
People respond without reading and studying.

True, a magnet in a finger should not be good, over time, says the theory. And I would like to follow up on that.

"People?" There's no one else here but me responding to you and your lack of real knowledge. And personally, I've had MORE than enough of your nonsense.

Feel free to keep on posting as long as you like - but neither I nor likely anyone else - will bother reading such gibberish.

.... reading .....

Alot of people think they read, when they didn't, or only tried.

After telling a woman and 3 others, (of her family), a few days ago, about the idea of Jesus and the bed, last night I saw her again and asked her if she thought I was right. She said, " I'm sure you are right". If we are both right, I have never heard of another person that got that from reading the Bible. So I don't think they really did. And the words/book has lead me to conclude that Moses is famous for "smoking".

Concept 1, condensed/abstract; Magnetotactic Bacteria.
Movement within earths' magnetic field thought to be
instrumental throughout life cycle of typical cell.
Magnetic bacteria, or reasonable facsimile there-of,
seen as cause of cell division, and
revealed hidden link in understanding evolution of the
microscopic biological structure.

If the magnetic bacteria, that seems to be found everywhere the scientist decides to look, can be found in every cell of the body, things start to make sense, and an understanding of how cells evolved and reproduce, may be increased.
Magnetosynthesis - Magnetotaxis generated cellular cytoplasmic streaming/circulation.

Light is to Plants what/as Magnetic Fields are to Us. We use magnetic Fields for the same reason plants use light.

The circulation in the cell that I'm referring to is caused by the movement of magnetically migrating organelles, and is not due to the Earth's magnetic attraction, of the magnetic/magnetite particles found within our bodies.

SCIENCE, Vol.215, 19 March 1982. Page 1492 Magnetic Navigation and Attractive Possibility.
"Investigators find magnetic particles in organisms ranging from bacteria to man; their role in orientation is still problematic."

Discover, January 1993. MAGNETIC MINDS
"...... they found that a thimbleful of brain tissue contains about 5 million magnetite crystals,....."

It is magnetic direction rather than magnetic attraction being utilized within our cells, once the magnetite chain is produced within an organelle. Dispersion of matter within the cells of warm-blooded animals occurs, or is a byproduct of the currents in the protoplasm resulting from the magnetic migration of organelles.

Compared to cold blooded animals, the dissemination of matter within the cells of warm-blooded animals needs to occur quicker, or at a more rapid pace, to facilitate the more complex, warmer metabolism. This is accomplished by a frequent pattern of occurrence of reorientation in a magnetic field.

Without a sufficient rate of reorientation, magnetically, the protoplasm within warm-blooded animal cells becomes detrimentally stagnant, unable to achieve the degree of matter dissemination required for mechanisms to function properly, and the result is varying degrees of osteoporosis or even death.

The temperature of warm-blooded cells is required and maintain by a higher rate of metabolic operations, compared to that of the cold-blooded cell. And the warm-blooded metabolism requires more cytoplasmic streaming/circulation, compared to that of the cold-blooded. Evolutionary speaking, this affords warm-blooded animals a more rapid response time in dealing with its adaptation to changing/threatening environmental conditions.

It Is the Theory Which Decides What We Can Observe. -- Albert Einstein

Ecclesiastes 11:4 He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.

Isaiah 42:20 Seeing many things, but thou observest not; opening the ears, but he heareth not.

1 Timothy 5:21 I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality.

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Lonely yet, alanejackson? Wonder why... You shouldn't have chased Read Only away, at least he cared enough to try to talk sense into you.

Do you actually think anyone is going to read four pages of detailed hogwash? Write a book and self-publish it...
Do you actually think anyone is going to read...

Only those who can, and are into learning, will be educated by what is shared.

I'm working on understanding how the exposure to AC voltage @ 60 hz effects the formation of the magnetite in the organells, in our cells.

"A Sixth Sense for a Wired World."

"For the few people who have rare earth magnets implanted in their fingers, these are among the reported effects -- a finger that feels electromagnetic fields along with the normal sense of touch.

According to Huffman, the magnet works by moving very slightly, or with a noticeable oscillation, in response to EM fields. This stimulates the somatosensory receptors in the fingertip, the same nerves that are responsible for perceiving pressure, temperature and pain. Huffman and other recipients found they could locate electric stovetops and motors, and pick out live electrical cables. Appliance cords in the United States give off a 60-Hz field, a sensation with which Huffman has become intimately familiar. "It is a light, rapid buzz," he says."

