
If NASA reports that astronauts no longer suffer osteoporosis, because centrifugal force simulated the gravity that was lacking, I would be shown to be incorrect. Nothing under that premise is solving the problem, though. That would be a refutation of my claims.

I think gravity also is necessary. Studies show that liquids congest/pool-up in the chest area. I think that's mainly because you become the center of gravity. Centrifugal force should alleviate/solve this problem. And, I have seen reports indicating a lack of gravity may disrupt the behavior of magnetic bacteria. But as I said, evidence indicates where a compass needle does not work, you should not function properly either. Recent reports telling of research using vibration show positive results. This could be a method of decreasing stagnation within the cell, however, not naturally. But perhaps it could be a temporary aid in treating those suffering from cell stagnation from prolonged inactivity.

The common denominator between infants with SIDS, older people with osteoporosis, and the astronauts with osteoporosis, is not a lack of gravity. But it is a lack of movement, in the magnetic field. But, also, a commmon denominator is a lack of movement in gravity. The magnetite is being reported found in our bodies.
posted 18 December 2007 05:48 AM

"Well, yes, but there is knowledge to be gained, sometimes, by debunking such claims.

Magnets and magnetism comes and goes as a therapy for treating this and that. There are guys at work who wear magnetic bracelets and necklaces for chronic pain.

If pushed, those who tout the curative effects of magnets usually point to iron in the blood, and increased blood flow in the magnetized area.

In which case, everyone would have the blood sucked out of them in an MRI.
One of the ways to quickly asses an hypothesis or idea is to see how well it predicts.
Sure, the above post reads like hokum, but it might be a worthwhile exercise to understand why you think it is so."
I was asking someone the other today, I asked him if he new about a bird's egg having to be turned in order for it to grow, and he said yes. I then asked him if he knew why it was done, and he said, "because the bird does it".

But, the magnetite is being reported found in our bodies. And if our need to be keep movin was due to gravity, I think we would be found standing on our hands half the time.
Health and Movement!

Magnetosynthesis - Something you didn't know you were doing!

Now do it better!

Are you over the age of 10?

If you set up a camera, and recorded yourself during a nights sleep, would you be found moving less than you did last year? Every year?

Can learning why a bird's egg must be turned during incubation double life expectancy in humans? Learn how to prevent osteoporosis, just the way children do?

As people become aware of the fact, that the many cells of their body require movement in relation to a magnetic field, many will begin to realize the benefits of insuring such movement, with things like rocking chairs and cradles. It's time to take a step back, to where wisdom once was.

Research indicates, magnetic bacteria and the mitochondria have the same properties. The average person dies around age 70 due to insufficient turning during sleep. Astronauts, when they leave the Earth's magnetic field, must take with them a copy of the Earth's magnetic field, and insure their periodic movement within that field.

Search + Share ~ Magnetrition
Why turn bird eggs

Why turn bird eggs


Why replace our politicians

"Why Turn Eggs?

Egg turning helps the embryo grow uniformly.

Left in one position, gravity would force heaviest growth downward.

Might not kill the embryo, but would make it weaker?"

University of Arkansas • Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
"Just how many times do you turn an egg?

Seems to be a widespread differing view across the internet on how many times you should turn incubating eggs. Some people will have the luxury of an incubator with an automatic egg turner built in whilst the rest of us have to turn our eggs manually, so what is the correct number of times to turn your eggs?

I`m afraid if you search the internet everyone has a differing view of how many times fertilized eggs should be turned, 1,3,5 or more times a day, one thing they do have in common is that you should turn them an odd number so one side of the egg isnt allways on the bottom. Also you should mark your eggs with a cross (using a pencil) so you know which way up the eggs were the last time you turned them.

The first two times we incubated eggs we turned one lot 3 times a day and the next batch 5 times a day… both clutches of eggs failed (due to a faulty thermometer reading) but the last time we incubated eggs we were given the advice of just turning the eggs once per day. We had 10 of the 12 eggs hatch using this method so I suspect the amount of times you turn your eggs really makes no difference at all!

Make your own choice on how many times to turn your eggs and just see how it goes, thats the only advice I can give you."

Few people seems to be aware of the facts, and their educated guess reflects it.

Some incubators continually keep the bird egg moving, usually back and forth. The bird moves them about haphazardly.

