
Are the mitochondria magnetotactic?

Do the mitochondria move in response to a magnetic field?

Do the mitochondria migrate magnetically, in our cells, due to our reorienting in the Earth's magnetic field?

Warning: Wrong answers may lead to your poor health or even death!

SCIENCE, Vol.215, 19 March 1982. Page 1492
Magnetic Navigation and Attractive Possibility.
Investigators find magnetic particles in organisms ranging from bacteria to man; their role in orientation is still problematic.

"Exposure to a 10-millitesta magnetic field oscillating a 2000 hertz significantly accelerated cell growth.
While exposure to a similar field rotating at 60 hertz significantly retarded growth."

The theory predicts that when mitochondria/magnetic bacteria are not magnetically migrating enough, we see the effects of this as osteoporosis. The infant suffers from this when he lays around too much, as does the older person. It's a sign of the magnetically migrating organelle not doing its job properly. So when we see this same problem occurring in astronauts after only being in Low Earth orbit, indications are the magnetically migrating organelle is not able to function properly. The organelle seems to require something/properties the earth's magnetic field is only exhibiting/possessing near the surface of the planet. How good would a compass needle work where the astronaut/person is? That's the question.
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Sigh. You wouldn't understand if I told you.:bugeye:

Meanwhile, I gave you some solid scientific evidence that your "healing" magnets are bunk and I'm STILL waiting for YOU to produce a recognized scientific source that shows your claims aren't bunk as well.

Can't do it, can you??????
Edison had a group working for or with him on what he was trying to do. This guy Tesla comes over from the Europe a gets to work with Edison. He sees that AC voltage could be used, but that Edison doesn't want to use it because he says it will kill a person. So, tesla goes running to Westinghouse and his money, and they start pushing AC voltage, against DC voltage and Edison's reasons for not using AC voltage.

History now shows that Westinghouse's money and greed won out over the reasoning of the one that had a good/best understanding.

Magnetotaxis, something in common, genetically.

