Mind Control

Skinwalker - point taken. Welcome to the newest 'woo-woo.'
As all of you are probably aware, I have in the past posted to "Mind Control" topics due to my own references but for those of you that don't know let me just try to put a brief rundown together.

Firstly I have suffered from hearing the output of 24hr Surveillance since 1999. It's original occurance caused me to end up thrown into a hospital where the immature surveyors manipulated my thoughts to the point where I didn't know what was real any more.

I suffered both auditory and visual effects back then, although the visuals only lasted while hospitalised and on the hospitals drugs.

The auditory "Conversation structures" are obviously not mine, I mean you sit with yourself for five minutes and try to discuss something it wouldn't work. Everything you would say you would already know what the answer would be when you responded thus making any conversation very shortlived indeed. Also those discussion usually seemed to have a mixture of aged and sexed individuals talking to me, some would seem more professional than others ranging from perhaps doctors of Psychiatry to Physics Professors.

I do believe the auditory inputs to be implaced by radiological output, I personally think it's something like small microwave streams being picked up by the ear drum. Take for instance a simple test of wiggling a finger in my ear causes the reception of their "voices" to be faint although not broken.

I did notice that one time I had to fly between two locations, they stop their communication with me during flight at perhaps the fear of their transmittions interfering with the flight equipment. (I wonder how many aircrashes it took for them to realise that one)

One time I was in the London underground I notice their signals did break up a little, although not completely which does suggest their equipment does have a certain amount of ground penetration.

Another time I was in a cloths store in a local city surrounded by steal girders, cloth hangers and other metal poles, I found their transmittion to suffer distortions too.

Discussion previously on this forum linked that "microwaves" similar to ones that are usually found in conjunction of using a mobile phone can actually cause the Temporal Lobes to shrink through usage. For those of you that don't know the shrinkage of Temporal Lobes in a "Psychiatrists" textbook is usually attributed to Schizophrenia, however I believe that Schizophrenia and Temporal Epilepsy are a side effect of the Temporal Lobe shrink which can shrink because of radiological interaction.

(Basically organs in the body have different densities, where some organs radiation can pass through easier than other organs.)

As for the visual inputs, they are a little more difficult to explain. On the one hand it's possible to generate a "holographic matrice" of radiofrequencies to manipulate the appearance of something to more than one person, however if it's to just be one person targetted then the likelihood is that it's difficult to manipulate visual matrices while a person is in an awakened state. (They need to either be asleep or near the frequencies of being a sleep which consequently are the same frequencies suffered by people that suffer temporal epilepsy)

Now everytime I've mentioned this I usually end up with people either trying to debate that such things can't exist or aren't possible. However this time round my point is there is no debate, the equipment exists (in fact if money was granted I would publically prove it to them).

My reason for writing this was really just to state that it's about time that there was some "Official" channel to deal with the misuse of these systems either by old coldwar seperatists or researchers cutting corners for the commercial sector.

I do have some theories as to who is responsible but you just have to note what those people need to have at their disposal:

International Immunity
Communications networks (Telecoms, Broadcast and even Private "Security Sector" companies that work with multiple DOD's)
Scientists (Afterall it's not something a bunch of 12 yr old kids are going to cook up in their backyard. Types ranging from Neurologists, Psychiatrists, Physicists, Engineers and Mathematicians to deal with all that Matrix-vector mathematics.)

Lastly to add to that collection of "ingredients" obviously their projects will have a "History" as technology develops at an ever increasing rate and obviously with each of their projects would be results, such results could be any of the following:

Famous people that made it
(Perhaps insider traders that didn't know they were trading inside, CEO's, people that believe they had divination over an event, spoon bending etc)

Famous people that didn't make it
Assassins with a middlename, failed conseurs, people that made giant mistakes in history (world leaders are not exempt)

Then there are those that have no fame:

Currently I have a few names of people that are famous (successes not murders) that suffered what seemed to be psychological problems that I believe were misused by a Security sector company, however I currently don't have enough evidence to do anymore than speculate a wild conspiracy theory.

I wish what I had written would be enough to clear it all up, but I know that some people will never know until there is a method to prove it no matter how plausible it is.
I believe you, Stryder. What a terrible thing to have to live with. Any idea why you were targeted? Just random bad luck?
Stryder, i too am listening to you. somewhere i also have noted an individual who has reported going through harrowing things similar to what you are sharing.....will try to find it later andlink you up
Btw, even though I wrote that post some months ago, the same things still go on. The same auditory conversations, the same frustrations at knowing it would effect me if I openly attempt to gain an academic diploma or attempted to work for someone.
(Study/Work can be impossible if the people that voice, harass because of what I write or say to people about what they are doing, or because of how I term what they have been doing since I feel that they know eventually there could be a long listed report of their failings handed to them.)

