Matthew 24:22

22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

what does this mean?

It means that 2000 year old jewish religion manuscripts are somehow still relevant and it is your duty to spend your precious time trying to figure them out. As oppossed to getting laid or doing anything else you may otherwise enjoy.

i do "get laid", though that phrase is a pathetic indication of your sex life, not mine, and i do lots of enjoyable things. i'm actually trying to figure out and/or reconcile something that happened to me recently.

not that i think you're remotely interested in what happened to me, but just so you know how completely and entirely wrong you are.
Ok. Fair enough. What I should have said is that I don't think it MEANS anything. It is normal to search for meaning. I just think you could find much more relevant source material anywhere. Literally.