The cold-blooded reptile egg does not require turning during its development, and it grows uniformly without turning. It's known that turning a reptile egg usually kills it. Yet, reptiles and birds are very closely related. But, reptiles are not found nesting in the trees. Birds, are reptiles that moved to the trees, adapted, learned to take advantage the different environment, and now must move like the trees do.

The theory of Magnetrition says, this need to be moved is a requirement throughout the life of all warm blooded animals. The movement is seen happening/taking place as a result of a survival instinct, diminishable with age, until now. Magnetrition points out movement of the warm blooded cell is required to keep a magnetically migrating organelle moving and thus performing its rule in the microscopic biological structure.

Many think the need to turn/move the bird's egg is for gravitational reasons. The reasoning offered by Magnetrition points to it being for magnetic purposes, but does not rule out a gravitational need to move also. Magnetrition indicates, magnetic bacteria and the mitochondria have the same properties, and some research in space report magnetic bacteria not functioning as on earth. Like us, the bacteria/mitochondria has likely adapted to utilizing both.

The theory of Magnetrition predicts that people will soon be kept moving about every 10 min. in a magnetic field like the Earth's. And it will be seen by many to have been noticed as a requirement since 1985, but due to poor leadership in the media, government officials, and political ignorance and deniability in an effort to avoid change in monied interests, not implemented as soon as in should have been.

Search + Share ~ Magnetrition
I was asking someone the other today, I asked him if he new about a bird's egg having to be turned in order for it to grow, and he said yes

[heavy sigh]

That's just as absurd as the rest of your claims. Th egg has to be turned to keep the embryo from sticking to the shell and killing it or producing a malformed bird.

I notice that you have not yet produced one shred of solid evidence to support your wacky ideas... What's the matter? Mainstrean science and researchers left you stuck in the gutter???
Our rate of movement

Th egg has to be turned to keep the embryo from sticking to the shell ......

The books say the chick will stick to the shell because the humidity is not right. Whom should I/we listen to?

Share with us the reason you say different.

Try again.:D

I notice that you have not yet produced one shred of solid evidence......

I think I have. And I am hunting down more, for those like you who seem to need it, because they don't study on their own.:shrug:

What's the matter? Mainstrean science and researchers left you stuck in the gutter???

Good point, but, "US"! If the idea is correct. Not "you"!:bugeye:
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The books say the chick will stick to the shell because the humidity is not right. Whom should I/we listen to?

Share with us the reason you say different.

Try again.:D

No need to try again - the humidity is ALSO a factor involved.

See - your problem is that that you latch onto ONE little thing that seems to support your weird belief and ignore everything else.

You remind me of some idiot that read a book on farming and came away with the conclusion that plants would not grow without proper fertilization. In and of itself, that is correct. BUT he chose to ignore that moisture and sunlight were also necessary - because they weren't mentioned in that one specific chapter of the book.

But just go right ahead spinning your wheels over nonsense. At least what your advocating doesn't harm anyone - even though it IS totally useless.
have to do for ourselves

Alane, what about magnetic field reversals ?

Remember, the idea says we (warm-blooded) are not as health as we could be if the field is not reversing about every 10 mins. Tests in space should give us a more correct time for the shifts.

I have said, as kind-of a joke, That if God reversed the field every 10 mins. to help us be healthier, it would kill all the reptiles.
When we are young, something in us, the pineal gland, does keep us moving. But as we get older, it's one of those things we have to do for ourselves.

The Earth's field poles do seem to be always reversing or moving, usually slowly. And some say it goes away, but this idea may mean that is not true.
the Earth's crust may be revirsing?

This is what I was talking about, and it IS true.

I agree/agreed with there being revirsals, but not with those saying the Earth's field has become null.

And the term revisals may not be the best. Evidance found, does seem to show that the magnetic poles have been in different locations in the past.
The data is new, historically speaking, and the facts are not all in yet. I think we are still too ignorant to say for sure what is taking place.

I have spoken with many studying geology, and have read on the subject.
The way they determine their facts is ify. Some get their evidance from the rocks they think came from molten quickly turning soild as it comes out of ocean rifts. Yet many don't know about checking the chains of magnetite left by magnetic bacteria, as others do, and are.

So, there is still much work to be done.

And, I have read of a theory that says, and Albert Einstein agreed it could be true, that due to a imbalance in the ice caps, the crust may be shifting once in a while. I 'm not ready to put my money on any theory about it yet.:shrug:

But I agree the magnetic poles have not been in the same postion, compaired to the Earth's crust, in the past.

