Marijuana Poll!! Legalize? Or Punish?

Should pot be legalized?

  • Yes, lets smoke that bud officer!

    Votes: 59 86.8%
  • No, throw the pot head in jail, spend lots of tax money on non violent "criminals"

    Votes: 9 13.2%

  • Total voters


Reality is in the Minds Eye
Registered Senior Member
1986 - 2004: manmadeflyingsaucer has never done a single drug in his life (manmadeflyingsaucer also graduated the D.A.R.E. program)

2002: manmadeflyingsaucer gets some shitty luck and 3 vertebrae are heavily damaged

January 6, 2005 - To Present Day: manmadeflyingsaucer starts smoking ALOT of pot in senior year at high-school and effectively graduates, few of his fellow pupils even know he is a pot head. manmadeflyingsaucer also has a perfect driving record, and no criminal record of any kind. manmadeflyingsaucer gets ALOT of back pain relieved by smoking some good bud!

December 2005: manmadeflyingsaucer catches the WORST flu he has ever encountered, he smokes some pot: the EXTREME nausea left emediately

April 19, 2006: soon I'll be starting a business, and my health is as good as ever. However, the only negative effect from the pot: cold virus tends to last a little bit longer than when I'm not smoking pot.

But alcohol CAN kill me, and it NEARLY did.

I would say that it is much wiser to smoke pot than to drink alcohol. Same thing goes for tobbaco.

So by all means, roll a joint, and hand it down the line!
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manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Smoking anything no doubt does damage to your lungs, don't kid yourself. Still, I think most recreational drugs should be legal. I don't believe in victimless crimes. You want to fuck yourself up with drugs, go ahead.
That poll is very biased. Don't get me wrong, I'm for legalization, but it's a bit awkward answering a biased poll. :bugeye:
Athelwulf said:
That poll is very biased. Don't get me wrong, I'm for legalization, but it's a bit awkward answering a biased poll. :bugeye:
whats wrong with it? i think it accurately portrays the situation.
I don't have a problem with legalizing pot, since alcohol is legal. Pot heads destroy their brains and lungs, alcoholics destroy their livers, esophagus, stomach and brains. If people want to damage themselves, who are we to stop them if it feels good for them and isn't harming others?

However, I am all for stricter punishment for drunk/drugged driving. I am also for harsher penalties for parents who drink/smoke pot and neglect their children when they do. As a child of an alcoholic mother who did all sorts of damage to me mentally, socially, physically and emotionally... I think that parents who are addicts should have their children taken out of harms way. If you want to be stupid, be stupid... just don't take innocent lives with you.

The poll is biased, and doesn't accurately reflect a way of not being biased despite your personal opinion. Right or wrong, it's not a very fair poll and will largely get ignored because of that.
Kotoko said:
I don't have a problem with legalizing pot, since alcohol is legal. Pot heads destroy their brains and lungs, alcoholics destroy their livers, esophagus, stomach and brains. If people want to damage themselves, who are we to stop them if it feels good for them and isn't harming others?

However, I am all for stricter punishment for drunk/drugged driving. I am also for harsher penalties for parents who drink/smoke pot and neglect their children when they do. As a child of an alcoholic mother who did all sorts of damage to me mentally, socially, physically and emotionally... I think that parents who are addicts should have their children taken out of harms way. If you want to be stupid, be stupid... just don't take innocent lives with you.

The poll is biased, and doesn't accurately reflect a way of not being biased despite your personal opinion. Right or wrong, it's not a very fair poll and will largely get ignored because of that.
its been my experience that it is not the fault of these drugs, marijuana or alcohol or anything, that cause a person to be violent or damaging in any way to others. it is almost always the result of the environment in which they grew up as well as the one they are in now. whether it was a bad parent they had, or heavy debt, or aggravation from neighbors, or persecution, or mental disorders, etc. i do not doubt that certain drugs will exacerbate the problem, but it is normally not the sole cause of it. i have known countless drinkers and pot-smokers who lead respectable lives and have caringly raised good children. its all about your genetics and the environment you live in.
Marijuana is good in moderation. It eases the mind, relieves stress, and is an outlet for many people. It is when people start smoking too much that motivation gets affected, and their lives start to depend on getting high everyday.