The theory of Magnetrition was inspired, and is based on the properties and behavior of magnetotactic bacteria, along with statistical data indicating, a high degree of movement required in/for the maintenance of warm-blooded metabolisms, or cellular deterioration corresponding with a lack of movement in warm-blooded metabolisms. Magnetrition predicts magnetotactic organelles serving the same function within warm-blooded cells, as does the phototactic chloroplast does in the plant cell. And, since the chloroplast are considered to be a corresponding organelle in plant cells, to the mitochondria in ours, I have been considering the latter organelle as the prime candidate predicted. However, after 20 some years of gathering data concerning the matter, along with indications that most lifeforms use the Earth's magnetic field as an aid in migration, so too are found indications that most organelles used magnetotaxis in their locomotion. And may do so due to genetic inheritance.
It’s the network, stupid </view/generic/id/32048/title/It%E2%80%99s_the_network%2C_stupid>
The complexity of humans may lie not in genes but in the web of interactions among the proteins they make.
By Patrick Barry. May 12th, 2008.
Web of protein interactions reflects human complexity better than number of genes.
Humans don’t have many more genes than fruit flies or microscopic roundworms, but the network of protein interactions in human cells is much larger and more complex, a new estimate shows.
While people have only about 20,000 genes, the proteins encoded by those genes interact in roughly 650,000 ways. That network of interactions, or “interactome,” is about 10 times larger than that of the fruit fly and three times the size of the roundworm’s interactome.
While the interactome encompasses more of an organism’s complexity than the genome alone, Stumpf says that comparing interactomes captures only part of the total difference in complexity between species. Interactomes deal exclusively with proteins, but other kinds of molecules such as small RNAs are also cogs in a cell’s baroque machinery.
“It’s much, much more than just the organization of protein interactions,” Stumpf says. “There’s so much we don’t know. It’s such an exciting time.”
Home </view/home> / News </view/latest> / December 15th, 2007; Vol.172 #24 </view/issue/id/9201/title/December_15th%2C_2007%3B_Vol.172_%2324> / News item
Cells' innards may share origin.
By Patrick Barry. December 11th, 2007.
From Washington, D.C., at a meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology
Despite their outward differences, many of the organelles within cells may have a common evolutionary heritage.
In a case of scientific serendipity, data gathered by separate research teams working on various organelles lend new support to the theory that a simpler cellular compartment gave rise to the organelles' diverse modern forms.
"We all had been looking at specific organelles, but sitting there [at the conference] listening to the other scientists speak, there seemed to be something common in all of them," says Damien Devos of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany.
Several research groups had been studying proteins that guide the movements and interactions of organelles such as the Golgi apparatus, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the nucleus.
"The data are contradictory if you look at one protein at a time," says Joel B. Dacks of the University of Cambridge in England. "But if you look at them together, it fits."
Each protein on an organelle has evolved at a different rate, so each tells a different story about how long ago that organelle might have diverged from an ancient, simpler organelle and begun developing unique functions.
But Dacks suggests that because all the proteins on one organelle must function together, a change in even one protein could be enough to send the whole compartment off in a new evolutionary direction.
Viewed this way, the measured similarities among the versions of organelle proteins such as Rab, SNARE, and Adaptin suggest they all evolved from a compartment in an ancestral cell that lived long before multicellular life arose, Devos and Dacks say. Such a scenario would contradict the idea that organelles such as the Golgi apparatus and the ER independently evolved, perhaps from pockets in the cell's outer membrane.
"They all came from the same place," Dacks postulates. However, even if further research supports the new theory, it would not apply to energy-converting mitochondria or sunlight-absorbing chloroplasts, which are known to have evolved from ancient, independent-living bacteria that became incorporated into the cells.
Genetic mutations in cells' internal powerhouses could contribute to aging by stifling tissue maintenance.
Home </view/home> / News </view/latest> / July 30th, 2005; Vol.168 #5 </view/issue/id/6420/title/July_30th%2C_2005%3B_Vol.168_%235> / News item
Cell death may spur aging.
By Christen Brownlee. July 25th, 2005.
OL' MUTANT. Excess mutations in cells' power-generating organelles have aged the mouse on the right far faster than the normal mouse of the same age at left.J. Miller
Genetic mutations in cells' internal powerhouses could contribute to aging by stifling tissue maintenance, according to new research.
These power-generating organelles, known as mitochondria, have their own DNA separate from that in a cell's nucleus. In a previous study, researchers in Sweden created mutant strains of mice that accumulated excess mitochondrial mutations. The mice aged faster than normal, suggesting that mutations contribute to aging.
Tomas Prolla of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his colleagues set out to find out just how the mutations might be doing this. Working with the same mutant-mouse strain that the Swedish researchers did, Prolla's team measured levels of cell death, or apoptosis, in several different tissues. When compared with tissues from normal mice, many of the tissues in the mutant strain showed significantly more apoptosis. The researchers suggest that the damaged mitochondria prompt cells to die.
Prolla and his colleagues note in the July 15 Science that the loss of critical cells, such as stem cells responsible for maintaining most tissues, could lead to gray hair, failing senses, and other signs of old age.
Home </view/home> / News </view/latest> / March 5th, 2005; Vol.167 #10 </view/issue/id/5941/title/March_5th%2C_2005%3B_Vol.167_%2310> / News item
Cytoplasm affects embryonic development.
By Christen Brownlee. February 28th, 2005.
New research provides the best evidence yet that a fertilized egg's nucleus isn't the sole site of control for an embryo's development. Signals emanating from the cell's mitochondria-its power-generating organelles-also appear to influence how an organism grows.
Mitochondria carry their own DNA, which is unrelated to the genetic material in a cell's nucleus. Scientists have been unsure whether mitochondrial DNA has an impact on developmental processes.
To investigate this, Zuo-Yan Zhu and his colleagues at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuhan cloned carp through a technique called nuclear transfer. This method removes the nucleus from one cell and inserts it into an egg that has had its own nucleus removed. However, instead of inserting carp nuclei into carp eggs, Zhu's team inserted them into goldfish eggs.
Normal carp have 33 to 36 vertebrae. However, the resulting cloned fish had between 26 and 28 vertebrae-the same number as goldfish-suggesting that mitochondrial DNA in the goldfish eggs had affected the carps' development.
Zhu notes that these results, published in the March Biology of Reproduction, may make researchers think twice about proposals to clone extinct animals using the eggs of living species.
Posetd by Albert de Roos on Sunday, May 27, 2007, at 00:58, and filed under morphology <>.
Stage I (35-300 um): During early stage I (35-75 um diameter), the distinctive polarity of stage 0 oocytes is lost, and oocytes appear symmetrical in shape and cytoplasmic organization. The growing nucleus, or germinal vesicle (GV), moves to the center of the oocyte and cytoplasmic organelles, such as mitochondria, become dispersed throughout the cytoplasm (JPEG: 55 KB). Mitochondria begin to aggregate into perinuclear clumps, and by mid-stage I, oocytes contain one or two prominent mitochondrial aggregates, variously referred to as the Balbiani bodies, mitochondrial clouds, or mitochondrial masses (JPEG: 52 KB). These masses are readily visible in light micrographs of the transparent, pre-vitellogenic, stage I oocytes (JPEG: 9 KB). The granular fibrillar germ plasm is associated with the mitochondrial mass of stage I oocytes, as are several maternal RNAs. From here <>.
old hypotheses
The mitochondrion as a reduced nucleus <>
2007 08 19 Albert de Roos.
When I started this work, I still thought of the mitochondrion as an independent unit, and pondered the possibility that the proto-mitochondrion was a reduced nucleus due to a mitosis gone wrong. In this way, two interdependent cells were obtained. The first would be the nucleus but without essential metabolic proteins, the second a remnant […]
Edison had a group working for or with him on what he was trying to do. This guy Tesla comes over from the Europe a gets to work with Edison. He sees that AC voltage could be used, but that Edison doesn't want to use it because he says it will kill a person. So, tesla goes running to Westinghouse and his money, and they start pushing AC voltage, against DC voltage and Edison's reasons for not using AC voltage.

