Mercury CraterChains - Alien or Natural?


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
This thread is for the purpose of discussing the craters on Mercury, whether they are of a natural occurence or the result of alien wars, as per Norvals speculations.


More images of Mercury:
Pink flying elephants.

They just really suck at missing the ground.
This thread is for the purpose of discussing the craters on Mercury, whether they are of a natural occurence or the result of alien wars,...
Presuming aliens also to be a "natural occurence": Billions of years ago, the Sun was smaller/cooler, Mercury was cooler, the Universe was smaller, and the stars/other solar systems were much closer together and aliens could more easily travel to here.

As old as Mercury's craters appear to be, it's possible that they are of natural, alien bombardment technological origin.

One has to wonder what the aliens were attempting to hide from the rest of us.

What lies beneath the surface of Mercury that we are not supposed to see?
The thread title refers to crater chains, the opening statement in the thread states craters, both of which do not mention CS crater chains. So the content of this thread will not match the title nor the research as stated on
Brad Guth seems to think alien civilizations are alive and well and procreating on Venus. Maybe those aliens are using Mercury for target practice as they build galaxy class war ships and train shock troops, and some day will invade the Earth and take over this region of space.
Mercury crater chains, alien or natural.
QUOTED “This thread is for the purpose of discussing the craters on Mercury, whether they are of a natural occurence or the result of alien wars, as per Norvals speculations.”

Well to include all the craters on Mercury is a good idea. As CS types of crater chains have this unique inline and general shoulder to shoulder spacing regardless of size gives reason for considering they may have been caused by alien intelligence during a war. This would of course give rise to consideration of ALL CRATERS as to whether or not they are truly ALL formed by impacts. Or, weapons? :D

In the style of "Bill and Ted"...

Dude, We'll have to remember to come back later, before this all began and remember to make the crater chains.

What will we use?

What makes craters?!? I know, lets go into the future and find some scientists to help in making an atmosphere for the planets through the use of exploding giant bombs.

Well we must have failed Bill, they don't have atomspheres.

Well how else are we goning to make craters?

Could just build a big catapult and shoot asteroids from the outerrim at planets.

Dude that would be a most excellent intergalactic sport, Planet pitting with catapulted asteroids it will make a most bodacious edition to our bands album cover.

Ted: Excellent!
(Album cover depicted as Led Zeppelins "corncircle cover" but with Craterchains)

In all the above is more likely to be real, even though the characters are complete fiction.
And your the best they could come up with as a moderator, hopefully there are some people in this world with more common sense and excerise their intelligence than your example.
FieryIce said:
And your the best they could come up with as a moderator, hopefully there are some people in this world with more common sense and excerise their intelligence than your example.

Wow, just wow, your that delusional not to see how his example makes better sense then your theory! I mean come on aliens just decided to drop unguided bombs, what as there motivation? Why could they not use guided bombs and save ammo???
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Bombs? Guided bombs?

Why not sorta-guided rocks?

Aliens can shepherd asteroids and deliver a shotgun blast to any planet they wish.
Sorta-guided rocks?

Why not just rocks?

Ah, I see th problem... because if the asteroids that aliens sent broke up like this, it could just as easily be millions of years of asteroid strikes. This doesn't fit into the delusion very well, and its therefore ignored.