It should be causing the magnetite to buzz also.
Linguistic Correction.


Vocabulary/Nomenclature Under Construction.

"Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence."
"The puzzle arises out of a linguistic mistake." -- Budwick Liftinstien

Puzzle - 1. to be perplexed, etc. 2. to exercise one's mind, as over the solution of a problem.

Thus: "The solution/answer arises out of a linguistic correction." -- Alan E. Jackson

Wordsmith - a person who uses language skillfully. Philologist - historical linguist.

Cell Biology -

"The mitochondrion and the chloroplast" - Encyclopædia Britannica 2003.

"Mitochondria and chloroplasts are the powerhouses of the cell. Mitochondria appear in both plant and animal cells as elongated, cylindrical bodies, roughly one micrometre inlength and closely packed in regions actively using metabolic energy. Oxidizing the products of cytoplasmic metabolism, they convert the energy so liberated into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the cell. Chloroplasts are the photosynthetic organelles in plant and plantlike bacterial cells. They trap light energy and convert it partly into ATP but mainly into certain chemically reduced molecules that, together with ATP, are used in the first steps of carbohydrate production. Mitochondria and chloroplasts share a certain structural resemblance, and both have a somewhat independent existence within the cell, synthesizing some proteins and dividing according to their own genetic instructions."

"They trap light energy ......". There is the linguistic mistake. The correct terminology should be; "They utilize electromagnetic energy ....."

Solution - Chloroplasts are electromagnetotactic. Mitochondria are electromagnetotactic. They both preform electromagneticsynthesis, and move/migrate due to electromagnetotaxis.

The theory of Magnetrition identifies both the mitochondria and chloroplasts as utilizing/harnessing electromagnetic energy. And each have evolved variations of mechanisms, with the ability to benefit from what the electromagnetic spectrum offers.

Surface tissues of biological structures utilize aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum unable to achieve deeper penetration, and may also shield interiors. These processes resulting in the production of chlorophyll, vitamin D, and beta-carotene, etc. are more visually recognizable/noticeable.

Interior membranes/tissues are also found to be under the influence, and able to derive benefits from energy broadcast via wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Proposed new terminology.

First Order Magnetics - free, traveling electromagnetic energy.

Second Order Magnetics - captured/stored electromagnetic energy.

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A magnetic field is necessary as a refference in the forming of the magnetite.

Magnetite from Mars?

Science News March 10th, 2001; Vol.159 #10 <> / News item

The rock became famous in 1996 when researchers reported several lines of evidence indicating that it harbors relics of life. Most dramatic were tiny worm-shaped features that the team suggested could be fossils of bacteria (SN: 8/1/96, p. 84). Other lifelike features within the meteorite include carbonate globules and mineral grains of magnetite within those globules.

Although magnetite can form inorganically in geologic settings, some bacteria on Earth make magnetite crystals that serve as tiny compass needles to navigate through water and sediment.

Now, the same researchers and their new collaborators have homed in on magnetite structure. Studying single crystals from the Mars rock with an electron microscope, the team finds that about 25 percent have a shape identical to that produced by the terrestrial aquatic bacterium called MV-1. Beyond having the intriguing shape, known as a truncated hexa-octahedral, the Martian magnetites are as chemically pure as those made by MV-1, the team notes.

"We have seen a population of magnetites in the ALH84001 carbonate globules that are indistinguishable from magnetites that are formed by bacteria on Earth," says study coauthor Kathie L. Thomas-Keprta of Lockheed Martin in Houston. No crystals of this shape and purity have ever been detected in the absence of life, she adds.

I have read that, some have stated that, Mars does not have a magnetic field.

Even magnetite being found coming from Mars, would be evidence that the planet did have a magnetic field in the past. If my facts are correct.

Psalm 19:13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
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What I've written, and shared, emphasizes the need within the cells of our body for the movement of magnetically migrating organelles, in order that the proper functioning of our metabolism be maintained, by processes occurring on a cellular level only by way of electromagnetic descension assisted diffusion within the protoplasm of warm-blooded, more complex, advanced attempts at evolutionary adaptation.

In so doing, it becomes obvious, also, that the electromagnetically actuated movement of the chloroplast, within plant cells, has been overlooked as its most crucial property offered to the community in which it symbioticly has come to reside.