History now shows that Westinghouse's money and greed won out over the reasoning of the one that had a good/best understanding.

My, my, my. Evidently you aren't educated enough to know that high voltage DC will ALSO kill a person. Again, what a pitty that your scientific studies stopped far short of allowing you to understand some of the most simple basics.

And Edison's DC approach could have never worked as a practical method of electrical distribution. You didn't even know that either, did you.:bugeye:

The more you say, the more you continue to expose your ignorance.
independent in nature

...."waiting for YOU to produce a recognized scientific source....."

That is what the politician says to get others to follow him in not studying and becoming educated to the facts. What he really means is "a politically recognized source". With all that Edison accomplished, scientifically, politics lead us to using AC, mainly for the profits to be gained by their control of the distribution. Where as, by having followed Edison, we each would have become more educated to the use of electrical power, and remained more independent in nature.

Now, when the truth presents itself, these politically based organizations, and their members, must reject it because it shows their wealthy to have no gold, their wise to have no wisdom, and their expert without the correct understanding.

"133. Better to be mad with everyone than sane all alone: so say the politicians. If all are mad, you'll be equal to them. And if you alone are sane, you will be taken for mad. What matters is to follow the current. The best knowledge, sometimes, is not to know, or pretend not to. We must live with others, and the majority are ignorant. To live by yourself, you must be very godly or a complete savage. But I would modify this aphorism and say: Better sane with the many than mad all by yourself. Some people want to be singular in their pursuit of chimeras.

The uninformed person is a dark world unto himself. The penetrating intelligence heads off cunning with close observation, ambushes it with caution, understands the opposite of what cunning wanted it to understand, and immediately identifies false intentions."
- Baltasar Gracian, The Art of Worldly Wisdom.

