Man's intention


Registered Senior Member
Dont you think that man wrote the bible to be used as a guide to act as a decent person and used god to give them a reason to belief the bible. I dont think the bible is ment to be taken so literally. THe bible is just a book with god being the main character, and hopfully you learn a thing or two.
TheHeretic said:
Dont you think that man wrote the bible to be used as a guide to act as a decent person and used god to give them a reason to belief the bible. I dont think the bible is ment to be taken so literally. THe bible is just a book with god being the main character, and hopfully you learn a thing or two.

Bible is not a book. It's a collection of books written by different authors with different opinions. Any moral teachings are outdated by 2000 years.

A lot of books in the bible has absolutely nothing to do with God. Song of Songs for example, has more to do with erotic sex than God. Half of NT is about Paul.
TheHeretic said:
Dont you think that man wrote the bible to be used as a guide to act as a decent person and used god to give them a reason to belief the bible. I dont think the bible is ment to be taken so literally. THe bible is just a book with god being the main character, and hopfully you learn a thing or two.

Who wrote the Bible?
Go to this website for an answer

"It's hard for us to consider the profound impact of this text on human history without thinking that there was a divine hand in its authorship, whether the human author was one or many." (Quote from
The Bible was written by the Holy Spirit through men, and it is more than just a book, it is a spiritual tool. Men may use God's word with malintent, but you are not to learn from men, but from God Himself. God uses His word to teach the truth to those who desire to know it. It says in the Bible itself that the it is only to be interpreted to you by the Holy Spirit, who is the author. If the Bible is used/interpreted by men, without the Holy Spirit, then it can be dangerous because men don't stand a chance at getting it right on their own. Actually, for someone to not seek the counsel and interpretation of the Holy Spirit means that their intent is not to get it right, or understand truth, as most people don't want the truth, they just want to feed their egos somehow.

And just so you know, the Holy Spirit wrote some things through me last year...some poetry. God told me to write a letter to someone, and when I sat down to try to do it, I fell into some type of "trance like state", and seven paragraphs of poetry came out of me. This happened twice...two separate writings...the second one being seven paragraphs of exactly 10 lines each. This writing was part of a miracle that happened to was amazing, and I'd be glad to share details if anyone is interested.

Love muffins,

Lori_7 said:
God told me to write a letter to someone, and when I sat down to try to do it, I fell into some type of "trance like state", and seven paragraphs of poetry came out of me.

this is just my opinion but i think your subconscious wrote it and i think the "voice of god" is just a voice of the "higher self" (psychology)

The Bible was written by the Holy Spirit through men,

Well no. The Holy Spirit is a fictional concept concocted by early Christians at around 300CE when they realized that the religion they had created was polytheistic yet they were claiming it was monotheistic. The trinity kludge was an idiotic idea then as it is now.

And the bible is a collection of imaginative fairy tales and mythologies. There is no single alleged supernatural incident claimed in the bible that can be shown to have a shred of truth.

It says in the Bible itself that the it is only to be interpreted to you by the Holy Spirit, who is the author.

Clever propaganda devised in a futile attempt to hide its outrageous contradictions and glaring irrationality. Very much like the story of the emperor’s new clothes – what, you can’t see the clothes well then you must be an idiot – what, you can’t understand the bible well then you are not blessed by the Holy Spirit. Gee it is amazing how so many people can be so gullible.

Actually, for someone to not seek the counsel and interpretation of the Holy Spirit means that their intent is not to get it right, or understand truth, as most people don't want the truth, they just want to feed their egos somehow.

It is also not surprising that it is largely the least intelligent and the less educated that so easily buy such drivel.

And just so you know, the Holy Spirit wrote some things through me last year...some poetry.

Aw shucks – if you have a good imagination and are creative then take some credit for it. In the same way those who do wrong should take responsibility for their actions rather than blame imaginary anti-gods and the like.

Love muffins,


God shows Himself to everyone who desires to know the truth about Him. Those who sincerely want to know Him do. I do. It's personal, and perfect. He knows the perfect way to show you if you want to know.
KennyJC said:
Well what can you say to that. :rolleyes:

In a word?



I for one would like to know god, if it exists, to be honest. No direct reply yet, but a couple of hints. The main one was "stay as far away from the craphole that is abrahamic religions and you'll be on the right path."

God shows Himself to everyone who desires to know the truth about Him. Those who sincerely want to know Him do. I do. It's personal, and perfect. He knows the perfect way to show you if you want to know.

That is an entirely consistent perspective for anyone who is convinced that such an imaginary being exists. But such a personal viewpoint in the absence of independent verification is indistinguishable from delusion, which is considerably more credible and believable.

What can you say that would convince anyone that what you claim is anything other than your imagination?
Lori_7 said:

God shows Himself to everyone who desires to know the truth about Him. Those who sincerely want to know Him do. I do. It's personal, and perfect. He knows the perfect way to show you if you want to know.