What I'm getting at is, prior to the introduction of the theory of Magnetrition, observations concerning the attributes of the chloroplast and the mitochondria have primarily focused on and emphasized their importance within cells as having to do with the production of ATP. And this having been given as the reason for calling them the powerhouse within cells. Yet research indicates this line of reasoning was mainly derived through experimentation, by noticing the cell dies, and is unable to function, by the removal of these organelles. Those researching, and conducting such experiments, then concluded that the organelle's main function within cells was, then recognize (probably by chemists), the production of ATP. But now, Magnetrition introduces the concept whereby, if ATP were supplied to the cells after the removal of these organelles, cell functioning would still be inadequate for continuation, due to the absence of one of its life sustaining attributes. And that the movement, migration, mobility of a these organelles within cells is equal to, or more essential to the overall well-being within cells, then their previously recognized internal chemical processes.

What I'm saying is, that although there is a time in our lives when it can be observed that our greatest, and seemingly only, attributes, afforded our society by our existence, is the fact that we eat and defecate, but if that was all we did throughout our lives our communities would cease to function. And so it is similar within our cells.

Job 32:8 But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
A magnetic field is necessary as a refference in the forming of the magnetite.

Magnetite from Mars?


1 <>

-Although Mars is devoid of an intrinsic magnetic field strong enough to deflect charged particles, it does have a carbon dioxide atmosphere which will help protect surface crews from free-space radiative fluxes.

-Zero g has known debilitating effects on the human body that must be addressed.

-No one knows whether exposure to a gravity field lower than the Earth's will reverse the deconditioning induced by weightless space travel. And if some level of gravity does halt the deconditioning effects, what level is too low? In other words, if a crew arrives on Mars in good physical condition, what will their condition be after spending an extended period of time under martian gravity? Artificial gravity cannot be provided easily on the martian surface, and Apollo missions to the Moon were too short to produce observable differences between the condition of the astronauts who went to the surface and those who remained weightless in orbit. The human body's reaction to Mars surface conditions, other than gravity, is also not yet known. The Viking missions to Mars found a highly reactive agent in the martian soil, an explanation for which has not yet been agreed to by the scientific community.

They keep saying "Zero g", yet they don't understand it, or can't explain it.

I think they are being missleading, maybe to keep others from realizing the importance of magnetic fields in our lives. And the then realized harm from AC voltage.

Why don't they state the problem as something like "Effects of Earth different environment"?
That would leave open the possble causes to the investigating of other reasons.

1 Kings 8:49 Then hear thou their prayer and their supplication in heaven thy dwelling place, and maintain their cause,

James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
Environmental Health Quality

Magnetrition, like nutrition, is a collection of learned responses to poor or inadequate health conditions due to a deficiency of biological requirements. Just as with air quality, water quality, and food quality, the quality of our movement in a magnetic field is an important factor in maintaining good health and avoiding death. Osteoporosis is the result of inadequate movement in a magnetic field, and recognized as a symptom of inadequate circulation within the cells of our body, which occurs due to the immobility of magnetically migrating organelles. This is readily observe as poor health and even death in the bird egg, infant, average person of 70, and astronaut which are subjected to lack of reorientation magnetically. And the symptoms associated with osteoporosis can readily be observe rectified by ensuring sufficient reorientation magnetically. Such a method is recognize/learned of being utilized by the observation of the average 5-year-old's rate of movement, and evident as a factor in the good health of the newborn/young of all warm-blooded animals.

Our health quality and overall well-being equally depends upon free speech being maintained in our environment. In its struggled for dominance, supremacy, and unjustified continuation, politics makes us sick. Politics illogically justifies sanctions and wars upon others. Instilling fear and inequality in an attempt to mold mankind into a stratified social form with it king of the hill politics created. Politics has formed a wall restricting the sharing/teaching of Magnetrition since 1985. This crime against humanity requires the unnecessary death and suffering of many each day in order for this political undertaking/nightmare to remain hidden from becoming public knowledge. Your interest in, learning about, and sharing of, Magnetrition and its struggle to be known, would enlighten mankind concerning many factors threatening our well-being. And the price we've been paying for the maintenance of political parties would become more obvious, and I hope agreed intolerable also. Restricting free speech is allowing death rather than life to rule our lives. And the discovery of Magnetrition has made this plain to see, in many ways.

The principles set forth, originally, in the U.S. Constitution were purposely designed to prevent just such religious/political domination of people and their livelihood. Reasons for preventing free speech do the greatest harm to people that place their trust in God.

Matthew 7:29 For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

Matthew 10:25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord.

Matthew 10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

Matthew 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Matthew 10:40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.