Materialism: A 19th-Century Fallacy

(Q) said:
Allah is going to destroy this universe...

And we should worship him for that?

So this means we will be in another universe in another part of space.

Then, by your very words, we'll still be in our universe and not another.

So, what's wrong with this universe?

Do you think there is only one universe? And you should worship god, why shouldn't you? god is all powerful god doesn't need us we need god and this life if a test for us god is doing this as a favor on us. We should be glad that he has created us. You are just a ungrateful sod.
Making sense is not your strong point is it?

If I actually made sense to you, then I would be but a mere fantasy.
(Q) said:
Making sense is not your strong point is it?

If I actually made sense to you, then I would be but a mere fantasy.

Look just go away, this is not competition of wits between you and me its against my moral judgment to attack an unarmed man.
Do you think there is only one universe?

If another universe does in fact exist, then it is very well hidden.

And you should worship god, why shouldn't you?

No god has yet come before me to ask for his adoration.

god is all powerful god doesn't need us we need god and this life if a test for us god is doing this as a favor on us.

Why would a god offer favors for that which he has no need?

We should be glad that he has created us.

How can one be glad when that which created us has no need for us?

You are just a ungrateful sod.

Ungrateful to that which has no need for me, yet I must spend my entire life in pursuit of its favor and adoration?
Muslim said:
You're reading text out of context. Firstly I can tell you you have to read the Qu'ran in Arabic to comprehend its meaning. You have to refute the Qu'ran in Arabic not in English. As you get an error in syntax when you translate text.
utter rubbish, it reads the same and express the same meanings.
your trying to avoid the questions.
my entire family bar me are islamic, I understand the meanings, be they english or arabic, theres no difference.
Look just go away, this is not competition of wits between you and me its against my moral judgment to attack an unarmed man.

And you kept your wit at bay with the utmost tenacity. I thank you.
I took Muslim's meaning to be more like "you can't disprove Einstein with rhetoric, you much disprove him with mathematics"... if one is to interpret his comment as literally so, then pardon my interruption and absenteeism.. as I run hastily to acquire a language tutor! :)

I agree. But it was remiss of Muslim to not first offer his counter-argument to Einsteins theories in the form of mathematics rather than misconceptions.
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mustafhakofi said:
utter rubbish, it reads the same and express the same meanings.
your trying to avoid the questions.
my entire family bar me are islamic, I understand the meanings, be they english or arabic, theres no difference.

No it doesn't if you know Arabic tell me what darabah means! you can't refute something just by refuting a translation of it.
Muslim said:
This philosophy, which was originally formulated among the ancient Greeks, has also made an appearance from time to time in other cultures and has been advanced by individuals as well. It holds that matter alone exists and that it has done so for an infinity of time. From these tenets, it claims that the universe has also "always" existed and was not created.

Blah, blah, blah...

I will add more later need sleep now

What's the matter, wrist went limp from copy/pasting too much?

Which of the many Islamic propaganda sites did you lift this from? creation_of_the_universe table of contents.htm

You seem to be a pretty arrogant yet ignorant individual. allah is no more real than any other fucked up religious delusion. You are delusional. Like most other humans. Accept it mushbrain.
Muslim said:
No it doesn't if you know Arabic tell me what darabah means! you can't refute something just by refuting a translation of it.
Kaif Takool Thalik Bil Alingli'zia? Ana laa Afham Anta shukran

what does "Mostashifa" mean, it is'nt a bad spelling of my nickname I'll give you a clue it's a place you need to go to get your head fixed.
uslim, i want to aks you a question:

in another thread about recent problems concerning Danish cartoons, a Muslim there reckonns Koran nor Mohhamad condones violence......

you, other places, rave on about how you love war, and see it as a good thing

and here you rave on about 'God' nd Islam

explain please?
There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that the universe started with the big bang.

Actually your overwhelming evidence for the BB is falling apart, from further study and evidence that is pouring in as we speak. Wether you disagree with it or not, does not matter! evidence shows no! proves that no bib bang ever happened, however there is disagreement between the acceptable theory BB and plasma cosmologists, but that's understandable. However evidence is proving BB theory to be full of loopholes created to make the bb theory believable.

clikc here and get educated

and here

Also here.

You know, what I find most amusing is that with any scientific breakthrough there is always a minority of religious pundits who will say "but ofcourse, Our One True Book has stated that this [new phenomenon] was so all along..."

Symptomatic of "Whatever Book's" "One Truth" being in need of ongoing maintenance, perhaps.

duendy said:
uslim, i want to aks you a question:

in another thread about recent problems concerning Danish cartoons, a Muslim there reckonns Koran nor Mohhamad condones violence......

you, other places, rave on about how you love war, and see it as a good thing

and here you rave on about 'God' nd Islam

explain please?

It has nothing to do with the religion. So, its my personality.
mustafhakofi said:
utter rubbish, it reads the same and express the same meanings.
your trying to avoid the questions.
my entire family bar me are islamic, I understand the meanings, be they english or arabic, theres no difference.

What the hell are you talking about? are you a women by the way? Arabic women? I like Arab women. Uhhh damn I forgot what I was going to say. uhhhh..........
duendy said:
your personality, hey? is yor Allah happy wid your personality would yo say?

Well probably not. There is too much temptation and porn and women in this life. And that has an effect on my personality in a negative way.