Mind Control

I am surprised at no comments,since the details in documents are intriguing! Come on guys...
Entire CIA MKULTRA Collection

Starting over six years ago, The Black Vault filed a FOIA request for all documents pertaining to MKULTRA and similar projects. I was told that these documents were being reviewed, and I would be contacted when the review was completed.

For years I waited, and was never contacted. The CIA, in fact, DID release the documents on three CD-ROMs yet they never notified me and my open FOIA request still pending in their office.

They knew what The Black Vault could and would do. I simply uploaded the entire contents of the CDs onto The Black Vault, and I created easy to follow indexes to these documents. Needless to say, they did not want this, since they never once wanted to contact me about the release.
This is interesting.... they published the documents, but did not tell the person who asked for them about it because he would .... well, bring them to people's attention. I'm confused.... why did the CIA publish them, then? Someone will say, "What do you think that was, some kind of laughable mistake?" Well, yes. The fact that they published of their own free will something that had been asked for, and then neglected to tell the one person who had asked for them that they had been published is all too typical of a large bureaucracy.

That site is a major disappointment - his indexes consists of the list of the file names - they haven't even written whats in each document on the link! Useless. But what I've seen is something to do with LSD, and something else which probably was linked to RV which as we know is utterly discredited.

Bit surprised Stryder hasn't taken a gander, though.
I've looked through some of the stuff there, and now bookmarked the Black Vault site as a whole.

However, it doesn't really appear to amount to much. I clicked the "paranormal" button to find a transcript of a House hearing on Project Chatter which involved drug application to unsuspecting people. But the guy complains that the transcript he got was a very poor quality copy, and stuff. Well, it's a House Committee transcript, not a top secret CIA document. If you want a better copy, get off your arse, go to Washington and get one from the Library of Congress!

We've just got our own FOIA in Britain, and it seems to me that one criticism was justified. It was reported that the downside of an FOIA would be that it would be subsumed by "UFO nuts" and the like. But what seems to me to be even worse is that an FOIA becomes a "lazy researcher's charter". The Black Vault no doubt congratulates himself on the "Government secrets" that he is "uncovering", but it amounts to saying "Tell me everything you know about...." a subject, and poor old Federal employees actually have to go and do all the hard work! In one case, the thing he asked for just got him a single 174 page document about "Communist Mind Control techniques" - which, incidentally, amount to nothing more than known psychological torture methods etc, certainly nothing paranormal - and they didn't even charge him for it!

Personally I think that the BV guy should be grateful that the government he pays his taxes to actually consider it normal to go out of their way to provide him with material for his government-rubbishing web site.
I'm taking a "gander" right now, However I don't believe that ex-CIA document (if of course they are) are going to explain to all the truth.

What people tend to neglect is that the Military in most countries "Contracts" it's work, The military in turn asks for Particular documents/papers to be written on the subject/work but don't necessarily have the whole documentation on Research and Development since that would be maintained as property of the contractor.

Makes you wonder how busy RAND Corporation or Janes Corporation have been, Since I believe such prospective project masters would also be responsible for a number UFO's and Corn Circles in the past.
zion said:
Please take a look at this site for hude archive on Mind Control Govt. Documents...its interesting...
For those of us with more sense than time, could you direct us towards one of the interesting bits.
If you want a better copy, get off your arse, go to Washington and get one from the Library of Congress!

I will be in D.C. on 25th tell me whereabouts...
For those of us with more sense than time, could you direct us towards one of the interesting bits.

I assume i belong to the same set...in case you have not wondered...;)

Thank you.
zion, are you Black Vault Guy?

As to Washington D.C., evidently you want to be spoonfed everything. I personally have no idea where the Library of Congress is, nor have I ever been to Washington. But I think everything will be pretty much signposted(!)

zion said:

Please take a look at this site for hude archive on Mind Control Govt. Documents...its interesting...

Mind Control

You said it's interesting, presumably you've looked through it yourself, that's why Ophiolite asked you to direct us to something that will actually interest us.

(As opposed to the first file on the first disk, ie the first thing most people will click - which just some scribbled budgetary figures on a financial sheet!)

I was in error earlier, I had not as I thought clicked the "Parapsychology in Intelligence" report, which deals with Remote Viewing and certainly is interesting as regards certain events which are reported as real which would be an astounding confirmation of psi powers. However, I prefer to think that people were mistaken, and it is only a second hand account.
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OK, I figured something out about the MKULTRA documents.

Each table is a separate "document" or file, with one page to each image. You can safely ignore the first ten or so documents which are nothing but budget allocations, invoices, invoice approvals and payment instructions (interesting in their own right regarding how and how much money gets allocated in a project of this nature). So click the ninth or tenth document and if you're still in signing off territory, you know you can skip a couple. Somewhere in documents 10-15 will come the actual meat, which is invariably a report which is the end result of whatever work was done on each project or subproject. One point of interest is that frequently the document will include details of the cover story used, for example, a putative origin for the money being allocated to the project so that it looks like it came from some legitimate research funding body rather than the CIA. Obviously this is in stuff I've seen where the project itself could easily be for any purpose, such as a blood group research project that was done (document 0000017487).

A lot of this work seems to take place in hospitals, and it's notable that the directors of such institutions always have Top Secret clearance and are documented as being aware of the "true purpose" of the research.

