

Search + Share ~ Magnetrition
Registered Senior Member

Why rocking chairs and cradles? Is crib death osteoporosis in babies?

Evidence indicates, that through an educational process, a prescribed change in our lifestyle, osteoporosis can be eliminated as a plague afflicting mankind. Please take the time necessary to become familiar with the following information. My analysis indicates that your health, and that of others around you, stands to be beneficially affected through your understanding of the newly acquired concepts known as Magnetrition and Magnetosynthesis. These factors have always played a role, yet gone unnoticed until now. Your help in bringing this matter to everyone's attention should be greatly appreciated by all.

I'm promoting the research I've done, and its conclusions. I've been working with this idea for over 20 years. It just seems hard for most people to grasp the concept. And, the theory implies a high degree of ignorance, on our part. Collected together, the facts prescribed a society where each individual insures he is not in the same position magnetically for more than about 10 minutes. Movement in the earth's magnetic field at the rate of a average 5-year-old, is what prevents osteoporosis. After about age 10, stimuli from a gland in the brain becomes less, and each year our rate of movement decreases. Circulation within our cells is proportionate to our rate of movement in a magnetic field. Insufficient circulation within our cells causes osteoporosis. To avoid the effects of osteoporosis, persons unable to move themselves sufficient, can be mechanically. The theory is a road map to a place where osteoporosis is mostly avoided. We must change a lot, even our way of thinking, to get to this place. I think this place offers the best future.

The theory of Magnetrition predicts that, it presents the basic rule that, "Where a magnetic compass does not function properly, neither should you!". The mitochondria are basically a swimming magnetic compass, using the Earth's magnetic field as a guide in performing its essential duties within the cells of our bodies. To be at our best, we must ensure that they have what they need.

Understanding the theory of Magnetrition allows greater insight, dangers previously unnoticed, we become conscious of. From a radio report, I learned of a woman, about 80 years of age, that had been locked in a safety deposit vault by accident when the bank employees went home for the night. The report told of how the woman sat for more than four or five hours before getting up and walking about the room, which alerted security through movement sensors. Most children would not sit that long, and be healthier because they wouldn't.

What I'm trying to do, is to get you to study Magnetrition, and then share that experience in your articles. After a time, we all become folklore. But I think the theory of Magnetrition, maybe because it's so vague, will stand the test of time. And eventually occupying a part of everyone's mind.

Search + Share ~ Magnetrition

The following article is from;
THE NEWS-TIMES, Morehead City-beaufort, N.C. Monday, Nov. 11, 1985.

ALAN JACKSON, Morehead City, fancies himself as a backyard philosopher. He spends a lot of hours reading books, magazines and research papers trying to understand just why certain things are the way they are.

Mr. Jackson's most recent research has yielded an astounding theory; that movement is as important as nourishment to human beings. He came to that conclusion based on the behavior of magnetic bacteria.

He also believes these bacteria may be responsible for cell division. "I think movement through the earth's magnetic field is as important as nutrition."

MR. JACKSON, 32, left high school at the age of 17 to join the Marine Corp. He spent four years at Cherry Point, during which time he earned general education development (G.E.D.) degree and took college preparatory courses in various fields.

Since leaving Cherry Point, he has held jobs with Hatsel Electric Co., with Conner Homes as an electrician, with Carteret Court Apartments, a maintenance supervisor; and at Sea Coast Refrigeration. He has also taken several college courses at Carteret Technical College.

MR. JACKSON believes the earth's magnetic field is generated by molten lava rotating in the earth's core. The lava moves in the opposite direction of the earth itself, thus creating such a field. "If we go to other planets, and no molten lava is flowing under the surface to create a magnetic field, the chances of finding life as we know it is slim."
Without flux lines, the magnetic bacteria would have no guide to food. "We can't live without flux lines," he said.
Based on his unguessable research, Mr. Jackson theorizes that magnetic bacteria in cells follow flux lines within the geomagnetic field to get iron, which is there source of nourishment.

DR. RICHARD P. BLAKEMORE, a scientist at the University of New Hampshire, has said that amorphous cells (cells without form) accumulate a great deal of iron from outside cell walls to produce magnetic particles.
Mr. Jackson believes it is more then a coincidence that humans need iron supplement to exist.

SCIENTISTS know that bacteria collect and store iron, but they have yet to discover how. Mr. Jackson thinks magnetic bacteria swim inside individual cells within the body to get iron, possibly from the exterior walls of the cell nucleus or from the outer walls of the cell itself. He contends the bacteria move within the cell according to the body's orientation to magnetic flux lines. It has been shown that magnetic bacteria in the northern hemisphere migrate along flex lines in a northerly fashion, while magnetic bacteria in the southern hemisphere move south.

THE NUMBERS of north-seeking and south-seeking magnetic bacteria at the equator have been proven equal, indicating the effect of flux lines on bacteria. Dr. Blakemore and Dr. Richard B. Frankel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology wrote that "magnetotactic bacteria are bottom-dwelling organisms that are either anaerobic (capable of living only in the absence of oxygen) or microaerophilic (surviving best in environments with little oxygen)." Therefore, they theorize, these bacteria would have a tendency to migrate downward, depending on their location, because "it would help them to avoid toxic effects of the greater concentration of oxygen in surface water."

Mr. Jackson believes all people are essentially addicted to movement. An April 1979 article in Omni magazine cited the deterioration of astronauts' bones after periods of inactivity or weightlessness. THIS DETERIORATION of bones, called osteoporosis, is thought by most to be associated with lack of gravitational forces in space. Mr. Jackson thinks it is caused by the body having almost no orientation to the earth's magnetic field (or to north and south poles).
Wiring within the spaceship may create some magnetism, but no definite poles, from which bacteria can orient themselves.

WITHOUT bodily movement, magnetic bacteria cannot move in the cell along magnetic flux lines. Mr. Jackson said that was the reason chicken eggs, if not moved after being laid, would deteriorate. Without movement, the bacteria cannot constantly reorient themselves and move, and are left in a mass on one side of the cell.
It is the movement of those bacteria that is important to cellular growth. He said cells were important to both tissues and bone growth in the body, thus accounting for the deterioration of bones found in astronauts. HE THINKS further experiments might show that astronauts have some deterioration of all tissues.

