Me and Mohammad share a common similarity (click here to see what!)

Here's an interesting thought: if any religion had proof, there would be one religion

You should read Swami Vivekanand's treatise on the universalism of religion.

"Suppose we all go with vessels in our hands to draw water from the lake. One has a cup, another a jar, another a bucket, and so forth, and we all fill our vessels. The water
in each case takes the form of the vessel carried by each of us, but in every case, water, and nothing but water is in the vessel..... God is like that water filling these different vessels, and in each vessel, the vision of God comes in the form of the vessel.
Yet He is One......."

Meanwhile, I wonder why most atheists seem to be invested in reducing the diversity of human experience and thought to some kind of "everyone think the same" mould. What drives this behaviour?
Meanwhile, I wonder why most atheists seem to be invested in reducing the diversity of human experience and thought to some kind of "everyone think the same" mould. What drives this behaviour?

Islam, or any cult, demands you think and act exactly the same way. The Quran commands it.

Atheists are not bound by the same myths and superstitions, hence can think anyway they want.

Clearly, you have them backwards.
If that's true, then he's quite an intelligent and cunning man.
not ANY intelligent man.

the more you try looking at his "miracles" in anothr way and look for other explenations to them other what is told, you realize he would be a man smart than any comprehension, to fake it all.

and when i say "comprehension" i mean it literally.

sooo, hey, what if that possibility is the right one? mohammad was born with a genetic defects unleashing the full potential of the brain(or more)..then what?

1- being that, he said the truth, so the smartest man on earth relized we should do so and so. who's smartest to say no?

2- he's lying, in which not only what else can you do than walk into his trap? which would be-considering his immense brain power and intelligence- would be whatever you choose... you people are familiar with reverse psychology, and reverse reverse psychology, and so on..put simply, we would then be putty in his hands.
Bullshit. You should be a Mormon by your own logic.
bullshit, you should hang yourself by your own logic.

Let me rephrase that so that it applies:

"Islam has no proof to being right whatsoever, nor does it follow the trend of the real religions."
display of not knowing anything.


Ah, so you only know what's written in the Quran but you don't know it's history. That would explain your ignorance.

ah so not only you don't know what's written in the quran but you don't even know it's history..that helps a little in explaining your ignorance.

Here's an interesting thought: if any religion had proof, there would be one religion
is there proof that smoking kills?

do people smoke?
I don't often say this to you, Norse, but...

Well done!
Islam, or any cult, demands you think and act exactly the same way. The Quran commands it.
this explains it a little more.

do math teaches the same thing?

do all people solve problems the same way?

are all driving rules the same?

do people drive exactly like each other?

Atheists are not bound by the same myths and superstitions, hence can think anyway they want.

that's really funny.
you know what happens when they can all think anyway they want?

they all think the same.

go look at free thoughts, and notice the repetition of subjects concerning people here, who are mostly atheist.

Clearly, you have them backwards.
You should read Swami Vivekanand's treatise on the universalism of religion.

"Suppose we all go with vessels in our hands to draw water from the lake. One has a cup, another a jar, another a bucket, and so forth, and we all fill our vessels. The water
in each case takes the form of the vessel carried by each of us, but in every case, water, and nothing but water is in the vessel..... God is like that water filling these different vessels, and in each vessel, the vision of God comes in the form of the vessel.
Yet He is One......."

Meanwhile, I wonder why most atheists seem to be invested in reducing the diversity of human experience and thought to some kind of "everyone think the same" mould. What drives this behaviour?

It's a quest for the advancement of the human species. Of course we know that religion is not going away any time soon. My hope is that some people will chose not to dip from the stream of past thinking and become true individuals, with independent thought.

Baron Max
If that's true, then he's quite an intelligent and cunning man.
Yes, kind of like Ron Hubbard.

Lets suppose Buddha, Ron Hubbard and Mohammad were intelligent men. Mohammad and Ron used their intelligence to manipulate people into believing They were the Last Prophet (one of One God and the other of Xenu) and that only they could could talk to this magical God or powerful Alien. They appealed to this God or Alien as their source of authority. That is cunning. But, it's also dishonest. IMO.

But, what did Buddha do? Was he intelligent and cunning and dishonest Like Ron and Mohammad? Or, was he something else?

I suppose, my point is, people can be intelligent and good or use their intellect to be bad. A lot of intelligent con men out there.
Mohammad used his intelligence to manipulate people into believing HE was the Last Prophet

You should pay attention to tiassa's posts so you don't keep repeating the same fallacies over and over and over and over and over and ...

I changed the sentence to read: Mohammad AND Ron Hubbard. Is it still a fallacy?

Here, let me ask you this? I know, I know, we have to go back to the spoon feeding because you refuse to think rationally about this. So, to the other religion of Scientology. Assuming there never was a Xenu and assuming Ron wasn't a schizophrenic, IS IT REALLY that far of an intellectual leap for you to realize Ron used his intelligence to manipulate people into believing HE was the Last Xenuic Prophet ?

Is it so hard to grasp SAM? Really? REALLY?


Look, I don't blame the Scientologists (espeacially those raised around a culture of Scientology) for no being able to see Ron was a con man. But, that doesn't mean I'm not going to tell them he was - because it's pretty obvious he was. Replace Ron and Scientology with Joseph and Mormonism or Mohammad and Islam or Kin Jung Il and Junichism. To say calling them cons is a fallacies is really really strong evidence of brainwashing. And, I have heard North Koreans stick up for Kim just like you stick up for Mohammad. Well, I feel just as sorry for them. But, I'll still say Kim is NOT a Prophet or God on Earth.