Matthew 27:20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.
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That is what the politician says to get others to follow him in not studying and becoming educated to the facts. What he really means is "a politically recognized source". With all that Edison accomplished, scientifically, politics lead us to using AC, mainly for the profits to be gained by their control of the distribution. Where as, by having followed Edison, we each would have become more educated to the use of electrical power, and remained more independent in nature.

Now, when the truth presents itself, these politically based organizations, and their members, must reject it because it shows their wealthy to have no gold, their wise to have no wisdom, and their expert without the correct understanding.

Once again you show yourself to be TOTALLY ignorant of scientific things. Politics played NO part in the superiority of AC power transmission over DC. The differences are matters of basic physics and electricity.

Distributing power by Edison's method results in more losses, is MUCH harder to regulate the voltage and has several other inherent weaknesses.

And you also fail to understand that high-voltage DC (such as would have been required for Edison's plan) will fry you just as quickly as AC.

When you do not understand such simple things, how can you expect to have ANY credibility with people who are more intelligent and better educated than you are?????????:bugeye:
When you do not understand such simple things, how can you expect to have ANY credibility with people who are more intelligent and better educated than you are?

That is what the theory of Magnetrition points out, and why politicians don't want others to understand it. There are not people who are more intelligant and better educated, if they are found to be over-looking something as important as food in their life. And all they would-of had to do is study to learn it, when it was shared/taught/shown to be so obvious.

But that's the difference between politics and science, and those that disagree with the theory, and me. If it is correct. And time will tell us, even if you won't study.

Everyone I share this with, goes "despreately seeking plausible deniability".

Life just ain't of much value, where I've been, so far. But, there could still be someone smart that will study, one day I may share this with them. And I won't have to watch others die from years of finding only those with lack of interest in important things. Since 1985.

Politics would rather go to war than study, learn something new, and admit they were wrong.
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That is what the theory of Magnetrition points out, and why politicians don't want others to understand it. There are not people who are more intelligant and better educated, if they are found to be over-looking something as important as food in their life. And all they would-of had to do is study to learn it, when it was shared/taught/shown to be so obvious.

But that's the difference between politics and science, and those that disagree with the theory, and me. If it is correct. And time will tell us, even if you won't study.

Everyone I share this with, goes "despreately seeking plausible deniability".

Life just ain't of much value, where I've been, so far. But, there could still be someone smart that will study, one day I may share this with them. And I won't have to watch others die from years of finding only those with lack of interest in important things. Since 1985.

Politics would rather go to war than study, learn something new, and admit they were wrong.

What a dumb attitude that is! You are SO hung up on politics being the driving force behind everything when you don't even understand the reality of science.

Besides your painfully obvious lack of scientific education, you are also starting to sound like a conspiracy nut - and I've no use for people of that delusional type of thinking.
As I pointed out, the politician tries to change the subject/topic, usually by humping my leg. Down boy! Back to what's important!

Comprehending the Continuum

In one of the scenes, while recently watching the movie "Blood Works" (Clint Eastwood as a retired FBI profiler), I heard one of the actors say the phrase, "Keep Talking until I Understand". This statement, I think, reveals a fundamental rule require to achieve the communication of ideas/information.

I have heard it said, "Intelligence Is the Ability to Adapt". To obtain adaptation, the species strives toward learning something new each generation. Noah learned, and adapted. Many others did not learn what Noah learned. Many others were unable to adapt.

Early, in the curriculum of many elementary schools, students incubate bird eggs. In the classroom setting, my inquiries reveal a standard followed, in which the students endeavor to maintain the proper temperature and humidity of the environment about the egg. Also, an X is placed on the egg to better record its positioning. And the egg is turned periodically, typically once per day. Now, I have read older poultry books which mention that turning the bird egg five or six times daily increases its rate/chances of hatch ability. Today, many commercial incubators mechanically provide movement for bird eggs, continually during incubation.

