Man Beheads Wife in 'Honor' Killing

I find American women to be eager to please, inhibited and (overly) concerned with their body and ageing.:shrug:

There also appears to be a great deal of pressure on being a couple.

To some extent, yes, but these traits are heavily influenced by cultural 'norms' and do not describe all American women, though many feel the pressure to possess these traits in order to be seen as 'real' women.

The link you posted mentioned the issue with the Desi dolls and how it promotes only a certain type that could be taken as 'better' then another.

I think the same could be said for American Barbie dolls. Young girls in America are playing with overly-sexed dolls that promote an impossible body image and Barbie, of course, always needs a Ken.
Excuse me, DH, but fuck you, you little shithead. She is what she is. Don't you fucking dare minimize someone else's claim of heritage. Asshole.

Forget it.

It is amusing now that one thinks of it. I am suddenly a white Westerner. If my grandparents were still alive, they would be amused. I will have to tell the whites, Indians and Muslims of my home country, if I ever set foot in that racist cesspit again, that my status is raised because I am a white Westerner according to an arsewipe on sciforums.. especially when going into a store or a restaurant results in my being served or seated last because of my ancestry.. might get me served first. Of course I'll have to whiten my skin, straighten my hair to try and pass that off.. but hey, it's worth a shot. Only downside to that is that I would have to disown my relatives because of their colour.. I could always pass them off as my servants I guess.:rolleyes:

Sam said:
Unlike the Tasmanians.
Nope, they were wiped out.

I guess that means that slavery in Islam and in the West is a better option?

Or equally deplorable?

Oh wait.. Slavery in Islam is apparently better according to you and didn't exist according to DH. But slavery in the West. Well that's a bad bad thing.

We'll just ignore the simple fact that slavery is a blight on human history in general, attempt to deny its existence in our history a la DH and then say it wasn't really that bad when Muslims did it (you).

But back to Tasmanian Aboriginals. Yes, they were completely wiped out. I could go the path of DH and attempt to deny it ever happened or I could be like you and say it's not really that bad and was a sign of the times and try to say that some Aboriginals were treated 'ok', so therefore we can just ignore it. Or I could accept that it happened and view it as the horror that it was. Hmmm.. decisions decisions..
I think the same could be said for American Barbie dolls. Young girls in America are playing with overly-sexed dolls that promote an impossible body image and Barbie, of course, always needs a Ken.

Thats a perfect description. Having lived with Indian and Arab women, its amazing to me how compliant American women seem.

are you two going to start kissing now? :D

You got tired of the mud wrestling?:mad:
Thats a perfect description. Having lived with Indian and Arab women, its amazing to me how compliant American women seem.

Hehe, I don't think my BF would ever describe me as compliant. It really just depends on the individual.

You got tired of the mud wrestling?:mad:

LOL. All right, well I'm out for a while. Good chat. Glad we resolved our little disagreement ;)
Hehe, I don't think my BF would ever describe me as compliant. It really just depends on the individual.

LOL. All right, well I'm out for a while. Good chat. Glad we resolved our little disagreement ;)

Guess a lot of people would describe me as compliant. :D

Yeah me too.:m:
You got tired of the mud wrestling?:mad:
Oh come on SAM you know I could never get tired of mud wrestling. why? You game?

:spank: then :shake:

Haaa! Hahahahahaa.... Pfffff.... meh, I must be over worked, any jello-pudding wrestling arenas in Australia? Could be fun???
Maybe you and leo could get together? :D

We women could watch. Better put on a good show. :mufc:
Eeeuuuu MEN jello wrestling ... that doesn't sound like fun.... where's the fun in nipple slipage? :p

Anyway, I'm off too, time to do some real work and stop procrastinating....

The worse part of the portrayal of Muslim women in popular Western culture is that they are always defined by Non-Muslim men, thus I find it laughable when they say that Muslim men control Muslim women. It is definitely NOT like that in my country, LOL. Maybe the other way around. Muslim women aren't allowed to portray themselves, according to this view, as they don't know what is best for them.

This, along with the deflection of the blame of slavery from the West (the largest criminals in this regard in history) to other civilizations (Islamic Arab or African, Non-Muslim African, Native American, etc.) is evidence of the corrupted psychological mindset of white Westerners.

For example, who are the biggest enslavers in history (Atlantic slave trade), who are the biggest murderers in history (Crusades, WW1, WW2, cold war, modern war on "terror"), who are the biggest occupiers in history (America, Australia, South Africa, Israel, etc.), and who are the only ones to use nuclear weapons on defenseless civilians (Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

Duplicity and deception is the result of the shame of a miserable past which exploited all the colored people of the world. Shame which turns to anger at the remnants of that disgraceful past (i.e. racism against African Americans in the US). This is why it is necessary for these individuals to further the attack on all aspects of Islamic civilization, because they can't oppress a nation of good, honest people. They must turn all Muslims into demons to ease their guilt of their crimes against Muslim people, just as they did to the Blacks and Native Americans, Just as they did to allow the nuclear attacks against innocent Japanese civilians, and the butchering of civilians in Vietnam.