As to the Who and Why are questions that I have been interested in, however all I can do is wildly guess. Thats what makes whats being done such a "Subversive art" since there is no confirmation if I'm close which allows me (and others I assume) to create some answers to attempt to fill in for what I don't know.

This is also what suggests that the Why appears to be Psychological, namely to be watched and allowed to generate whatever answers I perceive can only mean that a group is psychologically evaluting me for some purpose.

This brings me to the who, since I haven't filled out any applications to anywhere sinister it rules out background checks.

Since the history of it didn't necessarily begin in 1999, In fact it is more likely to stem back to a time in High School (I remember a few odd occurances around 1991-2) It suggests that I might have been "groomed" (Through the Manipulation of Events in my life) into a role for "Psychological Research", which would explain why they have been so adamant about not giving up.

(My thought here is that if you enter a subject into a scientific study, then you want to control the variables as much as possible. In my case I'm suggesting that if they are studying psychological conditions, the only way to do so is making sure the conditions exist by manipulating events to create them.)

Something else I didn't mention previously, some of the people I hear might not speak english as a first language or have Americanised accents, which would suggest an international group of people.

It's difficult to get aid in dealing with the occurance since the stance of the UK Government is that such equipment can't exist, basically suggesting that any group of academics could band together and subsequently Build and Use such Electronic Subversion equipment on anyone in the UK. Since the Government chooses to ignore it exists and the House of Lords chose not to respond which suggests that it's not just clandestine but also not classed as illegal. Although such equipments use breaks a number of paragraphs from the Universal Declaration of Human rights not to forget fragrently abusing Civil Rights.
am curious stryder......i lookedat te beginnig of tis thread expecting to see it started by you......so i find someone else menion all about mindcontrol. yet your first post mentions nothing referring towhat you are now revealing.....how come? i would imagine you wold have strIGHAWAY SAID WHAT HAD HAPPENED TO YOU??
Stryder, Are you convinced that the voices, though apparently human, actually are human? I mean, is it possible that you're just an excellent receiver and therefore have attracted some kind of interdimensional psychic parasites? Boy, I really feel for you. Whatever and whoever it turns out to be--it sucks. Have you thought of using entheogens as a way to get some clearer answers? It makes me feel so helpless for the person being harrassed when I hear stories like these.

Do the voices ever have a metallic quality?

I did mention it sometime ago, however I suffered from exactly the same problems that other people suffer in this forum with some people both being unreceptive and quite antagonistic.

Posting was a problem at the time because I felt that myself and others tend to feel abused by the situation and when we try to find some aid to deal with the abuse, we get yet more abuse from someone that doesn't believe or understand the abuse. So with that I kept it quite and didn't make such a song and dance posting about it.


The voices are human although one stage early on it sounded like a Dat machine was used since there were alot of repetative word-string patterns, in fact at the time it was torturous to have the same "stupid" (as in not intelligent because it was a recording) sentences being said over again and again.

Heres some of the sentences repeated around 05/July/2000. (They don't use the dat machine so much now)

"I heard a rumour about him", "I/We knew exactly what he was up to","Snuff Puppet","Your wanted by the F.B.I...", "...For Looking into other peoples affairs/Business", "Empty Rooms", "Whats in an Empty room?", "Witchcraft","Turn that off!","Turn that computer off *firstname* *Lastname*'s head", "We heard a bloody rumour about you/him", "Computer Off!", "We tricked him into *company*, He thinks he owns the bloody world", "He knows", "You crafty basta/beggar", "We know all about him and *firstname* *lastname*", "turn *firstname* *lastname* off", "were laughing", "damien", "your damien to our system", "thats close enough", "my word", "Even company has had enough of him", "you knew too much!", "Knock that bugger off the wall", "Knock that bugger off *firstname* *lastname* wall", "You've given us all a false alert", "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Hack the system!", "The oldest trick in the book", "You know, whatsit", "He tricked us into that bloody machine", "All because of that bloody woman", "They shoot themselves usually", "Be excellent to one another", "He says", "She says", "They say", "your hard light", Your hard light *firstname*", "Accidents will happen", "You can sit down now", "you can sit down now *firstname*", "You live to tell the tale.... [tailsoff]you snail", "Keep working", "whos your father", I heard a dirty Wrotten rumour about him", "how to do *firstname* *lastname* head right in", "every little helps", "good shot", "He's pulled that cord once too often"

*firstname* on it's own was usually my name, however *firstname* *lastname* could of been people that I had interfaced with at the time, as for the *companyname* it was a company I was "curious" about since it had been identified as a possible location for a quantum event to occur (Q-computers)

I believe the equipment to be very Cybernetic, although suggestible cybernetics is about Man controlling machine and I've found that all too often the machine was controlling man.
However it has meant that between a mixture of my brain and what ever operators they have had (if they haven't been stealing from people) it was possible to generate alsorts of CGI outputs, which is another reason why I've got to track them down because of designs, ideas and of course intellectual property.
I am absolutely convinced, Stryder, that at least some people who are hearing voices are victims of human based mind control. The weird thing is, if I were bombarded with voices I know I'd actually go nuts, so the question of whether someone is sane or not, in this situation, isn't productive. What a hall of mirrors!