Mr. Jackson said all people, young and old, are indirectly affected by magnetic bacteria. He thinks Indians used to carry their papooses (babies), on their backs to keep them moving and thus indirectly helping the body grow.
HE ALSO believes crib death of babies is caused from lack of movement. He said babies do not have the muscle coordination necessary to move themselves when first born. If they are not moved, the magnetic bacteria will be essentially immobile and not be able to set many body functions in motion.

MR. JACKSON also believes lack of movement may be the reason bones and other tissues begin to fade as people get older and inactive. The less movement, the less the body will grow. He added that one experiment exemplified how magnetic bacteria could be degaussed (or rendered neutral in magnetism) through the application of heat. He has seized on this to theorize the reason for the basis of cellular life.

MR. JACKSON believes that as human cells age , magnetic bacteria and other bacteria crowd the cells, creating excess friction or heat (thermal energy), which effectively demagnetizes magnetic bacteria for a moment, causing half the bacteria to lose their orientation to flux lines and head in the opposite direction. This intense action may cause cells to split.

He believes that scientists may have overlooked the fact that magnetic bacteria heading in opposite directions may cause DNA (dioxyribo nucleic acid) molecules in the cell nucleus to split. DNA is associated with the transmission of genes in all living things. THE END.

Plants need photosynthesis.
Do warm-blooded animals need "Magnetosynthesis"?
Then you must move in the earth's magnetic field, like a 5 year old, to have the best health.

1 Kings 3:19
And this woman's child died in the night: because she overlaid it.

If you were expected to be at work the next day at 8:00 am. But when you went to bed you forgot to set the alarm. So, when after sleeping until 9:00 am., and not showing up at work until 10:00 am., you were asked why you were late, what would most people say? "I Overslept"??? Meaning - "I slept longer then I should have"???
Denying Deterioration

Denying Deterioration

Denying, or Overlooking Civilization's Deterioration

Science, 21 July 1989. Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields

"The situation calls for much more effort in research than has hitherto taken place. The previous level of support in United States has been of the order of a few million dollars a year. The new work should include more animal studies and substantial epidemiological studies, coupled with accurate measures of Fields. In the meantime, one option suggested by the Office of Technology Assessment study is to "adopt a prudence avoidance strategy. That is, systematically look for strategies which can keep people out of 60 hertz Fields... but only adopt those which look to be prudent investments given their cost and our current level of scientific understanding about probable risk." - Philip H. Abelson

This Week in Science, 23 February 1990. Predator's Cues and Snail's Pase

"The presence of predatory crayfish in the water dramatically alter the life history characteristics of the freshwater snail Physella virgata virgata (p. 949). In a predator free environment, snails reproduce when theirs shells are about 4 millimeters long; the lifespan of such snails are 3 to 5 months. If, however, the stream is also inhabited by Orconectes virilis crayfish, snails grow bigger (to double the normal size), live longer (11 to14 months), and reproduce later."

Science, 15 May 1992. Giving Personal Magnetism A Whole New Meaning

"Iron man. Joseph Kirschvink of Caltech has found crystals of magnetite in the human brain that closely resembles those found in certain bacteria."

Discover, January 1993. MAGNETIC MINDS

"Kirschvink found the magnetic crystals using a fairly simple technique. In a magnetically shielded and dust free clean room, Kirschvink and his colleagues dissolved brain tissue in vials sealed by finger-like glass caps that contained a strong magnet that extended down into the thick solution. Over the course of a week the magnetite crystals in the dissolved brain tissue slowly migrated through the solution to the glass wall surrounding the caps' magnets. When the researchers used a high-resolution transmission electron microscope to examine the crystals that clung to the caps, they found that a thimbleful of brain tissue contains about 5 million magnetite crystals,"

Are the magnetic bacteria, (found in the oceans and freshwater ponds), and the mitochondria, (found in our cells), one in the same?

Does being in close proximity to AC voltage with a Hz of 60 prohibit the proper formation of magnetite particles within magnetic bacteria, by the elimination of a constant magnetic field, (north pole and South Pole reference)?

SCIENCE, Vol.215, 19 March 1982. Page 1492

Magnetic Navigation and Attractive Possibility.
Investigators find magnetic particles in organisms ranging from bacteria to man; their role in orientation is still problematic
Tool Making


Man Does Sin

It was recently reported, that primates, (other than man), had been observed fashioning and using tools, more extensively than previously thought to have occurred in nature. Researchers noticed animals sharpening sticks with their teeth, and then using them to spear small game during food gathering. It was also pointed out that females were more involved in this practice than males. That shouldn't surprise many, should it?

Often overlooked, the greatest difference between the many species dwelling on earth, is that man appears to be the only "Sinner". As a species, man has acquired the ability to become conscious of errors which facilitate its death. Repentance, may be the most beneficial tool ever conceived. Together, the concepts of "To Sin" and "Repentance Of", when utilized properly, affords salvation to man. To discover man's sin/a sin, is the greatest accomplishment an individual can achieve. Many facts, from many people, collected over many generations, allows "The One" to see. Then "Man" offers repentance.

Animals die, mainly from not working together against death.

Examples: During my studies I think I have noticed a sin previously unrecognized by man, and this has allowed me to become more familiar with similar discoveries in the past. Facts indicate that the bird egg must be turned periodically during incubation in order to maintain its warm blooded metabolism. Whereas the reptile egg does not require this periodic turning. Thus, a warm-blooded body must move, or be moved, more than that of a cold blooded metabolism. In hospitals, bed ridden patients are turned every two hours to prevent bed sores. Would turning them every 10 minutes prevent osteoporosis? Is this how the child does it? Rocking chairs and cradles are evidence that others have been thinking along this line of reasoning. I'm thinking its a sin not to move about every so often. And I'm thinking we all need to think it is. But we don't, yet.

The Movement of the Trees. This need to move at a higher rate became a requirement for some due to time spent living in the trees rather than on the ground. Only life forms living for long periods of time in the trees have become warm-blooded. The bird is require to turn its eggs during incubation because a higher rate of movement is one aspect of living in the trees, and the animals adaptation to that environment now requires it. What other requirements have come about due to our past generations being tree dwellers?

The Height of the Trees. It was easier to become a warm-blooded metabolism, and maintain that, living up off the ground where heat would not dissipate easily. The "Bed" is man's repentance for having slept on the ground, after moving from the trees back down to the ground without realizing the height of the trees must be compensated for. The story of Jesus reminds us, how important it is that each one of us be aware of and utilize this concept, these concepts.

