Mars... what will they do ?

Did anyone notice that fluid's picture of a "cut angle" rock had a big edit seam running down the middle? That's two photos buttspliced together there guy, or at least that's what it looks like.
Okay this is JUST like the time I saw the bunny in the clouds and the Air Force wouldnt scramble fighters to intercept! Something major is going on, NASA, the Air Force, the Martian Rock Cutters Guild, and the Terrestrial Flying Bunnies, they are all in it together and we have to find the truth!
Now, if anyone were asking for my opinion, and they're not, I understand this, but if they were asking, I'd have to say that those just look like some blury ass pictures of rocks, not entirely unlike some of the various varieties of stones that we have here on this planet.
I love how they just ignore that I found rocks that look almost exactly the same in the picture of earth that was posted.

They are taking ignorance to a new level.

If you believe it is something else, point out the reason WHY you think this. Otherswise you are just imagining things.
blackholesun said:
Yeah, good source to trust. That guy is nuttier than you Star One and soon enough you'll figure this out.

Actualy I'm betting they are both too nutty to figure anything out let alone the nature of thier nuttyness.

You do know that NASA's funding depents on finding interesting things in space don't you? If they saw these things like you superior indeviduals do, as machiens and not rocks, or trees and not ditches, then why would they cover it up, and publish pictures of it freely available to everyone, instead of identifying that thier job is currently probably the most important in the world and raking in the cash to expore these phenomina?

Or could it be that all of these phenomina are exactly what they appear to be, just rocks. Rocks of a like that could be seen in pleanty of dry isolated places here on earth.
I think nutiness is like bad breath. You need somebody else to tell you about it.
Well, one of the criteria for being deluded is that you yourself are not aware of your delusions.
Well , at least im not deluded , ignorant , AND! have a closed mind!

There are a number of reasons for nasa not publicly saying theve found these structures , thats even if they do know they are there in the first place (wouldnt surprise me :rolleyes: )

Its not just "internet nuts" who think theres a lot more to these pictures than rocks (im not speaking about the spirit ones)
Ok, so you think they are more then rocks. WHY!?

If you can't explain what the hell you think is 'wrong' about it, then you are just delusional.