You may not notice, but we see right through you. We aren't unaware of your motives.
The worse part of the portrayal of Muslim women in popular Western culture is that they are always defined by Non-Muslim men, thus I find it laughable when they say that Muslim men control Muslim women. It is definitely NOT like that in my country, LOL. Maybe the other way around. Muslim women aren't allowed to portray themselves, according to this view, as they don't know what is best for them.

This statement confuses me. What do you mean when you say that "Muslim women aren't allowed to portray themselves, according to this view, as they don't know what is best for them"? Are you saying that Muslim women are not allowed to portray themselves as being controlled by Muslim men or are you saying that Muslim women are not allowed to portray themselves as being independent from them, or neither? I am not following your train of thought here. Clarity would be helpful. I'm just not sure how you are trying to define Muslim women.

This, along with the deflection of the blame of slavery from the West (the largest criminals in this regard in history) to other civilizations (Islamic Arab or African, Non-Muslim African, Native American, etc.) is evidence of the corrupted psychological mindset of white Westerners.

This is not only a stereotypical and racist statement, but an ignorant one as well. Granted Western civilization has been the scapegoat for slavery, but slavery has been practiced for thousands of years by all civilizations, races, and cultures, and to place the blame solely on white Westerners is pure hypocrisy and also uneducated. I am Caucasian. My Irish ancestors traveled to America to escape the famine and were treated like rabid animals...unworthy of work and human compassion. Do you think my people were spared because their skin was white? No. To say that all white Westerners participated in Western slavery is pure idiocy. Do you think only 'colored' people have been the victims of slavery and persecution? Why is it politically correct to assume all 'white' people are the same, as if they don't have their own history, background, and culture? It's called reverse racism. There is a huge difference in culture between the Romanian, the Irish, and the Norwegian, but yet all are considered Caucasian, grouped into one category, and blamed for the enslavement of 'colored' people because they are 'white'.

You may not notice, but we see right through you. We aren't unaware of your motives.

By simply using the word 'you', you are generalizing and grouping all Caucasians into one group, as if they are one and the same. What if I used the phrase 'all you colored people...'? I would be bashed as a racist. Not all 'colored' people are the same in culture and religion and the same goes for all 'white' people.
The worse part of the portrayal of Muslim women in popular Western culture is that they are always
Shown wearing burkas, being victims of honor killings, getting assasinated by islame'ists...where are the pictures of the widows begging in the streets of saudia arabia?

This, along with the deflection of the blame of slavery from the West

Bad as it was, we stopped over 100 years ago. When will Islame stop?

For example, who are the biggest enslavers in history (Atlantic slave trade)

Oddly enough the slave trade would have been impossible without Africans selling each other.

who are the biggest

Without a doubt we are way better warriors than islame.
Oddly enough the slave trade would have been impossible without Africans selling each other.

I said the near exact same thing earlier in this thread. Why was I ignored? :shrug:

Africans were enslaving Africans and selling them to the Arabs and Europeans (although Arabs would also raid Africa for slaves) and getting rich off it. So please, let's not revise history in an attempt to portray whites = devils, and blacks = angels. It was the European nations who acted to end slavery.

For example, who are the biggest enslavers in history (Atlantic slave trade), who are the biggest murderers in history (Crusades, WW1, WW2, cold war, modern war on "terror"), who are the biggest occupiers in history (America, Australia, South Africa, Israel, etc.), and who are the only ones to use nuclear weapons on defenseless civilians (Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

Duplicity and deception is the result of the shame of a miserable past which exploited all the colored people of the world. Shame which turns to anger at the remnants of that disgraceful past (i.e. racism against African Americans in the US). This is why it is necessary for these individuals to further the attack on all aspects of Islamic civilization, because they can't oppress a nation of good, honest people. They must turn all Muslims into demons to ease their guilt of their crimes against Muslim people, just as they did to the Blacks and Native Americans, Just as they did to allow the nuclear attacks against innocent Japanese civilians, and the butchering of civilians in Vietnam.

You may not notice, but we see right through you. We aren't unaware of your motives.

Bells, where are you? Bells? Here is it, the white guilt dogma, plain for all to see.
The worse part of the portrayal of Muslim women in popular Western culture is that they are always defined by Non-Muslim men, thus I find it laughable when they say that Muslim men control Muslim women. It is definitely NOT like that in my country, LOL. Maybe the other way around. Muslim women aren't allowed to portray themselves, according to this view, as they don't know what is best for them.


Muslim women are individuals who should be portraying themselves as they wish to portray themselves since they know what is best for them. Men, be they Muslim or otherwise should have zero say in how a Muslim woman wishes to portray herself.

This, along with the deflection of the blame of slavery from the West (the largest criminals in this regard in history) to other civilizations (Islamic Arab or African, Non-Muslim African, Native American, etc.) is evidence of the corrupted psychological mindset of white Westerners.
Deflection? That's laughable seeing that you point blank denied that it ever existed amongst Muslims. Slavery existed amongst Africans, Muslims and the West, as well as Asia. Muslims partook in the slave trade, just as Africans did so, as did the West and Asia. To deny that your side ever did it is an insult to those who were enslaved and to their descendants.