If these facts are correct, indications are that some eggs require turning more than others. Some bird eggs are more dependent on the effects of turning, reorienting in its environment. Is this also a rule that can be applied to the growth of all warm-blooded animals? Why then, if commercially the eggs are turned continually, are many students instructed toward turning the eggs once a day?
something so beneficial

Besides your painfully obvious lack of scientific education, you are also starting to sound like a conspiracy nut - and I've no use for people of that delusional type of thinking.

Why would someone try to discredit the truth, something so beneficial, and the person sharing it?:m:

Dissolve the Political Bands.


Why Politics Must Hide Today.

Along with the discovery of Magnetrition in 1985, came the end of Satan's/political rule of the earth and its inhabitants, and a new beginning of self rule, by laws, worldwide. Prior to this event, the social economic situation was based on death, sickness, and robbery. But now, with this new knowledge being applied, a metamorphosis has begun.

To make a long story short, many years ago a rift, or division, was formed and began to grow between the people God had created, due to man's innate free will. The fissure began when it was noticed that mankind was no longer serving God, the creator and sustainer of his life. Since the fracture began, the numbers of peoples serving God has been growing toward a point becoming overwhelming. For those not living their lives serving God, the blessings afforded God-fearing people are not visible and readily recognizable. And for that reason, one of the two, has been destined to prevail. Ever-increasing, the blessings afforded those serving God have been implementing superiority and authority to his people, as their enemy diminishes and disintegrates. In other words, it was noticed that man's society was no longer ruled by laws, but instead, a form of "Political Simons Says" caste system had taken governance, and this was not good, not God's will.

Obvious now, for those seeking knowledge and wisdom, is the disintegration of political power and its abilities, as a return to law and order increasingly manifests itself. A government for the people and by the people, has destroyed any future for politics.

If you have not already, begin to study and learn the laws governing biology, that have been revealed more clearly and undeniably, by the theory of Magnetrition. And as you respond properly by sharing/educating others, watch those having relied on politics responding in a most inhuman nature. For the theory of Magnetrition reveals, gives access, and educates us as to Jesus Christ and his ways, again. The tables have been turned and now politics has to hide, for having hidden the truth from us. It is now revealed, that "systematically instituting ignorance" was their method of gaining/sustaining power.

Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions.

In Congress, July 4, 1776.
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. --We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Search + Share ~ Magnetrition
Is it microgravitational field? Or micromagnetic field? Or Both?

"Experiments to compare the orientation of Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum to north- or south-pole magnets were conducted in normal gravity and in the microgravity environments aboard the Space Shuttle and Space Station MIR. In each of the microgravity situations studied, bacteria were impaired in their ability to orient to magnets, suggesting that on earth the bacteria use magnetosomes to respond to gravity."

1 Kings 4:29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore.
"A Sixth Sense for a Wired World."

"For the few people who have rare earth magnets implanted in their fingers, these are among the reported effects -- a finger that feels electromagnetic fields along with the normal sense of touch.

According to Huffman, the magnet works by moving very slightly, or with a noticeable oscillation, in response to EM fields. This stimulates the somatosensory receptors in the fingertip, the same nerves that are responsible for perceiving pressure, temperature and pain. Huffman and other recipients found they could locate electric stovetops and motors, and pick out live electrical cables. Appliance cords in the United States give off a 60-Hz field, a sensation with which Huffman has become intimately familiar. "It is a light, rapid buzz," he says."
"A Sixth Sense for a Wired World."

"For the few people who have rare earth magnets implanted in their fingers, these are among the reported effects -- a finger that feels electromagnetic fields along with the normal sense of touch.

According to Huffman, the magnet works by moving very slightly, or with a noticeable oscillation, in response to EM fields. This stimulates the somatosensory receptors in the fingertip, the same nerves that are responsible for perceiving pressure, temperature and pain. Huffman and other recipients found they could locate electric stovetops and motors, and pick out live electrical cables. Appliance cords in the United States give off a 60-Hz field, a sensation with which Huffman has become intimately familiar. "It is a light, rapid buzz," he says."

