Maker of religiously critical film shot dead

Gravity said:

Amen and good luck
everneo said:
So, you suppose you can only push people so far, beyond that you can expect bombing, vandalizing in a free society but nothing of this sort should be from a muslim for whatever reason ? Long live freedom, your freedom.

I am only stating facts here. A bomb has gone off and mosques have been vandalised. Where have i stated anything about muslims not retaliating?Answer;Nowhere. I am surmising that because of the murder ( which was religiously motivated) it seems to have started actions in a , if not the most tolerant society in europe. Like i said, is this the thin end of the wedge that will see a rise in attacks on muslims because of their radical actions in the first place. Like some politician in the Netherlands has said " the muslims don't want to live in our society, they want to destroy it" With what i see with my own eyes, i am inclined to agree. I live in London which has a massive diversity of cultures and creeds. Most people most of the time are tolerant of each other , apart from surprise, surprise,the muslims! People are getting pissed off with bleating muslims going on how evil we all are, how our cultures offend them,etc. Well if they don't like it they are quite welcome to fuck off. They would'nt be missed thats for sure.
Responding to Bells:

No matter how insulting someone or something may be to one's faith, it does not warrant committing murder in defence of that action.

Yes I agree

And to my friend Roman:

Perhaps the Muslim fucks who get "very, very very offended" should move back to the fucking desert, or we should hunt them. I mean, I find there little head rags really, really offensive.

You should know that only 18% of the world's Muslims are Arabs.......perhaps you would have been more correct if you have said go back to Indonesia or India...Please keep post inspire me and show that ignorance can come from any religion or ethnic background ;)

I wonder why you guys dont find that more intolerable than anything that Bruce has said

And to Slotty:

Aren't turbans a sihk thing Bells?

First of all Turbans have been around for a long time:

Put on the turban as the Lord has commanded Moses: One of the
commands of God to Moses was to wear turban as the symbol of
prophethood, holiness and divine power. This was a command
obeyed by Jews and Muslims for centuries and ignored or
forgotten by Christians.

"They made the tunic of fine lines, woven work for Aaron and his
sons, the turban of fine linen, the tall head dress and their bands all
of fine linen, the drawers of finely woven linen, the sash of woven
linen, as the Lord had commanded Moses."
(Exodus 39,27)

And also to Slotty:

I am only stating facts here

No your not you are mistaken

Like some politician in the Netherlands has said " the muslims don't want to live in our society, they want to destroy it" With what i see with my own eyes, i am inclined to agree.

If muslims wanted your society destroyed it would be....(I notice again how you guys dont seperate any extremist from moderates....just all muslims are the same) Muslims make up 1 outta 5 people on the planet....but i forget....who is invading who's lands again? Who is sapping oil and exploting who again? who should be more scared of who?...gimmie a break :rolleyes:

Most people most of the time are tolerant of each other , apart from surprise, surprise,the muslims!

Another have more race problems than you do with problems with Brittish Muslims
surenderer said:
And to Slotty:

First of all Turbans have been around for a long time:

Put on the turban as the Lord has commanded Moses: One of the
commands of God to Moses was to wear turban as the symbol of
prophethood, holiness and divine power. This was a command
obeyed by Jews and Muslims for centuries and ignored or
forgotten by Christians.

"They made the tunic of fine lines, woven work for Aaron and his
sons, the turban of fine linen, the tall head dress and their bands all
of fine linen, the drawers of finely woven linen, the sash of woven
linen, as the Lord had commanded Moses."
(Exodus 39,27)

And also to Slotty:

No your not you are mistaken

If muslims wanted your society destroyed it would be....(I notice again how you guys dont seperate any extremist from moderates....just all muslims are the same) Muslims make up 1 outta 5 people on the planet....but i forget....who is invading who's lands again? Who is sapping oil and exploting who again? who should be more scared of who?...gimmie a break :rolleyes:

Another have more race problems than you do with problems with Brittish Muslims

No i am not mistaken. Intolerance IS rising in the Netherlands. In fact a report on the murder was on the BBC about 5 mins ago. The dutch are getting pissed off with the muslims making areas of cities ghettos, and with that comes the issue of failing to intergrate into dutch society. Unless you live here in east london how can you comment on what happens outside my front door. I live here mate. I don't get my infomation off a website. I see muslim intolerance of indiginous british every day. Do you really think muslims could destroy british society? remember we ruled 25% of the world at one time, and heres a thing, there is not a lot of trouble in any of the british commonwealth countries is there? france had Vietnam-look what happened after they left. Italians in ethiopia-still at war .etc etc.You think muslims over here could destroy our culture? I think you need to have a shit mate, because its coming out of your mouth at the moment! :bugeye:
I think you need to have a shit mate, because its coming out of your mouth at the moment! :bugeye:

THAT'S IT!!!!!! YOU NEED TO DIE!!!!!!..... hehe......isnt that what muslims are supposed to say? :rolleyes:

Do you really think muslims could destroy british society?

Depends on what you mean by destroy.....sounds like your paranioa is doing it to yourselves

remember we ruled 25% of the world at one time

Big deal Muslims have ruled more

and heres a thing, there is not a lot of trouble in any of the british commonwealth countries is there? france had Vietnam-look what happened after they left. Italians in ethiopia-still at war .etc etc.

are you kidding me? Who carved up the Middle East without thoughts to tribal or ethnic considerations? One could say that the problems in the M.E. today started with the French and the Brittish (along with Zionism) It wasnt there under the Ottamans

Thats ok though Slotty it isnt my intention to "disrespect" your country because you sound very proud of it but to think that your @%!$% dont stink just is dillusional.....peace :m:
surenderer said:
are you kidding me? Who carved up the Middle East without thoughts to tribal or ethnic considerations? One could say that the problems in the M.E. today started with the French and the Brittish (along with Zionism) It wasnt there under the Ottamans

OK surrenderer just tell me you are kidding here and everything will be fine. If you are serious you need a reading list ;)
surenderer said:
Thats ok though Slotty it isnt my intention to "disrespect" your country because you sound very proud of it but to think that your @%!$% dont stink just is dillusional.....peace :m:

That works both ways too.
Netherlands is not Saudi Arabia. a citizen who violates hate-speech laws should face the law... not arbitrary execution by a bloody terrorist leech. i hope they jail that Allah Akbar with the baddest Dutch boys that'll rape him every time he assumes the position (5 times a day)
everneo said:
The film maker who mistook freedom for displaying koran in the most offensive manner did not think about morality or decency.
morality and decency are for societies to decide – not for you to decide or for a book to decide. And, in the Netherlands, displaying the koran in what YOU consider the most offensive manner is not considered offensive in the least - else it would be illegal.

So it is actually morally acceptable and not considered indecent.

If these people want to live in a country where displaying the Koran on a woman is considered offensive – then they should move to a country where that is the case – agreed? When you choose to move to a country where displaying quotes from the Koran on a woman’s naked body is considered art – then don't bitch about it when it happens.

What if someone here takes out a pen right now and writes a quote from the koran across their arse and posts in on the net - should they be killed?
path said:
OK surrenderer just tell me you are kidding here and everything will be fine. If you are serious you need a reading list ;)

I know you think that terrorism and lies is something that only happens to the West but in truth During World War I the British sought Arab support against the Ottoman Turks, who ruled much of the Arab world. In return for their support, the British promised the Arabs their long-sought independence. The British, however, also made promises about the same territory to the Zionists who sought to establish a Jewish state on the site of Biblical Israel. The Balfour Declaration, issued on November 2, 1917, stated that "His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object. . . ." Significantly, however, the sentence ended with the words, "it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." (The U.S. Congress endorsed the Balfour Declaration, using similar language, in 1922.)(44) Toward the end of World War I, however, the Bolsheviks exposed a secret Anglo-French agreement to divide the Ottoman Empire between Great Britain and France. Arab independence had never been seriously intended. Meanwhile, Great Britain was preparing to allow Jewish immigration into Palestine.(45) please inform me where I am wrong and we can open a new thread debating this ;)
morality and decency are for societies to decide – not for you to decide or for a book to decide.