Religion without science is blind,
Science without religion is lame.
-Albert Einstein

History without science is blind,
Science without History is lame.
-Alan E. Jackson
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We die without the magnetic field

Th egg has to be turned to keep the embryo from sticking to the shell and killing it or producing a malformed bird.

You have not learned from what I shared. You don't understand my argument.

The theory uses the facts learned from space, along with others, and concludes our cells do not function without a magnetic field like the Earth's. and begin to die. We die without the magnetic field, like without water, or food.

And our health, like that of the bird's egg, depends on the warm-blooded cells rate of reorienting in a magnetic field like the earth's. Scary thought, yes? But most helpful to know if true. Don't be a scaredy-cat, help determine if it's truth that I've found. Do some thought experiments. Share any results or questions. Do I have a good science book, or a good science fiction book?

We have been over-looking something as important as food in our health. That is why many people don't like hearing it. It means we are all very ignorant, even those we thought where smart, like at NASA.

I am being band from many fourms, because the idea ends any debate about AC voltage being harmful, it surely is! Its field is not like the Earth's.

Th egg has to be turned to keep the embryo from sticking to the shell and killing it or producing a malformed bird.

You have not learned from what I shared. You don't understand my argument.

The theory uses the facts learned from space, along with others, and concludes our cells do not function without a magnetic field like the Earth's. and begin to die. We die without the magnetic field, like without water, or food.

And our health, like that of the bird's egg, depends on the warm-blooded cells rate of reorienting in a magnetic field like the earth's. Scary thought, yes? But most helpful to know if true. Don't be a scaredy-cat, help determine if it's truth that I've found. Do some thought experiments. Share any results or questions. Do I have a good science book, or a good science fiction book?

We have been over-looking something as important as food in our health. That is why many people don't like hearing it. It means we are all very ignorant, even those we thought where smart, like at NASA.

I am being band from many fourms, because the idea ends any debate about AC voltage being harmful, it surely is! Its field is not like the Earth's.


Actually, just more meaningless nonsense. And I don't see anything "scary" about it - primarily because there's nothing there, either harmful OR beneficial. Why would I (or anyone else, for that matter) possibly fear it??

As to the fields generated by AC, once again you are outmoded and outdated in your thinking. Anyone interested in such things should keep up with research. There have been NUMEROUS studies done on that topic, including one very large one in Canada a number of years ago. Not a single one produced ANY evidence whatsoever to support the idea that the fields were harmful in any way.

Sorry, but the more you talk the more you prove just what a crackpot you are.
Better Late, Then Never.

Not a single one produced ANY evidence whatsoever to support the idea that the fields were harmful in any way.

Denying Deterioration

Denying, or Overlooking Civilization's Deterioration

Science, 21 July 1989. Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields

"The situation calls for much more effort in research than has hitherto taken place. The previous level of support in United States has been of the order of a few million dollars a year. The new work should include more animal studies and substantial epidemiological studies, coupled with accurate measures of Fields. In the meantime, one option suggested by the Office of Technology Assessment study is to "adopt a prudence avoidance strategy. That is, systematically look for strategies which can keep people out of 60 hertz Fields... but only adopt those which look to be prudent investments given their cost and our current level of scientific understanding about probable risk." - Philip H. Abelson

SCIENCE, Vol.215, 19 March 1982. Page 1492

Magnetic Navigation and Attractive Possibility.
Investigators find magnetic particles in organisms ranging from bacteria to man; their role in orientation is still problematic





Tommas Edison is remembered as having warned us, and I believe he is quoted as having said, "You would be a fool to use A/C voltage rather then D/C voltage. But his nation did not heed his words of wisdom.

If Tommas Edison, the man who seems to have "opened the door" to the uses of electric current, was a child of God, (which is now evident from his effect on mankind), then at that time this nation turned from God, and began to lead others away, through its' example. The many blessings that are afforded mankind, through the use of electricity, shows that the hand of God was guiding Edison, and mankind through him, into the "Age of Electricity"

The warning given to others, concerning the use of A/C voltage, was given by the one who may have had the best understanding of electricity. This would be evident from the way he used such knowledge through-out his life.

Now today, information being gathered from studies, indicates that the use of A/C voltage may have been a wrong move for mankind. And obvious to anyone with a basic understanding of electricity, is the fact that the magnetic field produced by A/C voltage is more in contrast with the earth's field then D/C. More like the earth's, the magnetic field produced by D/C voltage is constant.

