Materialism: A 19th-Century Fallacy


There is too much temptation and porn and women in this life.
Are you saying that we should get rid of all women then?
I love Muslix cereals :)

Cris said:

Holy cow!! Anything other than an outright NO indicates you have a real problem.

No I don't have a problem but I was thinking about things. I mean we do need women, I mean for cooking, cleaning, washing, sex, making babies and that.
No I don't have a problem but I was thinking about things. I mean we do need women, I mean for cooking, cleaning, washing, sex, making babies and that.

MALE SHOVENIST PIG!! :D Go and tell your mommy that's what you think she's all good for, bet you can't do it, and stay home for supper! ;)

Godless said:
MALE SHOVENIST PIG!! :D Go and tell your mommy that's what you think she's all good for, bet you can't do it, and stay home for supper! ;)


I would but, I don't know where by mom is. I was abandoned by my mother.
exactly.. the desert.,.. like the prophets... i want to be like them... and walk in the desert... 40 days... without food... only me and god is there... that's where i want to be... but........ ... people's gravity... love... holds me back... i can't move... i'm stuck...

but i guess that's where i am... in the desert... a spiritual desert... in my mind... "i'm the voice of someone shouting in the desert..."
well your not shouting your typing! :) get off the computer get in car or plane, come to the desert of Nevada, you'll get lost around here quickly, don't come here to Las Vegas, well! Yea do come to Vegas loose all your belongins to the casinos, then go out walking to the desert if you find that you can't hang the 40 day bit, call me at 1-800 eat shit! I may just pick your scrawny ass off the desert, and feed ya! LOL...

I don't think materialism is finished, it's still going strong. Mr. Muslim says that the apparent organization of matter is due to a higher force, and not mere coincidence. I say that you just haven't understood the nature of matter. Why does sand "organize" itself into beaches? Why do carbon atoms "organize" themselves into diamonds? I think matter has properties that we have hardly begun to discover, one of which is that matter is congealed energy. The fantastic complexity of chemical reactions leaves plenty of room for emergent properties, such as life.
Godless said:
I typed one tooooomany sssss!

Ok, if I say "you bet your sweet S" do I get a spanking? ...and if not WHAT WILL IT TAKE?!


Eh, forgive the triple-shot of sarcasm; been up too long.

(No viagra jokes przThx)

I mean we do need women, I mean for cooking, cleaning, washing, sex, making babies and that.
Men can also do all that apart from becoming pregnant which seems to make women more valuable than men, right? With human cloning soon to become common and with IVF which is already common, the real question is why do women need men? It seems possible in the near future that men could easily become redundant