Mars Life and Civilization discovered

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No, your conclusions are pseduoscience. Or should I say jumping to conclusions without the burden of proof. Your pictures aren't proof as they are clearly rocks. Anyone with level of logic and intelligence can see takes the other extreme to see more and believe differently.
[[Your pictures aren't proof as they are clearly rocks.]]

You just do not want admit the obvious, that's all :D

This guy might bite you for arrogance
He thinks its snow. It's just sand though. Again a delusional mind will say things like:

"You just do not want admit the obvious, that's all"

because he doesn't have any proof for his claims. He's just an idiot.
even if 'he' did, you wouldnt be able to tell since it is just a 'skull', but it isnt. anyways, it is an opinoin question. you can interpret that picture anyway you want to, but it will be what it is.
extrasense, you have no sense. People like you give other people who share your beliefs a bad name.
I see two people having sex.

The second one looks more like me beating you over the head with reality.
Let's see,

if we can come up with a consensus about this ALIVE berry.
There is a lot of them on Mars pictures:

How does it "look" alive? From here it looks like a weathered rock laying amoung other rocks. But you keep the picture so small anyhow that its hard to even make out why you think it is alive or for that matter a berry in the first place.

BTW. I just showed a few examples of rocks looking like orgainic creatured. But of course you're so delusional and foolhardy that you lack what most of the population does have....common sense...and chose to ignore them. You have the mind of a 5 year old that sees monsters in the shadows. Do you sleep with a nightlight on still?
blackholesun said:
How does it "look" alive?

The picture is from Mars, so the size is the best I could get.
You can use a magnifying glass for 1$, if you need to :)

Did you ever hear about fossilized berries? They rot out, not fossilize.
This berry is alive :D

Ok now I know you are just an asshole screwing with us this whole time. You can't be taking yourself seriously because you have about as much intelligence as a bucket of slop.

So all pictures on Mars are small huh? Dumbass.
<<You can't be taking yourself seriously because you have about as much intelligence as a bucket of slop.>>

What is your IQ, genius?
extrasense said:
I know, I know, you are waiting for someone on TV to tell you when to think and what to think :D

no, it's just that pictures of a rock doesn't really scream, "eureka! proof at last!" to me.
Wow! rocks! In-crud-ible! Move this thread and ban this loony.
Don't you think nasa would have sent the rover over to them if they thought they were alive? Or that the would have noticed if one of them had moved?
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