But this may not be worth noting, unless there are life forms known to use the earth's magnetic field, such as magnetic bacteria. The small magnetic particles found with-in bacteria are noted as causing it to be effected by magnetic fields. These particles being found in man, should be viewed in that same light.

The effect of bringing this issue to the forefront, as a "news topic", and having it held there long enough to educate people to the fact that they are being effected, health-wise, by magnetic fields would be deemed necessary by anyone who becomes aware of these facts, and has the best interests of everyone in mind.

The theory uses the facts learned from space, along with others, and concludes our cells do not function without a magnetic field like the Earth's. and begin to die. We die without the magnetic field, like without water, or food.

And our health, like that of the bird's egg, depends on the warm-blooded cells rate of reorienting in a magnetic field like the earth's. Scary thought, yes? But most helpful to know if true. Don't be a scaredy-cat, help determine if it's truth that I've found. Do some thought experiments. Share any results or questions. Do I have a good science book, or a good science fiction book?

"It is error alone that needs the assistance of government." - Thomas Jefferson

We have been over-looking something as important as food in our health. And the idea ends any debate about AC voltage being harmful, it surely is! Its field is not like the Earth's.

Micah 2:4 In that day shall one take up a parable against you, and lament with a doleful lamentation, and say, We be utterly spoiled: he hath changed the portion of my people: how hath he removed it from me! turning away he hath divided our fields.

Luke 9:60 -- Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.




Tommas Edison is remembered as having warned us, and I believe he is quoted as having said, "You would be a fool to use A/C voltage rather then D/C voltage. But his nation did not heed his words of wisdom.

If Tommas Edison, the man who seems to have "opened the door" to the uses of electric current, was a child of God, (which is now evident from his effect on mankind), then at that time this nation turned from God, and began to lead others away, through its' example. The many blessings that are afforded mankind, through the use of electricity, shows that the hand of God was guiding Edison, and mankind through him, into the "Age of Electricity"

The warning given to others, concerning the use of A/C voltage, was given by the one who may have had the best understanding of electricity. This would be evident from the way he used such knowledge through-out his life.

Now today, information being gathered from studies, indicates that the use of A/C voltage may have been a wrong move for mankind. And obvious to anyone with a basic understanding of electricity, is the fact that the magnetic field produced by A/C voltage is more in contrast with the earth's field then D/C. More like the earth's, the magnetic field produced by D/C voltage is constant.

But this may not be worth noting, unless there are life forms known to use the earth's magnetic field, such as magnetic bacteria. The small magnetic particles found with-in bacteria are noted as causing it to be effected by magnetic fields. These particles being found in man, should be viewed in that same light.

The effect of bringing this issue to the forefront, as a "news topic", and having it held there long enough to educate people to the fact that they are being effected, health-wise, by magnetic fields would be deemed necessary by anyone who becomes aware of these facts, and has the best interests of everyone in mind.

The theory uses the facts learned from space, along with others, and concludes our cells do not function without a magnetic field like the Earth's. and begin to die. We die without the magnetic field, like without water, or food.

And our health, like that of the bird's egg, depends on the warm-blooded cells rate of reorienting in a magnetic field like the earth's. Scary thought, yes? But most helpful to know if true. Don't be a scaredy-cat, help determine if it's truth that I've found. Do some thought experiments. Share any results or questions. Do I have a good science book, or a good science fiction book?

"It is error alone that needs the assistance of government." - Thomas Jefferson

We have been over-looking something as important as food in our health. And the idea ends any debate about AC voltage being harmful, it surely is! Its field is not like the Earth's.

Micah 2:4 In that day shall one take up a parable against you, and lament with a doleful lamentation, and say, We be utterly spoiled: he hath changed the portion of my people: how hath he removed it from me! turning away he hath divided our fields.

Luke 9:60 -- Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.

What a pity!! Again and again you show yourself to be a foolish individual.

Certainly, Edison tried his best to down-play AC electricity. He was pushing DC (his own baby) while Westinghouse was promoting AC.

And I've already pointed out to you that your thinking on the dangers of AC current were badly outmoded and outdated. Did you not even notice that the bit you quoted was from nearly 20 years ago????? :bugeye: All of the important studies into the possible harmful effects were done after that date.