I used to smoke multiple times everyday, until I started running out of money and simply could not buy anymore. After a few days of not smoking I was really surprised about the mental clarity I experienced, which I had not had in a LONG time. Nowadays I rarely smoke, but still find it enjoyable.
Parents must be consistant, aware and stable. Alcohol and drugs make this almost an impossibility. I think your "countless drinkers and pot-smokers" are a minority, and I'd hate to tell you how many people think that my mother was a great mother who raised me well. What is behind closed doors, is only known by the family. This is the sad truth of the matter. You cannot know how neglected children can feel when their parent is too high/drunk to answer simple questions or take them somewhere a child needs to go. All of our neighbors thought we were a wonderful family, my father was the mayor for twelve years, and my mother worked at the local school. Picture perfect... despite the fact that I made dinner every night, tucked my mother into bed, and had to get up early to make everyone's lunch and get my sister off to school. No consistant rules, lead to me acting out as a teenager and getting into mass amounts of trouble, including sex at a young age and other problems with drugs/drinking of my own.

People who drink to excess and smoke pot to excess, cannot be good parents. They are irresponsible with their own lives and health, why should you think they would treat a child differently. Look beneath the surface and you can see all the cracks in the foundation there. They may have come from their own upbringing, and they may be from other things like mental illness, but the addiction is a problem. And people who are addicted are selfish and don't understand the consequences of their drinking/drug use. It took a cataclysmic personal event for my mother to stop drinking... and she relapsed all the time.

If drugs/drinking exasperate an existing problem, that is still an awful enviroment for children to grow up in. Inner city children below the poverty level have it the worst, as often drugs and alcohol are more important than food to the parent. It's something I've seen way too often in nursing, and in real life experience.
People who drink to excess and smoke pot to excess, cannot be good parents.

Are you really throwing marijuana into the drug category? While yes it does change your state of mind a bit, its no more addictive than your favorite hobby. Its not physically addictive at all, I could smoke ounce after ounce for weeks on end, and if one day I decided to stop the constant flow, I could do so without ANY withdrawels, only that I may be slightly angry/on edge for one day after stopping.

Lets look at a really horrible drug here: black tar heroin. That shit will keep anyone stupid enough to use it, high for about 20 minutes, and then you go through 3 days of withdrawel symptoms that everyone says is equal to HELL.

I'd much rather see bud legalized, that way people would be lest likely to dip into the demons that are hard drugs. The pot smokers can stop any day without any withdrawels that can be described as "hellish." But the hard drug users don't have the same kind of options...

So remember, smoke bud, not black tar heroin.

Pot heads destroy their brains and lungs

While I may be doing some damage to my lungs, there is no damage to my brain. You know what one of my favorite things to do is? Smoke some bud, sit down on my bed, and read for hours on end, to the contrary, I think smoking bud has indirectly increased my IQ and ability to remember things, since I read much more than I used to.
RoyLennigan said:
whats wrong with it? i think it accurately portrays the situation.

I've got to agree with Athelwulf, while my simple answer on whether or not to legalize marijuana would be yes, it is not because I myself am a user who wishes to have it legalized for greater convenience with my own pot-centered lifestyle.

I feel that America's drug policy is hopelessly backward and infinitely more damaging than many of the drugs which it fails at protecting us against. I'd much rather see free and legal marijuana available over the counter than I would have eses from rival gangs blowing each other away and raiding distribution points and store houses in my neighborhood (something that happens all to often in Arizona). We need to take the economic power out of the hands of gun wielding black market gang thugs and give it to legitimate business people.

Marijuana is far too benign a drug to make such a huge fuss over, and to bother lying so vehemently about to our children, especially regarding it's medical uses and remarkable non-toxicity, especially compared to tobacco.