The Atmosphere Of the Trees. The trees excrete/extrude metabolic byproducts in the form of organic droplets and gases. Over time, life forms living in that environment adapt to using the atmosphere produced by, and synonymous with the trees. Man learned that his suffering from an inadequate atmosphere, after leaving the trees, could be alleviated/compensated for by burning bushes. Moses recorded what he had learned.
By Gordon Rattray Taylor.
Published in Penguin Books 1981.

"Scientist have adapted to the idea that the brain is not only an electrical but also a chemical device. They have hardly yet absorbed the notion that it may have a third, wholly unexplored, aspect. It may be a magnetic device. Hamer, Gavalas-Medice and Bawin have made an attempt to study the effect of electromagnetic fields on the brain. The results are curious and unexpected. For example, monkeys shorten their time estimates when exposed to fields alternating about seven times a second, though the effect is much smaller at ten cycles per second. Cats were sent to sleep by waves modulated at 150 cycles/sec. and what was much odder, if they had been conditioned, it took two months to extinguish the reflex."
Pay Day

Originally posted by Noise: The problem is you are not presenting any information that is possibly provable or disprovable.

Exactly ! ! ! I could not have said it better myself. I've been looking for that arrangement of words for over 20 years.

Thank you Lord for making Noise ! And making me, in such a way, that I don't have that problem.

Now let's explain to Noise, that there should not be a problem. Or that, the problem stems from a lack of education in others, not myself.

"The problem is you are not presenting any information that is possibly provable".

Yes, in your case, this part of the statement is true. It arises from you not excepting the basic rule:

"In science, the rule is there is no such thing as proof, only disprove."

Yet many people accept things such as lab animal experiments as proof, to get A's and B's and degrees. In our school system, this is what is required. It's not real education, just political training. You would never have discovered my theory if you accept what today's professional educators brainwashed their students into excepting as facts.

'You are not presenting any information that is possibly disprovable,' is what a thinking, educated, and intelligent person would have said/noticed after reading my original post and then studying. And boy I hope thats true. What a better life poeple will live.

It just may not be possible that you could correct me, in this matter. Yet rather than really study, and come to that conclusion, personally, people try to argue or debate it. That's the definition of insanity, to keep trying to do something that is not possible.

If the theory is correct, you/we must create a new paradigm which allows for it. Because they don't study, most people I share this information with don't reach that conclusion. Instead, they heckle me, or accused me of having the problem that they have. Maybe that's the way some people begin the process?

"So fine, oppose him, but why accuse him of having a mental illness? " Thanks Michelle for sticking up for me/free speech.

Thanks again for making/sharing that statement. After cleaning it up a little, I'll surely use it. Seems to make my paradigm stronger, more stable.

That said; why are you giving me advice as to how to be accepted as a scientist, politically? I'm just trying to be the best backyard philosopher. I don't want to be a scientist, they're not going to look too good soon, according to my theory. Here's another reason:

Scientists Are Lonely Men -Oliver La Farge

"It is not so long ago that, even in my dilettante study of the science of ethnology, I corresponded with men in Ireland, Sweden, Germany, France, and Yucatan, and had some discussion with a Chinese. One by one these interchanges were cut off; in some countries the concept of science is dead, and even in the free strongholds of Britain and the Americas pure science is being - must be - set aside in favor of what is immediately useful and urgently needed. It must hibernate now; for a while all it means is likely to be forgotten.

It has never been well understood. Scientists have never been good at explaining themselves and, frustrated by this, they tend to withdraw into the esoteric, refer to the public as "laymen," and develop incomprehensible vocabularies from which they draw a naive, secret-society feeling of superiority.

What is the special nature of a scientist as distinguished from a soda-jerker? Not just the externals such as a trick vocabulary, but the human formation within the man. ...

The inner nature of science within the scientist is both emotional and intellectual. The emotional element must not be overlooked, for without it there is no sound research on however odd and dull-seeming the subject. ...

To an outsider who does not know of this emotion, the scientist suggests an ant, putting forth great efforts to lug one insignificant and apparently unimportant grain of sand to be added to a pile, and much of the time his struggle seems as pointless as an ant's. ....

.... McGarnigle went among the independent Indians of Icaiche because he had heard of a skull kept in one of their temples which, from a crude description, seemed to have certain important characteristics. All his risks and his maneuverings with those tough, explosive Indians centered around the problem of gaining access to that skull. When he tries to tell an attractive girl about his experiences he not only understates, but can't keep from stressing the significance of a skull with a healed, clover-leaf trepan. The girl gladly leaves him for the nearest broker....

It is too bad both for the scientist and the public that they are so cut off from each other. The world needs now not the mere knowledges of science, but the way of thought and discipline. It is the essence of what Hitler has set out to destroy; against it he has waged total war within his own domain. It is more than skepticism, the weighing of evidence more even than the love of truth. It is the devotion of oneself to an end which is far more important than the individual, the certainty that the end is absolutely good, not only for oneself but for all mankind, and the character to set personal advantage, comfort, and glory aside in the devoted effort to make even a little progress toward it." -1942 From: A Treasury of Science (1958, Harper & Brothers)

Yea but, isn't every girl attractive?
Calcium supplements

"Calcium supplements reduce the need to cannibalize material and may help to prevent subsequent fractures. They certainly do not harm, and patients are very receptive to starting advisable nutritional supplements when suffering an acute fracture."
Page 110. Osteoporosis: Diagnosis and Treatment - By David J. Sartoris

Research has shown that when our body cannot produce calcium, it cannibalize it from the bones to use in areas needed, such as the heart. The bones seem to be used as storage for calcium. Kind of like fat cells.

If NASA reports that astronauts no longer suffer osteoporosis, because centrifugal force simulated the gravity that was lacking, I would be shown to be incorrect. Nothing under that premise is solving the problem, though. That would be a refutation of my claims.

The common denominator between infants with SIDS, older people with osteoporosis, and the astronauts with osteoporosis, is not a lack of gravity. But it is a lack of movement, in the magnetic field.

When I tell people about my idea of the astronauts taking a magnetic field up in space with them. Some people say; you need to prove that. They start backpedaling because they begin to see the implications. Then I tell them about Jesus and the bed. And I asked them, how could I prove that, short of a time machine. Either you see it or you don't. I figure the ones that can't see it, will if they keep studying, seeking the truth.

So-called magnetic therapy, the way it's being used/attempted today is just groping in the dark. And many times harmful due to the ignorance of those applying it. After NASA confirms my observations, we will have "magnetic therapy". To keep cells healthy we will ensure mitochondrial migration by cell reorientation. Tumor cells/unwanted cells will be eliminated by the prevention of reorientation.

