Man Sodominzed Stepson

In effect you are saying that one case of sodomy is acceptable, while another is not? Sodomy for revenge is alright, but not for anything else?

Where would the line be drawn? Would it only be acceptable if it is revenging another rape?

Is her mother the wife who bailed out the stepson? Or is she the father's ex? As it stands, if the stepson has returned home, she cannot stay there.

I'm saying I understand why he did what he did. I could never find him guilty. I'm saying the punk got off light cuz I would have killed him. He got what he deserved. Some may say the Dad serving prison time is getting what he deserved. I don't feel that way. I think the Dad showed restraint in not killing him, which is what I would have done.

The rapists Mother bailed him out. She is the child's stepmother.
I don't know what I would do. I know in this case, I wouldn't be able to find him guilty. I would have killed that piece of shit. He got off lucky.

Ever see the movie A Time To Kill.
Yup, I've seen it. I have to say I can't remember whether the rapist was going to get away with it.

I think what bothers me about the case in the OP is the cold-bloodedness of the revenge.

As strange as it may seem I have more sympathy for a hot blooded immediate kill reaction.

But this stepfather did not, I assume, say 'I am going to fucking kill you' when he got the call. He went down with bail money, had a place to take revenge in mind, had a tool. I assume he was fairly calm and controlled when he picked the guy up.

I have to say I am not sure I want this guy on my block. the guy who comes home, finds his stepson raping his 8 years and beats him to death or spur of the moment grabs something in the room and sodomizes the guy. That guy I am much more happy to have as a neighbor.

But this guy set himself up as judge and jury.

Also it opens a lot of doors if we say he did not commit a crime.

Honestly, I am not sure what I would do if I were the judge and let's say the guy got found guilty of aggravated assault or some other intermediate charge. I do feel incredibly sympathetic to his rage and even to his violence with the provisos mentioned above. On the other hand I am in a position of closing the door on anybody whose family member is the victim of violence playing Clint Eastwood.

I also wonder about this guy, the stepfather.

I would also have more sympathy for the stepfather if the stepson was aquitted say on a technicality.
I think what bothers me about the case in the OP is the cold-bloodedness of the revenge.

How would you know? First the mother pissed him off and maybe the kid said something stupid in the truck that aggrevated his anger....
How would you know? First the mother pissed him off and maybe the kid said something stupid in the truck that aggrevated his anger....

If it turned out that the 'kid' said something stupid in the truck, that would affect my reaction. Interesting you would call him a kid, since I assume you are for him getting harsh treatment and being on the receiving end of an eye for an eye.

I thought about pointing out that in some states he would be a minor perhaps days before.

Many to put this kid away forever regardless of whether he was abused or there is any possibility he can change.

What if it turns out he was raped repeatedly by the father who is not in the picture?

Should his life be essentially over.
(I am not talking now about the hot blooded beating of the kid, but rather the life sentence (plus being sodomized by a tool) that many seem to think is the only good justice for the 'kid')
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There is a difference between legally adult and emotionally,socially mature. At 18 he is most likely a blabbering idiot....

By the way I could make a case that the kid's punishment was already done. I am all for the quick punishment types instead of wasting time and money in prisons....
There is a difference between legally adult and emotionally,socially mature. At 18 he is most likely a blabbering idiot....
which sounds like you mean 18 year olds in general are not very together. Were I a judge his age would affect my sentencing. His attitude, his past also, of course. And of course the crime. But I am less likely than some of the others here to assume that justice is best served if we throw the key away on every 18 year old who commits such a crime.

By the way I could make a case that the kid's punishment was already done. I am all for the quick punishment types instead of wasting time and money in prisons....

Which is part of the problem from anybody's position. That he was raped will come out in his trial. The ones here who think the stepdad did right AND he should go to prison (forever) are not taking into account how his having been raped may get him off and will, I would lay money on it, end up reducing his sentence immensely. An eye for an eye, to some degree happened. I am not saying this is right but those who think he should be put away for life should realize the stepfather reduced that possibility to nil. And he damn well cut down any sentence that kid faced.

In relation to your position that he received his punishment, he will, nevertheless go to trial and probably do time. So we did not reduce courts and prisons, etc.
Hey, there is a thread on capital punishment with the same idea.

I would have given him very harsh punishment for taking justice into his own hands, like 20 hours community service.

2 wrongs don't make a right, but 3 rights do make a left....

I don't agree. I sympathize wih his anger. The kid, for want of a better word, had just been let out on bail despite having just raped his daughter. Can you not see why he felt that the justice system had failed him?

I would not actually call what he did cold blooded. You would have to have a lot of rage in you to do that.
Me too.

I'd probably beat him senseless and have him gang raped.

Then have his bones broken.

I can't believe the man showed so much restraint.

An eight year old child? Sick sick sick
Wow, SAM, we're on the same side of this issue. And you're actually to my right. I think the father metted out a perfect punishment, while you think he needed a gang rape and broken bones in addition to the beating/sodomy.
Of course it's not justice, and you've demonstrated exactly why.
Apparently a jury trial is only good enough for some of us? Of course, if jurors such as yourself have no respect for the law, there will be no justice.
At least Tiassa still disagrees with me. I was starting to think I should rethink my position!
Oh, right. We're supposed to find a reason to excuse this sodomite rapist.

Don't you think it's funny how a lot of people attempting to excuse the father's vigalante behaviour are dyed in the wool liberals against the death penalty?
I am not excusing his behavior in the least, I feel sorry for his daughter not him.
Also im against CP so there goes your argument
Originally Posted by S.A.M.
Me too.

I'd probably beat him senseless and have him gang raped.

Then have his bones broken.

I can't believe the man showed so much restraint.

An eight year old child? Sick sick sick

That's not an eye for an eye though. Did the 18 year old beat the 8 year old near to death with a baseball bat? Did he get his mates around to gang rape her? Did he break all of her bones?

I have nothing against 'eye for an eye' justice, because it is the most elementary form of justice. You hit me, I hit you back. You sodomise my daughter, I sodomise you. What goes around comes around.

But to go overboard like you're suggesting is just malicious, and isn't justice in any sense of the word. It's not the pussy liberal concept of 'justice', and it's not 'eye for an eye' either.
I'm saying I understand why he did what he did. I could never find him guilty

He broke the law to get revenge. He wasn't out for justice, he was out for revenge. You can't just break the law in such a serious manner, and then expect to get off scott free. Otherwise there would be no point in having a legal system.
Are you kidding. He SODOMISED an EIGHT year old. He'll be lucky if I don't just bash his head in.

However, if he consents to physical and chemical castration, I'll be happy to assist him.

So next time a woman rapes a small child, you'd be glad to get out the rusty spoon to fix her up?
By the way, isn't the accused assumed innocent until proven guilty? So why are we all assuming that the teen is guilty?

1. Because the dad caught him in the act.
2. Why are we assuming the dad is guilty? Sodomy festival for that family but both the dad and the son are both guilty, for....ehh...rape.