The same thing applies to MDMA, really. I find it to be the very height of arrogance and absurdity that this drug was used through the 70s and parts of the 80s by psychologists, who testified in favor of keeping the drug legal during federal hearings over the matter, but then, despite the recommendations of the comity which was organized to look into the matter MDMA was still put on the list of "Schedule One" controlled substances - a classification for drugs with no legitimate medical use. How does that work? I think Reagan just had it out for club kids and didn't care who's toes he stepped on.

All that being said, I don't personally use Marijuana, nor would I even if it were legal - but that's just how I am, I don't smoke, rarely ever drink, and try hard to monitor my caffeine intake. Just because I don't use, however, doesn't mean that I don't value living in a free society where my personal views are turned into bullshit excuses for why other shouldn't be allowed to do things that I wouldn't.
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Smoke some bud, sit down on my bed, and read for hours on end, to the contrary, I think smoking bud has indirectly increased my IQ and ability to remember things, since I read much more than I used to.

Wait 'till you quit, you'll think you're developing psychic powers. "Woah. . . suddenly I have the amazing power to remember what we were just talking about! Oh my God I wanted to grab my keys. . . And I knew right where they were! I'm amazing!"
Mystech said:
Wait 'till you quit, you'll think you're developing psychic powers. "Woah. . . suddenly I have the amazing power to remember what we were just talking about! Oh my God I wanted to grab my keys. . . And I knew right where they were! I'm amazing!"
Hahahah...well funny Mystech...hehe

just like to add. has anyone red about George Michael--the pop singer--in press recently. he is canED. is crashin cars, found slumped over car sterrin wheels. smoooked 20odd skunk spliffs a DAY!.......
so here we has this dude with wads of cash. totally off it in a haze of skunk. THAT's habit

as much as i am against war on drugs, which includes draw. i dont feel myself that some peple can abuse it. incannabis' case. its not so much rthe herb--which used respcfully can be very healing. its te indivdual. if really seeking escape from hirself will use any means to divert attention away from the pain
Well, this poll seems just a tad bit biased.;)

I vote for "No, throw the pot head in jail, spend lots of tax money on non violent "criminals"

But instead of throwing them in jail, fine them. Legalizing pot can have many negative impacts, and with it's health effects, legalizing it would be immoral. And it's not like it's hard to get, you just have to stop crying about not being able to smoke it while walking down the street.

Now, if we're talking about medical marijuana, then I don't see the problem. Medical marijuana is already legalized here in Oregon. :cool:
Mystech said:
All that being said, I don't personally use Marijuana,
then your opinion as to the effects and addictives qualities of marijuana is useless.

the best you can do in this situation is repeat what you have heard and/or read
leopold99 said:
then your opinion as to the effects and addictives qualities of marijuana is useless.

the best you can do in this situation is repeat what you have heard and/or read

Uum right, so because I'm not currently using it then I have no clue, right? Because I'm not around potheads every day, nor is there any valid source for empirical analysis about the effect this drug has? Okay, makes perfect sense.

I'm not even sure what you're trying to imply here - the message you may have inadvertently sent is that you have tried pot and found it to be chemically addictive. Your message isn't comming in loud and clear, though.
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Mystech said:
Uum right, so because I'm not currently using . . . etc.
you have no doubt misread me
do you realize how many people speak out on the dangers of marijuana use and have never used the drug on a regular basis?

the same can also be said of some of the posters in this thread who claim to have used marijuana but are giving false and misleading information

to praise marijuana for its virtue of not being physically addictive is nonsense
if that was the case then lets praise lsd for its non addicting qualities
leopold99 said:
you have no doubt misread me
do you realize how many people speak out on the dangers of marijuana use and have never used the drug on a regular basis?

the same can also be said of some of the posters in this thread who claim to have used marijuana but are giving false and misleading information

to praise marijuana for its virtue of not being physically addictive is nonsense
if that was the case then lets praise lsd for its non addicting qualities

Ha, I've been known too. You keep it to the lower 80mg-ish doses that the kids are doing today rather than the 300mg and upwards of the 60s, and it's actually usually a very pleasant experience - you're aware of your surroundings still, it's not a complete psychedelic freak out, and you're not particularly likely to do anything particularly stupid.