Man Sodominzed Stepson

I think anyone who endangers a child should not be let out on bail.
If I was the judge in the 18 year old's trial (and not restricted by legal booyah), I would consider him a danger to children and give him the option of life in an institution or physical plus chemical castration with lifelong probation.

In my ideal institution, since we are fantasising, he would be able to get an education and work.

For the father, I would recommend community service; mostly so he would have the opportunity to get over what had happened to his daughter.

I think he did a community service already.
S.A.M. said:

I think anyone who endangers a child should not be let out on bail.

It's a reasonable proposition. Unfortunately, a general application of such a rule is simply infeasible. It sounds great when someone claims to have caught a suspect in the act, but this is America, and, whether you like it or not, this suspect is innocent until proven guilty. This particular accusation, as repugnant as it is, does not describe a no-bail case, especially when the accused has no criminal record.

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MetaKron said:

I think he did a community service already.

The courts won't be particularly lenient with him. He has a rap sheet. Burglary plea in '96 that dropped two counts of assault with bodily injury and one of fraud (theft by check); the probation from that was revoked in 2000, and he served time. In 2001, he received a sentence for assault with bodily injury (presumably in relation to the revocation of probation). In 2006, he did twenty days for possession of marijuana.

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As a general comment, this will be an interesting case to follow. The state's primary witnesses against the boy are:

• A man with a history that includes alleged fraud and a conviction for assault.

• An 8 year-old girl whose testimony could easily be manipulated.​

There is, of course, one detail we don't have: Is there a DNA result from the rape examination?
It's a reasonable proposition. Unfortunately, a general application of such a rule is simply infeasible. It sounds great when someone claims to have caught a suspect in the act, but this is America, and, whether you like it or not, this suspect is innocent until proven guilty. This particular accusation, as repugnant as it is, does not describe a no-bail case, especially when the accused has no criminal record.

I blame the mother, she was foolish to the point of endangering the child. He should dump her.
That was too light. I would have killed him very, very slowly.

I would have killed him as soon as I caught him. He never would have made it to jail, but I assume the father's thoughts were more on helping his 8 yr old daughter while that scum ran out of the room pulling his pants up.
He has no respect for the law, obviously. He didn't think the law could inflict an adequate punishment, an eye for an eye. It doesn't work like that here.

I really don't think he cared what would happen to him after he did it. I think he was only thinking of his daughter and what she went through. Then to have his wife turn around and bail him out....I can see that pushing him over the edge.

For all I know the kid got lippy in the car and his step-dad drove him some place, took the bat out of the truck and beat him. Grabbed a tool out of his tool box and sodomized him with it.
Here is an issue that should have been raised: Under no circumstances should the stepson have been allowed back in the house with the girl who he allegedly sodomized.
Well, he is innocent til proven guilty. (Doesn't matter that he was caught in the act or medical proof was given of teh 8 yr old girls rape) And the Mom bailed him out so he could come home.
It's still an unacceptable risk. Where were the child protection services when they were actually needed?
Here is an issue that should have been raised: Under no circumstances should the stepson have been allowed back in the house with the girl who he allegedly sodomized.

I agree.


The father's actions have proven him to be equally violent and sick as the stepson who raped his daughter.

Instead of driving out to pick up the boy, he should have taken the girl away and gotten her the help she needs to recover from her own ordeal. What he has done is placed himself in a position where he may now have to be away from his daughter, if he finds himself jailed for what he has done. Worst of all, he has now allowed his daughter's rapist to become a victim of rape. His sodomising his daughter's rapist will now take away from what the stepson did and brand the stepson as a victim.

He should have given the law a chance to work.

Don't get me wrong, if it were my child who had been raped, I would have sought revenge too. But not like this. If the law failed to jail the stepson after a trial, then I would probably find myself hunting him down and killing him with my bare hands. But to leave the daughter behind (I am assuming she was not with him when he went to pick the stepson from the police station?), then take the time to sodomise the stepson and beat him like that.. that time could have been better spent with his daughter and getting her out of the house and taking her someplace where she would feel safe. In short, he put his own need for revenge over his daughter's needs.

His first priority should have been to his daughter, not to exacting revenge on the stepson.
I agree.


The father's actions have proven him to be equally violent and sick as the stepson who raped his daughter.

Instead of driving out to pick up the boy, he should have taken the girl away and gotten her the help she needs to recover from her own ordeal. What he has done is placed himself in a position where he may now have to be away from his daughter, if he finds himself jailed for what he has done. Worst of all, he has now allowed his daughter's rapist to become a victim of rape. His sodomising his daughter's rapist will now take away from what the stepson did and brand the stepson as a victim.

He should have given the law a chance to work.

Don't get me wrong, if it were my child who had been raped, I would have sought revenge too. But not like this. If the law failed to jail the stepson after a trial, then I would probably find myself hunting him down and killing him with my bare hands. But to leave the daughter behind (I am assuming she was not with him when he went to pick the stepson from the police station?), then take the time to sodomise the stepson and beat him like that.. that time could have been better spent with his daughter and getting her out of the house and taking her someplace where she would feel safe. In short, he put his own need for revenge over his daughter's needs.

His first priority should have been to his daughter, not to exacting revenge on the stepson.

Bet you the son of a bitch stays away.
I understand that it probably made the stepfather feel good to take revenge in this way, but is this really helping the daughter? Not only was SHE raped out of lust, she will now have to deal with the fact that her father is a revenge-rapist too; whether the raping was done in lust by or in the heat of revenge matters little to an 8 year old, now she has to deal with TWO horrors.

"...he put his own need for revenge over his daughter's needs" (Bells, above). This sums it up, exactly.
Not only that but the child will now have to go into care because the father will be in jail or will be judged an unfit parent so she will be left without his surport. I agree 100% with bell that it was understandable that he did this but compleatly unaceptable
They shouldn't charge the stepfather with being a sex offender because he was administering revenge in kind for the injury done to his daughter.
Does anyone else think he should have just fucking killed him? A dead guy can't rape anyone.

Hey, there is a thread on capital punishment with the same idea.

I would have given him very harsh punishment for taking justice into his own hands, like 20 hours community service.

2 wrongs don't make a right, but 3 rights do make a left....
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because he was administering revenge in kind ...

That was logical. That's how justice should be. Had he burnt the son, now that would have been cruel....

My favorite comment from Digg on the article:

"Go out into the forrest in Yosemite. Find a bear den with cubs in it and a mother. Try to sodomize the cub. Let me know what happens ok?""
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revenge crimes are punished MORE harshly not less because they can lead to a systamatic break down of sociaty