Time has passed you by and you've not even bothered to do your homework. How can you possibly think you have any credibility when you've totally ignored all the work that's been done?

Contrary to how it may seem to you, I'm really not "on your case" here. Quite the opposite. I feel sorry for you because I think your heart is in the right place but that you've allowed yourself to be deceived and deluded in your thinking. Everything you've offered as evidence of your theory - like the bird's egg, etc. - has already been thoroughly explained by science.
magnetism's medicinal aspects/benefits

Mark 4:19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.
A major achievement in science was accomplished back in 1985, when once again in history, an individual had a flash of insight. I speak of the theory of Magnetrition, and the way it causes correction in every person that becomes aware of it. As history has recorded, with Galileo and his discovery, the new knowledge would be beneficial to everyone, but so-called experts, in an effort to save face, begin to behave inhumanely,(not in the best interest of humanity, but instead what they perceive as their own).

This flash of insight, shines light on our evolutionary history. Things we did not previously comprehend, become visible, and all paradigms are asked to become suitably accountable. The trashcan, like excommunication, is the tool used by the politician, who is now shown to have been masquerading as a scientist/scholar/humanitarian.

Magnetosynthesis - Something you didn't know you were doing!

Now do it better!

As people become aware of the fact, that the many cells of their body require movement in relation to a magnetic field, many will begin to realize the benefits of insuring such movement, with things like rocking chairs and cradles. It's time to take a step back, to where wisdom once was.

"Magnets" and "Miracles"

What this means to me, and I think will to anyone who takes time to study the data concerning this matter, is that soon people will begin to use magnets for therapeutical purposes, and for the first time use correct directions, which when followed correctly lead repeatedly to the desired positive predictive outcome. This discovery signifies magnetism's medicinal aspects/benefits becoming recognized as the science it began as.

Proverbs 11:4 Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.

John 8:51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.

1 Peter 1:17 And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear:
Mark 4:19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.
A major achievement in science was accomplished back in 1985, when once again in history, an individual had a flash of insight. I speak of the theory of Magnetrition, and the way it causes correction in every person that becomes aware of it. As history has recorded, with Galileo and his discovery, the new knowledge would be beneficial to everyone, but so-called experts, in an effort to save face, begin to behave inhumanely,(not in the best interest of humanity, but instead what they perceive as their own).

This flash of insight, shines light on our evolutionary history. Things we did not previously comprehend, become visible, and all paradigms are asked to become suitably accountable. The trashcan, like excommunication, is the tool used by the politician, who is now shown to have been masquerading as a scientist/scholar/humanitarian.

Magnetosynthesis - Something you didn't know you were doing!

Now do it better!

As people become aware of the fact, that the many cells of their body require movement in relation to a magnetic field, many will begin to realize the benefits of insuring such movement, with things like rocking chairs and cradles. It's time to take a step back, to where wisdom once was.

"Magnets" and "Miracles"

What this means to me, and I think will to anyone who takes time to study the data concerning this matter, is that soon people will begin to use magnets for therapeutical purposes, and for the first time use correct directions, which when followed correctly lead repeatedly to the desired positive predictive outcome. This discovery signifies magnetism's medicinal aspects/benefits becoming recognized as the science it began as.

Proverbs 11:4 Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.

John 8:51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.

1 Peter 1:17 And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear:

I see that you chose to not respond to my last post. What's the matter - exposing your wishy-washy claims too much???

And this latest bit of garbage of your is no better than the rest of of it. You speak of using magnetic therapy and "studying the data" yet you TOTALLY IGNORE the mass of data on using magnets to treat disorders, disease, etc. It's nothing more than snake oil salesmanship! Numerous studies have shown that magnets cannot cure anything! In fact, it's been shown that the fields from so-called therapeutic magnets isn't even strong enough to penetrate the skin. They do nothing at all, neither helpful or harmful - except to give people false hope and rob them of their money.

If you intend to continue with this nonsense, at least have the common decency to precede each of your posts with a disclaimer that states that it is nothing more than your own opinion.
Please share with us some facts/references of the claims you have made.

I can certainly do MUCH better than you can! For starters, here's one paper on therapeutic magnets that represents a small trial that was made six years ago. And at the end are 30+ references that you may feel free to check out, if you wish.

When I have more time I'll find and list even more.

Now... let's see YOU give some references for your wacky claims. NOT a whole page of you just talking but some respectable scientific papers.