Mars... what will they do ?


Registered Senior Member
If your part of the 1/3 of the population that can discern 3d objects from a 2 dimensional photo. Your wondering why NASA hasn't announced these amazing discoveries. Most of the following photo's are within 2-3 feet of rover



38.5 meg tif
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It's a hoax. NASA must have stolen rocks from my backyard and used them on the set!
I would say fragments of Meteorite looking at the the supposed colouring and the nature of how stones/rocks are altered in shape on this planet based upon nature and weathering.

Such fragments appear pointy since no oceans have rounded them.

I was thinking just this morning what all the "groups" that believe Mars was inhabited are going to do when it's proven to be a lifeless mass, I think this thread pretty much gives the game away.
Wow, not a week has gone by and the freaks have come out of the woodwork. Ha, cliche. At least it had the decency to put it in the pseudoscience section.
why are there so many ignorant people in this forum ! , anyways ,very interesting photo,im not sure if there is anything anomolous on these photos (although they do look odd), BUT there are lots of orbital mars photos that show structures ect....

I cant wait for the spirit lander to start exploring :)
You do not understand. If you do not agree you must be close-minded. This is the way conspiracy theories work man! Get with the program!

The thing is that I don't see a single rock there which I haven't seen something similar here on earth. Even the shattered pieces are seen on earth near cliffs... but I suspect that these are do to meteorites.
Well they may be rocks.. but my guess is probably not.

I have many nasa tif 's in the 50-70 mb range. They show many artifacts immediately around the craft. And Possible bones/ skulls etc..

Nasa has requested all school children to send rocks to nasa. To help them figure out what these rocks are made of. Because most of the rocks dont match any known origin.

And we should find out very shortly.

Please note all images showing a red mars have been adjusted by nasa to appear that way. This little rover is going to make many big mouths close .. shortly

There are artifacts here.. And we have the abilitiy to scientifically discern that.

Unless some mysterious thing happens to the rover in the next day or 2 . The Paradigm shift will arrive shortly.

And that is what my crystal balls are telling me !
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Please, point out one of the 'artifacts' and explain why you believe it is.

And yes, the images are red-shifted. We all know that. NASA does sometihng similar to almost all their images. It is also jsut as important to note however that the original unmodified photo is still available on NASA's site.
1) You have to be kidding me. Have you seen the old man in the mountain? Just because something has two dents in it doesn't make it a skull.

2) And what on there have you not seen occur in nature?
What I haven't seen in nature . .. An automated rover which can roll 3 feet and analyze these objects.. :) we will see .. won't we .. something against science.

step one 1 ) whats that

step two 2 ) I dont know lets go look.

step three 3) holy shit

none of this works with out step 1
There is one thing in the pictures I find puzzling, along with the NASA scientists.
At the bottom right, where the airbag was retracted over the surface, it looks
like....clay, mud or something containing unfrozen moisture. It even appears to
"roll up" or "ball up" where the airbag was dragged. I thought the surface was
supposed to be hard frozen there?
step one 1 ) whats that

Step two is still 'lets go look'.

Your step 3 is simply a hopeful guess, which currently isn't based on anything.
Persol said:
1) You have to be kidding me. Have you seen the old man in the mountain? Just because something has two dents in it doesn't make it a skull.

2) And what on there have you not seen occur in nature?

I never said it was a skull ?

Is that what you thought it looked like ?

Some of you are really ridiculous !

me <<<<< just wants science. nothing more nothing less

Why is it so strange to you that science use.. visual clues ?
What are you affraid of..

That robot can tell us what these objects are made of.. what they look like under a microscope ? what materials they are composed of. .whether biological material exist or existed.

Wake up .. don't be a moron forever ... It's a right not a privilege
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Yes. I also had a stone out back of my old house shaped like a skull. Were you trying to say it looked like something else?

I found it funny that you went back to your post to and added "Stupid Nasa should not have put a color test pattern on the rover. gave it all away when yellow is shown as red". Those test patterns serve a very real purpose, and it's not like nasa is hiding the fact that they show photos in false color. Just about every hubble/telescope photo that you see is false color, along with most other nasa photos. They also however fully acknowledge this, and the real-color photos are also available.
I'm going to let this thread sink to the bottom. Your constant editing is getting on my nerves. I go to answer your post, and suddenly it says something different.
Wow. Logical fallacies haven't been so offensive before. I didn't think people could be this stupid.