Man Beheads Wife in 'Honor' Killing

yep, its what my ex tried to do.

Ugh, its less common in the east because of several reasons

1. lack of education, i.e. there is no issue of child support

2. joint families that support abandoned wives and their children

3. poverty, ie no money, so less reason to sue for child support.

4. religious obligations, village/family elders will ostracise delinquent fathers

5. patrimonial systems, father is obligated to care for children as a matter of honour

6. child labour, kids can provide their own income
scott3x said:
This doesn't mean that public executions, cutting of hands, floggings, "etc." is a good thing though.

A "good thing" is pretty relative, though, isn't it?

I don't think so in this case.

S.A.M. said:
Who has killed/mutilated more people in the last year? Those who are conducting "public executions, cutting of hands, floggings" or those that profess not to?

Facts speak louder than words.

While I can agree that western powers kill more then public executions, cutting of hands and floggings, I think there's one thing to consider; muslim countries are currently -incapable- of doing so much damage to western countries. And they know that if they ever really went on the warpath with western powers they would regret it far more then they would benefit from it.

I personally shudder to think what would happen if -muslims- were the ones with the more powerful weapons.

Even as I say all of this S.A.M., I would like to say that I respect -you- as a person. I already know that I like your personality and I don't really like taking on an adversarial role with you; sometimes I wonder if perhaps I could word things in better ways but it's not always easy to do so.
I personally shudder to think what would happen if -muslims- were the ones with the more powerful weapons.

I don't. They tend towards dialogue rather than action.
Orleander said:
yep, its what my ex tried to do.

Ugh, its less common in the east because of several reasons

1. lack of education, i.e. there is no issue of child support

I personally don't think that's progress :p.

S.A.M. said:
2. joint families that support abandoned wives and their children

I believe that happens a fair amount in North America as well; my mother certainly supported my sister when the chips were down.

S.A.M. said:
3. poverty, ie no money, so less reason to sue for child support.

Again, I don't think that's progress :p.

S.A.M. said:
4. religious obligations, village/family elders will ostracise delinquent fathers

-That- is good but only works in villages where most people know one another; I personally think legally obligating fathers is better.

S.A.M. said:
5. patrimonial systems, father is obligated to care for children as a matter of honour

That sounds good; I think that a fair amount of north american fathers feel this way too; it's just that the bad apples get most of the press.

S.A.M. said:
6. child labour, kids can provide their own income

That's a mixed bag I'd think; I guess it really depends on the type of work involved. I think it would be nice if children didn't have to work too hard to live well; the working too hard would take the 'living well' part of it out anyway.
scott3x said:
I personally shudder to think what would happen if -muslims- were the ones with the more powerful weapons.

I don't. They tend towards dialogue rather than action.

Could you give an example of this? It seems to me that as a general rule, it's muslim countries that favour action over dialogue when it comes to their opponents; it's certainly fair to say that not all muslims countries even have democracies and dissidence is frequently treated far more harshly then in western ones.
Muslims, quite clearly. You, personally seem to be stoking an abiding hatred of all people and things theistic.

Well, you got it half right. I don't hate people, T. However, theism is another story. And, it's not so much having a hatred for it as much as simply wanting to live my life without the delusion of theism as the guiding principles in the mindsets of those who would have an effect on my life.

In the meantime, S.A.M. actually has a viable point.

What? Gitmo? Sam has little to argue as she frequently ignores what's going on in her own backyard.

While some are quick to be horrified by people wrapped so wrapped up in religion as to be neurotic or even psychotic, it seems—in the U.S., at least—that, faced with mass murder in pursuit of petroleum resources and other economic rewards, we are supposed to just shrug, maybe mutter, "That's a shame, but we gotta do what we gotta do," and carry on with our daily lives.

While I may not agree with any number of policies and actions of the various world governments, I certainly won't agree with someone like Sam whose constant flow of hypocrisy and propaganda undermines any point she makes.

Look back in Western history. The tale of how we emerged from our own systematic barbarism is complicated and dependent on diverse and often subtle factors. But even some very apparent components of our story are absent in the Islamic world. Economy and education, for instance. And, as our Western needs compel us to interfere with such developments in those nations, we contribute to the problem. We could certainly try to help, but so far our help has been limited to coddling tyrants in pursuit of resources and profit thereby abetting the destabilization of the masses, and in some cases actually fomenting extremism.

Do you actually believe Islamic states want the education that would bring them out of barbarism? Of course not, as that education would see Islam undergo major reformations, which was the point I was making.

It is more convenient and gratifying, then, to blame a shoddy paint job and transfer the outcome to the superficial label than it is to examine and understand the sources of the underlying corruption.

Well, I'd be one of the first to agree with you if those sources would reveal themselves. Have they?
It is brainless stupidity to think it has anything to do with religion and it is careless and knee jerk reading to think I was making amy comment on the legality of the issue.

Please enlighten us all, O.
Or the social instability that comes from 25 years of war next door and 60 years of selectively funding and arming dictators and undermining elected representatives from abroad.

Then why did this fellow - an American citizen, as you intimate - cut off his wife's head. (And, more perversely, why are spin doctors in the islamic community trying to turn her into a martyr for the religion?)