The mitochondria are called the powerhouse in our cells. They excrete what some call ATP.

Most agree the corresponding organelle in the plant cell is the chloroplast, probably because they've also been noticed to excrete ATP.

The chloroplast are phototactic, when exposed to light. I've also heard that plant cells have mitochondria.

Why isn't the mitochondria recognized/thought of as the powerhouse in the plant cell? Why do most think the chloroplast is serving the same function in the plant cell that the mitochondria do in ours? Why don't most see the mitochondria serving the same function in the plant cell that they do in ours? They are there aren't they?

The magnetic bacteria collect in-store iron in the form of magnetite particles, which is then used to give them direction while migrating.

What happens when magnetic bacteria are in a iron free environment? What are they recognized as then?

Discover, January 1993. MAGNETIC MINDS. " they found that a thimbleful of brain tissue contains about 5 million magnetite crystals,".
What forms the magnetite crystals in our cells?

The theory predicts that if you glued a magnet to the side of a bird's egg it would be unable to grow. That's the same as not turning it. But those involved in lab animal experiments don't want you to realize they were overlooking the fact that confinement surely caused deterioration, and they were conning themselves as well as others. Experiments should always solve problems rather than create them. There are ways that seem right, but lead to death.

Whereas philosophy seeks knowledge and wisdom closest to the truth, religion/politics seeks to maintain control through maintaining ignorance in its people. Through philosophical public debate and reasoning by individuals, those truly educated become known. Through religion/politics those lacking education find acceptance, and due to the might of numbers, exert a self-destructive force upon all. To correct philosophers, or philosophy, one needs only to present the truth. To correct a religious/political view, it takes a larger gang. While philosophy embraces the truth in order to grow in understanding, religion/politics crucifies the truth in order to avoid understanding. If you don't go out of your way to ensure that free speech is upheld, if you don't go out of your way to ensure open debate within your community, then Christ would be killed there too, write before your eyes, and you probably wouldn't realize you did it.

I say the evidence is there, indicating a magnetic field similar to the earth's should be taken up with the astronauts. And the astronauts reorientation every 10 minutes should be maintained. This will show many to have been wrong in their assumptions, but it would also end much pork barrel research funding. And also end the debate as to whether the statistical data indicating AC voltage is a health hazard.

Another aspect/ramification of the theory of Magnetrition being accepted, is that, to make a child sit for more than 10 minutes in school goes down in history as mass child abuse. The smart ones would've gotten out of that situation as soon as they could. Too bad they are now being shunned in our society, and politicians are being listened to instead. That's a method of keeping the status quo, but it prevents real learning among us.
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God's Book of Matches.

God's Book of Matches.

A Prophecy Fulfilled


Heat Exchange

"we would implant magnets into the wall of the hoof. I have no doubt that horses hooves treated in this way grew much faster and were healthier, in some cases I saw incredible growth rates." - daedong REBEL FROM OZ

That statement appears to violate the law of God that I have discovered. My rendition of it, my theory predicts that if you glued a magnet to the side of a bird's egg, it should prevent development due to the absence of reorientation in a magnetic field. Placing a magnet/magnetic field in a permanent position in relationship to warm-blooded cells, should be detrimental to the cells under its influence. Yet my analysis indicates what you say is probably true. But the chances of me being wrong are slim to none.

Such a situation calls for the building of a temple, (page in my/the book) in God's name. If God has a book of matches, I may have just met a match.

So it's back to the drawing board, I must put on the architect's cap in an attempt to explain this. My paradigm does allow for such occurrences, after all, Adam started us along this path by violating God's law. It is because we shared knowledge that the temple should/can be built.

Nomadic herdsmen place stones in the uterus of camels to prevent pregnancy. Foreign material continually in or on the body is known as a rule to have detrimental effect. Most of the body's healing is done on a subconscious level. Evidence indicates that the body can transfer energy to specific areas of the body at will. We readily noticed this being done with heat. What you were doing by placing magnets in the hooves, was causing the body to focus healing in that area. In an effort to alleviate, in an attempt to redd itself of the problem/situation, caused by the foreign object, the body directed energies causing rapid generational growth in that area. A magnet probably would work better than a regular stone to accomplish the desired outcome.

As usual, answers lead to many more questions. I wonder who first used this method of treatment, and how they came up with it. Surely signs of a match being used to start a fire that spread.

So your hand was in the cookie jar, taking energy from the rest of the body and using it for your own desired purposes.

How do you like Paradise?

Search + Share ~ Magnetrition
Well alanejackson
you leave quite a bit to read, but i can say that quite abit seems to be effected by the magnetic feild of earth.
Magnetic feilds effect palapation cycles of the bodie ect.. certainly magneticfeilds have been linked to cell growth.

magnetic feilds change are sense of time by effecting are bodies, the magnetic feild as i understand it can change the the rate of motion in any one given area by as much as 14 .4 minutes and occurs daily, going unnoticed, i would suspect that seasonal changes are greater.

the human body runs partly off of ionic chemistry to produce recations, as we know the magentic feild attracts ions.

are current magnetric feild has been reprted as decreaseing in feild strenght for quite some time, but at the same time the poles, the orginating force of the magnetic feild are moving much more quickly, what we find in human behavior is a increased frontal lobe activity, i.e a increased I.Q. and a decrease memory. this could be correlated to a decrease in magnetic feild stregnth representing load charge of the snaptic nerurons reducing memory, and a increase in feild motion represting the neuron activity of the frontal lobe increasing the I.Q. of the population.
This type of effect should effect not only humans but allanimal life as well, and so we should see animals that exercise a increased ablity to figure things out but less abltiy to maintain habits with the more information they recieve.

in other events carbon is actually one of the most polar elements in the atomic perioic chart, and so life is formed from it.

just a few fast notes, i'll have to read more of your work to say a more direct response.

Seducing The Subconscious


A master at Manipulation

To those that have found interesting the philosophical analysis progressing the understanding of the new discovery Magnetrition, something more interesting perhaps. While stimulating thought on a forum, I acquired this testimony, and I am finding it to be extremely thought provoking.