And if this doesn't happen?
What is your answer then? That said person just hasn't wanted it enough, or that "things take time"?
Cris said:

That is an entirely consistent perspective for anyone who is convinced that such an imaginary being exists. But such a personal viewpoint in the absence of independent verification is indistinguishable from delusion, which is considerably more credible and believable.

What can you say that would convince anyone that what you claim is anything other than your imagination?

We are not to be convinced by humans that God exists, anyway.

If convinced of God's existence by humans, then it is not God's existence you have been convinced of, but of a person's reason to believe in God. A person's reason to believe in God and belief in God are two separate things.
Joeman said:
Bible is not a book. It's a collection of books written by different authors with different opinions. Any moral teachings are outdated by 2000 years.

A lot of books in the bible has absolutely nothing to do with God. Song of Songs for example, has more to do with erotic sex than God. Half of NT is about Paul.

you are a moron. erotic sex????

the whole of the bible is related to God.

And the new testament is also about jesus. That's like saying if a chapter in a book doesn't mention the main character, then that part of the book has nothing to do with him. which is nonsense.
Cris said:
The Holy Spirit is a fictional concept concocted by early Christians at around 300CE when they realized that the religion they had created was polytheistic yet they were claiming it was monotheistic.

i think the holy spirit is a sort of universal self: there are many consciousness... but only one "spirit". polytheistic religions are also monotheistic because they believe those "gods" (colors) are parts of one supreme "god" (light).

i think finding god is to find 'oneself'... those who believe in god ask him to forgive them... those who do not believe in god try to forgive themselves... it's the same thign.

We are not to be convinced by humans that God exists, anyway.
Says who? Christians right? It’s a dishonest tactic to divert attention from the fact they cannot independently support their claims.

If convinced of God's existence by humans, then it is not God's existence you have been convinced of, but of a person's reason to believe in God.
And if their reason is based on independent proof then the conviction would be accurate.

A person's reason to believe in God and belief in God are two separate things.
One follows from the other.

Not sure what point you were trying to make.

i think the holy spirit is a sort of universal self: there are many consciousness... but only one "spirit". polytheistic religions are also monotheistic because they believe those "gods" (colors) are parts of one supreme "god" (light).
Imaginative but this doesn’t indicate whether any of that is real.

i think finding god is to find 'oneself'... those who believe in god ask him to forgive them... those who do not believe in god try to forgive themselves... it's the same thign.
Interesting choice of perspective. You appear to be limiting theistic belief to the problem of screwing-up. When something has been done it cannot be undone and one must learn to live with that. It’s that simple. I don’t see why a spiritual aspect has to enter the scene.
back to the point, i beleive that at one point the bible was a fictional piece attempting to teach a good moral. however, over time the meaning of the bible has been warped and twisted whole parts have went missing and a lot have been lost in translation (the stable for example was translated wrong and new research suggests it was a cave he was born in, which apparently would make more sense historically) now the bible is obsolete and just doesn't relate to today
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Jeremirroer: you are a moron. erotic sex????

the whole of the bible is related to God.

And the new testament is also about jesus. That's like saying if a chapter in a book doesn't mention the main character, then that part of the book has nothing to do with him. which is nonsense.
M*W: Now I've heard it all! Further to Joeman's reference to Song of Songs, that "erotic sex" he mentioned was to have occurred between Mary Magdalen and Jesus! Read some of the works by biblical scholars like Elaine Pagels, Karen King, and Laurence Gardner, et al.. What the fuck (pun intended) is so wrong about erotic sex anyway? Are you that severely anally retentive? How old are you anyway? You sound just like another brainlessly programmed xian teenager who's been blinded by the beliefs of his parentally enforced religion which just happens to be one big lie. Get a life, dude.
Yorda: i think finding god is to find 'oneself'... those who believe in god ask him to forgive them... those who do not believe in god try to forgive themselves... it's the same thign.
M*W: Very good, Yorda! You explain this concept well. What we 'call' god is not the white-bearded old guy sitting on a cloud with lightning bolts to strike us down. Although I don't believe in a supernatural kind of god, I do believe in the higher self. Forgiveness of others is a xian concept. Forgiving ourselves brings us to higher enlightenment.
Cris said:

That is an entirely consistent perspective for anyone who is convinced that such an imaginary being exists. But such a personal viewpoint in the absence of independent verification is indistinguishable from delusion, which is considerably more credible and believable.

What can you say that would convince anyone that what you claim is anything other than your imagination?

I would say "see for yourself".

I could witness all day long about what God has done for me and with me, about my rebirth, and about my miracle, and all day long people like you would call me a delusional liar. You would call me that without wanting to know me, or wanting to see evidence, or hear corroboration, or anything else. Face it, you just don't want to know. So don't blame it on organized religion or me or anyone else who is born again, or on God Himself.

Why would you ever want to take someone's word for it anyway? That's not prudent. And hence, God makes it so that you have to find out for yourself, and you have to find out from Him, and only because you sincerely want to know.