Your calls of your "African brothers", while ignoring your own religious history in the pain caused to said African brothers is ignorant and hypocritical in the extreme. White people were not the only one's involved in the slave trade. And to then categorise everyone who dared point out your own hypocrisy when you attempted to lay blame for it solely at the feet of white Westerners is not a deflection but a reminder of your religion's role in the horror that was and is the slave trade and also a quiet reminder of your own racism. Yes, that's right, it is still practiced in some societies, including Islamic one's. You can deny it as much as you wish, it does not make it go away or disappear any faster.

For example, who are the biggest enslavers in history (Atlantic slave trade), who are the biggest murderers in history (Crusades, WW1, WW2, cold war, modern war on "terror"), who are the biggest occupiers in history (America, Australia, South Africa, Israel, etc.), and who are the only ones to use nuclear weapons on defenseless civilians (Hiroshima and Nagasaki).
Oh please. And you dare accuse others of deflection?

Muslims took part in slavery and were enslavers long before the US ever existed and way long before Australia was even discovered. Muslim also killed and slaughtered many in history and occupied other nations in history as well. When the West abolished slavery, countries in the ME refused to follow suit for many many years. And we're talking a couple of hundred years in some instances. So please, can the attempt to guilt others because of their colour.

Duplicity and deception is the result of the shame of a miserable past which exploited all the colored people of the world.
And what of the whites and Asians who were also exploited by those belonging to your religion in the past?

Shame which turns to anger at the remnants of that disgraceful past (i.e. racism against African Americans in the US).
And what of racism in Muslim countries against Asians? What of the denial of rights that still exists for those of other cultures in so called Islamic societies? No one is denying that racism is still rife in the US and in countries like the UK and Australia. At least we don't deny it exists, unlike you. You place yourself in a position of moral superiority because of your religion, blatantly ignoring the injustices that exist in your own religious society. But that's alright, isn't it? Do as I say and not as I do.

This is why it is necessary for these individuals to further the attack on all aspects of Islamic civilization, because they can't oppress a nation of good, honest people.
Which individuals?

White Westerners? Right. So when black people remind you of your own actions in history, you denigrate their ancestry and race? Oh yes, you are such a good and honest individual.

They must turn all Muslims into demons to ease their guilt of their crimes against Muslim people, just as they did to the Blacks and Native Americans, Just as they did to allow the nuclear attacks against innocent Japanese civilians, and the butchering of civilians in Vietnam.
Who is demonising all Muslims? Are you all Muslims? Am I demonising you when I remind you of your own hypocrisy and your own religious history?

Again, it is a case of do as I say and not as I do with you, isn't it?

You may not notice, but we see right through you. We aren't unaware of your motives.
What is this "we" of which you speak? You speak for all Muslims now? You speak for the Muslims in my family? Somehow I doubt it. They are educated and not ignorant of their history, nor do they attempt to deny said history as you have done. Do you know why? Because their are a product of that history and to deny its existence as you have done is to deny their own existence and their ancestry.
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Muslims took part in slavery and were enslavers long before Europeans ever did so, long before the US ever existed and way long before Australia was even discovered

Are you kidding? European slavery precedes Islam. Unless you think slavery is less than 1400 years old.

e.g. Ancient Rome

The first century Greek rhetorician and historian Dionysius of Halicarnassus indicates that the Roman institution of slavery began with Romulus giving Roman fathers the right to sell their own children into slavery, and kept growing with the expansion of the Roman state. Slave ownership was most widespread throughout the Roman citizenry from the second Punic War (218 to 201 BC) through the fourth century AD. The Greek historian Strabo (63/64 BC – ca. AD 24) records how an enormous slave trade resulted due to the collapse of the Seleucid Empire (100 - 63 BC). Delos in the eastern Mediterranean was made a free port in 166 BC and became one of the main market venues for slaves.

Ancient Greece

It is difficult to determine when slave trading began in the archaic period. In Works and Days (8th century BC), Hesiod owns numerous dmôes,[32] although their status is unclear. The presence of douloi is confirmed by lyric poets such as Archilochus or Theognis of Megara.[33] According to epigraphic evidence, the homicide law of Draco (c. 620 BC) mentioned slaves.[34] According to Plutarch,[35] Solon (c. 594-593 BC) forbade slaves from practising gymnastics and pederasty. By the end of the period, references become more common. Slavery becomes prevalent at the very moment when Solon establishes the basis for Athenian democracy.
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Whats this? What track?

Slavery. The thing you think is ok in one place, but not in another.

An OP based on media speculation?

But then everything is 'media speculation', Sam. Including 'war crimes' in Iraq, no? I posted a link about the extremity of the rate of domestic abuse in Pakistan, but someone had a massive freak-out shortly after to deflect the direction of the thread. No one addressed that one, either.