"I have worked in many fields through out my life, I have seen remarkable effects from magnets. During the 80s I worked as a farrier, I worked on many horses in conjunction with a vet treating hoof problems. On shaley hooves that had slow growth rates we would implant magnets into the wall of the hoof. I have no doubt that horses hooves treated in this way grew much faster and were healthier, in some cases I saw incredible growth rates." - daedong REBEL FROM OZ

The theory of Magnetrition accounts for/predicts this use of magnetism biologically as a purposefully, strategically placed, threat against a specific area of the body, thereby stimulating the bodies defenses into reacting in such a way as to purposefully grow towards alleviating the threat. The way magnets are used, in this example, implies man is focusingthe horses own healing energies toward goals not previously deemed worthy of attention/energy expenditure. And man is doing so, accomplishing this, by magnetically restricting energy production within cells, while allowing/permitting growth as a solution to the bodies undesired/unhealthy situation/predicament. It appears, that this method of using magnets purposefully allows for quick recognition of a solution by the responding healing effort/strategy. It may very well be accurate to describe the situation as man using magnetism to communicate with a subconscious of an animal. By causing deprivation, the attention of the animal's subconscious is acquired, and my way of diminishing the deprivation its actions are directed. The threat posed by magnets used in this way causes a response by the body similar to that which a broken bone or cut invokes. I find the examining of the reasoning involved in designing such a medicinal treatment profoundly enlightening as knowledge of its author is revealed through analysis. To create a much more accurate perspective of biological functions facilitating the health of a individual, this recipe has been uniquely recorded in its offering.

Surely, a master has been at manipulation, and the effects upon, abilities offered to, mankind are of a kind, a nature, and a potential rarely accomplished.
Well alanejackson
you leave quite a bit to read, but i can say that quite abit seems to be effected by the magnetic feild of earth.
Magnetic feilds effect palapation cycles of the bodie ect.. certainly magneticfeilds have been linked to cell growth.

magnetic feilds change are sense of time by effecting are bodies, the magnetic feild as i understand it can change the the rate of motion in any one given area by as much as 14 .4 minutes and occurs daily, going unnoticed, i would suspect that seasonal changes are greater.

the human body runs partly off of ionic chemistry to produce recations, as we know the magentic feild attracts ions.

are current magnetric feild has been reprted as decreaseing in feild strenght for quite some time, but at the same time the poles, the orginating force of the magnetic feild are moving much more quickly, what we find in human behavior is a increased frontal lobe activity, i.e a increased I.Q. and a decrease memory. this could be correlated to a decrease in magnetic feild stregnth representing load charge of the snaptic nerurons reducing memory, and a increase in feild motion represting the neuron activity of the frontal lobe increasing the I.Q. of the population.
This type of effect should effect not only humans but allanimal life as well, and so we should see animals that exercise a increased ablity to figure things out but less abltiy to maintain habits with the more information they recieve.

in other events carbon is actually one of the most polar elements in the atomic perioic chart, and so life is formed from it.

just a few fast notes, i'll have to read more of your work to say a more direct response.


Good work!!
Magnetically Motivated

Merging With Magnets


Becoming Conscious of Consciousness

Many of those reading or hearing these words are familiar with magnets from personal experience. Magnets are referred to as such, because they have a magnetic field. I think an object becomes magnetic due to identical molecular alignment becoming prevalent within its matter. In substances such as iron, an orderly alignment of molecules can be easily introduced and seems willingly ready to remain, and for this ability we call them permanent magnets. They are the magnets you stick on the refrigerator. Their used in motors, speakers, and many other electrical appliances, besides non electrical devices. These are ways that a magnet's properties/abilities to attract or repel are being utilized in our daily lives. But another way we've learned to use magnets is as a directional aid. A compass, not so much taking advantage of the push/pull aspects of a magnet, but instead relying on the fact that a small magnet will align itself easily with the Earth's magnetic field, and thereby be used as a directional reminder. It was many years ago that man learn to consciously use the Earth's magnetic field by way of some form of compass. And much evidence indicates it was many, many years ago that lifeforms subconsciously/biologically began to utilize the directional properties of the Earth's magnetic field. Independent studies report evidence and conclusions indicating many lifeforms obtaining migrational bearing through a sensing/awareness of the Earth's magnetic field. And I think I've noticed that many of one of them, live within each of our many cells, which each of our many different bodies are comprised of.

Having been trained as, and worked as, an electrician, I had always found information relating to magnetism interesting. My interest has become intense since learning of magnetotactic bacteria and relating that knowledge to the fact that a bird's egg requires turning during incubation. Over many years of study, I've become more and more convinced that there is an organelle living within our cells that migrates magnetically, and in so doing greatly contributes to our overall good health. The more one studies, the more evident it becomes that our cells must reorient in the Earth's magnetic field to keep this organelle migrating magnetically, sufficiently. When this organelle is not kept migrating, a distribution becomes less within the cell, and production/function is diminished. The rule of having to turn the bird's egg during incubation/growth, is showing itself to be a rule that applies to the cells of all warm-blooded animals. This new paradigm indicates our health has always been subject to our rate of movement in the Earth's magnetic field, yet we didn't notice it as a factor. Many of our common ailments can be attributed to us not maintaining a sufficient rate of reorientation magnetically. And can be avoided by ensuring a proper rate of magnetic reorientation. What is being accomplished by turning the bird's egg, what turning does/provides to a bird's egg, in order that it continue growing and living, is something that is also required by the cells of our body. From this perspective, it's obvious that while warm-blooded animals are young they are being motivated subconsciously to reorient at a sufficiently high rate, and that this subconscious motivation to reorient diminishes with age. All this data indicates that the mind that becomes aware of the reason behind turning the bird's egg, need not suffer from a lack of reorientation, if it's provided mechanically/technologically.

The benefits that come from this one man campaign/crusade to get everybody moving about every 10 minutes, become known and shared with all others who take the time to study and learn from the information I'm disseminating. By educating others to these principles, the behavior of the intellect becomes more so. And our abilities expand upon new horizons, as life begins to offer much more the better it becomes understood. By making this subject of Magnetrition something you study personally, and by making it a topic in most of your discussions, a world where people make much better decisions would unfold before our very eyes. Without this information, better/the best decisions cannot be made. See if you can learn it. See if you can teach it. See if I'm right.

Search + Share ~ Magnetrition
I began this idea, by thinking magnetic bacteria could be inside a bird's egg, and keeping the bacteria moving, being the reason for having to turn the egg during incubation. And the theory just keeps predicting things such as infants dying from not being carried until they can move themselves, the astronauts suffering if they don't take a magnetic field, and on and on. The more I've studied it, the more it makes sense. You get to where you realize that your movement in the Earth's magnetic field is similar in its importance to your need to consume food. And it becomes as obvious as your need for food. Proving it would be similar to proving you have to eat. That's the weird part, to except, to begin to understand this theory, you must be willing to admit you were overlooking something as important as food as a factor in your health. Not many people are readily willing to do that.

