Man Sodominzed Stepson

They shouldn't charge the stepfather with being a sex offender because he was administering revenge in kind for the injury done to his daughter.

In exacting his revenge, he became a sex offender.

I wonder how anyone will explain this to the 8 year old girl? She now has to live with the knowledge that not only was she raped, but her father is also a rapist in that he sodomised her rapist. How will they explain to her that what her step-brother did to her was wrong, but what her father did to her step-brother is somehow ok because it was revenge? She won't be able to distinguish between the two. Raping someone as revenge does mean it is any less of a rape.
In exacting his revenge, he became a sex offender.

I wonder how anyone will explain this to the 8 year old girl? She now has to live with the knowledge that not only was she raped, but her father is also a rapist in that he sodomised her rapist. How will they explain to her that what her step-brother did to her was wrong, but what her father did to her step-brother is somehow ok because it was revenge? She won't be able to distinguish between the two. Raping someone as revenge does mean it is any less of a rape.

Thats true, I agree with all this.

I would probably just kill him with my bare hands.
Not if you plead diminished capacity

How can he? He knows that rape is wrong. His then raping the rapist does not make his crime any less vile just because it is revenge. It just makes him a rapist like his stepson is a rapist.
S.A.M. said:

Not if you plead diminished capacity

That'll be a hard plea for this one:

(A) It's Texas
(B) His actions show calculation—e.g. taking the kid to an empty house
(C) He has a record that includes assault​

If the prosecution can manage to work in the point that he pled on a burglary charge and had a fraud charge dropped, it will make a diminished capacity defense even tougher. His best hope is that a jury will agree with you, that juries aren't worth the bother.
Thats true, I agree with all this.

I would probably just kill him with my bare hands.

Had he done so, it would have been understandable. But to rape him? It has only diminished what has happened to his own daughter. What kind of message does it send her?
he definitly didnt think about that poor little girl when he did it. So now who is she left with?

He father would never be judged a fit parent (nor should he be), her step mother hasnt provided a safe enviroment so is not a fit parent. I just hope that her biological mother is a fit parent because that poor girl is going to need a LOT of help
he definitly didnt think about that poor little girl when he did it. So now who is she left with?

He father would never be judged a fit parent (nor should he be), her step mother hasnt provided a safe enviroment so is not a fit parent. I just hope that her biological mother is a fit parent because that poor girl is going to need a LOT of help

I think we should wait for the verdict. Presently both are out on bail (and presumably in the same house)
How can you concider 20 hours comunity service fair even if you forget that it was a revenge crime

16 years i belive is the standard sentance for rape, if you add another 5 for revenge you get 21 years jail.
SAM i dont belive you need a conviction to rule someone an unfit parent. In fact im SURE you dont, you also dont need to establish it behond resnable doubt either
I actually think the fact he only did it when he knew the son was free shows that he respects the law, but not when it endangers his child.
It was the first moment he had access to the man. and his actions clearly do not show respect for the law since he broke several of them.
For the father, I would recommend community service; mostly so he would have the opportunity to get over what had happened to his daughter.
this wasn't my question in relation to the step-father. I was asking if you were on the jury - who decide guilt or innocence and generally not the sentence in the US. Is there a crime you would find him guilty of?
Absolutely, I would do the same for all fathers who witnessed their underage children being sodomised.

That's it? Just anal penetration, not other kinds of sexual abuse or violence?
And to be clear: I don't think your position is ridiculous, but if you have a clear position - for example, something like the parents of children sexually abused are free to exact revenge on the perpetrators - 1) as a member of a democracy one should work to change the laws. In other words you believe that certain crimes warrent vigillante behavior. Parents of children cannot be expected to follow due process, even days or more after the event and should have exemptions. 2) these exemptions from due process should be carefully worded, so that, for example, adult victims of assaults cannot assume that they too can exact revenge. Or handicapped victims or victims of white collar crimes etc.

I think it should also be made clear what happens to those who carry out revenge on the wrong person. Their lawyers will definitely use any law you make out of the above to vastly reduce the guilt of their clients. They made a mistake - under the horrible stress of the incident - and chose the wrong person, but they had the right to exact revenge.

As long as the boy was in prison, it was fine, he is now on the loose and a danger to the daughter or other children, again.
If he is still a danger than the step-fathers revenge and punishment was worthless. And it was a planned controlled revenge. We are not talking about an out of control beating.

Several, but mostly any that are inadequate in addressing the danger to children
1) the stepfathers actions may not have prevented anything.
2) So it is only in relation to children where you feel people should have the right to bypass due process?
Why do you limit this to situations that involve children?
If someone rapes my wife and I then rape him in revenge a few days would send me to jail?
How about my elderly mother?
this wasn't my question in relation to the step-father. I was asking if you were on the jury - who decide guilt or innocence and generally not the sentence in the US. Is there a crime you would find him guilty of?

No. Its why they would never let me be on the jury.
Would you let people off in general for taking the law in their own hands if
1) they got the right person
2) their revenge fit the crime

And have you tried to affect legislation so that it fits your beliefs about justice and due process?
Would you let people off in general for taking the law in their own hands if
1) they got the right person
2) their revenge fit the crime

And have you tried to affect legislation so that it fits your beliefs about justice and due process?

I don't know what I would do. I know in this case, I wouldn't be able to find him guilty. I would have killed that piece of shit. He got off lucky.

Ever see the movie A Time To Kill.

And why are people saying now the girl has to go into the system. Anyone ever consider her living with her Mom?
I don't know what I would do. I know in this case, I wouldn't be able to find him guilty. I would have killed that piece of shit. He got off lucky.

Ever see the movie A Time To Kill.

And why are people saying now the girl has to go into the system. Anyone ever consider her living with her Mom?

In effect you are saying that one case of sodomy is acceptable, while another is not? Sodomy for revenge is alright, but not for anything else?

Where would the line be drawn? Would it only be acceptable if it is revenging another rape?

Is her mother the wife who bailed out the stepson? Or is she the father's ex? As it stands, if the stepson has returned home, she cannot stay there.