Muslims are supposed to abide by the laws in the Land in which they live

then they should move to a country where that is the case – agreed?

Disagree......but there are other ways of handling these types of things that exclude murder that" if you dont like my country then leave" philosophy was followed then their would never be change

What if someone here takes out a pen right now and writes a quote from the koran across their arse and posts in on the net - should they be killed?[/

Please post where any muslim one these boards said they should be? It seems to me that the violence posted has been by the Muslim "Haters" :confused: this would make an interesting case study ;)
I wrote: morality and decency are for societies to decide – not for you to decide or for a book to decide.
In response you wrote: Muslims are supposed to abide by the laws in the Land in which they live

What does that have to do with morality?

What if the Law said each person should walk around nude – should a good Muslim abide by it?
Michael said:
I wrote: morality and decency are for societies to decide – not for you to decide or for a book to decide.
In response you wrote: Muslims are supposed to abide by the laws in the Land in which they live

What does that have to do with morality?

What if the Law said each person should walk around nude – should a good Muslim abide by it?

I also said that if Muslims disagree with the laws of that land then they have other means availiable to them besides murder.....I assume that you posed this question before you read my entire post......but in retrospect I should have also said that Muslims shouldnt follow any laws which goes against the Creator's laws
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surenderer said:
I also said that if Muslims disagree with the laws of that land then they have other means availiable to them besides murder.....
“. . . .besides murder”. Interesting choice of words – seeing that “besides” means “in additional to” or “as well

Anyway surrenderer, what’s your point? I’m not sure if you are disagreeing with me or not?

Also, I was wondering, according to the Qur’an:
1) Under what set of circumstances is a Muslim allowed kill?
2) Can a Muslim kill another Muslim?
3) How should Muslims treat with polytheists?
4) How are Jews viewed (negatively or positively)?
5) How are other non Muslims viewed?
6) According to the Qur’an should you respect another people’s religion (say Hindu or Shinto or Buddhist) or should you try to convert them to Islam?
7) According to the Qur’an, what should a Muslim do when Islamic land is lost to non-Muslim armies? (for example: Spain)

Regarding the Muslims that killed all those innocent school children:
1) What do you think about those Muslims? If it’s not too personal, what sort of emotional response did the incident have on you?
2) Do you think they were “true” Muslims?
3) What do you think it was in the Qur’an that was used to justify killing all those school children?

Regarding the revenge killing of the Buddhists priests last week:
1) What do you think about those Muslims? Again, if it’s not too personal, what sort of emotional response did the incident have on you? Any?
2) Do you think they were “true” Muslims?
3) What do you think it was in the Qur’an that was used to justify killing all those Buddhists priests?
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surenderer said:
I also said that if Muslims disagree with the laws of that land then they have other means availiable to them besides murder.....I assume that you posed this question before you read my entire post......but in retrospect I should have also said that Muslims shouldn’t follow any laws which goes against the Creator's laws
I read your post again, I don't see where you address "morality and decency are for societies to decide – not for you to decide or for a book to decide".

I’m saying that morality is a societal decision:
For Example:
1) In America it used to morally acceptable to purchase a slave and force them to work.
2) In Arabia it is morally acceptable to prevent women from driving a car.
3) In the Netherlands it is morally acceptable to print the Qur’an on a naked woman’s body and display her naked Qur’an written body to the public.

So you see following the Law is a little different. Most Muslims follow the Law – but don’t paint naked women’s bodies. Not all Americans agreed with slavery and as such didn’t buy slaves (even though they could have) and I’m sure many Arabian men let their wives drive a car when outside of Saudi Arabia.