The theory predicts that when mitochondria/magnetic bacteria are not magnetically migrating enough, we see the effects of this as osteoporosis. The infant suffers from this when he lays around too much, as does the older person. It's a sign of the magnetically migrating organelle not doing its job properly. So when we see this same problem occurring in astronauts after only being in Low Earth orbit, indications are the magnetically migrating organelle is not able to function properly. The organelle seems to require something/properties the earth's magnetic field is only exhibiting/possessing near the surface of the planet. How good would a compass needle work where the astronaut/person is? That's the question.

"You said that the mitochondria (the organelle that produce energy to the cell) ' s w i m '.
Well... there's an entry in wikipedia called 'endosymbiotic theory', a theory which theorize that; Mitochondria is an organelle evolved from ancient free bacteria (it has different DNA than the nucleus). So, if this theory is correct, a once a bacterium has became a mitochondria in cell. You claim it can 'swim' (implying that it can independently move like a bacterium), make sense..."

Now you've got it. That's the theory. It's just very hard to believe such a thing could be true. But there appears to be enough data collected for one to deduce it as a possibility. Remember now, I'm just a backyard philosopher, a theorist. This is just my educated guess, extrapolated from personal experience/knowledge. I was trained in the military as an electrician, and this information explains how AC voltage is harmful to our health. When this information is publicly recognize, mankind will drastically change his lifestyle.

Yes, this theory has the mitochondria swimming, or migrating, and using the earth's magnetic field as a directional aid as it does so. The evidence that magnetite is being found in our bodies, in large numbers, has led me to reason something like the magnetic bacteria are playing a role. You are right, it appears no one has noticed the magnetotactic qualities of the mitochondria. But most agree the corresponding organelle in the plant cell is the chloroplast, and we know the chloroplast is phototactic. So what all the data seems to be implying is that plant cells receive cytoplasmic streaming/stirring/circulation by way of the chloroplast interacting with sunlight, and the cells of warm-blooded animals use the mitochondria interacting with the earth's magnetic field to generate its required cytoplasmic streaming/stirring/circulation. Light is to plants, what magnetic fields are to us. And we weren't thinking that way before. Do we have good reason to now?

Any thoughts on there being an organelle living inside your body that migrates magnetically?

Are you keeping it moving as much as you used to?

As much as it needs to?

Can you think of ways to?
I began this idea, by thinking magnetic bacteria could be inside a bird's egg, and keeping the bacteria moving, being the reason for having to turn the egg during incubation. And the theory just keeps predicting things such as infants dying from not being carried until they can move themselves, the astronauts suffering if they don't take a magnetic field, and on and on. The more I've studied it, the more it makes sense. You get to where you realize that your movement in the Earth's magnetic field is similar in its importance to your need to consume food. And it becomes as obvious as your need for food. Proving it would be similar to proving you have to eat. That's the weird part, to except, to begin to understand this theory, you must be willing to admit you were overlooking something as important as food as a factor in your health. Not many people are readily willing to do that.

The theory predicts that when mitochondria/magnetic bacteria are not magnetically migrating enough, we see the effects of this as osteoporosis. The infant suffers from this when he lays around too much, as does the older person. It's a sign of the magnetically migrating organelle not doing its job properly. So when we see this same problem occurring in astronauts after only being in Low Earth orbit, indications are the magnetically migrating organelle is not able to function properly. The organelle seems to require something/properties the earth's magnetic field is only exhibiting/possessing near the surface of the planet. How good would a compass needle work where the astronaut/person is? That's the question.

"You said that the mitochondria (the organelle that produce energy to the cell) ' s w i m '.
Well... there's an entry in wikipedia called 'endosymbiotic theory', a theory which theorize that; Mitochondria is an organelle evolved from ancient free bacteria (it has different DNA than the nucleus). So, if this theory is correct, a once a bacterium has became a mitochondria in cell. You claim it can 'swim' (implying that it can independently move like a bacterium), make sense..."

Now you've got it. That's the theory. It's just very hard to believe such a thing could be true. But there appears to be enough data collected for one to deduce it as a possibility. Remember now, I'm just a backyard philosopher, a theorist. This is just my educated guess, extrapolated from personal experience/knowledge. I was trained in the military as an electrician, and this information explains how AC voltage is harmful to our health. When this information is publicly recognize, mankind will drastically change his lifestyle.

Yes, this theory has the mitochondria swimming, or migrating, and using the earth's magnetic field as a directional aid as it does so. The evidence that magnetite is being found in our bodies, in large numbers, has led me to reason something like the magnetic bacteria are playing a role. You are right, it appears no one has noticed the magnetotactic qualities of the mitochondria. But most agree the corresponding organelle in the plant cell is the chloroplast, and we know the chloroplast is phototactic. So what all the data seems to be implying is that plant cells receive cytoplasmic streaming/stirring/circulation by way of the chloroplast interacting with sunlight, and the cells of warm-blooded animals use the mitochondria interacting with the earth's magnetic field to generate its required cytoplasmic streaming/stirring/circulation. Light is to plants, what magnetic fields are to us. And we weren't thinking that way before. Do we have good reason to now?

Any thoughts on there being an organelle living inside your body that migrates magnetically?

Are you keeping it moving as much as you used to?

As much as it needs to?

Can you think of ways to?

The simple problem with these theories is if we were so attuned to Magnetic fields, why do people still get lost when they go out hiking?
>The simple problem with these theories is if we were so attuned to Magnetic fields, why do people still get lost when they go out hiking?

I don't see a problem. For young people, it's just a lack of training. In older people it's because the pineal gland has gone bad, is no longer liquid inside, and this gland is what gives animals their magnetic bearing.

Concept 4, condensed/abstract; Pineal body.
Light sensitive Pineal Gland thought to secrete or contain
compound linked to imaginative abilities. Eye lens polishing
and muscle maintenance performed by outward expression of
memory recall, (known as R.E.M. mode). Dreams linked to
subconscious control of organ function and gland secretion,
via neuro-optical pathways.