People died for the Emperor of Japan just as they dis for Mohammad. Sorry that you can not see that.
Ron Hubbard, Mohammad, Buddha, Kim Jung Il, Joseph Smith Jr. and many people here are or were ALL ATHEIST. Or at least started that way. The difference is some of those people used this great knowledge to manipulate others by their gullibility while some other people here tried to share this knowledge so that people are not manipulated.

Think about it SAM. I am atheist. I am now free to join Islam and WITH EASE begin manipulating Muslims. Especially given most atheists here are quite intelligent. It would be very easy to rise through the ranks as many theists are intellectuality lazy. Think about that for a moment. Why don't we atheists do that? Why are we wasting our time trying to educate you? If we really wanted to be "evil" (or at least manipulative) we'd simply join your mosque and manipulate people. But, we do not do that. Do we? No.

Just think about that for a bit.

Yes, there is no doubt it is hurtful to a North Korean to tell them Kim is NOT a god. But, when they come here - that is what they will be told. We don't do it to be mean to them. But, to educate them. We do that because we want to help them see the truth - if that is what they want. Why do we? Well, who knows? But, it's not to be mean or manipulative. If I wanted to be mean, to be really mean and harmful, I'd join a church or Mosque and tell people they are sinful and going to burn in hell. THAT is mean. (remember the Japanese girl who joined Islam and now lives under a burka and never sees, speaks to or contects her friends and family again - THAT is mean. Down right evil. I could almost think he Imam husband is ... well, think about it).
Seems to me the theists are more individualistic and thoughtful here than the atheists who all seem to parrot the same tired lines of thought, all of which mirror each other.


Only in defense of atheism. Once shed of our theistic burdens, we are free to envision a very different and ultimately, a more wondrous universe.

Baron Sax
Yes, kind of like Ron Hubbard.

Lets suppose Buddha, Ron Hubbard and Mohammad were intelligent men. Mohammad and Ron used their intelligence to manipulate people into believing They were the Last Prophet (one of One God and the other of Xenu) and that only they could could talk to this magical God or powerful Alien. They appealed to this God or Alien as their source of authority. That is cunning. But, it's also dishonest. IMO.

But, what did Buddha do? Was he intelligent and cunning and dishonest Like Ron and Mohammad? Or, was he something else?

I suppose, my point is, people can be intelligent and good or use their intellect to be bad. A lot of intelligent con men out there.

but mohammad has evidence for his claims, which, if considered as part of his intelligence, would make him nonhuman..and would render the term "evidence" useless, because any evidence can be shrugged off as an undiscoverable conspiracy because of the intelligence of the originators of the conspiracy.. take a few more jumps and you'll reach that life could be a conspiracy, like in the movie The Matrix..and then, what can you believe?

see post #43.
Okay, carry on, you're welcome to your fallacies

SAM, just try to picture yourself as a Scientologist. I tell you that Ron was not really talking to Xenu. I tell you that Xenu is actually not real.

You tell me: you're welcome to your fallacies

Can you see how this could make you appear a bit... brainwashed??? I'm sure, well maybe sure, you think Islam and Mohammad are somehow different from Scientology and Ron, but, I assure you - it's the exact same. Same game different players.

Anyway, I hope you can at least see that I wouldn't tell you Scientology and Ron is all made up to be mean. I actually would like you to see that Scientology is not real. I'd do this because I'd think you came here to learn that. I'd like for you to see it. But, some people can not see it. I understand that. Actually, maybe you taught me that, over the years :)

OK, I'm going to be fracken busy again, so, probably less and less "fallacious" posting from me.

Can you see how this could make you appear a bit... brainwashed??? I'm sure, well maybe sure, you think Islam and Mohammad are somehow different from Scientology and Ron, but, I assure you - it's the exact same. Same game different players.

Anyway, I hope you can at least see that I wouldn't tell you Scientology and Ron is all made up to be mean. I actually would like you to see that Scientology is not real. I'd do this because I'd think you came here to learn that. I'd like for you to see it. But, some people can not see it. I understand that. Actually, maybe you taught me that, over the years :)


you have a BIIIG fat problem with monotheism, fixing it won't be easy..
but mohammad has evidence for his claims, which, if considered as part of his intelligence, would make him nonhuman..and would render the term "evidence" useless, because any evidence can be shrugged off as an undiscoverable conspiracy because of the intelligence of the originators of the conspiracy.. take a few more jumps and you'll reach that life could be a conspiracy, like in the movie The Matrix..and then, what can you believe?

see post #43.

Even Ron had evidence for Xenu, but, just like Mohammad, it was not good evidence.

See Norsefire's post.
you have a BIIIG fat problem with monotheism, fixing it won't be easy..
I also have a big fat problem with racists. Not that you're racist. Just that there are many common themes between the two. You know the whole: You stick with your kind and I stick with mine.

Even Ron had evidence for Xenu, but, just like Mohammad, it was not good evidence.

See Norsefire's post.

what do you know of evidence, other than what others tell you?:bugeye:

see my reply to his post, why are you ignoring it?
I also have a big fat problem with racists. Not that you're racist. Just that there are many common themes between the two. You know the whole: You stick with your kind and I stick with mine.

exactly, you think the following:

1-religion is as irrelative as racism.

2- a person has much of a choice in religion as he has in racism.

3-religion has no objective truth.

i can take back 1 and 2, for the sake of reducing argument, but your REAL problem lies with 3.
I also have a big fat problem with racists. Not that you're racist. Just that there are many common themes between the two. You know the whole: You stick with your kind and I stick with mine.

By trying to demean what others believe?:rolleyes:

Let me guess: what exactly is it you do on this forum?