Note the censorship. It seems strange to me that the FOIA allows you to obtain all the paperwork in order to find out what was done, how it was done, how much it all cost - but never who did it! All the censorship (with one exception referring to a _________ machine) is of the names of the people involved, both within the Agency and without, and of places where projects took place (which might help in identifying the participants).
Apply the above to the 0000017_ documents. Documents lower down are simply reports or books on their own with none of the red tape.
I thought he was asking me to post the document here!! thats impossible one could say ;)...
One point of interest is that frequently the document will include details of the cover story used, for example, a putative origin for the money being allocated to the project so that it looks like it came from some legitimate research funding body rather than the CIA. Obviously this is in stuff I've seen where the project itself could easily be for any purpose, such as a blood group research project that was done (document 0000017487).

Good point Silas,

Evidently also,this is the first time i am visiting Washington D.C. in my life, and that too for 55$ with NJIT's Graduate Student Association Program.We will be staying at Holiday Inn and some limited site seeing inclusive in that cost...Thus i was hoping to be spoonfed...:D
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zion said:
I thought he was asking me to post the document here!! thats impossible one could say ;)...
I said " could you direct us towards one of the interesting bits." What made you think I wanted you to post the actual document?
If you want discussion on this (why else post?) you are going to have to spoon feed some of us a little.
Really there is very little of pseudoscientific interest here. The thread is called "Mind Control" and of course there is that implication of government using some kind of mystical telepathy ray.

But this is not the case here at all, really. They don't appear to talk about any kind of "action at a distance" - it's all direct contact with chemicals or electrical fields, some of it on animals, in the hope of influencing people you are in direct contact with. Most of it consists of perfectly standard science, and some of it actually debunks the wilder notions going around, such as the article on the "Backster Effect", (0000022003) about the guy who thought plant emotions could be detected using polygraph machines, or document 0000022001 which (with a sigh of regret) decides there is nothing to "Sleep Learning". If you're asleep, you're asleep.

Odd thing. I went to the JFK pages and he keeps abbreviating "Washington" as in D.C, "WA". That's the state's abbreviation!
MkUltra and mind control are the holy grail conspiracy theorists seek. Those interested in ufos, those interested in other esoteric phenonmena, have to familiarize themselves with this issue.

Once the ear is trained to distinguish the signal from the noise, it's easy to see, that the subject of mind control pops up repetetively in politics, religion, govt, entertainment etc... It transgresses all categories.

I'd be careful entering this mine field. If it's about mind control, you can believe anyone entering it is dealing with the modern equivalent of the trickster; black projects that deal with changing the mind, distracting the mind, propaganda, and perhaps chemical means.

Listen very carefully to what I'm going to tell you here. Organized humanity is at at juncture where it could begin to organize along the line of social insects controlled by a central authority, like a queen bee, releasing pheramones, (metaphorically speaking).
The collective unconscious is uneasy with this idea and it's being expressed in many sci fiction entertainment formats.
Be very worried about a govt that preaches freedom, freedom and more freedom, while it does the opposite.

Some people think all of the alien abduction stories are actually black op projects.

In actual fact, the govt became interested in mind control because of the highly developed hypnosis techniques they knew accompanied these abduction scenarios. The abductions came first, the intense govt. interest followed.

And this is what it's ALL about. Will we reach our full potential as individuals linked cooperatively with evolving creative intellect and with emotions refining synergistically, or will we hit an evolutionary dead end as easily manipulated social insects?

The collective unconscious is screaming with pain.
Another argument says that many of the abduction experiences, as wll as other non-ordinary experiences are rather some form of collecting imaginal process going on that is intended to jolt us OUT of 'common sense'!

of course i've read a little about possible connection between a secret government and 'ETs', but i tend to put this idea in with Ick's 'Lizard' thang.....right off the wall

i actually believe that what you fear isn't dependent on such really odd experiences---though i am not saying i am not openminded by certain peoples abduction accounts---as abductions, but that already we have media-spin mindcontrol, and pharma-shrink-gov-'meds' control
Duendy, That abduction experiences operate as a zen koan for the experiencer is absolutely true. Whether this effect is the primary motivation for the experiences is questionable. It could be a by product.

The imaginal mind of man doesn't provide experiences like this, left on it's own. There is another active force involved in the abduction phenomenon. I haven't for one minute implied that the portal of entry and focus of these experiences is anything other than mind.

There are explicit and implicit levels of meaning to the experience, and causal loops that are difficult to understand. But make no mistake, the govt is interested and has been for a long time. While they tinker away with their fellow human beings, in black projects, they are being tinkered with mentally, likely unaware.

David Icke's theories are interesting in that even if they are unintentionally so, if I were to construct a disinformation campaign about mind control and extra terrestrial influence on this planet, I would follow his lead. He completely discredits the idea that some people are being influenced.

If there is subliminal contact between another intelligent species and humans in positions of authority, those individuals wouldn't recognize it. It would probably work in the arena of hypnotic suggestion, from a distance, through unconscious intermediaries. Perhaps some are aware of something going on, but they certainly wouldn't control it and would find it difficult to get a handle on.

The invasion is taking place in the realm of thought, through political, religious, different academic ideologies and through mundane thought as well. It works well with and could be a motivator of some of the standard methods of propaganda.

But Icke has the end result as something dark sinister and reptilian, when in actual fact the end result would be an entirely passive hive, that quits evolving. The ultimate in boredom.
You are your own case study, not quite the ultimate in boredom.
Q, The way you are following me around this site, indicates to me a boyhood crush. This is fine, as far as it goes. However, should you become an obsessive stalker, smitten with my curvaceous use of the language, I will understand but will have to take prompt action.