The effects of Mal-Magnetrition, (caused by a lack of circulation within the cell), leads to the deterioration of the growth processes associated with a healthy cell. The term osteoporosis, (brought about due to the inability to produce calcium), the term cancer, (brought about due to the deterioration of the nuclear envelope, thus, unable to protect the DNA while replicating), the term stroke, (caused by the deterioration of cells of the arteries and veins), the term crib death, (caused by a lack of mobility, prior to the time when the child can turn on its own during sleep), and the term puberty,(brought about due to the body sensing a lack of circulation within its cells, usually around age 7 to 10, when the pineal gland begins to show the effects of filling with magnetite particles, and not able to stimulate reorientation as it was previously). Prior to age 7 to 10, a person is usually found to be providing enough circulation within his cells to ward off the effects of Mal-Magnetrition. From about age 10 on, people begin a downward spiral in the amount of movement they provide for their cells, and this is the reason they become prone to the effects of cell deterioration. And they begin to suffer in the same ways birds eggs do when they are not turned sufficiently.

The average person dies around age 70 due to insufficient turning during sleep. Astronauts, when they leave the Earth's magnetic field, must take with them a copy of the Earth's magnetic field, and insure their periodic movement within that field, or suffer the effects of a lack of circulation within their cells, because magnetic bacteria can no longer function as they have within their cells. Research indicates, magnetic bacteria and the mitochondria, are one in the same. AC voltage creates a magnetic field which reverses itself 60 times a second. This is too fast for the magnetic bacteria in your cells to orient to North and South poles.

Our cells appear to be something similar to an aquarium, with many small lifeforms living within. Magnetic bacteria are just "some" of the lifeforms found within a cell. We must keep them all happy for us to be healthy. Live longer, keep moving!!!

Fact 1. An organelle, (known by both names, magnetic bacteria/mitochondria), must be kept moving sufficiently within our cells in order for us to be healthy. We would die like fish out of water, if we were removed from a magnetic field. This organelle migrates magnetically, causing a required degree of circulation within our cells, only when we reoriente sufficiently in a magnetic field similar to the Earth's. A perpetually worsening deterioration of cells starts in all warm-blooded animals, at a certain age, due to the pineal gland not stimulating our movement as previously. Crib death of infants, what we call death by old age, deterioration in astronauts, and the deterioration in all lab animals, these conditions are brought about due to insufficient reorienting in a magnetic field.

3 Eyes Blind




The report, brought the fact to my attention, and I would like to learn more about it, and share it with others, in hope that such events may be avoided in the future. I was informed of events connected with the first powered flight achieved by the Wright brothers, at Kitty Hawk. Many of the first to become aware of this accomplishment, for various reasons, traveled throughout the country, taking with them and sharing what they had become aware of. Many communities rejected this information, and I am told, tarred and feathered reporters before running them out of town. The reporters carried with them the truth, yet for reasons the communities chose not to accept it. I was told that government sanctioned groups/committees had to go around telling of the news before it was accepted, at least not rejected.

Ionian school - school of Greek philosophers of the 6th to 5th century BC, including Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Heracleitus, Anaxagoras, Diogenes of Apollonia, Archelaus, and Hippon. Although Ionia was the original centre of their activity, they differed so greatly from one another in their conclusions that they cannot be said to have represented a specific school of philosophy. Their common concern to explain phenomena in terms of matter or physical forces, however, distinguished them from later thinkers.

Thales's significance lies less in his choice of water as the essential substance than in his attempt to explain nature by the simplification of phenomena and in his search for causes within nature itself rather than in the caprices of anthropomorphic gods. Like his successors the philosophers Anaximander (610-546/545 BC) and Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. c. 545 BC), Thales is important in bridging the worlds of myth and reason. -Encyclopedia Britannica 2003

Whereas philosophy seeks knowledge and wisdom closest to the truth, religion/politics seeks to maintain control through maintaining ignorance in its people. Through philosophical public debate and reasoning by individuals, those truly educated become known. Through religion/politics those lacking education find acceptance, and due to the might of numbers, exert a self-destructive force upon all. To correct philosophers, or philosophy, one needs only to present the truth. To correct a religious/political view, it takes a larger gang. While philosophy embraces the truth in order to grow in understanding, religion/politics crucifies the truth in order to avoid understanding. If you don't go out of your way to ensure the first amendment is upheld, if you don't go out of your way to ensure open debate within your community, then Christ would be killed there too, write before your eyes, and you probably wouldn't realize you did it.

We all begin as followers, few mature into leaders. Many read what has been written, few try to make sense out of it.

Planned Obsolescence

If you were to research information concerning the pineal gland, you would find it described mainly as a gland of unknown function. The information would tell you that it is what is left over from a third eyeball, in humans. And that some lizards can be found with this eye still protruding from the top of their head. They have 3 eyes. Investigations tell us that the pineal gland is liquid inside, up to about age 7 to 10, and after that age found to be filled with a granular type substance, in humans. The theory of Magnetrition utilizes this information, and attempts to bring one to the conclusion, that the pineal gland contains magnetic bacteria within this liquid, that these bacteria are swimming/seeking north and south, (as they do in oceans and ponds, and our cells), stimulating sensors within this gland which brings about a high degree of movement in the Earth's magnetic field by animals while they are young and the gland is still liquid. The living and dying of these bacteria in the confines of the pineal gland leads to the buildup of magnetite particles, which impedes its functioning after a certain length of time. The various animal species find it to be advantageous that their individuals only live short life spans, as they struggle to adapt to this changing environment provided by earth. The theory of Magnetrition implies that human individuals, once aware of these facts, can avoid what appears to be a form of planned obsolescence.

Did we once have 3 eyes for sensing light? Has one of these eyes changed its functioning through an evolutionary process of adaptation?

Mole - in zoology, any of numerous small, often blind, burrowing mammals-especially the 22 species constituting the family Talpidae (order Insectivora), the true moles. For ordinal relatives of this name, see golden mole; for analogues in Australia, see marsupial mole.

Talpids occur throughout temperate Eurasia and North America. Most are quite small, with round bodies, short legs and tail, flat, pointed head, and small or vestigial eyes; most lack external ears. Typically, the forelimbs are set almost on opposite sides of the shoulders and are shortened and rotated. The five toes of the forefoot are broad clawed, making a shovel for digging or a paddle for swimming. The fur is velvety and brushes in any direction without resistance. Most moles have one to seven young (usually about four) once or twice a year, usually in a grassy nest underground. Sexual maturity is reached in 6 to 12 months, and the life span is brief.