Anyway, it can also suggest a poor representative sample

It might. Does it? So might your statistics about the West. Save the equivocation.

Maybe. Or maybe the figures for the West is an estimate since the majority of women who are abused at home remain silent about their abuse.

I think if any statistics were underestimated relative to the Pakistani ones, it wouldn't be the Western sample. Maybe Saudi Arabia.

While our figures in the report puts us in the 'better' bracket, it's still not exactly such a good figure that would put us in a position to lord it over others about their rates.:)

No. But should such a dangerous meme go unchallenged?
Could you give an example of this? It seems to me that as a general rule, it's muslim countries that favour action over dialogue when it comes to their opponents; it's certainly fair to say that not all muslims countries even have democracies and dissidence is frequently treated far more harshly then in western ones.

Sure. Just look at the last 1400 years of history. Where are the world wars? The pogroms? The holocausts? The spreading democracy and liberation? The intercontinental organisations that combine armies for ideological warfare? All you'll find are individuals with expansionist themes and even they are subject to dissipation with satiation. Not groups with imperialistic ambitions posited as secular ideology.
Sure. Just look at the last 1400 years of history. Where are the world wars? The pogroms?

In the ME as often as Europe, seemingly.

The spreading democracy and liberation?

...well, the West, actually.

The intercontinental organisations that combine armies for ideological warfare?

Lots of places. I recall a gaggle of mixed nations that had a go at Israel, actually, although spidergoat's response is also true.
scott3x said:
Could you give an example of this? It seems to me that as a general rule, it's muslim countries that favour action over dialogue when it comes to their opponents; it's certainly fair to say that not all muslims countries even have democracies and dissidence is frequently treated far more harshly then in western ones.

Sure. Just look at the last 1400 years of history. Where are the world wars? The pogroms? The holocausts? The spreading democracy and liberation? The intercontinental organisations that combine armies for ideological warfare? All you'll find are individuals with expansionist themes and even they are subject to dissipation with satiation. Not groups with imperialistic ambitions posited as secular ideology.

Geoff's response in post 475 sounds reasonable to me. As to imperialism, I think that islam had a go of it, when it began its expansion a while back, conquering Spain, for instance. For a long time after, however, they were on a losing streak; while I think that oil revenues have propped them up temporarily, I think that on the whole of it, western societies trump islamic ones in terms of progressiveness. This isn't to say that islamic societies haven't contributed some important things and I certainly haven't been very happy about the imperialistic designs of Bush's United States and there's certainly something to be said about the 'materialistic' west, but I still find that on balance, islamic societies have a lot more to learn from western societies then the other way around.
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but I still find that on balance, islamic societies have a lot more to learn from western societies then the other way around.

Yeah, liek putting natives on reservations, replacing populations with those who are "better", creating the Third world, undermining developing countries to keep them poor and exploit their resources, using resources without restraint, creating bigger and more destructive weapons, having a war every year with those who are unable to defend themselves, testing their weapons on the defenceless, killing people indiscriminately and acting like you're doing them a favor, increasing hunger and social disparity, building an unsustainable environment and lifestyle. Etc.

Don't worry, you'll get what you wish for. But it wont make you happy then either.

Thank Allah they didn't have the resources to make war on a large scale until recently.

Wouldn't make a difference. If you want to fight, you can fight with few resources effectively too. A million missiles don't scare them as much as a couple of planes do the west.
Yeah, liek putting natives on reservations, replacing populations with those who are "better", creating the Third world, undermining developing countries to keep them poor and exploit their resources, using resources without restraint, creating bigger and more destructive weapons, having a war every year with those who are unable to defend themselves, testing their weapons on the defenceless, killing people indiscriminately and acting like you're doing them a favor, increasing hunger and social disparity, building an unsustainable environment and lifestyle. Etc.
now do you understand what i meant scott?
Apparently the best way to civilize Muslims, or any other people, is to kill their women and children en masse (ie Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir, etc.). The native Americans know this far too well. The Western strategy for dominance never changed, it is now only more discreet.
A: This isn't a "Western" strategy. One example would be when the Mongolian's whooped your ancestors arses. Or when the Persians whooped your ancestors arses. Or when the Macedonians whooped your ancestors arses. Or when the Arabs whooped your ancestors arses. Oh, then there is the time when the English whooped your ancestors arses.

Seems to me the common thread isn't "Whitey be kicken me arse" but is instead "me is one stupidly weak muthafcuker and I is always gitten me arse kicked no matter what color his skin be doing."

Get this DH, Pakistan is a craphole because of people like you. It seem the majority of people in Pakistan would prefer to live in dirt sitting on their fat asses blaming everyone for why there house isn't clean. That's the difference between Pakistani people and Japanese people and the reason why Pakistan will forever be a craphole and never be anywhere near anything in the West or East - well, not until India decides they want their land back. That will be a good DH, you can blame the skin color of Indians next for your problems! HAHAHAHHAAAAAA!!!!!

Cut your nose off to spite their face. That'll show it whose boss :p


note: not sure if the analogy really fits considering Pakistan can not actually muster up the effort to actually do something revengeful.
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