrails;
(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;
(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;
(v) laser weapons systems;
(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and
(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.
(C) The term `exotic weapons systems' includes weapons designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space.
I skipped reading the 5 pages, so someone might have covered this, BUT...

When I studied Psychology, one of the things we covered was mind Control. Some tests were done by Universities on the matter and interesting results came back.

Test Scenario #1.
A group of people were given a small cut on their arm. These people were then made to sit for 30 minute durations infront of a two way mirror with their cut facing the mirror. 50% of the people had someone sitting on the other side, 50% didn't.

50% of the people that had someone sit on the other side of the two way mirror, had that person concentrate on the scratch - in order to make it heal faster. (Been about 6 years ago I saw this) - But I believe everyone that had a person sit on the other side of the Mirror, had healed more quickly than those who didn't.

Test #2
A person created a program. This program would draw a line from left to right on the screen. Each time this lined would move to the right it would perform a random algorithm, which would be either positive or negative in it's results. If it was positive... The line would move up, if it was negative... THe line would move down.

Objective = To make the line move either up or down - using nothing but the mind.

The man who created this program would let the program run, to show how it worked.. the line generally stayed around the center. He after then said - I will try and make this line follow my finger as it moves from left to right. It he wanted the line to move up, it would move up... and if he wanted to move it down... it would do so accordingly.

The person who conducted the interview with the Prof. was able to do the same thing.

Test #3
A prof. create a little contraption similar to the computer program. It had an array of lights... The lights would randomly move to either the left of right side of the previous light. Using the mind the Prof. and the person conducting the interview were able to move lights in any given direction.

Conclusion: People could affect some of the things around them, using mind power. But only on a very micro level. People can't move cars or even a pencil, using the mind.

I can't remember the results of the following test, but feel free to test it out at home.

Get a piece of string and attach something like a coin at the bottom. Hold the string and then using your mind try and get the coin to swing.

- Shifty Russian
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Wrong term, those are called 'Contrails.'"

So the Library of Congress is wrong? Should you be supplying proper english to the US Congress and Senate?
They are contrails. Library of Congress doesn't validate facts, it merely records the voices of those that are ignorant as well as educated without prejudice.

Actually I think it was defined "Chemtrails" from such cases as "Agent Orange" however that was to do with Insecticides which contained the chemicals that makeup Agent Orange.

Contrails are what people do usually see in the sky where there is no "malice" intended, Cropdusting or insecticide spraying.

On another note there was an experiment conducted using water absorbant granules that would be outputted over a cloud like crop dusting to then caused those clouds to disperse, however I think it was only ever attempted over the sea, otherwise people would get covered in those granules.