Have you tried sound masking devices like the ones used for tinnitis?
The main problem with any devices or equipment to counter it is it's impossible to get hold of without paying money.

For instance there is a particular type of tent available that was developed to block radiocommunications, it's used both by the military to stop bugging and by civillians to lessen external interference around server farms.

The problem is it costs several thousand GBP.

However I do suggest there is a technique that could be used to identify whether a person suffers from a "Psychological condition" that they've created or from an "Pseudo-one". It would involve monitoring the brain activity of the person in both normal day life and also in one of these "Faraday Tents", my suggestion is if they are being abused then their brain activity outside of the tent will be greater than inside the tent.

(Not to forget the amount of radiological occurances that seem to be of a unified nature around them, when I say unified I mean a vector of radiation that is conveying information back and forth from the persons brain to the radiological antenna network thats being used to tap them.)

I wish I had the money and academic background to prove what I suggest because I would then make it my purposes to place such "Faraday Tents" in Hospitals, Schools (If I was "groomed" it started in a school, and makes me wonder if they have paedophiles in positions where they can use this equipment) and Police holding cells. My reason for saying that such locations should have the equipment installed is that if a person is abused they become a puppet of their abuse, this means that they could be forced into violent crime, vandalism or just irrational behaviour, this places them and people around them at risk. Not just a risk of injury but a risk of misdiagnosis and being misunderstood which just adds insult to injury.
You can build a Faraday's Cage out of any conductor metal mesh and a few 2x4's. This would block out all radio communications into and out of the box (leave cell phones outside, and no more WiFi connection to the laptop), and shouldn't cost several thousand GBP.
i actually couldent be bothered to read the documents, but this subject interests me alot so much that i cant be fucked to read it infact!

im just tired someone tell me whats going on in a single sentance please thanks.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
i actually couldent be bothered to read the documents, but this subject interests me alot so much that i cant be fucked to read it infact!

im just tired someone tell me whats going on in a single sentance please thanks.
the powers that be aren't all what many people think, included is secret technology and intentions to control poples minds, and t do tis rthey will use various means, from the war on drugs which prohibits exploration of ourminds, to such evil covert projects a Project Monarch (as ion Monarch butterfly) where tey seek to create 'sleepers' etc who do te bidding of thier masters, and oyher forms of implants which can be actvated, and they also have technology that can speak in your brain etc etc etc, and of course there is the ubiquitous TV pushin their propaganda at us mornin noon and night, as well as radio and all media in fact.....
Some of what Duendy said might be a little overkill.

The main point is people are doing things with radiological equipment to fool people into thinking it's about something else or someone else, period.

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
Abraham Lincoln
Stryder said:
Some of what Duendy said might be a little overkill.

me::hah kind of ironic. you experiencingwhat you havewarning of 'overkill'....all i can say in way of defense and so as not to allow the image of me binng gullible is tis: ith open mind--as muc asyou can encourage, use the computer in fron of you andresearch about what i say, and see what you think......sure te dager is to UNDERestimate what controllers are capable of. otherwise we dont listen to people in distress do we now......

The main point is people are doing things with radiological equipment to fool people into thinking it's about something else or someone else, period.

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
Abraham Lincoln

I didn't mean for you to read my posts as suggesting gullibility on your part.

What I've been trying to point out is to be more detective about what's being done to get a better picture of the who, why and where rather than jumping on the bandwagon of a quest to identify some project name or "cult group" involvement.

Quite simply to deal with this, to deal with them and to find the real culprits means not allowing yourself to be overwhelm with fantasiful accounts of who they are or what they are doing.

It means only dealing with the axioms of truth that can be stripped away, like knowing the type of equipment used, the education needed, the State allowing it.

The fact that there is NO RECORD of any PROSECUTION involving the equipments use, although such equipment infringes Civil Rights and Human Rights also suggests that the State has allowed it.

Since it's a worldwide problem it suggests more than one State does it, which means the only State run departments that contain secrecy that involves the interaction outside of state is apart of the Secret Services.

Since there seems to be civillian counterparts it suggests Contract workers, Such Contract workers usually found in the area of Espionage are usually from such companies as JANES and RAND.

I think you can start to see where I'm pointing and where it needs to be suggested the problem is to the UN.
I am absolutely convinced, Stryder, that at least some people who are hearing voices are victims of human based mind control.

Absolutely, positively and without any shadow of doubt? I wonder if your mind is being controlled?