You poor, deluded person!!!! Without even realizing it, you have just helped shoot down the heart of your great "theory." Feel that BIG bullet-hole in your foot? You just put it there yourself.

You claim that people are unhealthy because they fail to move around much in the Earth's magentic field. Yet those living in the U.S., U.K. and many other countries spend the majority of their lives surrounded by electromagnetinc field that are FAR stronger than the puny little magentic field produced by the Earth!!!!:bugeye:

At home or at work, we are in buildings with electrical wiring that encloses us every second of every day. And we don't even NEED to move because the field is constantly moving - varying at a 60 Hz rate.

It's always a bit of fun and amusing to shoot down some crackpot and his absurd ideas BUT it's absolutely HILARIOUS when HE destroys HIMSELF!!!!:D
It's always a bit of fun and amusing to shoot down some crackpot and his absurd ideas ......[/B]

"I wonder why you go so harsh on Alan Jackson posting.
It is not to say that his assumption (that magnetic
effects are important in this case) is necessarily the
explanation (or even relevant in this case), but the
whole issue of magnetic bacteria, etc is not at all a
pseudo-science as you may think. There was a major
article on this recently, I forgot exactly where, but in
something like Sci.Amer. or Amer.Scientists."

"You should be aware by this time that personal
insults in science damage (always and invariably)
YOUR credebility, not the credebility of your opponents
(read Einstein's biography for this matter)."

Alexander A. Berezin, PhD
Department of Engineering Physics
McMaster University, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada, L8S 4L7
tel. (905) 525-9140 ext. 24546
I don't believe everything I read in the Bible. It is still just advice, although many have agreed to pass it on to us.

Even today we see new versions with words changed, for political reasons, and reasons of ignorance.


King James Version;
1 Kings 3:19 And this woman's child died in the night; because she overlaid it.

American Standard Version;
1 Kings 3:19 And this woman's child died in the night, because she lay upon it.

Bible in Basic English;
1 Kings 3:19 In the night, this woman, sleeping on her child, was the cause of its death.

In the new versions, they are trying to help people understand it the way they do. But I think they don't know about the bird egg having to be turned.

Laid to long in one place, or someone laid on top of it?

It says in the book don't change anything, for a good reason.

Understanding it one way leads to life. The others don't do that. They mislead unto death.
"I wonder why you go so harsh on Alan Jackson posting.
It is not to say that his assumption (that magnetic
effects are important in this case) is necessarily the
explanation (or even relevant in this case), but the
whole issue of magnetic bacteria, etc is not at all a
pseudo-science as you may think. There was a major
article on this recently, I forgot exactly where, but in
something like Sci.Amer. or Amer.Scientists."

"You should be aware by this time that personal
insults in science damage (always and invariably)
YOUR credebility, not the credebility of your opponents
(read Einstein's biography for this matter)."

Alexander A. Berezin, PhD
Department of Engineering Physics
McMaster University, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada, L8S 4L7
tel. (905) 525-9140 ext. 24546


That has nothing to do with the fact that you just introduced evidence that totally undermines your whole idea!

It takes a fool to tear down his own house.

That has nothing to do with the fact that you just introduced evidence that totally undermines your whole idea!

It takes a fool to tear down his own house.

People respond without reading and studying.

True, a magnet in a finger should not be good, over time, says the theory. And I would like to follow up on that.

SCIENCE, Vol.215, 19 March 1982. Page 1492
Magnetic Navigation and Attractive Possibility.
Investigators find magnetic particles in organisms ranging from bacteria to man; their role in orientation is still problematic.

"Exposure to a 10-millitesta magnetic field oscillating a 2000 hertz significantly accelerated cell growth.
While exposure to a similar field rotating at 60 hertz significantly retarded growth."