Moles are active day and night in rapid cycles of work and rest. Most spend their lives making galleries in the soil. Tunnels near the surface are made in search of earthworms, grubs, and other invertebrates: a mole may consume more than its weight in food daily. -Encyclopedia Britannica 2003

Does the warm-blooded metabolism of moles seem to be racing in an effort to fight heat dissipation/loss into the ground?

Why is it healthy for us to sleep in raised beds? Happy Easter?
Popular Science, p. 208 (April 1945)

"Ehrenhaft Discovery Confirmed by New Experiments"

"By observing whirligigs of electrically charges particles in a magnetic field, Brother Gabriel Kane of Manhattan College and Charles B. Reynolds of the Federal Communications Commission confirm the phenomenal discovery of magnetic currents by Dr. Felix Ehrenhaft (P.S.M., June 1944, p. 130). Going further, they make a drop of copper sulfate solution spin between the pole pieces of a permanent magnet, even rotating in interposed microscope cover glass with it. Present laboratory tests may lead to momentous applications in power machinery of the future."
Magnetite, the Fountain of Energy!!!!

If the discovery is correct, a magnet is like a battery.

Thus; the magnetic bacteria/mitochondria most likely are storing energy in the formation/making of magnetite.

The discovery seems to be saying that a magnet has a continual flow of current around it, flowing from pole to pole. What effect would the magnetite have, viewed as little motors, in our cells?

2 Kings 6:6 And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he shewed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim.


If the discovery is correct, a magnet is like a energy source.

Thus; the magnetic bacteria/mitochondria most likely are gaining
energy by the formation/making of magnetite.

Way Big Difference!!!

The target changed paths, but I'm still gaining on it. And it looks like a big one by its tracks. Physics, as we think we know it may have to change. That's what had me on the wrong path, to begin with.

Here is a taste, to wet your appetite. To start your thinking along the line of reasoning I'm following out now.

What if magnets were a receiver of energy? Like Tesla was trying to do with electrical current.

Loadstone: What if magnets are actually picking up some background energy of the cosmos, like background micro, or gravity waves? Due to the way the matter is arranged, in the forming of a magnet, it taps this source of energy? Matter that has arranged itself naturally with this ability, we have come to call natural or permanent magnets.


Search + Share ~ Magnetrition
I'm still working on the idea. It's not a fact yet, just trying it on.

It's like looking at light as a particle or a wave.

Looking at the magnetite as a battery seems to help understanding and usage in some ways, while looking at it as a source rather than storage of energy seems to help explain other understandings and usages.

I know, it's way out there, but it has a ring of truth to it.

The guy has had people claim to have shown him to be wrong, they say the light he was using was charging the particles and making them move.
But, he ran other tests too. He showed that a magnet could be drained of energy, following the same rules for batteries. Which seems to go against the "sourse not storage idea", but maybe not.

Look, from my notes;

Gold Fusion - A 20 Minute Cancer Cure!?!?

Sitting, listening to the science program "Quirks and Quarks", I heard the recipe. Take very small, Nano sized glass balls, cover them with gold, inject them into the tumor and then expose the area to ultraviolet light. Just that simple. The glass balls heat up due to the ultraviolet light. This being detrimental to the cells in the immediate vicinity, while other tissues are unharmed. The woman can even attach these Nano Glass Balls to your cultured macrophages and return them into your body, and after waiting a short time for these reintroduced macrophages to find their targets, apply the ultraviolet light and destroy multiple, perhaps all tumors. I heard she's doing pretty good with mice. "

Matter arranged certain ways act as recievers for different wave lengths of electro-magnetic energy.

And calling it an "Energy Source" rather then "Energy Storage" seems right because it leaves the door open, gives more options, allows for more possibilities. It feels right, but that could be because is safer to say that, less chance of being wrong.

Speaking of possibilities;
Some of my recent studies seem to point to a magnet being kind-of like a radio. Or could be used as one. Listening to them could be a sign of intelligence, in the cosmos.
Knee jurk

Talk about..... Is it time for dinner dear?

I'm still studying, you should try it, instead of what your doing. You could then do it better.

(Knee jurk, reaction. Never really learned how to study).
Rainbow in our lives


A Reminder

Some say the planet Mars does not have a magnetic field. And, some say we would not have the atmosphere that we do, if it were not for the Earth's magnetic field. The word "firmament" may be referring to our atmosphere and its ability to maintain life, when mentioned in the Bible.

A rainbow, it has been said, is a token or symbol of a covenant between God and earth.

But, have we recently learned that without a magnetic field there would not be rainbows?

Is a rainbow also a sign of a magnetic field on a planet?

From the reports, Jesus was called many names, and Carpenter and Rabbi are two of them. A worker with wood, and someone that studies and teaches the written history.

A rocking chair, and a cradle are called so because they have bows on the parts that touch the earth, where they stand. And a study of the theory of Magnetrition points to rocking chairs and cradles being used as a tool/method of keeping a person cells more active in movement within the Earth's magnetic field. This being done, to facilitate healthy growth in our cells, because this need was learned through the practice of animal husbandry over the years. Such as the need to turn the birds egg during incubation.

What is known as the Lords prayer, in the New Testament, has the words "in/on earth as it is in heaven". Could this be referring to the covenant between God and earth? Could this be referring to the "bow in the cloud" as well as the "bow of the cradle"? Are rocking chairs and cradles tokens of man beginning to understand God's covenant with the flesh of the Earth?

Some people, when they learn about the theory of Magnetrition, say that it needs to be proved. And they say more experiments have to be done to prove it. I usually respond by disagreeing with them. I point out that the idea is similar to the requirement of having to turn people every two hours to prevent bedsores. We have learned through the accumulation of knowledge acquired through observation that bedsores occur when people are not turned every two hours. If you were to teach/share this rule for preventing bedsores to people not previously aware of it, and a student asked for prove of this need, is there an experiment that could do that?

Seems to me, a person must rely on the accumulated evidence. If his faith in the evidence is weak, study should strengthen it. It seems the only way to prove it through experimentation is not to do it. And that doesn't make sense.

Genesis 9:12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: 13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. 14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: 15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. 16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. 17 And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.

Genesis 1:20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (King James Version)

Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth. (American Standard Version)

Search + Share ~ Magnetrition
Are you over the age of 10?

If you set up a camera, and recorded yourself during a nights sleep, would you be found moving less than you did last year? Every year?

Can learning why a bird's egg must be turned during incubation double life expectancy in humans? Learn how to prevent osteoporosis, just the way children do?

Arthur C. Clarke, said something like,
Highly advanced technology, to us, should seem like magic.